One Day at a Time August 17 - Tradition 12
Tradition 12 - Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all of our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles above personalities. Today's reading focuses on a newcomer's concerns about attending Al-Anon. Wishing to stay anonymous, they worry that others in the meeting may tell those in t...
8/15/23 C2C How Important is It? Rerouting…
Coming from the fog of constant perceived crisis, today's page helps us apply proportion to events that depart from our expectation. Inconvenience, or major crisis?Alanon suggests the question 'how important is it' is helpful to decide if I am exaggerating or anticipating future fears, rather t...
Hope for Today Aug 13
Good morning everyone: First I want to express gratitude for this space. When I came to this site a little over 10 years ago, I was lost. I mean LOST. What I found here was patience, grace, understanding, compassion and help. Its been a privilege to be part of the service through writings over these seve...
ODAT in Alanon, Monday, 8/14, who needs help?
This reading reflects upon when the alcoholic finally reaches a bottom, and begins the long climb upward with AA. This begins growth for the alcoholic both in personal and spiritual maturity. The writer comments that naturally both partners in an alcoholic marriage, need a growth program. As n...
Courage to Change August 10 Topic: Isolation
Today's reading uses the idea of housekeeping to inventory Al-Anon recovery. The reading mentions that one member through an Al-Anon personal inventory was able to tie their penchant for keeping a very tidy home to the illusion of being in control of an otherwise unmanageable life. Another Al-An...
8/8/23 ODAT - Advice we ‘Must Not’ Give
Great guidance in today's page reminding Alanoners of the type of advice we should give: spiritual advice pointing back to program concepts and slogans. Great care should be shown not to suggest others take 'drastic' action in areas of relationships or other serious life matters, even saying "we d...
Monday, 8/7, Hope for Today, my rights as a person
This author speaks about how damaging growing up with alcoholism was, and how alanon has turned things around. They learned many important things about the rights they are entitled to: -the right to speak at a meeting without interruption or advice -that anonymity would be respected -that "no" is...
Hope for Today Aug 6
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a look at why we sometimes resist certain situations, avoiding for a specific reason. The writer describes being asked to sponsor for an alateen meeting. The writer resisted, feeling like he/she did not even particularly like teenagers! Once the meetin...
One Day at a Time Thursday, August 3, 2023
Topic: Changing what I can The writer finds that their preoccupation with what others do, where and why create turmoil inside them. Such thoughts lead them to consider "a new, honest self-appraisal." The reading goes on to state that the writer's first obligation is to "work out changes in my own t...
Friday's Readings
I am sorry to say that I will not be doing Friday readings anymore. If anyone would like to step up and take that day it would be lovely. I find that I am stretched thin and really put much effort into that post and can no longer do it anymore.
There are some lovely Al-Anon Groups on Reddit Already
https://www.reddit.com/r/AlAnon/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AlanonFamilyGroups/ Please check them out if you are so inclined. I do not see any reason to actually start a new group, but PM each other our e-mails to keep in touch if you would like. What are your thoughts?
Last know post from Administrator of MIP on ACOA Board
Not sure how we're still running.Permalink Reply Quote One year later, the GoDaddy fee for this website again came out of my credit card. I am determined this will not happen again in 2024, but it will take some maneuvering, as it won't let me take my credit card out without putting a different one i...
8/1/23 C2C They Are Not the Problem…
Today's writer arrived at Alanon as did many: hoping to find out how to get the alcoholic to stop drinking, thinking that was the problem. They learned, as many others have also: they didn't cause alcoholism, can't control it or cure it.They kept coming back, however, because they discovered there w...
Wanted to know if everyone would like a Plan B for MIP
Messages Iamhere and asked what her thoughts were on the issue of the possibility that we may find MIP is no longer accessible and if a Plan B would be prudent and she didn't think it was a bad idea. If you all think that maybe having a Facebook page to keep in contact with each other, to have for daily readi...
Hope for Today, Monday, 7/31, wisdom vs insanity
The author is saying that correct use of the mind leads to wisdom, and incorrect use of the mind leads to insanity. This program encourages right use of the mind and heart. We have a spiritual direction, and learn that our recovery is up to us. Our mind can either hurt us or help us--we have a choice. L...
I enabled her and feel terrible about it
I came to this board to initially post about my relationship with my girlfriend who has a drinking problem. We now live separately but we are still together. It hasn't been easy and it has been a very rocky road but I love her too much to just give up on her. And she has shown me she is trying to fight the addic...
July 30 Hope for Today
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a look at what it means to give up the illusion of control. The writer describes that the process started with understanding that there were many people who had been put on pedestals, taking the place of a higher power in his/her life. The writer began to see tha...
Stargazers are blooming!!
Always look forward to when they bloom.
C2C for Friday, July 28, 2023 – Faith and Perseverance
This day's reading is talking about faith and hard work, i.e.: Sticking with the program and how after time (each person has a different time table)we begin to get the sense that the serenity and understanding we have been seeking is at hand. We each have a different method, ability andenvironment w...
ODAAT 7/27 Al-Anon: As a Way of Life
Today's reading speaks about our relationships with the alcoholics in our life. It focuses on possible expectations that sobriety will eradicate all of our problems. The reading uses the marriage relationship and further explains that this is a fallacy. The reading states that despite alcoho...
7/25/23 ODAT – Powerless, but Not Without Impact
This page recalls Step 1 truth that the alcoholics sobriety is not our responsibility, but notes that it is possible that spouses can have a positive or negative influence on it. Step 1 is not a license to nag and berate as by doing so, we may take on some responsibility for postponing sobriety or contr...
Hope for Today, Monday, 7/24, sometimes less is more
This writer takes a look at "God as we understood Him." We have all come to alanon set in some of our ways. Those who have "God" as their HP, might feel superior to those who are still looking for their HP, or who may have a different HP than "God." HP may be different for many and we need the acceptance onc...
Hope for Today July 23
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a look at resentments and the role they can play in our lives. The page opens with a quotation from Courage to Change: Resentments mark the places where I see myself as a victim. The writer describes how resentments drained so much energy and created bitternes...
Avatars not appearing
I sent a message to Iamhere to see about this issue of the avatars not appearing anymore.
C2C for Friday, July 21, 2023 – The Natural Order of Life
Today's reading is about how Al-Anon helps to show how accepting that there is a "natural order of life" courtesy of our "Higher Power" enablesone to realize that trying to control/interfere in any or all crises with individuals around us is better left to unfold naturally by "Letting Go andLetting...
7/18/23 ODAT – ‘Yes, but…
...this phrase might be heard in ALanon in response to a principle, slogan, or spiritual solution. Behind it is often a belief that our particular situation is different, not so simple. It couldn't possibly be eased, or certainly not solved by something so simple as a slogan or concept. Reminder - I...
C2C, Monday, 7/17, Do I have my own life and my own destiny?
The writer says that it is easy to become enmeshed with alcoholics and their self-destructive behavior. We can lose sight of the idea that we can be happy if they are depressed, and we can be serene when they are drinking. The writer hit a turning point when someone said we have to learn to make it wheth...
C2C for Friday, July 14, 2023 – Guilt and Amends
The author of this days reading began to understand how the "guilt" they carried was such a "burden" and that when they made their amendshow it helped them to clear their "conscience" and put the past behind them.They ran into a temporary problem with making amends to those who no longer were living bu...
Hope for Today July 16
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about the issue of trust. The writer describes having grown up in an alcoholic family and as a result, not understanding the process of trust. He/she would confide intimate details almost immediately to people, then feel hurt or betrayed. Over time the wr...
Hope for Today July 9
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about staying focused on recovery in al-anon. The writer describes having come to alanon through alateen, as a result of having an alcoholic father. The writer made friends there but when the transition to alanon took place, the writer felt empty after me...
7/11/23 C2C What If…?
Today's writer addresses the two words that are the basis of much worry, resentment and unnecessary interference when dealing with alcoholics: What if... Imagining negative results and outcomes can become an unhealthy habit that, more often than not, needlessly darkens our every horizon and re...
C2C, Monday, 7/10, obsolete ideas
This reading says that exposure to alcoholism can make us lose perspective on who we are and what we can do. We have accepted ideas about ourselves that have no basis in reality. We may have carried a distorted self-image and not questioned our beliefs. In alanon we may discover some untruths. Sup...
C2C for Friday, July 07, 2023 – Who is to blame any way??
This day's reading made me truly smile because the author discusses how, with every conflict, they felt they had to some how,in an anxious and defensive state, prove their innocence. They were always trying to cover themselves from any blame when itcame to confrontation with the alcoholic in thei...
7/4/23 C2C No Other Affiliations, Just One Requirement
Today's page highlights how Tradition #3 contributes to the unity of the program by requiring only that members have a relative or friend suffering from alcoholism, and there be no other affiliations within the group. In a world increasingly divided by a lengthening list of issues, Alanon is an in...
ODAT in Alanon, Monday, 7/3, stumbling blocks vs stepping stones
The writer talks about using stumbling blocks to step on--another words, not let them block our path. Alcoholism brings troubles that can be terrifying. Obstacles do not have to keep us from finding the good in our lives unless we allow it. Alanon invites us to change the view we have of ourselves...
New Chaos Episode Yesterday - Just need to talk
We got in the mail yesterday for the start of the new insurance year our HRA Debit Cards that needed to be validated with a phone call. The telephone prompts would not allow the cards to be activated after entering the numbers but on the reverse side of the letter insert it recommended to call an insuran...
grief but not lost
I feel grief as most do when they have a loss but I am not lost. I feel some sense of relief most days. I just keep plugging away & somehow I thrive not just survive. I need the peace that this program gives as I move towards happiness. I can find happiness if I just let it happen. These days I even find myse...
Hoot Nanny
Hope for Today July 2
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about the benefits of alanon approved literature, especially for those who have difficulty with in person meetings. The writer describes feeling reluctant to reach out to people at meetings; a friend saw that and shared the benefits of reading the literat...
Hope for Today July 2 and 9
Hello everyone- i have everyone intention of writing as usual on Sunday morning. I will be in Italy for the next 10 days so not sure when I will have access to wifi and with time differences- posting may happen at an odd time. just wanted to put that out there in case there are other creatures of habit like...
C2C for Friday, June 30, 2023 – The Meaning of Prayer
Today's reading imparts the knowledge that when we pray from the heart God knows what we are going throughwith out spelling it all out. As long as we are praying from the "heart and not just with words" we will know weare on a personal spiritual path open to our HPs help and guidance. Todays reminder: ...
Progress not perfection.
This is one of my favorite slogans. It reminds me that I don't have to be perfect, it's human to make mistakes, and yet I can look back upon my progress and feel good about that. Love this program!
C2C for Friday, June 23, 2023 – The Courage of Honesty
This Friday's reading discusses how in Al-Anon developing the ability to be honest with one self while working the programcan be key to caring for ourselves and creating a more closer and spiritual connection to our Higher Power. When we have that more open and trusting relationship with our Highe...
6/27/23 ODAT – Attitude, Respect Lead the Way
Today's page revealed one members appreciation for helping her handle the difficult situations that arose when her children encountered the unpleasant interactions with their alcoholic father. Alanon helped her to be honest without poisoning them against him, avoid letting her own anger beco...
C2C, Monday, 6/26, bitterness vs. forgiveness
Many of us have come to alanon with bitterness and blame. There are better ways to handle things. Accepting that we too, need help, can relieve us from tolerating unacceptable behavior. Getting to these rooms help us change in miraculous ways. Forgiveness can simply be a change of a attitude. O...
Hope for Today June 25
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about how through the help of the alanon program those who are affected by alcoholism can learn to open up and not feel the need to stay guarded with emotions and feelings. The writer describes growing up and feeling unsure and afraid much of the time. The wri...
Volunteers needed :)
Good morning MIP. It has come to our attention that we need persons to do the daily reading on Thursdays, Saturdays, and possibly Wednesdays. These service positions are open now, and next week would be a great time to get started! Just let us know and I thank you in advance. Lyne
6/20/23 ODAT - Entirely Ready?
Today's author writes of the challenge to be "entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character." Commenting of the importance of their role, they note that while God willingly removes the defects, they needed to cooperate to remove the negative thinking and habits that contributed...
C2C, Monday, 6/19, Always carry a QTip
When we are troubled by another person's behavior, a complicated situation, or a difficult turn of events, alanon says that we do not have to take it personally. We don't have to be victims, we can accept what we cannot change, and change the things we can. We can also change our attitude which will al...
Happy Fathers Day
Wishing a very Happy Fathers Day to those here and all who are remembered.
Hope for Today June 18
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a focus on steps 6 (were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character) and 7 (humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings). The writer describes being stuck in a sense: he/she worked the steps but there was always a struggle to keep the focus...
C2C for Friday, June 16, 2023 – Detaching With Love
The author of this day's reading talks about the need to detach with love which not only benefits theindividual living with an alcoholic but allows the alcoholic to learn the successes and consequences oftheir actions without any interference. It is important to detach with love in order to have a...
6/13/23 ODAT Powerlessness Over Others
One member recalls the gulf that opened between she and her daughter when she tried to prevent daughter from taking a particular action. Focus on Step 1 and her powerlessness pulled her back from acting, she let go and let God. The hatred her daughter developed dissipated, they were able to regain a r...
C2C for Friday, June 9, 2023 – What is Humility?
The topic of today's reading is about what the author learned by doing Step Seven. Step Seven reads: Humbly ask (our Higher Power) to remove our shortcomings. The author's first hurdle, while doing Step Seven, was that they, in the past thought that that to be humble meant they were to put othersn...
ODAT in alanon, 6/12, turn black into rosy pink
The writer describes how to get a grip on our thinking to lighten the load. If we have a heavy, somber view, can we try and remember that it may not be so bad after all? Can we try and look for fun, fantasy, absurdity, or silliness? Can we seek out the things that add gaiety to balance out the solemn and tro...
Hope for Today June 11
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a description about a successful way to approach working the steps. The writer describes two concepts: surrender and faith. In the first, the writer acknowledges that letting go and surrendering the things we are trying to control will free us and help us l...
6/6/23 C2C – Searching and Fearless or Dismissing and Justifying
This timely page warns against justifying OUR unacceptable behavior by placing blame on others or excusing it as just a common reaction as we review Step 4. Instead, this is the time to fearlessly search through our good/bad after building our spiritual base in Steps 1-3...our courage will be rewa...
ODAT in alanon, 6/5, Finding courage and confidence
The writer says that looking for sympathy from others is merely food for the self-pitying ego. It can weaken character and destroy dignity. Instead, we need to remember that no situation is hopeless. Can we do things to improve our situation? Can we let go of other's obligations which may hinder...
C2C for Friday, June 2, 2023 – Trust & Faith
Today's reading reminded me that as time passes, in Al-Anon, that my life experiences have not changedbut that my faith and trust have grown stronger. I have learned that my HP has my back and that as thisreading states, I am never really given anything that I cannot handle because I know that my fears...
Hope for Today June 4
Good morning everyone: The focus of todays reading is how we are able to gain wisdom using the tools of al-anon. The writer describes a time when he/she felt taking action and rushing into decisions was the only way to go, that waiting was a waste of time. Over time and with program work, the writer lear...
Courage to Change May 31
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares that heroes of legend often have to embark on spiritual journeys and face great challenges in order to gain a great reward at the end. We are each the heroes of our own stories, and those of us in Al-Anon have embarked on a spiritual journey of self-disco...