5/30/23 ODAT - MYOB
Today's page notes that comments we read/hear, ones we may have even heard before, can strike us differently or lead us to a new perspective in a new context. Such was the process as one member realized that the term 'mind your own business' summed up well the concept of Alanon. Reminder - I will focus o...
ODAT in alanon, Monday, 5/29, detachment--easy or hard
It isn't always easy to detach: detach from the problem, but not from the suffering alcoholic. Sometimes we can't tell the difference. Some people become silent when they detach, yet harbor bitterness and anger. Others will stay so busy they neglect important things. And some of us have a sense...
Hope for Today May 28
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about how we might create space for serenity in our lives. We can exercise, get sound sleep, go to meetings, and connect with others in order to foster serenity. The writer also suggests making peace with our past and staying peaceful. How does it happen that...
C2C for Friday, May 26, 2023 – Open Mindedness
Today's reading brings to light how we, in Al-Anon, learn to take each new experience with an open mind. "We dont see the world as it is." "We see the world as we are." It is with those of us who keep that openmind that we are able to cope better with the changes our lives present so that we remain "flexibl...
Hope For Today May 25th.
Today's sharing is on how this Al-Anon member found their relationship with their Higher Power, after finding Al-Anon because they were full of despair and their life feeling meaningless. On working the first 3 steps, they discovered a faith of their own. Also, listening to other members speak of t...
Courage to Change May 24
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on their will vs. their Higher Power's will. When the author focuses on their own will, they find that they are never satisfied. Even when they reach a goal, they are unhappy, set a new goal, and push even harder. The times the author found lasting sat...
5/23/23 ODAT – 12 Words that can Change Our Life
The first 12 words of Step 1 hold incredible power for our entire life if we choose to use them. First, personal surrender: 'admitted we are powerless over alcohol', and then acknowledging we have not yet learned how to handle our life optimally:'...that our lives have become unmanageable.' A new...
What to do when they just don't care
I really just needed somewhere to at least vent out some of what I have been experiencing with my live in girlfriend since we have moved in together the beginning of this month. We had been casually dating up until about October of last year. Then she disappeared on me and I thought she was just ghosting m...
Hope for Today, Monday, 5/22, Enjoying life?
This reading discusses how difficult it can be to enjoy life and have fun. Isolating and not taking risks can feel easier, and often it comes down to fear. The passage states: If I do what I've always done, I'll get what I've always gotten. Alanon encourages us to apply new behavior, trust the resul...
Hope for Today May 21
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a focus on a few of our slogans, with particular emphasis on the concept of minding our own business! The writer states that live and let live is a reminder that we have lives separate from others and we are all meant to govern our own. The writer describes having...
5/9/23 ODAT Can’t See Reality Over a Wall of Bitterness, Self-Pity, Self-Deception
At times we see the perspective of others, perhaps better then they, by how they describe their situation. Today's page tells of listening to a member explain their suffering and actions all in relation to the alcoholic. It was apparent that the suffering they felt was real, but also that it was mos...
C2C for Friday, May 19, 2023 – Fitting In As We Are
This day's reading is about how the author used to put on a façade in order to present themselves as "easy going and happy" in order to fit in. They compared themselves to other people who they thought were much better off then them in the confidence department. They felt left outwhenever anyone disa...
Courage to change May 17
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on a Chinese proverb: "When we talk of tomorrow, the gods laugh." For the author, this means that we cannot know what is coming in the future, so we can only live one day at a time. We can make plans, but we have no control over the results of our actions. W...
5/16/23 ODAT Making Tough Decisions
Today's page reminds that fellow members and sponsors are great resources between meetings when I need a word of encouragement or a fresh perspective. Others are not there, however, to make decisions for me. My decisions are for me to make along with my higher power. Reminder - If contemplating an i...
Hope for Today, Monday, 5/15, Where is your focus?
This reading looks at where we place our focus. Is it on the alcoholic? Is it on ourselves in a self-defeating way (do we feel hopelessly defective)? Are we blaming others or waiting for them to change? Alanon reinforces the need to put the focus on ourselves in a positive way. Having a sponsor and...
Hope for Today May 14
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a focus on our slogan Let Go and Let God. The writer compares gardening (preparing soil, adding nutrients, planting seeds, watering) to the growth we find in Al-Anon. Just as at some point in the gardening experience, we detach and wait to see what grows, we ca...
C2C for May 12, 2023 – Listening For the Wisdom
The author of today's reading in the C2C talks about how they had a hard time believing that there was a caring entity in this worldand their difficulty believing in a Higher Power was very doubtful. But then they felt that the fact that they were lead to Al-Anonspoke volumes to them about the program,...
Courage to Change May 10
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares a bit about how personal the Al-Anon program is. We are each invited to take what we like and leave the rest, which means that we are each able to apply Al-Anon principles to our unique situations, but we also have the benefit of community with people who...
ODAt in alanon, Monday, 5/8, Freedom
This writer says the gifts of alanon have a price tag. Freedom requires acceptance. If we accept Step 1, we can stop trying to control the alcoholic. If we can surrender to God's guidance, we give up self-will. We have to decide if freedom from despair is worth all this. Most believe it is. If we c...
Hope for Today May 7
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a description of recovery work with focus on two parts: taking personal responsibility and finding emotional intimacy with others. The writer describes the first part as taking responsibility for his/her own happiness, growth, choices and consequence...
Courage to Change May 3
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author discusses detachment. At first, the author thought of detachment as cold and rejecting, but now sees it as a wonderful gift because the author is allowing their loved ones the privilege and opportunity to be themselves. The author also reflects on many of...
C2C for May 05, 2023 – The Concept of Humility
We learn in Al-Anon that humility has nothing to do with being a door mat or placing other's needs/wants before our own. Humility has more to do with Step One, which states, "We admitted we were powerless over alcoholthat our lives hadbecome unmanageable." In Step One we come to realize that we nee...
Old Al Anon Alateen Service Manuals (2010-2013 (1), 2014-2017 (2))
One of our group's members was thinning out old, outdated CAL publications and we thought that these three books might be of use to someone - if anyone wants them, post an "I'll take them" and PM me your address and I'll send them your way.
texas yankee
5/2/23 ODAT What is Prayer, How Might it Help?
This page suggests the true value of prayer lay not with the form it takes or to whom it is directed, but in its very function of reaching out to something greater than (and simply other than) ourselves for help or to acknowledge gratitude. Reminder: Prayer is simply contact with a higher power by thoug...
Monday, May 1, C2C, if only....
If only my alcoholic would get sober or handled sobriety differently I would be happy. But many if only's keep us feeling deprived-- if my boss, family, job, government, finances, would change in the way I want, then I could be happy. With Step 1 we learn that we are powerless over many things. The if...
Hope for Today Apr 30
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is both a look at how the serenity prayer can help us maintain inner peace and also a reminder that what we project outward can also be brought back toward us in our lives. The writer describes how the serenity prayer is a reminder that there are certain things bey...
C2C for April 28, 2023 Learning From Our Fears
In today's C2C the author remembers how afraid they were to speak up in meetings. As time went on they learned that there were many other individuals who were relatingthe same feelings that they possessed. Slowly, after talking one on one with some ofthose individuals the author discovered that t...
Courage to Change April 26
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares the most important words many hear when they first come to Al-Anon: "Take what you like, and leave the rest." Everything about our program is suggested, not required. We are free to try things, do things in our own time, change our mind, find things th...
4/25/23 ODAT - Remembering Our Powerlessness
Today's page captures essential Alanon: * the only person who can move the alcoholic to want to get sober, and become sober, is the alcoholic * my attempts to lever the alcoholic toward what I think is best IS a mistake, and WILL make things worse * this concept also applies to all things we cannot contro...
Hope for Today, Monday, 4/24, lacking consistency
This writer reflects upon lacking consistency with an alcoholic parent in the family. You could never tell how that person would react when drinking, there was no pattern to moods, and you could not depend on parents for anything. This writer tried to stay to themself, walked on eggshells, and los...
Hope for Today Apr 23
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about finding a path to forgiveness in a seemingly impossible situation. The writer describes being a victim of abuse by her alcoholic father. Her life to a certain point was simply living with the trauma, not dealing with the thoughts and feelings relate...
C2C for April 21, 2023 Tradition Four the Benefits of Diversity
Today's reading reminds us that Tradition Four in Al-Anon helps us to understand that there is unity in diversity. That each group is free to run their meetings how they see fit for the group, as long as it abides by the basicprinciples and traditions of Al-Anon. Meaning the structure and manner can...
Courage to Change April 19
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares how learning about the disease of alcoholism has helped them find serenity. Thanks to their new understanding about alcoholism, the author now understands that alcoholics have a disease, they are ill, not bad. This realization helped the author u...
My Stinking Thinking
Passage from How Alanon Works page 411: "Over the years, I have spent much of my time trying to bend life and other people to my will, only to fail miserably. I have also tried to change myself, eliminate my character defects, and force myself to feel differently. Again I have always failed. So why di...
4/18/23 C2C – Me First
Today's writer felt there were things they were not getting from their qualifier. Encouraged by a sponsor, they wrote a list of what they felt they weren't receiving. In the spirit of Alanon, the sponsor suggested to then demonstrate those very things in their own lives: give what they wanted to rec...
Hope for Today, Monday, 4/17, this work is darn hard!
The writer came face to face with a decision to put principles above personalities, and let it begin with me. Are we able to focus on what we can give instead of what we can get? If we can practice these elements, we can change our attitudes. We can focus our actions on a loving principle which help our c...
Saturday daily
Do we not have a member for Saturday's daily? :)
Apr 16 apologies
Good morning everyone- I have been traveling and thought I would be home in time for todays reading and writing. Unfortunately that didnt work out so I am away with no book. I hope everyone has a great week and I will be back next Sunday. Mary
Hope for Today Apr 16- apologies
Good morning everyone- I have been traveling and thought I would be home in time for todays reading and writing. Unfortunately that didnt work out so I am away with no book. I hope everyone has a great week and I will be back next Sunday. Mary
C2C for April 14, 2023 That Old Stinking Thinking
Today's C2C reading brings to light what we all go through in Al-Anon and as time goes on, our negative thinking does some-times become a focal point in our day. It is called "Stinking Thinking" but when we have those moments, when we slide backinto negative thoughts and attitudes, we are encouraged...
Courage to Change April 12
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares that it only natural to want an immediate solution to a difficult problem. Often, when we are facing especially challenging problems or long-lasting situations, we might think that something is wrong with us if we cannot easily and quickly solve th...
C2C, Monday, 4/10, are we innocent victims?
This reading asks the question: having lived with alcoholism, are we the innocent victims of others' abuse? But with further thought, we realize that we too have harmed others. Some feel an exaggerated sense of responsibility, thinking they owe amends to just about everyone. Listing those we...
4/11/23 ODAT Not ‘Why them?’, Why Me…
This writer observes some newcomers' desire to understand the why of alcoholic drinking, rather or more than why and how they allowed their own lives to become derailed. The answer for the former comes easy to no one. Alanon guides us to a high level, but sufficient concept that they suffer from an il...
Hope for Today Apr 9
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about finding compassion and understanding for others. The writer describes an alcoholic father who was also violent. The writer always considered him as bad, evil and weak. While the writer understood that alcoholism is a disease, he/she continued t...
C2C for April 07, 2023 Pretensions
Todays reading sums up, for the author, how they learned that their pretensions and expectations for giving a speech to a, new to the author,Al-Anon group were a bit to grand. All their plans were dashed when pretty much everything went wrong. What they quickly learned was thattheir HP knew better...
Courage to Change April 5
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares about new challenges we face when a loved one finds sobriety. Many of us have spent years waiting for our loved ones to find sobriety, and may have created happily-ever-after endings that would happen when our loved one found sobriety. Not only does...
4/4/23 ODAT - Ill Communication
Maddening: trying to communicate ideas with an alcohol induced person who defies reason, logic, tears, or pleadings. Even less comprehended for both sides are exchanges that involve anger. Today's reading further encourages us to consider an exchange with someone we don't share a common langu...
ODAT in alanon, Monday, 4/3, miracles in alanon??
This writer says that newcomers present with self-pity, resentment, and fears. What they learn in alanon changes their outlook: they gain confidence, poise, come out of their shells, and can concern themselves with others. These results are nothing short of miracles. Reminder: The first gi...
Hope for Today Apr 2
Good morning everyone- Todays reading focuses on our perception of conscious contact with a Higher Power. The writer describes spiritual life being condensed to: quiet the mind; open the heart. The writer experiences this in this way: anything quieting the mind=meditation, anything that ope...
C2C for March 24, 2023 Disease of Alcoholism
The author of this day's reading writes about the difficulties loved ones of an alcoholic have believing that the alcoholiccannot just decide to stop drinking as someone who quits say smoking. We are reminded in this reading that alcoholismis unlike any other vice, that it is compared to having an...
C2C for March 31, 2023 A Sense of Humor
Todays reminder: "A well-developed sense of humor helps me detach from my personal struggles and triumphs." "I will avoid taking myself too seriously today." Todays Quote: "One inch of joy surmounts of grief a span, because to laugh is proper to the man." ~ Francois Rabelais One-Day-At-A-Ti...
Another fantastic but sad day
It is definitely time to share some of the things that have been going on in my world--the one that revolves around me. Yes, I am full of it today. But, honestly, do I really need to say honestly? If I can't be honest on here when can I really be? So, now that that is said, I can get to the stuff that I am going thr...
Hoot Nanny
Hope for Today, Monday, 3/27, compassion requires patience
The writer discusses how difficult it can be to find compassion for oneself and others, and especially for "certain people." We have to look past anger and rage for kindness. We need to let go of resentment from unrealistic expectations. We should ask ourselves, How Important is It? Compassion m...
Courage to Change March 29
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on the importance of being nicer to ourselves. The author has learned to ignore the voices in their head that tell them that they are not good enough. These voices are a symptom of damaged self-esteem that results from living with the effects of alco...
3/28/23 ODAT Why Experience, Strength, and Hope (ESH)?
Alanon meeting opening reminds us of our purpose: to share our experience (of using program principles), strength (from the program, ) and hope (our improved outlook for our future) that helps us remain focused and is encouraging for others. Reminder: Do I consider these elements in what I share,...
Hope for Today Mar 26
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a focus on some of the protocols of alanon meetings, specifically as they relate to the concepts and traditions of the program. The writer describes being taken aback by how peaceful and quiet the meetings seemed. As someone who had lived in an alcoholic home...
Even after almost a year of court ordered monitoring (thus no booze), brain damage exists.
Recently I had to be in the presence of my exH for an extended period of time as part of a legal proceeding. This was the first time I've been that close to him, for that long, in 2 years. I know he has been under strict court ordered alcohol monitoring for almost a year and thus is as dry as he has been in almos...
Courage to Change March 22
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares that many Al-Anon members lost touch with their feelings as a result of living in the contradictory and explosive world of alcoholism. Many Al-Anon members lose touch with themselves as well. Recovery does not mean becoming a different person; for...
3/21/23 ODAT The Evolution of Healthy Sharing
A head full of injuries and a heart full of despair often accompany the new member to an Alanon meeting, and are sometimes what fuel the content of first shares. Good it is that a new member finds the group that hears these first pain-focused expressions graciously, as it allows the newcomer to proce...
C2C, Monday, 3/20, how to evaluate worthiness
Some people judge their self-worth by their accomplishments and on what others say. In this manner, a sense of satisfaction is fleeting. But another part of self-worth can be by their ability to love others--saying a kind word, writing a considerate note, or just by appreciating someone else. W...