C2C, Monday, 2/26, create a better future
This reading points out that we all make mistakes, but we can grow in self-awareness and learn from our mistakes. When mistakes happen we can make amends for any harm we've done, and we can try not to repeat them again. These experiences can help us create a better future. The reading goes on to say th...
C2C, Monday, 2/19, the nature of my nature
This reading made good sense to me. My behavior paralleled the alcoholic, without the alcohol--insane but sober. I blamed others, I took everything personally, and my reactions were based on fears. As time went on, I could see my reactions were less extreme. Some things that used to bother me d...
February 17 C2C Faith
Today's Courage to Change topic is Faith. The reading begins with a reminder that my vision be limited by only the outcomes that I can imagine. It suggests that when one places faith in their Higher Power the possibilities are limitless. This takes practice when fear looms large but the reading sugge...
C2C, Monday,, 2/12, detachment--easy or hard?
This reading says that detachment is often easier with casual friends, than with people we are emotionally involved with. It can be difficult not to take on the negative frame of mind of family and loved ones. It is suggested we have a choice not to take on other people's moods and attitudes. Detachm...
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February 1 Courage to Change Topic - Change
Today's reading uses the example of trying to control the drinking of an alcoholic. The person in this reading made many attempts but all were unsuccessful. They continued to try and expected a different result. Unable to admit their powerlessness over the progression of another's alcoholism, th...
ODAT in alanon, Monday, 2/5, facing shortcomings
This reading reminds us to not only face our shortcomings, but to see our good qualities as well. They are reality just as much as the faults. We should appreciate our constructive qualities to help us accept ourself as a friend, and to eliminate the roadblocks to serenity. THE REMINDER says that i...
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C2C, Monday, 1/29, Are you trying to control another?
The writer shares how to tell if we are trying to control someone, or if we are sincerely expressing ourselves. They say if we are repeatedly saying the same things, and cannot let it go if we don't get the response we want, then we are probably trying to control and have lost our focus. It's important t...
January 26 Courage to Change
Today's reading shares about the value of the Al-anon program as a path for a better way of living. The person in this reading came to Al-anon as many do to find possible ways to stop another from drinking. Continued attendance resulted in a spiritual awakening. If they kept coming back and worked the A...
C2C, Monday, 1/22, detachment is not a wall
The writer shares an experience about learning detachment with love. Her husband fell out of bed often. When she first heard the idea of detachment, she stopped helping him back in bed. But as she learned about detachment with love, from that point on she still left him on the floor, but covered him...
Courage to Change January 18 Keep the Focus on Yourself
Today's reading reminds us to keep to our own side of the street. It mentions a newcomer who felt helping their alcoholic was the right thing to do. Al-anon suggests we focus on our own needs and allow others to the freedom to make their own choices. The newcomer felt the Al-anon suggestion to allow the a...
C2C, 1/15, why leap into the future?
This page reminds us about the importance of staying in the here and now. Worry about the future can give us depression, distraction, and fear. Does worrying in advance help, or will it be easier to face? Does it protect us? The answer to all of these questions is NO! It merely robs us of today: ODA...
Courage to Change August 31 - Live and Let Live
Today's reading shows an example of Al-Anon's slogan Live and Let Live in action. As I often do when posting a daily, I searched the index for the associated Al-Anon topic. I was surprised by how many topics I felt fit well for this page. The reading mentions a desire for others to fulfill our needs rathe...
C2C, Monday, 1/8, Let go and let HP
This reading discusses acceptance of the acknowledgement that we cannot have control over others--that we are truly powerless. The writer realized that the alcoholic must have their own HP, and it is up to them to work out their future. Letting go and letting God allows us to feel like a new person....
January 7 Hope for Today Powerlessness
Today's reading is about Al-anon's 3 Cs in relation to alcoholism. I didn't cause it, I can't control it, I can't cure it. The person in this reading reflects on their past actions during their growing up in a home with alcoholism and wonders if their less than perfect behavior - fights with their sibl...
Thought for the day
I love the slogan, Progress not Perfection. My FOO was so damaging that I just felt like a complete failure and idiot in every way. Moving into adulthood I just thought I could never be adequate, even though I was successful in my career. This program has taught me to see what I can do right, and to look...
We are still here
Since we are still here, I'm going to share. I'm having a full dose of being powerless. One of my brother's has terminal cancer, and besides for being a supportive sister, there is nothing I can do to change his cancer status. I pray, I've given him two healing stones, we send organic fruit, etc. But...
back to MIP, back to work
hello MIP family, I just checked, I have been on here last time in 2014....wow, what a journey it has been. Gratitude all the way for MIP and Al Anon, as it saved my life many times, and made me walk in the good direction. Life has been good...mostly, as I carry the lessons on a daily basis and keep sharing, j...
Checking in
Bernie here. It's been a busy day and its not over yet. I'm picking up a 26 year sobriety medallion from my home group tonight and whenever I get one of those I remember the love and support that al-anon has shown me over the years. Thank you.
Holiday Greetings
For anyone still checking in, I'm wishing you peace, happiness, and health in the new year, one day at a time. Lyne
What to do now?
Long story short got into a relationship with a woman this year who had not only major addiction issues but many other mental health issues. It has been truly toxic and after a year of enabling her behavior in many ways (buying alcohol, being her personal taxi when she called, paying for moving costs, e...
Critically ill loved one
My mother and father are my qualifiers. My mother is gravely ill. She's not drinking now because she's in a semi coma and bed bound. Her drinking had gotten pretty bad. She would drink from 5pm until 2 or 3am. At the beginning of September she went to the ER because she had the flu and wasn't getting bett...
I haven’t told my story
I dated an alcoholic on and off for three years. Three months in he told me he was an alcoholic, I went into denial. My father was an alcoholic, I had aca recovery yet still I struggled to break free. He broke up with me suddenly, I was confused , a week later he wanted to try again. So we did. And so the dance be...
new and cautious
Hello, I did not grow up with an alcoholic. My husband of one year is an alcoholic and its taken me some time to fully understand and accept this. I have known for some time that my words, my emotions, my stress and pain due to his drinking - although real and valid - are not helping him and are making me feel...
Holiday wishes
In case anyone is checking in, wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. Lyne :)
Gratitude, etc.
Greetings, all. I haven't been here for a bit. I got distracted. I was at a virtual meeting last night in Hawaii, another 12 step fellowship, and they had asked me to close the meeting with a reading and with a prayer of my choice. I did the AA third step prayer. This morning, I remembered that I hadn't been...
One Day At A Time
Somewhere at this site, is a story posted Feb 25, 2012. That was a few days ago. Anyway, it's the story of how Nancy (my wife) and I got together. It was printed in the AA Grapevine in May of 2010 and was also included in a grapevine book entitled Forming True Partnerships. So, we all know about the pandemic...
10-31-23 C2C The Only Thing to Fear Is: Fear Itself…Closing Time…
On the topic of fear, today's author admits that was the primary emotion driving many decisions. When anything happened to alter an expected outcome, fears of the worst possible outcomes spurred panic, resulting in a crazy flurry of actions intended to ward off various imagined disasters. The aut...
Monday, 10/30, C2C, Grateful member of alanon
The writer used to hear people say they were grateful to be involved with an alcoholic, because they were grateful to have found alanon. You can learn many things in alanon, like gratitude and forgiveness are needed for peace of mind. A tiny step can be a great step in seeing life with increasing joy....
Outreach to the membership
Good evening to all. I have been in contact recently with two members of MIP. It has been shared that MIP will be disappearing sometime in the near future due to financial issues. I don't know whether this will be tomorrow or the end of the year. As you can see, most of the people doing the daily shares...
10/24/23 C2C Onion, or Birch Bark...Is There a Difference?
Today's reading likens recovery in AlAnon to a Birch tree, rather than an onion, because it sheds its bark on its own after a period of growth: the bark serves a valuable purpose but then fall away as the tree grows and new protective bark takes its place. If a protective layer of bark is removed too earl...
10/10/23 C2C Can’t Steer the Car by the Armrest
This writer recalled white knuckling the car armrest while riding a twisty, hilly road as a youngster. Such effort had no effect on the course the car took, much as many efforts and exertions in adult life upon events outside our control. Alanon can help, however, especially noticeable when we can't...
Monday, 10/23, C2C, when the alcoholic gets sober
The writer thought the nightmare was over when the alcoholic got sober, but what a surprise! Many problems were still present, and old behaviors were occurring. With alanon's teachings, the writer knew that there was no need to accept what is unacceptable, nor does one have to argue back. There a...
MIP - Call for Feedback, Input or Great Recipes
Greetings fellow MIPers, visitors, and casual wanderers As Lyne noted below, and others have mentioned and discussed over the past few weeks and months, there is some uncertainty about the future of MIP. That quite possibly has led to a migration of readers and contributors before the actual e...
10/17/23 ODAT Prayer and Meditation – Wait Until Step 11?
Today's writer acknowledges the value of the spiritual learning that builds when one studies the 12 Steps one at a time, in order. Special consideration is given to Step 11, however, regarding prayer and meditation. That is an activity that can be worked at any time and brings great benefits at any t...
Monday, 10/16, C2C, when surrounded by crisis....
This reading says we may be powerless over circumstances, but we are not helpless. In the midst of problems or stress, we are reminded to nurture our mind, body, or spirit. Alanon is a program of action, and we always have choices. If we treat ourselves with love and tenderness, we can better cope wi...
Monday, October 9, C2C, submission vs surrender
The writer had trouble admitting being powerless, and did not want to "surrender." The writer saw this as admitting defeat, and having failed over alcoholism. Gratitude finally sunk in--it did not mean submission! Instead, it meant not fighting reality, not trying to do God's will, and doing on...
October 5 Courage to Change - Changed Attitudes
Today's reading suggests dispelling negativity by focusing attention on gratitude for what you have. Some tools for changing a negative attitude to a positive on suggested in this reading are attending an Al-Anon meeting or contacting another Al-Anon member to share. Such interchanges can resu...
ODAT in alanon, Monday, 10/2, forging ahead
This reading is about an alanon member who was not happy with her meeting and left. She had learned that everybody in the meeting, and everyone in the fellowship, is equal. However one member tended to manage everyone and everything. This member became uncomfortable and decided to try a new group...
10/3/23 C2C Compassion – Defined By What it is Not
Struggling to define compassion, today's writer knew it was not the ugly behavior that had been showing their loved one at times: yelling, name calling, revenge seeking, throwing things.Compassion does not mean accepting abusive behavior from the alcoholic, but it certainly does not mean handi...
Courage to Change September 28 - Letting Go
Today's reading uses the example of decision making at an Al-anon business meeting to demonstrate the process of letting go. During the business meeting, the Al-anon member suggests using the entire Serenity Prayer in the group's Al-anon meetings. Another member contributed their a suggestion...
9/26/23 C2C – Not Bad, Just Feelings
Today's page is a powerful lesson on perspective as the writer finds value in feelings they once saw as defects: anger, resentment, jealousy, and fear. With applied effort, these feelings were used to make positive changes in their life. Reminder - feelings may be uncomfortable at times, but tha...
Monday, 9/25, ODAT in alanon, personal freedom
It may be hard to imagine we can ever experience personal freedom. We may be enmeshed in a troubled family situation, and are also intertwined with others. However, alanon helps us develop our own personalities, which reinforces personal freedom by leaving others alone to control their lives....
September 21 Courage to Change - Fear
Today's reading discusses how living with the disease of alcoholism led the person to become a fearful person dreading change. They preferred familiar chaos rather than change because they felt some control over what was familiar. The reading states that this sense of control is an illusion and th...
9/19/23 ODAT - Alcoholism Doesn’t Remove All Marital Responsibilities
Today's writer reminds that alcoholism is but one of the possible challenges of maintaining a marriage. The presence of alcoholism, therefore, should not be used as an excuse to give up on our efforts to control and improve on our own faults and shortcomings in the relationship. "...in sickness an...
Monday, 9/18, C2C, our memory enables us to see progress
When we are troubled about what lies ahead, we can look back to see where we've been. When we grow frustrated about the changes we want, we can see that we are dealing with things because we have gained awareness. Time offers evidence that alanon works--we can see the growth in our life. This gives us...
September 14 Courage to Change - Disappointment
Today's reading reminds us of the feelings of disappointment that can accompany living with alcoholism. The person in the reading expresses that their excitement and hopes were often dashed by their expectations of their alcoholic. Eventually, their feelings were numbed, feelings of hopeless...
9/12/23 ODAT – Resist Advising Others to Action
Today's page focuses our responsibility to help others by narrowing it to spiritual advice and guidance, not suggesting specific action. In plain terms: it is not our right. Regardless of our intention, inserting our thoughts on what another should do may unleash unintended repercussions or pe...
Monday, 9/11, C2C, feeling inadequate
This reading focuses on feeling inadequate when doing the 4th Step. The writer felt inadequate about their entire life, that they were doing it wrong, and that their best was never good enough. However Step 4 can put self-doubt in perspective, and give us a chance to find some balance. It's OK to qu...
Courage to Change September 7 Alanon topic - Service
Today's reading refers to Tradition 7 as it applies to being of service in Al-anon groups. Al-anon is self supporting and contributing financial support to Al-anon is important but in order for Al-anon and Al-anon groups to continue to thrive, members must commit to participate in service to thei...
9/5/23 C2C - You Can't Always Get What You Want
Today's writer asked their Higher POwer to remove unwanted feelings during work on the 7th Step 'Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings,'. That didn't happen, as feelings aren't shortcomings! Alanon principles helped them learn to acknowledge, accept and let them go when needed. "I have ver...
Monday, 9/4, C2C, learning to trust the peace
This reading says many of us have gotten used to obsession, worry, crisis, and focusing on everyone else. It's taken an adjustment period to let go of the frequent mental chatter and find stillness and serenity instead. Sometimes we might latch onto old fears because we didn't know how to feel saf...
Al-Anon Members What Are You Grateful For?
Hope everyone is having a great weekend and beautiful Sunday. I noticed it's been awhile since we've done a gratitude list here at MIP. I know that some of you make daily gratitude lists. It's not something I do regularly but I always feel more hopeful after considering things for which I'm grateful an...
8/29/23 ODAT - Great Expectations
Great page that reminds us the source of many frustration and discontentment: expectations that we are not prepared to accept with serenity if the results fall short. Reminder: I can learn to find appreciation with less than I think should be possible. Contentment comes from appreciation of the...
C2C, Monday, 8/28, gifts from a sponsor
The reading for today speaks of some of the benefits from working with a sponsor. It allows you to practice trusting someone again. It can teach you that you are worth saving. It can lift your spirits and help you have a positive outlook. You can be gently guided through the Steps which is an amazing...
Courage to Change August 24 Anger
Today's Courage to Change reading is about the topic of Anger. It uses a story of someone who describes themself as a gentle and easy going person but flies into a rage at their innocent pet dog who gets tangled in a cord in the home. The person's temper flares and they yell angry words at their pet. The dog...
8/22/23 ODAT – Get Rid of the Splinter
Today's page asks us to consider handling hatred or resentment as we would a thorn or splinter: quickly, without hesitation. We wouldn't intentionally let a thorn fester into infection, nor should we let resentment. The key with both is to take immediate action, don't wait. Reminder If I don't wan...
Hope for Today Aug 20
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about how steps one, two and three are the beginning of meaningful change. The writer describes how the effects of being raised in an alcoholic family were completely embedded in him/her. The two traits that were especially difficult were turning to those w...