Feigning Recovery and Marriage
Al-Anon Family Group
HI Everyone, Thank you for the privilidge of allowing me to join your online forum! As you can see, I am new at this. I've been in Al-Anon for two years now. In that time, I have gotten married, and now have a baby. My husband has stopped and started drinking several times. My daughter and I are current...
Day 2 of Detachment
Al-Anon Family Group
Just checking in to report on the second day of my detachment experiment. My husband is still drinking, matter of face passed out in his easy chair as I type. I'm worried about his health. Not sure what can physically happen to him if this keeps up. Not sure what my responsibilty to call a doctor or so...
Day 3 of Detachment
Al-Anon Family Group
Greetings folks - I'm on day 3 of my "detachment with love" experiment and I must admit I'm wavering a bit. My AH (who began his binge on Saturday after 42 days of sobriety) woke up this morning very ill. He managed to get up to walk the dog, told me he made it to a 12:30 AA meeting but then I didn'...
Dating someone in recovery
Al-Anon Family Group
Greetings :) I am new to this forum but feel I need some guidance in my current situation. I have been dating a woman for close to 18 months who has 17 years of sobriety. We recently had a conflict that baffled me and when I was speaking with a close friend of mine and described the situation, she said it soun...
Reestablishing Sexual Intimacy in Recovery
Al-Anon Family Group
I have been married to my AH for nearly 10 years. He has been in and out of recovery too many times for me to count.I knew he was an addict from the beginning.I had a profound love for him from the moment we met.When we were first going out, I caught him in my bathroom smoking crack.I could have dumped...
Wanting more from the Alcholic
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello All, This is my second post in this forum. My ex-boyfriend of 2 and a half years is an alcoholic. We lived together for about year and broke up last October. It has been a tumultuos turning of events and I sought the help of Al anon and will be in the program for 5 months in March. I got a sponsor and I am wo...
Dating a Newly Recovering Alcoholic
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello, I am new to this site, and new to Al-Anon, but I thought that it might be helpful for me to share my story and get some opinions from people who have been in a similar situations themselves. So here it goes: About a year and a half ago, I started dating who I didn't realize then was a fucitoning alcohol...
Relationship boundaries (with his former mistress) after an affair.
Al-Anon Family Group
I've been involved with Al-Anon for less than a year, I realize I still have much to learn and sometimes find it difficult speaking up or reaching out about sensitive matters such as this so I'm asking for your suggestions or shared experiences so I can hopefully gain some inspiration and insight on th...
Two Ppl, Two Programs...right?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi there! I'm struggling with a situation which I think boils down to setting healthy boundaries in a relationship, along with keeping my nose in my own business. Looking for some E/H/S on this... I'm engaged to my AF, and my sponsor has been amazing at guiding me through my Al-Anon program. My AF is in h...
Question about Dry Drunkedness
Al-Anon Family Group
I don't want to "bury the lead" so right here at the top of this post is my question: all the definitions I've seen of Dry Drunk seemed to suggest that it pertains exclusively to people that had a drinking problem but don't drink now. That are abstinent, but not sober. That are effectively &qu...
torn after first relapse post-rehab
Al-Anon Family Group
My H got back from rehab about a month ago and had been doing wonderfully- he was going to an outpatient program a few nights a week, AA the other nights, was being really open/honest with me, and really seemed like the best version of himself that I've ever seen. I had been living in a subletted apartment...
How much can I tell?
Al-Anon Family Group
I am just two months in Al Anon (no sponser yet though). I am starting to renew and repair my relationship with my adult children--my qualifier is their step-dad. I'm not sure how much I should reveal about what has gone down--addiction, detox, relapse, etc. He is clean, but whether or not "in rec...
Signs of Relapse
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband has been sober for 6 months and he recently admitted to having a drink because he was feeling sick and shaky. Now today I found out he has been having drinks every now and then since the first incident. He constantly says things like he's a failure with sobriety and our relationship. I really d...
Al-Anon Family Group
I have incredible guilt right now for ending things with my boyfriend who was just days home from treatment. Guilt that I wasn't patient enough, that I let my emotions overshadow my ability to make a sound decsision. But he's moved out and its done. Back story at what brought me to my breaking point...
from the beginning- looking for guidance
Al-Anon Family Group
Recently someone close to me reached out for help for the first time. I told them that if they are going to work on it, then I am going to be right there with them. My first step is finding someplace with long term recovery, but I have no idea where to start. I have a few names and numbers for places near here...
Help me out!
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi! I'm new to this forum and al-anon. My boyfriend is struggling with an addiction to cocaine, alcohol, and painkillers that he has hidden from me for almost a year (I found out in September). Right now he's in an inpatient rehab program, and I'm stuck with the internal conflict about whether I am good...
Detachment and other thoughts
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi all! Thoughtful today, and want to share my thoughts with you. I'm living on my own now for almost a month, having finally made a boundary with my abf that I'm going to live separately for 3 months, and after that time, if he is living sober and working on maintaining his sobriety, I will move back in. I h...