How Do I Stop Being Manipulated???
Al-Anon Family Group
Here I am, 46 and still going thru all of this. I have been in counseling for 20 years, done ACA, and it seems like I am making WORSE choices than before. The last two were by far the worst. A physically abusive meth user, and then just a complete control freak whom I suspect has a sex addiction. He cheat...
I need help in dealing with ANGER
Al-Anon Family Group
I am still fuming a weekl later. My SIL called my mother a 'xxxx' (Screaming it in public.) And just because my mother was not willing to watch her child all day Saturday after watching her over 40 hours that week. She then chased her in the car and rammed the back of her car (just enough to cause a small...
Anger Management
Al-Anon Family Group
I have been harboring a great deal of anger these past couple of weeks due to increasing financial challenges that are a big issue with my pending divorce with my AH. I had a session with my therapist this week and asked her if using a "punching bag" or trying kick-boxing were really viable op...
Forgiveness & feelings and my side of the street
Al-Anon Family Group
Ive been feeling very angry lately and building skyscraper-style resentments. Its making me feel horrible and fatigued to the point where Im wondering how Im going to make it to the end of the week. Ive been beating myself up asking how can I forgive when the insanity (my A's and mine) is escalating,...
How do I deal with my anger and resentment?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello - This is my first post in this group. My husband of 10 years is a RAH- he started trying a few years back, had some relapses, but is finally going to AA and appears to be getting something from it- I am relieved and I feel blessed that he is doing this- We have a 2 and 3 year old and they deserve a whole fami...
My worst nightmare came true.
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband is bipolar and over the 25 years of our marriage has amused cocaine and crack to "self medicate". That is what my two boys grew up in the middle of. The three of us shared the hurt, pain, anger and financial crisis that are part of the reality of growing up with an addict. He has been st...
Relationship boundaries (with his former mistress) after an affair.
Al-Anon Family Group
I've been involved with Al-Anon for less than a year, I realize I still have much to learn and sometimes find it difficult speaking up or reaching out about sensitive matters such as this so I'm asking for your suggestions or shared experiences so I can hopefully gain some inspiration and insight on th...
30 day chip and other blather
Al-Anon Family Group
AH Called this week. He received his 30 day chip. My response wasn't supportive, nor was it non supportive. My feeling is that of the fact he's been a damn drunk for 12 years, and while yes, everyone must start somewhere, I cannot be proud of a 30 day sobriety. especially since I know it's because he's...
If you give the disease an audience
Al-Anon Family Group
When the disease is fed an audience, it will want more. On some days reality and sanity don't play well together. Yesterday was like that for me. I visited my parents in the nursing home. I was approached by my Mom's nurse who said that my sister spent several hours with the nursing home clergy sobbin...
I need a push and I'm stubborn as hell.
1 2
Al-Anon Family Group
Trying to get myself to start al-anon. Facing the same obstacles that I know many have faced and I know my story will be nothing new. Concerns: RELIGION AND HIGHER POWER Yes, I am an hardcore atheist. Posts by spookyMulder and Enigmatic were helpful in working towards mitigating this obstacle, but...
Brand New here - AH in Rehab for 4 days... what to expect?
Al-Anon Family Group
AH has been abusing marijuana and Alcohol for as long as I have known him and for many years before that. When we met, we were in the party scene but never did hard drugs so I guess I never thought it was a big deal. Fast forward 17 years, 2 kids later I'm no longer in the party scene, he still is and is drinkin...
Where have I gone?
Al-Anon Family Group
I have a very high functioning AH. He pays all the bills except childcare, my gas, groceries and the garbage bill. He goes to work everyday and works anywhere from 50-60 hours a week. He almost never calls in. When he does he is either actually sick or its due to staying up to late and drinking too much...
Have I waited too long
Al-Anon Family Group
I am brand new here and absorbing information like a sponge this morning. April 24 - I "came out of the closet" you could say. My AH of 23 years crossed the line on drinking -I have had it. I told him that I was done - I am so angry, tired, fed up, hurt, broken due to this disease and everything else on my plat...
I think I hate my husband
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband destroyed our friendships, his career, his body (he looks like a skeleton with skin), and, his brain, our relationship when he relapsed while I was pregnant near 4 years ago now. When I discovered what was really going on with him, I kicked him out of the house. I was 7 months pregnant and we ha...