ESH please!
Al-Anon Family Group
Ive been active in al-anon for about a year & a half. I also used to post here but just recently got new login info. Anyhow- My A and I have a young child together & have been together for 3 years. Hes been in and out of the program. The last relapse was pretty bad and I simply couldnt handle talking to...
How do I deal with my anger and resentment?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello - This is my first post in this group. My husband of 10 years is a RAH- he started trying a few years back, had some relapses, but is finally going to AA and appears to be getting something from it- I am relieved and I feel blessed that he is doing this- We have a 2 and 3 year old and they deserve a whole fami...
30 day chip and other blather
Al-Anon Family Group
AH Called this week. He received his 30 day chip. My response wasn't supportive, nor was it non supportive. My feeling is that of the fact he's been a damn drunk for 12 years, and while yes, everyone must start somewhere, I cannot be proud of a 30 day sobriety. especially since I know it's because he's...
Not been in a while, struggling with suicide
Al-Anon Family Group
Im 28 and attended alanon consistenly for about 5 years, but havent been in about 3 years, alanon turned my life around, and i still am able to work through alanon concepts and relate them to my everyday life, i just felt i wasnt getting as much from the meetings anymore as i had great compassion and had go...
HELP! AH actively drinking & don't know how to detach.
Al-Anon Family Group
So my AH is back to actively drinking. I've been going to F2F Al-Anon meetings weekly for the last 7 months. My AH has been attending AA on and off since January as well. He went about 3 months without drinking and then there'd be a slip here and there. The slips are happening more frequently in the past few...