Codependency and Social Anxiety Disorder
Al-Anon Family Group
For me, my codependency issues progressed until they crossed the line into becoming a crippling anxiety disorder, in my case social anxiety disorder. Once I had developed a full-blown social anxiety problem, I needed additional help. I was fortunate to find a 12 Step program specifically focuse...
help for a newbie
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi all, I am new to the boards and fairly new to this whole area. My husband has been drinking for well over a decade and we we have been together for 11 years. We had a pretty rocky marriage for many of those years, but then I got very sick with a debilitating illnesss. For many years I could barely get ou...
Al-Anon Family Group
Well, I've been busy this morning reading and relating to all these posts. My meeting is tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it, but this forum is a tremendous resource for me, too. Thank you to all of you who offer such thoughtfulness and sincerity. I must be detaching. AH constantly complains/crie...
Being in a funk, letting myself stay in a funk, realizing that i was SUPPOSED to be in a funk.
Al-Anon Family Group
I have been in a funk for quite a few days. Part of me thinks that I am failing because I am comfortable here in this funk. Today, I had a change of heart. I feel like I need to be alone (luckily i am lol). I looked on Pinterest for some inspirational thoughts and found many. I finally semi forced myself to tidy...
Why can't i figure out what to do or say during one of my husband's dry drunk rages/rants
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband is a dry drunk that uses anger as a way to stimulate himself (I'm guessing). I know it's some kind of rageaholic thing b/c I've seen him go into a rage about a typo in the newspaper by a columnist that he otherwise loves. He'll choose ANYTHING to rage about...whatever is handy, even if someti...