help for a newbie
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi all, I am new to the boards and fairly new to this whole area. My husband has been drinking for well over a decade and we we have been together for 11 years. We had a pretty rocky marriage for many of those years, but then I got very sick with a debilitating illnesss. For many years I could barely get ou...
Newbie here- introducing myself
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi folks, I married a man who'd been sober over 3 yrs. I only ever knew him as straight, sober & stable. We eloped in the spring but waited until October for a real wedding party. Little did I know that he drank one week before the wedding- a night I went for dinner with girlfriends- a night that he had hi...
Completely Lost Newbie Living with AW
Al-Anon Family Group
I need a place to vent and to find people who understand. I suspect it is here. I live with a functional alcoholic woman. She's up to 5 bottles of wine a day. I've tried everything. Asking nicely and lovingly for her to stop. Expressing my fears for her health. Arguing. Even talking to her doctor (which se...
I need a push and I'm stubborn as hell.
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Al-Anon Family Group
Trying to get myself to start al-anon. Facing the same obstacles that I know many have faced and I know my story will be nothing new. Concerns: RELIGION AND HIGHER POWER Yes, I am an hardcore atheist. Posts by spookyMulder and Enigmatic were helpful in working towards mitigating this obstacle, but...
New to the forum & alanon. Dealing with anger & mourning.
Al-Anon Family Group
Quick summary: Started dating a sober man who was dealing with depression. Fell in love with him in part based on how honest he was about his battle with depression. We moved to another state together. He was prescribed a new medication by his new physician. My ex was very happy with this new medication...
Feels Like PTSD
Al-Anon Family Group
I am new here - and new to Alanon. I've been resistant and resentful about going to meetings, but it's time. I am ACOA, a recovering alcoholic (33 years sober), married to a recovering alcoholic (4 years sober) and mother to an adult alcoholic son who lives with his wife on the second floor of our home. T...
Al-Anon Family Group
I'm lost. My darling husband has been drinking more and more. I don't know how much he drinks as he's quite good at hiding it, 'just going to the shop' ..etc.. We have conversations at dinner (which he cooks!) and then he often forgets the discussion. My son and I are very open in front of him and tell him...
I'm new here... where do I begin?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi, I'm new here and struggling with not being a co-dependent enabler for my dual diagnosis daughter. I know there are steps, but how do I find them? Where do I begin? I'd like to jump right in and learn as much as I can to try to make this horrific pain and devastation become less intense. I'd really like to...