Set my boundaries, now what?
Al-Anon Family Group
Well, I'm 26 years old and am a child of an alcoholic. Actually, it's more like I'm the parent (And I know that's typical for child-adult alcoholic relationships). My parents divorced when I was 4 due to my father's drug/alcohol abuse. My mother's father was an alcoholic (vodka killed him), so my mot...
my non alcoholic mum is turning into the alcoholic in my life ....help
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi i am a 44 year old adult child of an alcoholic father. He drank from before I was born, I left home at 18, I have not had contact with him for more than 12 years. My mum lived with him for 27 years, had 4 children, left him when I was 27. She lives near me. My two sisters are in contact with us and are 4 to 5 hours aw...
Not been in a while, struggling with suicide
Al-Anon Family Group
Im 28 and attended alanon consistenly for about 5 years, but havent been in about 3 years, alanon turned my life around, and i still am able to work through alanon concepts and relate them to my everyday life, i just felt i wasnt getting as much from the meetings anymore as i had great compassion and had go...
Will it ever get better?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi all I'm a 26yo woman, still living at home (don't panic, it's not unusual in this country) with my alcoholic dad and apparently severely depressed mum. I've been going to alanon for over two years and doing really well, despite not having a HP (I'm agnostic). I think this is starting to be a problem. I...