How do I explain alcoholism to a 7 year old?
Al-Anon Family Group
I am an adult child of an alcoholic. I am also married to an alcoholic. We have a 7 year old girl. It is difficult to put this kind of situation into simple terms but I will try: My husband is a very happy drunk... until my daughter goes to bed. He is not physically or verbally abusive at all. He just goes to wor...
First Al-Anon Meeting Tonight...Any Advice?
Al-Anon Family Group
I'll make this brief--Hi, my name (here) is Whisperine. I'm a college grad who's moved out of her family home, but not out of her family dysfunction. My parents split unexpectedly after 27 years of marriage last year. At first it was a "trial seperation," then it became permanent, and now I...
Reestablishing Sexual Intimacy in Recovery
Al-Anon Family Group
I have been married to my AH for nearly 10 years. He has been in and out of recovery too many times for me to count.I knew he was an addict from the beginning.I had a profound love for him from the moment we met.When we were first going out, I caught him in my bathroom smoking crack.I could have dumped...
Al-Anon Couples meetings
Al-Anon Family Group
I was wondering if anyone knows of meetings for 'couples' in either Al-Anon or AA. My partner has been sober for 9 years but we need help with other issues directly related.
Wanting more from the Alcholic
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello All, This is my second post in this forum. My ex-boyfriend of 2 and a half years is an alcoholic. We lived together for about year and broke up last October. It has been a tumultuos turning of events and I sought the help of Al anon and will be in the program for 5 months in March. I got a sponsor and I am wo...
Double Winners 2012
Al-Anon Family Group
Join Us as we trudge the road of happy destiny! http://alanon.activeboard.com/t15927682/double-winners/Don't Be self-righteous Try to dominate, nag schold and comlain and lose your your temper Try to puch anyone but yourself Keep brin...
Dating a Newly Recovering Alcoholic
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello, I am new to this site, and new to Al-Anon, but I thought that it might be helpful for me to share my story and get some opinions from people who have been in a similar situations themselves. So here it goes: About a year and a half ago, I started dating who I didn't realize then was a fucitoning alcohol...
Wish big difficulty
Al-Anon Family Group
Some people from the program encourage me to study medicine. I know it is better in the long run. Though I doubt my powers. I was never good at the subjects like chemistry, biology and maths. I am neither used to study a lot. I know everything is possible if I know I can. But it is something so big and unusual...
Relationship boundaries (with his former mistress) after an affair.
Al-Anon Family Group
I've been involved with Al-Anon for less than a year, I realize I still have much to learn and sometimes find it difficult speaking up or reaching out about sensitive matters such as this so I'm asking for your suggestions or shared experiences so I can hopefully gain some inspiration and insight on th...
Tigers Are Not Good Pets
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello, friends! Something that's been on my mind, that I hope will be helpful in sharing (in the hopes of getting your feedback): My A is currently my fiance; we've been together for almost a year and a half. Her addiction is inactive, and has been for six months now. However, shortly after we became eng...
Violations of Tradition 3
Al-Anon Family Group
Someone I know who has attended Al-anon for several years was recently banned from an Al-anon meeting after 2 individuals approached them after the meeting near the door as they were leaving. Without saying 'excuse me", one of them suddenly said "We need to talk to you in this little room&...
New to Al-Anon and in need of some help
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello; Ive never used a forum before to reach out to total strangers and ask for help and guidance. But with no Al-anon meetings in my area i felt i would give it a try. While ill try to keep this somewhat short and to the point- my feelings and emotional turmoil are anything but short and to the point. My par...
Recovering addict boyfriend pushing me away
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi my name is Jaylie. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years in January 5th. We met as juniors in high school. and started dating almost a full year later mid senior year. Since then it has been a roller coaster of emotions. we had a really good relationship for the first 4 months. He smoked weed I hated it...