Need Help with How to Maintain Detachment and Feel OK
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi All I am thinking today about how to maintain detachment and move forward in dealing with my A son, age 27. It seems I can make progress in my Al Anon program, both F2F meetings, plus readings, working my steps, etc. but where the rubber meets the road it is still difficult. My goal is to achieve sereni...
Day 2 of Detachment
Al-Anon Family Group
Just checking in to report on the second day of my detachment experiment. My husband is still drinking, matter of face passed out in his easy chair as I type. I'm worried about his health. Not sure what can physically happen to him if this keeps up. Not sure what my responsibilty to call a doctor or so...
Day 3 of Detachment
Al-Anon Family Group
Greetings folks - I'm on day 3 of my "detachment with love" experiment and I must admit I'm wavering a bit. My AH (who began his binge on Saturday after 42 days of sobriety) woke up this morning very ill. He managed to get up to walk the dog, told me he made it to a 12:30 AA meeting but then I didn'...
I Visited Crazytown Last Night- Thank God I Decided Not to Stay!
Al-Anon Family Group
I have learned so much through my Alanon weekly meetings, my sponsor, Alanon literature, and my counselor; and I am so thankful for the tools I have gained these past couple of years. Just to catch you up again, I moved out of our home a little over 6 months ago so that I could both mentally AND physically d...
Update: Terrible Thanksgiving, dry Christmas? (long, sorry!)
Al-Anon Family Group
My Sponsor "Talked me off the ledge" Today
Al-Anon Family Group
I had a relapse today and ended up calling my sponsor. I asked her to help "talk me off of the ledge." An acquaintance told me a few weeks ago the my AH (we've been separated for almost 10 months now) was frequenting a neighborhood bar. I was under the impression that he was going to meetings and...
Detachment Is Not Easy
Al-Anon Family Group
I just need to share tonight. Nearly three weeks ago, I posted a couple of times. I was feeling so smart and empowered by what I was learning at Al-Anon. I made good healthy steps and difficult choices. I stopped arguing with him, mostly, when I knew he'd been drinking. I tried to listen more fully to him w...
Al-Anon Family Group
I ran across this on Facebook today. Detachment has alway been a tough thing for me, so this really caught my attention: Detachment The concept of letting go can be confusing to many of us. When are we doing too much or trying too hard to control people and outcomes? When are we doing too little? When is...
AD Continues to Isolate
Al-Anon Family Group
My AD has broken off all communication from our family (except with her older sister) since my AH's memorial service this past January. Her twin sister, who is getting married in October, tried one last desperate attempt to make contact with her this past weekend. She and her fiancee visited the bar a...
Al-Anon Family Group
Well, I've been busy this morning reading and relating to all these posts. My meeting is tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it, but this forum is a tremendous resource for me, too. Thank you to all of you who offer such thoughtfulness and sincerity. I must be detaching. AH constantly complains/crie...
Getting out of their way / a revelation about revelations
Al-Anon Family Group
Good morning everyone, I had a revelation about revelations this morning. I have slowly had my eyes opening up and this program is working its magic. This morning I had a revelation - my AH needs to have his OWN revelations. I often have to learn my lessons a number of times before they actually "S...
HELP! AH actively drinking & don't know how to detach.
Al-Anon Family Group
So my AH is back to actively drinking. I've been going to F2F Al-Anon meetings weekly for the last 7 months. My AH has been attending AA on and off since January as well. He went about 3 months without drinking and then there'd be a slip here and there. The slips are happening more frequently in the past few...
Difficulties in detaching
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi everyone. I've been married to an alcoholic for 6.5 years It started to become a problem about 5.5 years ago when I got pregnant and my husband started ramping up his drinking. I don't think I can adequately convey the feelings disappointment and horror of coming home with a 6 month old in tow, seein...
Detachment and other thoughts
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi all! Thoughtful today, and want to share my thoughts with you. I'm living on my own now for almost a month, having finally made a boundary with my abf that I'm going to live separately for 3 months, and after that time, if he is living sober and working on maintaining his sobriety, I will move back in. I h...