Insane Sober Living
Al-Anon Family Group
I am new to this site, but not to Al-Anon. It saved my life about ten years ago while my AH was actively doing drugs and drinking. I have been with my AH for 15 years, the last 7 ½ he has been sober. I have just recently become aware that not much has changed. I stopped going to Al-Anon shortly after my hus...
Relationship Advice- am I doing this to myself?
Al-Anon Family Group
I've been reading this board all morning and I feel compelled to share what is going on with my BF who has been sober for 5 years. He has been distant and removed lately and i confronted him about it last weekend. He basically said he was scared and didnt know how to feel. but we didnt break up, instead, we s...
Update: Terrible Thanksgiving, dry Christmas? (long, sorry!)
Al-Anon Family Group
Dating a Newly Recovering Alcoholic
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello, I am new to this site, and new to Al-Anon, but I thought that it might be helpful for me to share my story and get some opinions from people who have been in a similar situations themselves. So here it goes: About a year and a half ago, I started dating who I didn't realize then was a fucitoning alcohol...
Emotional Distance after Alcoholic Stops Drinking
Al-Anon Family Group
My boyfriend stopped drinking 36 days ago. We've been together for 2 years. I told him to stop drinking or get out. He's been drinking for 23 years. Heavily for about 5 years. It's a mixed blessing. We live together and he doesn't really speak to me anymore. He hasn't slept in the same bed with me for month...
Dealing with friend "support" while A is sober
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi everyone- My spouse has been sober now 28 days. Part of that was in the hospital, but she's been really committed to not drink and trying to make herself healthy, talking to a counselor and working on healing. She is still very sick physically and looks it still. It's a hard road. Anyway, she's come c...