Insane Sober Living
Al-Anon Family Group
I am new to this site, but not to Al-Anon. It saved my life about ten years ago while my AH was actively doing drugs and drinking. I have been with my AH for 15 years, the last 7 ˝ he has been sober. I have just recently become aware that not much has changed. I stopped going to Al-Anon shortly after my hus...
New to the board, new to Al-Anon, New to so many things - long (sorry)
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi everyone. I'm new. To everything it seems. For some superficial reading, it seems that I have a dry drunk in my life (and in my spare room). When I married my darling husband (2 years ago), he came with a natural son, and 3 step children of his own (from his previous marriage). The eldest of these &quo...
Dry Drunk Husband
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband has been sober for over 2 years and we have been married nearly 4. I had no idea that he had a problem; and no clue that his father is recovering (15 yrs) until after we were married. We are both in our late 20s/early 30s, and we have no social life together. Literally, we work, I cook, he comes ho...
New here
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi all. Last night my finace and I had it out about doing his part around the house. He seems to think that working and being sober is all that is required. He has been sober 20 months and has not smoked cigarettes for 2 months. After 12 years together, I am indeed happy and we have talked of marriage, and I am...
Question about Dry Drunkedness
Al-Anon Family Group
I don't want to "bury the lead" so right here at the top of this post is my question: all the definitions I've seen of Dry Drunk seemed to suggest that it pertains exclusively to people that had a drinking problem but don't drink now. That are abstinent, but not sober. That are effectively &qu...
Why can't i figure out what to do or say during one of my husband's dry drunk rages/rants
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband is a dry drunk that uses anger as a way to stimulate himself (I'm guessing). I know it's some kind of rageaholic thing b/c I've seen him go into a rage about a typo in the newspaper by a columnist that he otherwise loves. He'll choose ANYTHING to rage about...whatever is handy, even if someti...