Mom was sober for months, not anymore
Al-Anon Family Group
I'm totally new here but this stuff exasperates me sometimes. I worked with my mom for years and she got SO much better and didn't drink for months at a time. Now, every 2-3 days, she comes home in the early afternoon slurring her words and apparently thinks it doesn't bother my dad and I. And when this...
highly functional=much confusion
Al-Anon Family Group
I gave a little of my story in my first post, but I am new to the whole "work the program" thing. I guess there are a lot of reasons I never took this step years ago. I was really afraid of his anger. I made some attempt to reach out for help, but was only offerd help for the marriage. But another...
My rigid mother
Al-Anon Family Group
Today casually texting with my mother turned bad when I realized she was in fact drunk at 2 in the afternoon and had started a text rant about members of our extended family. My cousin expressed a couple years ago that my mother thinks she's better than the rest of the family. The thing I don't understand...
Extremely alcoholic mum
Al-Anon Family Group
Hey I'm kinda new here but I'm Chelsea and I'm 16. I don't get along with my mom at all now and moved in with my dad two years ago because of her extreme drinking problem. she has been drinking since before she had me but has gradually got worse, to the point where me and dad never tell her if I have a parents eve...