Terrible Thanksgiving... plans for dry christmas?
Al-Anon Family Group
My father was a mess on Thanksgiving. We had the meal at his house and he stayed in the kitchen nearly the entire time and drank while cooking. When my husband and I arrived my brother and his wife were already there and my father was already drunk. The day progressed without much of anything.. I broke out...
My father and my friendship
Al-Anon Family Group
I'm new to this forum, so I'm not entirely sure if this is in the right spot, but here I go (I apologize in advance for the length): I am currently 18, and have been estranged from my father for 7 years now. He was a violent, abusive alcoholic who beat my mother and forced my mother, my older brother, and me to...
I am an adult child of an alcoholic father
Al-Anon Family Group
I'm not sure, as I sit here, what exactly I am hoping to gain by typing this out. I don't know that anyone can advise me on an effective solution or soothe me with words of wisdom. My earliest memories as a child are of my father or about my father and his being drunk, violent, out of control, or all of the abov...
Not been in a while, struggling with suicide
Al-Anon Family Group
Im 28 and attended alanon consistenly for about 5 years, but havent been in about 3 years, alanon turned my life around, and i still am able to work through alanon concepts and relate them to my everyday life, i just felt i wasnt getting as much from the meetings anymore as i had great compassion and had go...
Drunk Dads who come home Drunk
Al-Anon Family Group
what do i do when my dad comes home drunk? I'm never sure anymore. I've tried ignoring it, avoiding it, confronting it, and pretending I don't notice it. It doesn't happen all the time but it happens frequently enough and sometimes it can be really bad. He drives home a lot. I can't always be sure how much...