At the End of my Rope
Al-Anon Family Group
I am newly married, and my new husband is an alcoholic... I knew that he drank occasionally when we got married but i had no idea how bad his drinking was until we moved in together. I believe alcoholism is an illness and i dont believe in leaving someone just because they are sick, but i honestly dont kno...
Just need an ear to listen to me...
Al-Anon Family Group
I am in a relationship going on 4 yrs. I was living with my boyfriend with him n my 3 kids from a previous marriage. he loved the like his own and was great to them. He has a pretty bad drinking problem. its not an every day thing, but when he drinks it cant be just a few, it turns to 15 or more beers n he becomes cr...
Day 3 of Detachment
Al-Anon Family Group
Greetings folks - I'm on day 3 of my "detachment with love" experiment and I must admit I'm wavering a bit. My AH (who began his binge on Saturday after 42 days of sobriety) woke up this morning very ill. He managed to get up to walk the dog, told me he made it to a 12:30 AA meeting but then I didn'...
Our own well being. Thoughts on taking care of ourselves. feeling isolated, need al anon; staying an option?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi. Thanks to al anon I do know its ok to think about my own well being/physical mental health. You? Sometimes theres much more than alcohol--usually is. No matter how much we care for or love the other person--drinking or dry drunk, some behaviors do not leave. Even with that I find there are issu...
Wish big difficulty
Al-Anon Family Group
Some people from the program encourage me to study medicine. I know it is better in the long run. Though I doubt my powers. I was never good at the subjects like chemistry, biology and maths. I am neither used to study a lot. I know everything is possible if I know I can. But it is something so big and unusual...
Kicked My Sister Out - Dry Drunk Behavior
Al-Anon Family Group
6 weeks ago, my husband and I picked up my sister from a hospital in Indiana (we live in Wisconsin). She has been an alcoholic for at least 8-10 years. She ended up in the hospital because she was near death from cirrhosis, pneumonia, COPD and God knows what else. They managed to save her there and we agre...
Boyfriend Accepts He Has a Problem, Doesn't Know How to Stop Drinking
Al-Anon Family Group
Hey All, This is my first post here. I'm reaching out in hopes this community can help me understand alcoholism better and learn how to help my boyfriend. We have been together for nearly 7 years and alcoholism has only been an issue for the past 1.5 - 2 years. He started drinking heavily after getting a D...
does anyone have experience with coping with a family member titrating off of methadone? or anything?? i need support
Al-Anon Family Group
hello... my fiancé is titrating off of methadone. he has become flat and emotionless. he'll ignore me all night. he is extremely focused on a game on his computer. i am not sure if this is the methadone or what is happening. he does not share much about what he is going through unless i ask. he says that he...
Fiance's Returning From Rehab This Week...
1 2
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and looking for advice or any perspective you can offer. Last month I found out my fiance was addicted to Oxycontin and has been for 2 1/2 years. We are supposed to get married in a year. After I found out and spoke with his parents, he agreed to go to rehab and is getting bac...
Signs of Relapse
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband has been sober for 6 months and he recently admitted to having a drink because he was feeling sick and shaky. Now today I found out he has been having drinks every now and then since the first incident. He constantly says things like he's a failure with sobriety and our relationship. I really d...
Al-Anon Family Group
I have incredible guilt right now for ending things with my boyfriend who was just days home from treatment. Guilt that I wasn't patient enough, that I let my emotions overshadow my ability to make a sound decsision. But he's moved out and its done. Back story at what brought me to my breaking point...
Dealing with friend "support" while A is sober
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi everyone- My spouse has been sober now 28 days. Part of that was in the hospital, but she's been really committed to not drink and trying to make herself healthy, talking to a counselor and working on healing. She is still very sick physically and looks it still. It's a hard road. Anyway, she's come c...
newcomer seeking support with SO
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi everyone,I'm new to this and seeking support. my SO is a recovering alcoholic, he's a great friend and a fellow book nerd and he's been doing really well, going to AA/therapy and all that. He relapsed recently and he tells me it's pretty bad this ...
Breakup with a new RA
Al-Anon Family Group
I need some support you guys! I actually posted a long and heartfelt message last night, but it didn't post! Here's take 2.... My boyfriend and I recently broke up. We've been together only for about two months, but he sincerely is one of my best friends and I love him. We went through some difficult stuf...
New to Al-Anon and in need of some help
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello; Ive never used a forum before to reach out to total strangers and ask for help and guidance. But with no Al-anon meetings in my area i felt i would give it a try. While ill try to keep this somewhat short and to the point- my feelings and emotional turmoil are anything but short and to the point. My par...