Mom was sober for months, not anymore
Al-Anon Family Group
I'm totally new here but this stuff exasperates me sometimes. I worked with my mom for years and she got SO much better and didn't drink for months at a time. Now, every 2-3 days, she comes home in the early afternoon slurring her words and apparently thinks it doesn't bother my dad and I. And when this...
ESH please!
Al-Anon Family Group
Ive been active in al-anon for about a year & a half. I also used to post here but just recently got new login info. Anyhow- My A and I have a young child together & have been together for 3 years. Hes been in and out of the program. The last relapse was pretty bad and I simply couldnt handle talking to...
The recovering addicts home
Al-Anon Family Group
This question is about co-dependency I suppose. Is it a good idea to clean up the mess your addicted loved one/family member leaves behind once they are in a rehab facility? Especially if it is the home of the addict alone- is there wisdom in waiting for the recovering addict to return so they can see the...
My worst nightmare came true.
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband is bipolar and over the 25 years of our marriage has amused cocaine and crack to "self medicate". That is what my two boys grew up in the middle of. The three of us shared the hurt, pain, anger and financial crisis that are part of the reality of growing up with an addict. He has been st...
Family is completely broken
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello, was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience. My family was once happy and fun, but in 2009 my adult daughter started having issues with alcohol. Her husband travels all the time and would leave her every week with two little boys, and she couldn't cope. Thankfully she has been a com...
Question about Dry Drunkedness
Al-Anon Family Group
I don't want to "bury the lead" so right here at the top of this post is my question: all the definitions I've seen of Dry Drunk seemed to suggest that it pertains exclusively to people that had a drinking problem but don't drink now. That are abstinent, but not sober. That are effectively &qu...
dealing with the denial of other family
Al-Anon Family Group
Hello everyone, I'm glad to find this space. Since moving to Germany 3 months ago I have no English meetings here, and I became used to going at least once a week for the past year in London. I have been doing well though. But now Christmas is coming, and anxiety is setting in! I am supposed to take my mot...
Signs of Relapse
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband has been sober for 6 months and he recently admitted to having a drink because he was feeling sick and shaky. Now today I found out he has been having drinks every now and then since the first incident. He constantly says things like he's a failure with sobriety and our relationship. I really d...