At the End of my Rope
Al-Anon Family Group
I am newly married, and my new husband is an alcoholic... I knew that he drank occasionally when we got married but i had no idea how bad his drinking was until we moved in together. I believe alcoholism is an illness and i dont believe in leaving someone just because they are sick, but i honestly dont kno...
Just need an ear to listen to me...
Al-Anon Family Group
I am in a relationship going on 4 yrs. I was living with my boyfriend with him n my 3 kids from a previous marriage. he loved the like his own and was great to them. He has a pretty bad drinking problem. its not an every day thing, but when he drinks it cant be just a few, it turns to 15 or more beers n he becomes cr...
Meeting recommendations for NYC help
Al-Anon Family Group
Newcomer to the forum. First time back "home" to NYC where I lived for 7 years before moving out West and my life falling apart last Feb, started the program on Labor Day. Leading up to the trip I'm pretty much in the vigilance of the child of a diseased mother, afraid that when I leave here for m...
Worried about my husband... advice?
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband and I have been together off and on for the last ten years. I was 14 when we met, he was 18. I have a four year old daughter and I am currently almost six months pregnant with our second little girl. During the beginning stages of our relationship, he was a drinker from the start, but me being so you...
Relationship boundaries (with his former mistress) after an affair.
Al-Anon Family Group
I've been involved with Al-Anon for less than a year, I realize I still have much to learn and sometimes find it difficult speaking up or reaching out about sensitive matters such as this so I'm asking for your suggestions or shared experiences so I can hopefully gain some inspiration and insight on th...
Struggling & Confused
Al-Anon Family Group
My boyfriend is an alcoholic. I guess deep down, if Im being completely honest, I have known for quite a while. Finding bottles of liquor behind the garbage in the bathroom, or in a suitcase in the storage closet, isnt normal. Why didnt I ever address it with him? All the signs were there, and I never said...
Looking for Advice
Al-Anon Family Group
I'm very torn on this topic and am hoping for some alanon advice. My sister is currently in rehab for the 5th or 6th time and today is her birthday. She and I were very close growing up, but have grown more and more apart over the last 8 years of her active use. We get closer during periods of her recovery o...
does anyone have experience with coping with a family member titrating off of methadone? or anything?? i need support
Al-Anon Family Group
hello... my fiancé is titrating off of methadone. he has become flat and emotionless. he'll ignore me all night. he is extremely focused on a game on his computer. i am not sure if this is the methadone or what is happening. he does not share much about what he is going through unless i ask. he says that he...
Fiance's Returning From Rehab This Week...
1 2
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and looking for advice or any perspective you can offer. Last month I found out my fiance was addicted to Oxycontin and has been for 2 1/2 years. We are supposed to get married in a year. After I found out and spoke with his parents, he agreed to go to rehab and is getting bac...
Husband is an alcoholic. Sober for 93 days and relapsed. I am pissed, how do I handle it?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi-- My husband has been an alcoholic for 20+ years and finally decided to get treatment. He was back to his old was last night and got drunk and bought a bunch of random people drinks (bill was over $300). I am so pissed and hurt that I am shaking. I get it that people are human and make mistakes, but how a...
Signs of Relapse
Al-Anon Family Group
My husband has been sober for 6 months and he recently admitted to having a drink because he was feeling sick and shaky. Now today I found out he has been having drinks every now and then since the first incident. He constantly says things like he's a failure with sobriety and our relationship. I really d...
Please help me to support my sober fiancee
Al-Anon Family Group
Thank you for reading this. my fiancée is six years sober from alcohol and last night we had a problem when I took her to a coworkers DJ performance at a bar We talked about the event many times, she even said she didn't mind if I had a drink ( I'm not an alcoholic or even a big drinker) but when we arrived the s...
Fiance in Recovery, Question for Partners of Recovering Addicts
Al-Anon Family Group
*Hello everyone, I just wanted to update on my ex-fiance who was in treatment for addiction to Oxycontin. I had previously posted under the user name YoungLady but I lost the password and was unable to reset it.* _ My ex-fiance, now "boyfriend" is seven months sober from opiates. The past year was real...
Advice needed - asap
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi All I have searched the internet and am at a loss as to what do next. My brother has been diagnosed with cirrhosis. He went into detox for 1 week and was booked I for rehab but after the detox he decided he wasn't going. So he is now at his house, drinking again. His wife has left and is staying with her adul...