So angry
Last night almost 18 year old son called home that he bought a car. Yes most parents would be proud that he worked for it to buy it himself and yes that part I am proud of, BUT he is not fully licensed yet , only has G1 and doesn't go for G2 for another 2 weeks and hasn't passed it yet so don't know if he will be full...
Lost my sanity
ABF has been on a bender for 4 days non stop. Yesterday, I finally blew a gasket on him. I totally lost my sanity. I just had enough of the booze and him being drunk and I said some nasty things to him. Today, I am still mad and fed up. He is sleeping again, the usual, drink and sleep...that has become his life a...
Please help?
Can someone give me a little insight? My boyfriend has been sober for nearly 7 1/2 years. He recently bought (January) a beautiful engagement ring for me and planned to propose but some recent deaths in my family and a squabble with my mom has left me depressed and lashing out in anger. (He's 30. I'm 35.)...
So here I am.. sitting in another room
Came home and he is all buzzed. Mumbling nonsense, mumbling he doesnt deserve me or his son, and now half asleep (it is only 6:30) I have not accused him of drinking again (which is so hard for me because its so obvious) I am hanging out in another room and responding to his "oh I lovvveee youuuu baby" with o...
Day Four - Feeling even more encouraged
Good Friday morning. It snowed here overnight. Ugh! My AH and I had a very good talk last night. He spoke from his heart. He was humble, remorseful, and compassionate towards me. He told me that he had spoken with an AA mentor each day, since Monday night, and he has learned a lot about himself. He said he r...
working the program - still sad
My ex-ABF decided to reach out after 3 weeks of non-communication. The last thing he said to me was that I needed to let him handle his s&^t. So, I did. I haven't reached out, and I've been going to meetings, reading, and learning that there is nothing I can do over this situation. He's 9 years sob...
Going in Reverse today... Need Forward Motion... :/
Welp... I Haven't Spilled any Stain/Gloss So Far today so I Guess I'm Grateful for that ;) 4th Coat On and Complete :) Its been a Tough Morning/afternoon... Strange how Fast things can Turn around in about an hour Span of a Day... I Friend I Went to School With Showed up at my Shop today, We Talk on Social M...
It Continues
I'm still not smoking. I've had a headache all day - I'm blaming nicotine withdrawals - but I've gone 3 days without smoking. I'm not gonna throw that time away. Bf still hasn't had a drink. We spent the evening together again. It's really nice and peaceful, but I hate him having to leave. I want him...
Mad and sad
I am new to this as well as new to Alnon. My fiancé is an alcoholic and he seems to be heading down an awful path right now. He is drinking and driving, he picks up our children half in the bag from school, he is lying about money and where is is during the day along with the mental abuse while drunk. I am so mad at...
Stressed . . .
Sorry, this doesn't relate to my bf's drinking problem, but I'm feeling pretty stressed. I'm about to pay my electric bill online which will leave me with $4 for the rest of the week. I've been trying to work extra hours, but it looks like that's not gonna work out. I work at a call center conducting su...
Florida Bound Next Week - Clearwater Area
Hello MIP Family - I am headed to the Clearwater Florida area next week - Thursday night thru Sunday noonish.... I am going for a wedding on Saturday and will be spending time with FOO!! Yippee, Yahoo and all that jazz for me... If anybody is in the area and can point me to a preferred meeting, I'd be grate...
my inner mean and angry voice
I'm working on this running dialogue in my head where my AH is so dumb and anything he does is wrong. It is mean and nasty stuff, and based on the assumption he is some how the cause of everything bad in my life and generally a bumbling idiot -- neither of which are true of course. And it's constant - he does so...
Courage to Change (C2C) 4/7/16
Good morning MIP family! Today's reading shares the perception that God may have a sense of humor! The writer discusses an invitation to speak at an Al-Anon meeting she had never attended before. He/she had preconceived ideas of what the group would be like, what he/she would say and how it would g...
I'm in complete shock. My partner is in month 3 of treatment he's in a secondary facility this is the 3rd time we have been through this. Yesterday I told him I wanted to break contact I'm so confused and now he is too I was supporting him but just lately I'm full of anxiety and I just don't know how to go on. We...
It starts today, and I am hopeful.
My husband of 9 years (second marriage for both) might have seen the light today. On Monday evening, he left a bar at 5:30 and wasn't home by 6:30. The bar is just five minutes from home. I tried calling him because I was concerned about him. My son had asked him earlier, if he wanted a ride home because he di...
Oh, Hi there HP :-)
So this morning I was sitting in my room, at my desk, thinking about how I wish I had some spare money to purchase a second desk to put in the lounge room, because its turning cold here and that's the only room with heating, plus I am a bit nomadic and like to change it up from time to time. ANYWAY. While I was si...
Free Fall
I was invited to a family therapy phone call by my AH in rehab. I was excited for the opportunity to understand recovery better and become closer through participating. The session went in a direction I didn't expect. My AH started in a great way saying he wanted us to be nicer to each other. He then went o...
Another Day in the Life... Up? Or Down?
So I have been Working On "Why" I think/do the things I Do.. and Trying to be aware of my "Now" Thoughts.. And what maybe some of My "Triggers" are... WOW I think I Hit them ALL just Today... So I am Slow in my Office, and had some things to Stain in our Shop, so thought Why Not... Its Chilly out but I Can Bundle u...
Had a meltdown last night or rather 2am. I was cleaning yesterday and since i couldnt sleep,decided to check out some envies i found. One was chock full of old boyfriends ' poems and letters i had wrote. it also contained a cauntionary note i had written to my self eight months into the relationship with...
My first On line Support Meeting... Court Mandated But Looking Forward To learn ...
Ok so to keep custody of my children I must Attend Al Anon but with a crazy new work schedule and 3 kids at home its soooo hard... I really want to take part in a actual group but for now lunch online classes is what I can do. Im reading all topics on here and I can relate in many. My question is when do you know t...
less stress today
My daughter moved out and its been a relief. I had been so obsessed over her and her well being. She is doing fine in her own place now. I am now at home with the ABF and I am not worried. I see he is a full blown alcoholic and can not stay sober beyond 3 days. Not my issue, not my problem. I see the same merry go roun...
Goodbye Cigarettes!!!
I'm back to quitting smoking. I had my last cigarette last night. I WILL NOT have another one. Bf is still sober. He's gonna spend the evening with me and he said he's bringing chocolate to help me ignore the nicotine cravings. That is one addiction I will never give up - chocolate. I would ask you a...
Courage to change 4/4
Today's c2c speaks of how we can become so overwhelmed with worry and responsibility that we forget to enjoy the simple things. As a example, the reading describes how in their earlier life they had loved the stillness of mornings but that living with an alcohlic had tranformed their mornings into ju...
Groundhog day?
Is it normal at some point in your own recovery for it to be a struggle? Every day in and out having to be focusing on getting rid of the crazies? Is this is how the alcoholic feels? Its like a perpetual diet. No wonder there are relapses. Some days you want the hot fudge sundae I am hoping that someon...
Powerless might be my new favorite word
Things have been hard here lately (well, for the past few years) and haven't gotten better. Last night I couldn't sleep, I was so mad and upset and scared that the marriage is over, that I'll never get well enough to leave my room, that my oldest kid will not make it through her medical issues, lots of thin...
Limbo, Stress, Complaining
It's been a couple months since I have gone to a meeting. I had two years though, which felt good. Perhaps I have issues with some of the meetings. While I find some constructive, others are not so. Being that my time is much limited and most meetings require a somewhat lengthy drive, I've found myself le...
Using HALT
I've been doing really well with not counting AHs drinks. So we'll that I didn't even realize how intoxicated he was yesterday until I found myself smack in the middle of him trying to pick a fight. The last few days I can tell he's frustrated with me about something to do with things I haven't comple...
AH is the FUN dad..
So after admitting he has a problem last night, my husband apparently kept my daughter home from school (3rd grade) again to go hiking. This is typical behavior on his end. He will do something to let us down as a family: Not pick up a kid after school because he was out hiking longer than he thought he woul...
The one-sided house I live in ... and my new resolution
Hello everyone. I went to my first therapy/counseling session a week ago and that was a good thing. I have not made it to a F2F meeting yet but it's on my calendar now. I have been reading al-anon stuff voraciously. I went to the gym for the first time in .... oh well, we won't even say. I made myself a tiny goa...
At least there was no fighting
Not sure, not even going to guess, but if I were to place a bet I would have to say that tomorrow the sobriety clock starts at again. At first I wasn't sure, so I just kept my mouth shut and watched during dinner. He asked me the same question 3 times!! He tried to keep a physical distance from me so I wouldn...
feed back on this subject would be helpful.
I havent posted on here for a while but could do with some advice or feedback if possible. I have worked up to step 8 in my workbook and with the help of meetings and my friend and guide the vicar, I am now in a better place having taken time out for myself to heal from my estranged husband. He broke up with me a...
Courage to Change 6/4
Today's C2C is highly topical for me, as I am in the midst of developing a cold right now!! It begins by likening the symptoms of a cold to the symptoms of alcoholism- such as blackouts and mood changes. The reading suggests that we too display similar symptoms to the alcoholic with our obsession, anxi...
Hi All, It's been a few weeks since I've been active on here - been busy at different doctors and just lots of resting (to my dismay). No new news re the physical illness, but a few updates re ex-A fiancé. The guy I remember made a bit of an appearance (not in person). He called several times and when I didn...
Getting Even..?
So I am new here. Kinda pissed I have to be here, but at the same time I am glad there is somewhere I can go to get a sanity check. Why didn't I come here years ago? My husband and I have been going to marriage counseling after he had an affair. It was very hard for me to deal with - the affair. For years, he has been...
Another one lost to addiction......
I'm so very sad. The very first person who welcomed me into program has lost her son to addiction. My heart breaks for her and the family. I don't usually cry when others lose their kids in program but I know this woman. She was the first person I asked to be my sponsor and I always wanted to see her at my e...
The "Family Disease"
1 2 3
I'm the alcoholic in the family. I haven't had a drink in 20 years (April 1, 1996), but stopped going to meetings years ago. I've been a dry drunk for the last 15 years. I've recently started going back to meetings, getting a new sponsor, working the steps, and feeling better and better about myself....
Ships in the night.
Oh sigh. So the guy next door (nice, super friendly, kind of crazy and obvious drug habit) hasn't been around for over a week and I've been concerned because no-one has moved any stuff out, he took his dogs, didn't ask me to keep an eye on the place etc and hasn't replied to texts..all out of character. Wel...
Very weird morning but coping
Today is my day off work for the first day in 6 days. On these days I normally get up when my dog tells me she needs to go out to urinate about 7 AM so I get another hour sleep from my normal 6 AM wake up time for work. This morning at 4:30 AM my dog started barking and growling at the window looking out toward the fr...
Very Sad ****warning - Suicide Mentioned ****
Hi everyone, I know I don't post often anymore, but I still read your posts at least daily (and sometimes twice daily). My life has been amazingly better and my AH has been in recovery for almost a year now. His sobriety date is the 11th, so we are almost there. When he was in the worst place imaginable f...
A mad house, but the good kind :-)
Well, this morning I was meant to have an annoying appointment, which I was grumpy about, and then it was cancelled at the last minute, yay!! Daughter was having some kind of mental breakdown because we haven't been to the gym for a week and today she had friends coming over to stay tonight which was goin...
Hope for Today April 5
Good morning everyone- Today's reading is about our acronym HALT: are we Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. For me this has always been such a good and direct way to check in with myself about how I am feeling. I still have difficulty being direct -- especially with myself! I am reminded of my teenaged d...
The Wheels on the Bus... Go Round & Round.. :)
Hello MIP Family... This Last Month has been an Up & Down Roller Coaster.. I Remind Myself Daily that Things can Always Be Worse, and Truly on the Surface they are Really Not Horrible, but still pull at the Heart Strings pretty Regular... My Shining Star, My Son who I was Going to SAVE (Insert Sarca...
Still confused on something
I just ordered the book "Getting Them Sober" for some answers.. but still in the meantime I am so confused as to what I say or do the next day when he wakes up and says sorry, he is tired of disappointing us and that he just had a relapse and that he is doing his best. (he is trying to get sober) I use to get rea...
I keep getting a message to say my IP has been blocked, so, just testing to see if I can post Smooches!!! Looks like it worked but I continue to get the message saying all posts from my IP address have been blocked because of suspect activity. Anyone else experiencing this issue? -- Edited by missmeli...
some of my co-dependent relapse signs
Well, thank you school bus driver for bringing some of my sickness to my attention again in order to take action.
I still fear the elephant and close my eyes.
Then I procrastinate.
Then I spend days, weeks, months and years still closing my eyes and panicking because the elephant gets bigger and big...
Sad tonight.
Went to get daughter from my mums tonight (My mum picked her up from her dads). It was a long way to go, on what was meant to be my first day off in ages, but daughter had sent me so many distress calls from her dads telling me that she was miserable that there was no way I could not go. Plus mother had offered di...
lost my serenity..when will I learn?
This morning was not awesome. My son gets collected for his autism intervention class twice a week. I have had some issues with the driver, who is rude and not the sharpest tool in the shed. This morning daughter had a dental appointment. I made the time for 9.30. Yesterday the driver was here at 8.50. He...
Detaching With Love
The solution to obsessiveness is to learn to detach with love. Detaching with love doesnt mean that you stop loving the other person. It means that you make a decision to back up and stop putting all of your time and energy focusing on someone else. It means not allowing the drama of someone elses addict...
Just Wanted To Share
I'm taking college classes online. One of my current classes is "Marriage and Family" for my Humanities credits. In my required reading for this week, there was a chapter about the Social Exchange Theory. Basically, its saying that in a marriage, a person would only want to stay in the marriage if...
Yoo hoo
Very Angry
It takes a lot to get me mad. Right now, I'm furious. I mentioned that I live in a very small town, right? I have a friend who works in the HR department at Wal*Mart. I asked him if he could tell me why J was fired. He told me confidentially and I can never prove that he said it and he could get into trouble fo...
introduction and question
Hi all! I am new to this Forum. My story is an interesting one although it may sound a bit over the top. My husband started drinking in 2009 and finally he chose to go to rehab in March 2015. We have three children. During the last 3 years of his active alcoholism (2012-2015) he was having an affair with his...
Courage to Change 4-3-2016
The C2C reading for April 3 Speaks about the fact that at the beginning of this alanon journey, the fear of attending Al-Anon meetings was huge and at times overwhelming . Our biggest fear was that someone we knew would be there and know our secrets. It points out that the principles embodied in A...
My BF is 3 months sober...and I am not happy
My BF and I have been together for about a year and a half. Most of that time he was a high functioning alcoholic. It really didn't sink in until he moved in with me and I saw that it wasn't just a weekend thing. We had fought about his "heavy drinking" prior to his moving in but nothing changed. I know - I s...
I need advice
I need advice. I've been with my boyfriend for about 11 months now and we've been living together for about 9 months. I'm not a drinker at all and when I met him, he was like, "Yeah, you're not a drinker and I don't want to drink anymore." He doesn't drink all the time, but when he does, I get concerned about...
Courage to Change (C2C) 4/1/16
Good morning MIP family! The C2C had no reading for today so no summary...... JK - April Fool's!!! Today's reading talks about Acceptance being one part of the three A's - Awareness, Acceptance and Action. We might be inclined to jump from awareness to action without even pausing for acceptance...
Ok is now my favorite word.
At Christmas time before I really knew what I was dealing with in regards to my A, I had already made the decision I wanted to change things and start living the way I wanted to. My A Son had already moved in with his father and I was detaching with love. My A stepson had a home of his own and we were okay with...
finding the lesson from the chaos I helped create....
I was sitting here typing up the hell-ish day I had with my exABF; each time I type a sentence I erase. Realizing how ridiculous my decision have been to get me to this level of chaos that I am facing right now. I am still trying to control things despite us not even being together. However; he moved out b...
Miraculous half a day. Thanks HP and Al Anon, AA too
Breathing rich, fresh air. What a wonderful half day so far. A is sleeping, waking up sleeping. In between, he is doing v useful things for himself and for me. Took him out for a morning ride when we had wonderful breakfast (at 1/5 the cost. V imp. He usually likes only expensive breakfast.) He was happy t...
okay ladies does your mind work this way?
So, I haven't dated in a looong time. I have been asked out to dinner. I consider him a friend, we have known each other for a while. We actually went to school together, so we talked every day. I was very comfortable talking to him. I don't see any red flags as far as temperament.He was very respectful. I wo...