Had two chemo treatments to my bladder 3 months ago, was suppose to have 6 but was allergic to it and it was stopped. Read that in my case two treatments could do the trick. Well saw the urologist this morning and my bladder is cancer free!!!! Wahoo!!! Just had to share!!! {{HUGS}}
Hope for Today Jan 15
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about what brings us to Al-Anon in the first place, and what we might learn about ourselves once we are here. The writer describes coming to the program because of her husbands drinking. What she had trouble understanding once there, was why she was answering...
Morning Pages (Faith / HP Letters)
HI All, I was at a meeting in another state and I heard about this group of Al-anon members that wrote daily letters to God/HP and shared them with each other each day. I began doing it most days. Sounded like a good way to stay on top of communicating with each other, HP and a kind of tenth step/prayer...
C2C – January 13, 2023
In today's C2C reading the author marvels at how once they established their faith in a God/HP, how centered/grounded their life became. Al-Anon helps and guides us to work at creating a personal connection to our individual faith and relationship with our Higher Powerbecause once we do, we will f...
I'm back
I haven't been active in al-anon for many years. I finally left my AH in 2015. Sadly, just months later he was found deceased in our dream home...overdose. I have spent all these years since then working on myself and getting stronger while continuing to nurture and raise our two children (who are no...
The Bridge...
This was posted here on MIP when I first began lurking six years ago. It convinced me to crawl into my first al-anon meeting.... Letting Go of Those Not in Recovery We can go forward with our life (and recoveries) even though someone we love is not yet recovering. Picture a bridge. On one side of the b...
glad lee
Courage to Change January 11
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares about their new family - a family in which they are free to be themselves, a family where love isn't a point system, where the author is accepted for who they are and masking isn't needed. When the author faces a problem this second family empathizes, bu...
Question about Boundaries
My 22 yr old daughter completed her 4th rehab 11/30 and moved into sober living. She hates it and wants to come home. We had a family session with her counselor (she is doing PHP) last week where I said that I am not comfortable with her returning just yet and need more time (she has returned home 3 prior t...
things aren't always as they seem(sad)
Things aren't always as they seem I guess. I am finding more about my husband of 23 years. It turns out he was a very sick man & I didn't know how sick. He had a lot of memories that weren't actually truths. He shared a lot w/ me but I am saddened to see that he had a lot of memories that might not have been how...
Hoot Nanny
1/10/23 C2C If I Could Put Time (spent in fear & worry) in a Bottle…
...this author would have a lot of time in bottles that they didn't enjoy, having spent it in criticism, paranoia, self-criticism rather than useful accomplishment. To break the cycle of 'mental static', they: * got out of the regrets of past and fears of future, * learned to stay in and enjoy the pre...
Hope for Today Jan 8
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about how prayer and meditation is helpful as a focus for the solutions to problems in our lives. The writer describes that having continuous communication with God was not an issue. The writer was also able to tune out distractions easily. Yet the writer was...
My Brother Ruined Christmas Again, and other stories.
Hi everyone. Sorry I have abandoned my daily and haven't been around. There is a lot going on and I haven't felt very positive or like sharing with anyone. Honestly I feel defeated and sad and out of mojo. The situation with my brother has deteriorated a lot. I missed Christmas last year as my son-in-law...
Hope for Today, Monday, 1/9, Whose fault is my suffering?
The writer believed that the alcoholics caused their pain, suffering, and great unhappiness. But alanon suggested we take responsibility for our own happiness. The writer's sponsor thought it best to stop expecting the alcoholic's behavior to change. Instead, detach and change one's own at...
C2C – January 5, 2023
The author of todays reading discusses how to tell the difference between compassion for the alcoholic and enabling their bad behavior. They point out that it is not always clear but that looking at their motives for the intervention in that situation is helpful. Will interfering change the outc...
Courage to Change January 4
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares about their desperation when they found Al-Anon and their yearning for the serenity that other Al-Anon members possessed. They heard that going to meetings and sharing when they could, working the steps (but not all at once), getting a sponsor, rea...
37 wonderful years
I am celebrating tomorrow! 37 years ago I walked into my 1st Al anon meeting not knowing what a ride it would take me on,
Hoot Nanny
1/3/23 C2C Every Long Journey Starts Somewhere
Great page that reminds us of the incredible importance of this day, today. If I want something different in my life, I can start or continue in the direction I want, today. We can't undo long established patterns or right all wrongs in a single day, but we can take a small step toward our goal. Small ste...
C2C, Monday, January 2, No bread in the hardware store
This writer says that looking for affection and support from an alcoholic can be like going to a hardware store for bread. While we may not have our expectations met, it is our own expectations that have let us down. Alcoholics may not be able to express love in the way we want it, but we can try to recogn...
Hope for Today Jan 1
Good morning and Happy New Year everyone- Todays reading is about the feeling of connectedness and support we can find in a place outside of our family of origin: our alanon group. The writer describes having had some negative reactions to the word home, not knowing what to expect there, being worrie...
Happy New Year to my MIP family!
Thank you so much for all your support and caring all through the year. I appreciate everyone! Wishing you all a health and the best possible year ahead. Love, Lyne
C2C – December 30, 2022
Today's reading talks about the difficulties we can find ourselves in when someone, specifically the alcoholic in our lives, speaks to usin a way that makes us feel angry and hurt. The reading raises the issue of martyrdom and how we learn in Al-Anon that to view thealcoholic as we would anyone else w...
Happy almost New Year, my beautiful AFG fellows
It is New Year even here and I'm thinking about what I do I want to see in next year. I'd love to have a sense of sanity in my life; an organized method of producing art, food, sewing and other basic activities that build my world. I put these off so how can I develop a process? Included in these are digital pr...
Getting ready for the New Year.
Hi to all, Just read all your responses on MIP to my wishes for Christmas. So now I extend them for New Year's Day. When I read them all, I read about the weather you all had, and as much as I would have loved to have seen it, I can only try to Image how cold and Freezing it would have been, and am so sorry for all of...
12/27/22 C2C One Man’s Trash…
This page points to the choice we have when faced with someone's differing opinion: dig in and defend our view or use it as a great reminder that there are endless ways to perceive things. Sometimes it can be hard to grasp how someone holds their view. I don't need to take this personally, however, or se...
Seasons greetings
Seasons greetings to those of you I already know and also to those of you that I don't know yet. I've spent the last few days at various gratitude meetings, some in this fellowship and some in other fellowships, some online meetings and some in-person meetings. A meeting is a meeting, right. I find that...
So lonely & sad
Now that I have been out of the safety of the hospital for 10 days it is hitting me how lonely I am. Sure I have things to do & coping skills friends family lots of support & even a grief support group but the nights are still lonely. My husband was everything to me. I really want him back even for a mom...
Hoot Nanny
C2C, Monday, 12/26, resigning from the doormat club
The member says if you don't want to be a doormat, you have to get up off the floor. The member accepted a lot of unacceptable behavior, but took it and came back for more. The member felt like a victim but was actually a volunteer. Now they see that they have choices, they are not helpless, and feeling l...
Hope for Today Dec 25
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a look at what serenity might be. Among other things, the writer describes serenity as: the space between impulse and action, understanding that reacting to life and responding to life are not the same thing, becoming a complete being with my body and mind i...
christmas Day
Hi It's Christmas Day here, in the Land Down Under, and I want to wish and hope that all on Board here has a lovely, Peaceful, Christmas Day. As I have decided to give myself the very best Christmas Day that I can, and I send my wishes to all. Love WendyP.
C2C – December 23, 2022
Very interesting reading today about how the author, who attended an Al-Anon meeting to support a friend,felt guilty when they found that continuing to go to meetings, when they thought they did not fall under thecriteria to go because they did not have anyone in their lives that were alcoholics mad...
12/20/22 C2C Love to All
Today's writer refers to Tradition 5 statement of Alanon's "one purpose: to help families of alcoholics", and how we carry out by following the 12 Steps of AA ourselves so that others are able to learn by our example rather than sermon. Trad 5 further suggests "encouraging and understanding our alco...
Courage to Change December 21
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on steps 8 and 9. They remember hearing another member say that when they made a list of people they had harmed, they put themselves at the top of the list. It hadn't occurred to the author to think of the harm they had caused themselves. The author had g...
Hope for Today Dec 18
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about the variety of people we meet through al-anon. The writer describes the power of hearing people of all backgrounds- married, single, divorced, young, old, of all ethnic backgrounds, from those in poverty to the extremely wealthy- all speak from the h...
C2C – December 16, 2022
Todays reading is kind of neat, it is a listing of all the things we think we have to take care of but, Al-Anon suggests that we do have choices and that not everything is our responsibility."I dont have to understand everything." "Some things are not my business, and others will simply never make sens...
C2C, Monday, December 19, alcoholism is a three-fold disease
The member says that the effects of alcoholism are a disease that effect us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Checking in with ourselves about our well-being is done by asking ourselves these (and other) questions: -Is my physical well-being a priority? -Do I eat well and get enough sle...
11/29/22 ODAT – Control…It Will Work This Time!
Quote from an Alanon brochure points to the possibility of the partner of the alcoholic demonstrating more irrational behavior than the alcoholic. This can happen as they ride an emotional rollercoaster while trying to outwit and control the uncontrollable. It is with great relief that we reco...
Getting better & better
I am so grateful that even grief can't ruin me.i have learned that I am strong beautiful & worthy.
Thanks to al anon I can see the light at the end of the tunnel & just keep going.
I won't just survive I will thrive!
Thanks for being a part of my recovery & giving me a new perspective & a ne...
Hoot Nanny
It's Your Special Day Daffodils
Happy Birthday ((Daffodils)))) !! Wishing you a beautiful day filled with serenity and all good things! Continued health and happiness in the year ahead!
Courage to Change December 14
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares about the different kinds of loss, and their impact. Types of loss include divorce, incarcerations, illness, death, emotional change, among others. When the author lost the person they loved most, they grieved and in their grief, pushed everyon...
12/13/22 C2C Like Riding a Bike
This member likened the balance and vitality felt when living Alanon's Live and Let Live principle to flying downhill on a bicycle. Embracing all that comes their way, good and bad, was fueled by a meeting discussion proposing thanking god when encountering problems. Difficult at first, this enc...
Missing Betty
hi to mip family members .. it's been years since I've posted .. I admit i see a lot of new names and not many of the older but admit also i only did a brief scan .. but I was reading a few small words tonight in old messages that were shared in moments i had reached out to Betty in the past .. (hotrod) .. I miss he...
Was in a psychiatric hospital
Grief is so tough
Got a lot of help
Back on track
Working the program
One day at a time
Thanks to all who care
Hoot Nanny
ODAT in alanon, Monday, 12/12, blaming others
The writer ponders what happens when we blame others. They say that much of what happens to us is self-created, and that much of our unhappiness is due to the way we react when hurt or disappointed. The writer is convinced that we can be the "captain" of our soul and ward off disappointments and other t...
Hope for Today Dec 11
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about patience within the alanon program; its about how there are no timetables in the program; its about letting go of the phrase why me?. The writer describes coming to alanon with complaints. Why was he/she given alcoholic parents? Why did he/she have to s...
C2C – December 09, 2022
The topic of todays reading has to do with Tradition Eleven, which is an Al-Anon policy that describes how"attraction rather than promotion" to Al-Anon by the membership is its best policy. How we approachand/or tell other folks about our participation and why, is best done with the question to ou...
Courage to Change December 7
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on what they used to think "being good to myself" meant, and what they have come to understand it to mean with the help of the program. In the past, the author thought that being good to themselves meant buying whatever they wanted, eating whatever th...
On Reflection.
Hi to all on MIP, it has been awhile since I shared here, not that I don't read all the sharings, as I do, and learn a lot, and helps me to stay centered. Recently, I read a sharing from Paul about insane behaviour, and just had to share about. It is about the changes I have had made in myself, and what I have dis...
12/6/22 C2C Taming the Pendulum
This writer describes a common evolution for new fellowship members: first discover or acknowledge the anger long suppressed or denied, the anger now untethered flexes its power until it contributes to more pain; it turns out that the alcoholic is not responsible for all of our unhappiness. Alano...
Bread in a hardware store
Hello MIP, Well, it has been ages since I signed in. I dont know why..I certainly need the ESH provided here. In the last 24 hours Ive experienced a heaping helping of bread in a hardware store. I had a very nasty fall on Saturday morning. I went to the ED on Sunday and was in the hospital for 2 days. Im using...
My husband passed away
Not ready to share much yet but he died Sunday night.
Hoot Nanny
C2C, Monday, 12/5, fantasy vs. reality
The writer was waiting for the perfect partner, and they waited and waited. No one showed up. Then in an alanon meeting, they learned about gratitude, and everything changed. They were able to see how many wonderful things already existed. They had been brushing all the love they were receiving a...
C2C – December 02, 2022
The author of todays reading discusses how when one does not accept their powerlessnessover the alcoholic, one will tend to spend too much time internalizing and/or externally try tojustify their feelings and actions. They are trying to change that person they are having difficultywith, only t...
Hope for Today Dec 4
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a look at how, in spite of what many of us thought would happen by coming to alanon (our qualifier would no longer drink), the real change that takes place is within us. The writer describes coming to alanon when her alcoholic husband left her to raise their son...
hey. sorry
Sorry for going awol guys. So much going on. In happy news, I got into a masters for next year! I'm really pretty pleased with myself. In less good news, a lot of bad things have happened. I'm OK, I' ll get my head back on straight but I don't do trauma well anymore. I used to wear my strength like a badge, now I...
Courage to Change November 30
In today's reading, the author reflects on our interconnectedness. The author shares that everyone who plays a part in our lives can offer something that we can learn. Others can act as our mirrors, reflecting our better or worse qualities, help us to work through unresolved past conflicts, or act a...
C2C, Monday, 11/28, upside-down personality
This writer comments on Step 4: what they thought were virtues (worrying about other people, sacrificing their own happiness, etc.), turned out to be the cause of their misery. And the traits they ignored (talent, self-discipline, etc.), turned out to be truly positive qualities. Through wok...
Hope for Today Nov 27
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a focus on the importance of service and how that contributes to recovery. The writer sees tradition seven through a new perspective: every group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions always made the writer think of financia...
C2C – November 25, 2022
In todays reading the topic is the fact that through crisis we learn just how much the Al-Anon program and the friendswe make can facilitate our recovery. The author learned that their "leisurely approach to the program" was not enoughwhen they lost someone close to them and that service, calling o...
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing all the MIP Family who are celebrating today, a Happy Thanksgiving!! I have been a vegetarian for the past 35 years so the attached makes me smile!! {{HUGS}}
11/22/22 C2C Turn Over Life/Will to Anything but Me
Alanon = recovery = regaining something lost, so reminds today's contributor. Somewhere along our journey we lost belief or contact with that within and around us that can guide us through any challenge or trial...a higher power. Important not is its definition or nature, but that it is greater th...