The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Today's writer did not understand the concept of humility nor how to develop it. Being teachable becomes an important aspect, and to accomplish this, listening is an extremely important skill. It also involves being open to what you hear. The alanon program works as long as we stay open, honest, and willing. That equates to a humble state of learning.
"Humility frees me from outside pressures and allows me to learn at any time from anyone or any experience."
Betty taught me that humility was a quietness of heart (p. 142 C2C). I think today's reading describes that being open to what you hear, honesty, and willingness, increases our ability to be humble. Both readings mention our relationship with HP. Today's reading says that the more we can listen and learn, the more available we are to be healed by our HP. In short, a closed, narrow state of mind is not conducive to being healed. Slogans: Keep an open mind, listen and learn, think, etc. All good!
Good Day and thank you for your service/ESH. Developing humility is a prerequisite for my attempts at meaningful growth. If I hope to grow in humility, I must ask my HP for help and set aside my know-it-all attitude . A daily exercise to perform a kind act without telling anyone (or remaining anonymous) has revealed that I can be arrogant, showy and manipulative. Also, I often played down my successes/triumphs so I could come across as courteous, gentle, modest and unassuming. I now check my motives before acting. Keeping an open mind has aided in my spiritual growth and willingness to remain teachable. I am a work in progress...Grateful for the reminders.
Alanon was the perfect place to learn how this works. It is a place where I sometimes was surrounded by many who I shared little in common with but concern about another's drinking.
It was difficult at first even sitting in a room and listening to some of the differing beliefs and takes on life, the program, and how to use it in my life.
It was in Alanon that I learned to listen quietly, not interrupt, wait my turn, and not give advice...all new to me. It was in this setting that I realized that I truly could learn something from every single person in the room; later, I could extend this to the world.
Simple, but powerful lesson
"...when we try to control others, we lose the ability to manage our own lives." - Paths to Recovery