C2C, Monday, 11/21, shouldn't I be all better?
The writer sometimes thinks that something is wrong if they continue to have problems. When they came to alanon, they had one problem: how to get the alcoholic to stop drinking. Now they have many challenges: taking risks, facing fears, making changes, speaking up, and making themself availab...
Hope for Today Nov 20
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about the role that truth plays in our lives. The writer states that truth can be comforting or disturbing. We might hear someone speak the truth and feel grateful. We might hear the truth in another situation and feel intimidated. There are times we may hear t...
C2C – November 18, 2022
Todays reading talks about the many aspects of life that define how we see or envision what the second step talks about . our "sanity." Learning to see the humor in our daily lives is being able to not "dwell" or "let go" of those negatives that in essence can "control" life. This author suggests tha...
Courage to Change Nov. 16
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares about the slogan "let go and let God." The author found this very hard to do, and they were looking for a concrete way to do this. When listening at a meeting, they heard how another Al-Anon member turned loved ones over to their Higher Power. And, while t...
11/15/22 C2C Sticks and Stones…
Today's writer recalled that others' harsh word or criticism was inevitably hurtful. Thanks to growth in Alanon, they were able to put such exchanges into better perspective: others' behavior and tone is more about what is going on inside them and need not be negatively impactful. Extreme sensit...
Hope or Today Nov 13
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a focus on some of the programs slogans. The writer describes coming to Alanon as a reaction to her boyfriends drinking. Like many of us, she thought of alanon as a solution for trouble with another persons drinking. As members began sharing slogans with he...
ODAT in alanon, Monday, 11/14, prayer and gratitude
The writer says that for them, God is most vivid in consciousness when in the depths of despair and asking for help. But another reason for prayer is to acknowledge gratitude. The writer suggests that gratitude itself is a healing force and becomes more real when we make part of our routine prayer. ...
C2C – November 11, 2022 (So Sorry I Am Late Today!!)
The author of this days reading speaks about the "insanity" of doing the same thing(s) over and over and expecting a differentoutcome. How Step Three helps us, in Al-Anon, to make that "decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of the God as we understood Him." Reminder: "I may find it...
A has a purple face
My A fell while I wasn't here. A's face is swollen, scratched, including eye area, blue and purple. Was drinking involved? I asked and the answer was no. I'll never know the truth, but this is the worst facial bruise (s) I have ever seen in person. She went to the chiropractor and optometrist. She i...
I am a survivor!
Real quick! I am surviving my husband's su
Hoot Nanny
11/8/22 C2C – What is the Why for the What
This page suggests: Perform a good deed for others without being discovered. Benefits: * Encourages good deeds without expectation and possible control * Everyone benefits from pure giving * It is the basis of spiritual well-being Reminder: By putting unconditional love into action and give fr...
C2C, Monday, 11/7, family disease
The writer discusses how alcohol not only affects the alcoholic, but those people who care about that person as well. The family and friends of the alcoholic can end up with distorted ideas. But alanon can help us break the unhealthy patterns so we can heal, find sanity and peace, and like ourselves...
Hope for Today November 6
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a focus on how we can use boundaries for the practice of not accepting unacceptable behavior. The writer acknowledges that the concept of not accepting the unacceptable was confusing at first, since we cannot control other people. What the writer came to...
C2C – November 04, 2022
Todays C2C topic is about fear and disappointment and that in order to live a life that does not revolve around constant fear insteadlearn to "put acceptance to work." The authors sponsor suggested that having a "Plan A and/or Plan B" would ease the anxiety ofliving in fear that the alcoholic in thei...
c2c November 3rd I'll share by listening today
Today's reading is about how sometimes being heard can tempt us to over-share fearing it's "our last chance to be heard". Oh boy do I relate to that and anyone who's read my long angsty shares of old here will know what I mean. And it was exactly that- trying to say everything while someone was listening....
Courage to Change November 2
Hello MIP! In today's reading from courage to change the author reflects on step two. Step 2 is we came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. The author shares that their own journey toward a higher power was very gradual and that they themselves had been unaware...
11/1/22 ODAT Less Me, More Program = Better Help
Today's author points to the range of alcohol related problems we hear about and see, from levels of embarrassment and minor problems to major legal and safety concerns. While it is natural for Alanoners to feel desire to help, care must be shown to avoid advising actions that may have unintended res...
C2C, Monday, 10/31, moving through fear
The author says that many choices have been reactions to fear. Something changes, they panic, have thoughts of disaster, and imagine failure, torment, and agony. Then it is likely to act in a rash or fruitless manner, in order to put a bandage on the problem. What the author most fears is being afra...
Hope for Today Oct 30
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a focus on step two: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. The writer specifically focuses on the word believe from step two, and questions her sponsor about how to turn that word into concrete action. The writer didn...
expectations & fear of tomorrow
I have to admit that I am somewhat anxious about my future. The program tells me to not project & live one day at a time. I need to remember that in my case I am a little fearful of the future. I have mentioned before that my AH is going through cancer but it is hopeful because he is getting his kidney remov...
Hoot Nanny
10/25/22 C2C Own, Acknowledge, Change
Today's writer acknowledges a character defect in the area of avoiding making, executing, and following through on decisions. Though it was the best they could do at the time, this led to remaining in unhealthy environment for their children. We can't change the past, but in making amends we can str...
C2C – October 28, 2022
The author of todays reading found that when they treat others as they would want to be treated their world felt safer. They discuss how in general a person gets back what they give out and that if they find themselves disliking someone fora particular reason that it usually is because they do not like...
c2c October 27th Your higher power is not a pie
Today's C2C speaks of the writer lying on the beach soaking up the sun, and realising that the sun is like the love of their HP- endless and having more than enough for everyone. They describe having to overcome feelings of jealousy when others talk about their closeness to their HP as it left them feeli...
Courage to Change October 26
In today's reading, the author reflects on gossip. They share that in the past, they were able to vividly recall the words, criticisms, and insults of others. In turn, the author treated others cruely. When insulting others, the author would feel better about themselves momentarily, but that fee...
Hope for Today Oct 23
Good morning Everyone- Todays reading is a focus on a concept that can be difficult for many of us: God as we understood Him. For some people, having a part of the program that feels even vaguely religious is troublesome; for some, grasping the spiritual connection in the program is difficult, and in...
C2C, 10/24, wounds from the past
The writer compares recovery to peeling an onion or a birch tree which looses its bark gradually. If the bark gets taken prematurely, it is vulnerable to infection, fungus, and insects. The writer goes on to say that if we are stripped of our defenses prematurely, we can be wounded. We have spent a s...
C2C October 20th
Today's c2c speaks of missing the beauty and mystery of life because we are so focused on "what's wrong". This speaks to me because as I have posted earlier, I went on a holiday with my kiddo last week and it was a battle to keep worrying about what was happening at home from stopping me from enjoying my tr...
Don't just do something, sit there!
I'm feeling so conflicted. I believe it's likely my brother will die from his alcoholism and meth addiction soon and it's heartbreaking. He's only 35 and he's never had any kind of life. He still lives with our parents and he's held the same job for the last 12 years but he lost it yesterday for being drun...
C2C – October 21, 2022
The author of todays reading discovers that powerlessness does not equal helplessness, but that at those timeswhen they surrender to their Higher Power those feelings and pray for help and guidance they receive the "clarity"they were seeking. From there time will bring what they need.Reminder...
When you realize that your marriage was like a tree that was rotten from the inside -from the beginning
Hello! I've been away for awhile but I've missed you guys. :) Mini update: The bad: exH was arrested for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th times since our divorce was finalized. He's currently got an ankle monitor strapped to his leg for a long time to come. The good (no, great): I have bought a new house! Despite th...
Rainforrest Holidays, Catastrophic Floods and the Magic of Letting Go.
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around and didn't post a daily last week. I was away on a holiday (far North Queensland, so nice) with my kiddo and couldn't log in on my phone. My computer automatically knows my password but my phone doesn't and I have no idea at all what it is. Anyway I'm still here and wi...
monologue by A
My A giving me a soliloquy (a drama giving inner thoughts) fortunately occurs less frequently than it used to, but it is impossible to have a rational conversation. And my A denies drinking. I think I handled it better than in the past--it was not a fight, no angry accusations happened, I did interje...
Courage to Change October 19
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on their levels of responsibility. They share that they are actually not responsible for the workings of the entire universe. The author was transferred to a different city by their employer. They had a week to find a place for their family to live...
10/18/22 C2C Practice: Making Situational Successes Global
Today's page points to the awareness that previous program success don't always translate into next challenge victories. Rather than see that as a failure, we can remember that every instance we are able to use program tools rather than old tendencies, no matter how subtle, compound over time. It...
Hope For Today, Oct 14th.
After losing their Father because of Alcoholism, and then their Mother a few years later, the writer felt abandoned by God. But because of that they were confused,,and of how it affected them in all aspects of their life. But they found solace in Nature, having Peace when they were alone with Nature. A...
Hope for Today, Monday, 10/17, separating the "drunk" from the person
The writer thought of his father, who had died years earlier, as "the drunk," and carried anger for many years. This writer went to meetings, did step work, prayed, and had a sponsor. But it wasn't until the writer got some of his personal belongings, his wallet, photos, etc., that the writer was abl...
Hope for Today Oct 16
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about what we do when we realize we have the strength and ability to make changes in our lives. The writer describes passing a frozen lake, including a spot with some cracks in it where ducks had been swimming. One of the ducks tried to get to the other side by scra...
C2C – October 14, 2022
Todays reading focuses on the Tenth Step. How the author tries to keep check onhow their mistaken "opinions i.e.: prejudices, assumptions, self-righteousness and attitudes,"affect their interactions and realties when it comes to dealing with other people and situations. The author remin...
Courage to Change October 12
Hello MIP! In today's reading the author reflected on their life before alcoholism, and how they were at that time focused on how wonderful their life would be if their husband would just stop drinking. Rather than face the emptiness in their own life, the author spent their time dreaming of a future...
10/11/22 C2C If Knowledge is Power...
A new Alanon member arrives with many questions and may seek to answer them by pursuing facts about alcoholism. When knowledge and analysis reach a point of diminishing returns, that path can yield more questions, even agitation, than peace and serenity. Knowledge can certainly be beneficial, b...
C2C – October 07, 2022
Todays reading is about, "Dont just do something, sit there." Made me stop and think for sure!!! But what the author is trying to get across is that action is not always the best method to deal withsome issues. Always needing to take action is not always the best mindset; sometimes it is best to"not a...
Hope for Today, Monday, 10/10, Step One Backwards
The writer makes the point to say they don't always notice when they are powerless, but they always notice when life becomes unmanageable. When they feel insane, they are often trying to control outcomes or others. Life becomes worse when indulging their ego and trying to get their own way. The re...
Hope for Today Oct 9
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about the situations we may find ourselves in when we have the opportunity to deal with unresolved issues from our past. The writer describes facing people from childhood, or situations that felt like flashbacks to an alcoholic childhood home, (before com...
Courage to Change October 5
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on negativity. The author shares that sometimes, they can get so bogged down in negativity, they forget where they are or where they are going in life. Negativity, the author realizes, keeps their life at a standstill. With Al-Anon, the author ha...
10/4/22 ODAT
Alanon guides us to take responsibility for our own, not others' actions. Our spiritual goal: not slide into anger or resentment when they try to blame us for their woes, and not to fall into the trap of escalation by defending ourselves. This is a challenge that one member likened to having the 'devil...
C2C, Monday, 10/3, How do you get compassion for an A?
First, the writer says what doesn't work: seeking revenge, holding a grudge, calling names, screaming, and/or throwing things. The writer says it's important to recognize you are dealing with a sick person who may show symptoms of a disease (verbal abuse for instance). Then, you don't have to t...
Hope for Today Oct 2
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is a focus on the importance service work for us in recovery. The writer describes growing up on an alcoholic home where she was told her fate was to be rejected from college, not amount to anything and end up barefoot and pregnant. The writer was determined to pr...
C2C – September 30, 2022
In todays reading the author challenges the reader to change or "experiment" with one issuethat they maybe having on a daily basis. The goal is that if we change our habit of respondingto a particular difficult situation in a more positive way we may discover that we can turn"failures" into a more po...
9/20/22 ODAT How do I Really Feel About Them?
It is likely that we have witnessed irresponsible or irrational behavior executed by the alcoholic. The danger, suggests today's page, is that we allow ourselves to feel, hold and perhaps nurture contempt toward them. Alcoholics are not children who require our corrective measures, they are (i...
Courage to Change September 28
Hello MIP! In today's reading, that author reflects on "placing principles above personalities." The author shared that during a business meeting, their pet project was shot down, but another passed. They were struggling with injured pride, when this Al-Anon slogan entered their head. They we...
9/27/22 ODAT – How To: Manage Others’ Lives
Spoiler alert: we can't, and trying to leads to frustration for all. So concluded today's author who acknowledged trying to change a spouse's by trying to determine their thoughts and then attempting to steer them as they thought best. Alanon suggests this is not our job, right or responsibility, w...
C2C, Monday, 9/26, when negative becomes positive
This writer thought that anger, resentment, jealousy, and fear were "bad" feelings. But program says feelings are not bad or good--they are just a part of who we are. The writer goes on to say that good can sometimes come from those feelings: -anger can prompt constructive change-resentment can b...
Starting over again.....Again
I moved to a new State with my youngest daughter and left my husband since after a few years of begging him to treat her in a loving manner and his refusal, I did what was right for her mental health. He had gone as far as to laugh when she was feeling suicidal when she couldn't understand why her birth father...
Hope for Today Sept 25
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a focus on learning to resist the need to control, especially the behavior of other people, in our lives. The writer describes preparing for a visit from family, which often instigates a relapse into compulsive controlling behavior on the writers part. Th...
C2C – September 23, 2022
In todays reading the author talks about how they found it difficult to hold back in response to "insults and rudeness." That they thought that Al-Anon told them that they did not have to "accept unacceptable behavior." Instead we are reminded that Al-Anon tries to teach us that we should not all...
C2C September 22 Sharing with the right people in the right place
Today's C2C speaks of the benefits to both speaker and listener when sharing, honestly and fearlessly, as per the 5th step. Sharing our experiences and disclosing our poor decisions and motivations to the right person or people in the right setting achieves so much more than simply lightening the b...
Courage to Change Sept. 21
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author reflects on their relationship with change. They share that they used to fear change. Although living with alcoholism was living in constant chaos, it was familiar chaos and this lead them to feel that they have some control over the chaos. Thanks to Al-An...
recovery is not an option
Recovery is not an option. For me it is necessary. I have been experiencing a lot of issues out of my control. I feel that I would rather call things I go through issues rather than problems. Sometimes I guess these are relevant & really not interchangeable. I am so glad that I might be lessening the l...
Hoot Nanny
ODAT in alanon, Monday, 9/19, heads or tails
This writer ponders the two ways of looking at the decision to stay with an A: 1) One can say, I just won't put up with it, or 2) We can correct our faults, keep our mouth closed, and keep hands off of other's problems. Alcoholism is only one of the disasters that can affect a marriage. It is suggested that...
Hope for Today Sept 18
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about defining spiritual concepts for ourselves within Alanon. The writer describes coming to the program and feeling apathetic about a Higher Power. For the writer, reading through the steps and all the references to God was met with skepticism. What rea...