Great Song to Remind Me of My HP
Al-Anon Family Group
I Won't Let Go (Song and lyrics by Rascal Flatts) It's like a storm That cuts a path It breaks your will It feels like that You think you're lost But you're not lost On your own You're not alone I will stand by you I will help you through When youve done all you can do And you cant cope I will dry your eyes I will f...
ask for guidance from your higher power!
Al-Anon Family Group
Just a reminder... Had a rough night but remembered that *feelings* have nothing to do with TRUTH. Feelings come and go, and change. TRUTH stands and is truth for a reason. When we feel down, we should remember that there IS a higher power, through which all things are possible. Ask for help. Someti...
a challenge to joint prayer time
Al-Anon Family Group
I'm a civilian and my wife has 30 years in Al-Anon. We are newly married (things are really good, I'm so glad that I married her) and are beginning to try to integrate our prayer lives. She is a devout Roman Catholic and I was raised an Evangelical Protestant, now attending Episcopalian. Most of her p...
I need a push and I'm stubborn as hell.
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Al-Anon Family Group
Trying to get myself to start al-anon. Facing the same obstacles that I know many have faced and I know my story will be nothing new. Concerns: RELIGION AND HIGHER POWER Yes, I am an hardcore atheist. Posts by spookyMulder and Enigmatic were helpful in working towards mitigating this obstacle, but...
Will it ever get better?
Al-Anon Family Group
Hi all I'm a 26yo woman, still living at home (don't panic, it's not unusual in this country) with my alcoholic dad and apparently severely depressed mum. I've been going to alanon for over two years and doing really well, despite not having a HP (I'm agnostic). I think this is starting to be a problem. I...