Hope for Today Oct 13
Good morning Everyone- Todays reading is about the power of One Day at a Time. This slogan, and living it, can be one of the most difficult for those of us who get stuck in the past or are consumed with the future. The writer acknowledges this and adds that step 11, seeking out our HPs will and the power to c...
New to all this... Advice?
I'm new to all of this, and I'm trying to learn. I've always know my AH drank too much and may have a problem, but a month ago, new information came out and there was no denying he was an alcoholic. He admitted this, and is now in a rehab center for the past 2 weeks. I went to my first Al Anon meeting last week, wh...
Saturday morning share... steps 10 and 11...
Hi y'all... ... ...it is still chilly here- even though it is supposed to be spring. Slept well and deeply last night. I still get tingling in my little fingers- both hands. This was an age old symptom of migraine- tingling in lips and the fingers- and light in my eyes. These days I take a powe...
Must have engaged a nerve
During the ultrasound, suddenly the line came to me: "In the room, the women come and go... Talking of Michaelangelo." T. S. Eliot, The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock Had to share--Laughter is, to me, very therapeutic. In my first Al-Anon meeting, the sweet young thing...
Update on Job
Hi Everyone, It's been awhile. I've been reading here mostly. I just wanted to provide an update about the contract job I have. Many of you were so supportive and encouraging. The job is now being offered as a full time job with benefits. I can apply if I'm interested. I worked so hard at this position to c...
Knowing the Need
Can you relate to the place you find yourself in recovery when things go pretty well and you feel strong, but that nagging unsettled feeling persists? You do all of the program things, gratitude list, serenity prayer, but thats feeling sits like a monkey on your back? You dont even know what to call it,...
Welfare checks?
I think my AH is nearing the end of his fight with the disease. He has basically given up and nothing will stop him from his self destruction. He was in the hospital for a week and went right back to the bottle as soon as he was home. He is on full tilt. I moved out and refuse to see him when he is drinking. I keep c...
Courage to Change, October 11
Today's reading discusses learning about the disease of alcoholism -- and also cautions us not to let the disease concept lead us into "analysis paralysis." Our own recovery is our focus, and it is wise not to become obsessed with another person's disease. I apologize for such a short summary. I do...
C2C Reading 10-9
C2C reading for Wednesday, October 9 speaks about trusting in God. Many times we are at war with Godh not wanting to surrender our will. I know I was. When I entered program and discovered that I needed to trust HP and surrender because i was powerless it took quite some time for me to surrende...
Just a regular share...
Hi y'all... A gratitude share...? But even more low-key than that. it is Friday morning here. Cool and overcast. Just finding a little space, in the rooms. Which is a bit of a joke- because there is no door, walls, or a roof! I have been to 1000's of meetings... maybe tens of thousands. I re...
Courage to Change 10/10
Good morning MIP. Today's reading is about the Serenity Prayer and how we can use it in recovery. The writer describes a winding road on a hillside from childhood. As a child, the writer had fear that the car would swerve too widely, and they would go over the edge. The writer would grab hold of the do...
My son is directionless
My son is starting to sound a lot like his alcoholic father with a defeatist attitude and beating himself up along the way. He's his own worst critic. Nothing I say really makes a difference so I've started to just back away and let him figure things out for himself. He didn't attend college this past...
Tested by what is indeed testing.
My mother is an alcoholic in denial. And she is old and not in good health. The actual person inside of her was gifted at end of life care which she did professionally and seemed to be called to do by design many times. She has provided exceptional end of life care for three elderly persons in our family and...
C2C 10-8
The C2C reading for today, October 8 speaks of the importance of gratitude. It suggests that often we arrive at the doors ofr Al-Anon angry and fearful. WE lave lost faith in god and often miss his manacles that often touch our lives Alanon welcomed me in and offered constructive tools to live by s...
Rough time with A
Not a happy Sunday for me, but thanks to program Im not insane or codependent either. I also gave up the doormat club which my A hates. Its nothing new, it started last night and carried into this morning. Im stronger and coping better. I feel sad but Im OK too. My A says very hurtful things that at lea...
I don't have to have all the answers ..
I have found great relief in this fact and it's actually an internal boundary for me at the moment. I do not need to have all the answers. Probably because I don't know as much as I think I do. My knowledge is based upon my experience some areas I have a lot in and some not so much. This is part of the way I pr...
How we dealt with group conscience, in the good old days...
... This wasn't planned- it just happened. In my home group we had a different chair each week. If we could be picked the chair for the next meeting, from the current meeting. The chair got to pick how the meeting was run. A reading- from the daily reader, a topic, or whatever. If here was a slight change...
Grief and Closure
Our kid brother was the typical lost child. He went away overseas, and over time cut all ties. We knew where he was because we searched for him. Last time I tried to make contact within, unsuccessfully. But I did make contact with his landlord and was able to keep tabs on him. 18 months before he passed th...
C2C, 10/7
The writer on Monday, 10/7, discusses frustration and impatience when change cannot happen quickly. We learn that things cannot happen on the schedule we want. The author says though, that waiting time does not have to be wasted time. Even times of stillness can be a teaching/learning moment....
Hope for Today Oct6
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about choices that we have in our life. How do we know if we are making the right choice? What if we pick the wrong path? The writer describes a feeling of chaos when he/she goes to an alanon mtg. The group mentions a path outside that will lead to a decided and p...
My adult daughter has relapsed again, and m so worried about her! I woke up a few minutes ago from a terrible nightmare about her, and had a panic attack. She lives about 2,000 miles away, in a different time zone, and I really want to text to see if she is ok, but don't want her fiancé to intercept. should t...
Buckeye Girl
ODAT, October 4
In today's ODAT reading, members talk about how they handle blaming and finger-pointing directed at them by someone else. One member does not internalize the harsh words or argue with them, but tries to have compassion when someone is lashing out because of their need to unload their own guilt. Ano...
I got the connection back Again!!
Don't know how many times I am going to loose it again...this time was 4 or 5 yet what is important is getting it back right? Last 2 times I messaged one of the very special family members here and wallah!! I got the connection back. Tricky HP...must be making sure I connect with that special sister. ...
How to deal with a very tough and scary situation
Hello All,
This is my first time posting. A few years back my family and I found out that my brother was an alcoholic. He is still and always will be an alcoholic, but he is in a very bad state currently. Just about a year ago he and his new wife split up, they sold their home, and he moved in with my parents wit...
F2F meeting dynamics - outside the bounds of Al Anon?
Maybe I'm getting old and overly critical, but I'm wondering about a few things I've seen happening lately in a couple of the F2F meetings I go to - thanks in advance for any guidance. 1 - sharing that goes on, and on, and on, and on . . . . - I know sometimes people are burdened and feel the need to unload in a s...
texas yankee
So, change happens right? UGH.......A few weeks ago my company announced they will be doing layoffs, which were to start last week. I was on vacation last week and was getting all the bad news updates whenever I had cell service. They laid off 600 people. My department is always short staffed so we di...
C2C Reading 10-01
The C2C reading for October 1 speaks about the FACT THAT OFTEN WE FIND our thoughts racing through our minds recalling broken promises which simply helps to generate fear and anxiety . We are familiar with this chaos and one that we recognize. it is a single that our lives have become unmanag...
Courage to Change 10/3
Good morning MIP and Happy Thursday. The reading today is about compassion and how many of us arrive no entirely certain what it is. By process of elimination, we do know it is NOT: Seeking Revenge, Holding Grudges, Calling Names, Screaming or Throwing Things in Anger. Many of us find that we had r...
Detachment when you are in the same house?
How to you practice detachment when you live in the same house, sleep in the same bed? My spouse is experiencing the effects of his disease (career and property wise) and he started making noises about killing himself. Last night when all this got going, I tried to mentally prepare myself. I couldn't r...
Courage to change October 2
Hello MIP! Today's author reflects on the importance of service work in their own recovery program. The author shares that they find it essential to their recovery to help their Al-Anon home group by accepting various responsibilities needed to keep things running smoothly. One of the benefits o...
C2C, 9/30
Reading for Monday, 9/30: The writer reflects upon Just for Today, trying something new! The day can be about learning something new about oneself, and whether one fails or succeedssomething can still be learned. You can try changing a behavior pattern or having a different response. This day c...
recognizing when my life has become unmanagable
Yesterday I caught myself. I caught myself being "irritable and unreasonable without knowing it". A few years ago my sponsor and I discussed how I know when my life is unmanageable. at that point I identified it's when I am not taking care of myself. Then I added recently when I find myself getting...
Asking for guidance
Hello everyone,
At the moment I'm in a bit of a dilemma, so I've been asking for guidance from my Higher Power and praying for his will (not my will). However I'm really struggling to hear the answers, I don't know if I'm just deaf to it or missing the point.
How do you know where/when your Higher Power is...
ODAT 9-24
The O DAT reading for today,September 24 speaks about the importance of using the tools of the program in order to change our thinking. It points out that this is not an easy task indeed nothing is more difficul tin life. AA literature suggests that if we stopped throwing aroind blame . we can take...
Back again....
I shouldn't say back again; I never really left, I just haven't been sharing, been reading, the equivalent of listening. Nancy and I have been attending a face-to-face meeting once a week, does us a lot of good. Well, it does ME a lot of good, you'd have to ask HER if it's helping her. I'm getting up there i...
Well Rats!
I never thought I'd have to worry about this. Nothing in the family since 3 generations back. But then I did have roughly a gazillion chest X-rays last December. Saw a new, really nice doctor yesterday. Hubs had been waiting for 6 months to see him, had an appt. Tuesday and asked if he'd see me (he didn't...
Hope for Today Sept 29
Good morning Everyone- Todays reading is about the power of our relationship with our Higher Power. Specifically, the writer notes that after realizing he has difficulties in his intimate relationship with his wife, he realizes that what is really missing is his spiritual connection to his hig...
A table-top step 10...
... Claiming my space- "in the rooms" and claiming my space in the world. In the alcoholic home the boundaries are blurred- and sometimes non-existent. Chaos and crisis... ...and sometimes, calm. I went to my nearest f2f meeting and there was another person there. I reflect- that in this neck of t...
Finally settling down ..
I think things have finally settled down for the most part there are still some things to address and I will .. at least I feel like I'm moving in the right direction .. OMG .. what a nightmare all this has been lately there's obviously some money lesson here and I'm really trying which is super frustratin...
Tradition 5...
Hi Y'all... Tradition 5- is about the purpose of Alanon. I needed to look at this this morning and meditate on the meaning. Much Of the time I am content to post and reflect on readings from out three readers. Today I am able to read and think clearly- to absorb the meaning of things. The old me u...
Prayers Please ...
I very near and dear friend's adult child is struggling with addiction and has been for a while. AC at home for now and there is an intervention being staged, don't know how that's going to workout I just pray that my friend is able to let go and let God with the situation and she's willing to accept if h...
C2C, September 27 - Personal Safety
Tomorrow's reading in Courage to Change speaks about physical abuse. Al-Anon recognizes that decisions about staying or leaving relationships are up to the individual. But it also emphasizes our personal responsibility to take care of ourselves and to be honest about our situation. We can be p...
Business Board
Courage to Change September 25
Hello MIP! In today's C2C, the author shares that they find themselves taking the third step (Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.) over and over again. However, they usually wait until they are overwhelmed before turning the overwhelming pro...
Courage to Change 9/26
Good morning MIP family and Happy Thursday. Today's reading discusses feelings and how our gentle program suggests that feelings are neither good nor bad - they are simply just a part of who we are. The writer believed that anger, resentment, jealousy and fear were 'bad' feelings when first coming...
It seems I am struggling more with his recovery than the 20 years of addiction
My husband and I have been married for 30 plus years. He was a highly functional alcoholic for 20 years. He still went to work, he was never physically abusive and was a good father. In the last few years his drinking got worse and worse. I quit wanting to go places with him because he always insisted...
History repeats
Hello hope everyone having a great day! My ah is back to his drinking its been 4 months now and it seams the lies he told 3 years ago he seams to repeat the same lies for his reasonings example: im late because someone didnt come to work on time I would believe it but every day 2 hours late!! Why cant the alcoho...
New here - need advice - partner hiding alcohol
Hello. I am new here and I am in need of some advice. A quick background: I am 32 and my partner is 28. I met my partner almost 2 years ago, and I didn't know off the bat he was an alcoholic. I come from an entire family of alcoholics, but it is something I just didn't figure out until a few months into our relatio...
Happy Birthday Jerry!
I am honored to share this day of birth with Jerry, my brother from another mother! I am humbled to share this day with you and am sending your blessed birthday wishes from my place in this grand world to your island that you love and cherish. Thank you for being part of my chosen recovery family - make it...
C2C, 9/23
The reading for Monday, 9/23, speaks about the authors character defect of responding in kind-insults with insults, rudeness with rudeness, etc. But they learned they could choose to respond with courtesy, and detach from the negative behavior. They did not have to lower their own standards. T...
Hope everyone is having a good evening.
It has been awhile since I was last on here. A few things have happened, I am facing a dilema. I will have to make a decision. I met a wonderful man who is kind and considerate of me. We started out as friends but have really gotten to know each other better. He wants t...
Had my serenity shattered today, need the calm of MIP!
1 2
So I guess this is going to be a vent-session. This is in regards to my Ex-husband's text that I received at work today. Pertinent back-story: We are on friendly terms. He texts me a lot. As long as he is working his program (as far as I can tell), I don't mind returning texts, sharing funny jokes/stories e...
Step 12 to Step One... right round the clock...
Hi Y'all... I have had a love-hate relationship with my higher power... well just surges of anger and old gunk surfacing- and getting in the way of my vision... Sometimes i took down the first word- in the serenity prayer- and made it a direct petition. Sometimes I replace the first word with the wo...
Hope for Today Sept 22
Good Morning everyone- Todays reading is about recognizing that we may not be comfortable around our own family members. We may find it difficult or even painful to confide in them. We may realize that although we love our family, it might be necessary to limit or completely restrict our time around t...
Courage to Change September 18
Hello MIP! In today's reading from C2C, the author shares why they keep coming back to Al-Anon. When the author was new to Al-Anon, they would say "I'm better off now than I was before" I came to the program, I'll keep coming back. When they became frustrated by all the changes they wanted to make in them...
Feeling as if everything falls apart
But feelings are not facts. I feel like that for this hour. For this evening. Logically I see that this is not so. Realistically I just see more work piling up for me to plow through and I get so overwhelmed at the thought of it. My go to response for many years In the face of overwhelming-ness (lol excuse th...
How to deal with the lying?
Do all alcoholics lie?? Is this just another one of the typical side effects that come along with it??? The lying is about to make me go crazy. We have been working so hard to rebuild our marriage, rebuild our life and our family. The one thing I ask is for honesty. I am beginning to wonder if he is e...
Telling AH about Meetings
I am to the point of planning on finally going to a meeting tomorrow after work. I have to tell AH something about why Im not going to be home right after work so figure I should tell him what Im doing. Any advice on how to bring it up? Hes not violent so its not that Im scared of him I just dont know how to bring it...
C2C September 20 -- Gratitude
Good morning, MIP friends! It's still morning where I live. In today's reading, the author says that writing gratitude lists planted a seed -- but did not really improve their negative thinking. Eventually they learned to experience gratitude for little accomplishments they made in everyday l...
Courage to Change 9/19
Tomorrow's reading is about Step 8. The reading suggests that reviewing our step inventory (4th Step) can help refresh our memories. We can ask ourselves about situations where our defects were present and consider adding names that we've not previously thought of. We can also look at folks on o...