Great Wedding, Great Trip - Glad to be Home
So - off to Florida I went and had a lovely time. The wedding was awesome, my nephew and his bride were adorable and all went well. I went on a few 'field trips' that were not in my wheel-house because it seemed like the right thing to do. I did not get enough sleep, as we know happens but it was awesome! My n...
Online Alanon Meeting
I participated in an online alanon meeting earlier. In the beginning, they asked for new people to introduce themselves and give a short description of their qualifier and how he/she acts. Someone told me that I didn't really belong in alanon because I'm not being abused or mistreated and his drin...
Welcome Newnoz
Good to have you here. I got good stuff from your share so am grateful and open to more...((((hugs))))
Jerry F
Abf is gone
Well my abf moved on yesterday 1st time he has ever moved out of here without me telling him to leave,but he had no choice but to leave which I am happy and I should be happy that he done it on his own,its all legal reasons he left ,and never will he be able to come back to my place to live ever again,wow I can see m...
Wanting to leave
My 24 year old son is drinking himself to death. I endured my husband's alcoholism for 30 years and now that he sees how badly his son his destroying himself, husband is barely drinking. I dont want to watch my son's drinking. I feel stuck and depressed. This has been going on for a year and a half. I am angr...
C2C 4-13-2016
I am confused about which additional C2C date I volunteered to post. S ince ist has not been posted for today I will do so. The C2C reading for April 13 speaks about responding to situations with kindness and courtesy . It points out that we can decide to always "place principles above personality...
so what is so wrong w/ being not-so-perfect?
This is actually just for the moment comment. I know that I am not perfect. Even when I make mistakes I realize that the one who is criticizing me is not perfect either. I guess my AH is still reaching for perfection in me. I am constantly apologizing for whatever he finds wrong w/ me. And, I still find myse...
Hoot Nanny
C2C 4-15-2016
The C2C reading for April 15 suggests that many of us come to Al-Anon looking for answers to perplexing problems such as should I leave the alcoholic and how can I resolve the financial, legal or medical problems? How can I stop abusive behavior? Al-Anon's position is that we must each find our own an...
just stopped by to say HI!
Not much to say today. I just want to say HI to everyone! Kathleen
Hoot Nanny
C2C 4-16-2016
The C2C reading for April 16 speaks about the pain that we are experiencing when we first enter the program. It points out that this pain enables us to open our minds and hearts to whatever the program and the members are sharing with us. It suggests that we soon discover that what we go through in life is...
Dealing with the residual effects
I know it's not realistic to expect everything to be rosy and perfect once you choose to follow AA or Al-Anon. However, you hope that the residual effects could hold off a little, until you feel more confident. It's been 12 days since our "life changing" night...the last night my AH drank, and the nigh...
Courage to change 14/4
Today's C2C speaks of how, after spending some time in al-anon, we begin to notice when our thoughts turn negative and we engage in "stinkin thinkin". We feel uncomfortable yet, simply being aware of the thoughts is not enough to remove them; we need to replace them with positive thoughts. The readin...
Fake it til you make it....
Hi everyone, Just checking in. I've been in touch with my sponsor this morning, read my daily readings, cried a little bit and over all feel somewhat 'paralyzed' today. I find my thoughts drifting to 'him' and wondering how he is doing - is he feeling as sad, hurt and grief-filled as I do? Or is he mad...
C2C 4-17-2016
The C2C reading for April 17 speaks about the difficulty in making decisions because we worry about making others happy, and try to make sure everyone will be happy with the decision. We think there is a perfect way to do things and it is our responsibility to find it . This reading focuses on the Tradi...
It's Over and Feeling 'crazy'
Hi everyone, I finally had the hard conversation with my boyfriend about my concerns. He asked me what was going on lately so I finally told him that since my heart attack, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my life in general, and that includes evaluating our relationship. I told him I have conce...
Why do you stay?
For those with biological children and married and financial obligations with the "A" (alcoholic right?) I can see how leaving is a huge decision. I was married for 15yrs to my ex (we share 50/50 with our teen) and our divorce had nothing to do with any substance issue, we (me mainly) just grew apart. An...
My a/brother which is early 50s has exhausted and burn up all his bridges,his daughter and wife had given him 1000s of chances to get straight to no avail so they gave him a one way ticket to Dallas Texas where he knows nobody and sent him on his way,I haven't spoken or seen him in 6 yrs because of his steali...
Detachment vs ignoring
I've been wrestling with the difference between detachment and ignoring. I find it hard to differentiate detachment from ignoring the behaviour. Because of that I feel my detachment techniques are not healthy. What does healthy detachment look and feel like?
dog training
I'm a certified dog trainer. Today on our morning walk, my stupid big dog grabbed a chicken bone. He would not drop it. He growled at me. I did what I learned and held on to the end that was sticking out of his mouth. I did not let go. I relaxed everything else. I calmly decided that he could bite me if he wanted...
Trying so hard to keep my mouth shut!
My son is out in his fake plated , uninsured car without his full license with his " friends " . He has to go to work at his part time job tonight until 3 AM and I know he will give his car that he worked hard to buy to his "friend " to drive for the night until my son gets off work as he has done this every night he's ha...
Just Some Thoughts
My ex had a meth addiction. He would get high and then come down and beat the crap out of me. I feel like I enabled him in a way. I believed his promises and his lies - because I wanted to believe the, even though deep down, I knew the truth. My boyfriend now is an alcoholic. But, I refuse to be the same way wi...
Just trying to break it all down
My A and I had couples counseling with our pastor last night. For the last couple of sessions I have felt confused afterwards but in these sessions is pretty much the only time my A is open and honest enough to have a meaningful conversation. So last nights topic was fulfilling each others needs....T...
Sleep Problems
I've had insomnia issues for years. Anxiety is a big trigger, but sometimes I don't feel anxious about anything and still can't sleep. Right now I know its because I'm excited and anxious about seeing pictures of my daughter. I've barely slept for the past 4 nights in a row. Something's gotta give...
Back again, trying to find the courage to change
Back on the merry-go-round. He's made himself sick again. Pancreatitis. The first time it happened he swore off the booze. He relapsed. The second time...honestly I don't remember what he said, it was about a year ago.I knew he'd been drinking for the past several months. I've been working on mys...
Step 7 posted
Learn How The Twelve Steps Work.Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery together!http://stepwork.activeboard.com/t61986980/alanon...
One day good and the next one awful
I don't even know where to start today... I feel so alone and down today. I told the A that I was having a rough day, he sent me flowers and told me he just wanted my day to get better. Well by 2pm he was drinking today and now has some what disappeared. I don't know what to do anymore. I have reached out to his bes...
Okay, just needing some support. After another one of his beer binges (if you want to hear the wacko story, I posted it under ((smilingeyes)) recent topic: One day good, next day awful.. Anyway, It is soooo unlike me not to start a fight after one of his binges. But since I have come to this board I hav...
The dancing man.
Where I used to live, in Melbourne, there was this man- Robin- that everyone called "the dancing man". He was this grinning, skinny old dude wearing headphones and he would stand on the corner outside a hotel doing this crazy dance!! He was awesome, there was a tram and bus stop right there where he sto...
Returning after a long break
i joined this message board many years ago to help me cope with my AH's disease. I haven't been back here for a very long time, but I think it is time for me to find some support and stop living in denial. We have been married for 9 years and have 2 beautiful kids (7 & 3). My AH has probably been an alcohol...
Met A Very Nice Cop
I have mild hypoglycemia. If I get hungry, I need to eat or I'll get shaky and dizzy and sick, etc. Well, I got home from work and realized I didn't have jack to eat - need to go grocery shopping, but I'm pretty broke. So, I decide to run to the store to grab some spaghetti and sauce. I figured it would be fi...
Recomitted to my program
Hi everyone, I am new here, but not new to Al-Anon. I first came to the program a little over 6 years ago, with my now ex husband as my qualifier. In my dating life over the last 5 years or so, I found that I continued to attract addicts of varying types. Now, I have been dating someone for 7 months and I had b...
Late Night Adventures @ the Ball Park
So - I'll share my adventures from last night - ball fields - adult recreational softball - late games ... 8:30 and 9:30pm - 40 degrees. Crazy as it seems, we did go out to the fields last night for softball - we had the late games. We show up and are walking to the fields, and there is some discussion in the a...
Useing my tools
tomorrow is court day for my abf,he has made a mess but it's his mess,I do have empathy for him and feeling somewhat sorry for him for its not looking good at all he is looking at years in prison without a lawyer so we going today or he is to talk to a lawyer about getting it put off again,so I can feel the bad vib...
brand new -
So, my life has become unmanageable, that I can see. My background. I was a single mother of 3, 2 are mine and I have full custody of my nephew. My sister died as a result of her drug use, and I had gained full custody of my nephew while she was still using. I have always kept a drug and alcohol free home. No part...
Lots of thinking
Im battling a cold and cough and thank g-d I have med-ical/Kaiser. Such a blessing to be able to see my doc,get meds,etc As a result,last 2 nights i havnt had much sleep coughing alot. So Ive been thinking alot. First i write in a diary so it is all down on paper. I resolved that I will not tolerate any alcoho...
the worries.
My anxiety has been through the roof over the last two weeks and I have lost five pounds. I hate, hate, hate this state of being because it steals me from the moment.
I can't get to any f2f meetings, because the kids occasional care center closed down and their fathers off the face of my earth for the next m...
Parenting blah blah.
Daughter said something that sort of crushed my feelings tonight. Now that sentence alone is already wrong on a lot of levels, I know. Lately I've been doing quite a lot for her, she's had a lot of money spent on her and a lot of time spent running her around and organising things for her, and the gratitude...
My daughter's parents' aunt got back to me. She said she'll pass my message on to them. I'm excited and thrilled! Still really anxious, though.
sometimes you just got to say "what the heck!"
Today is a what the heck day. I am grateful for my recovery. I just need a bit of sunshine. I guess sometimes just one day of rain can upset me. I can't get on my swing. I can't spend time away from the monotony. I want to have a solid do nothing day sometimes but today I need to do something productive. So I won'...
Hoot Nanny
I've been sitting here doing some thinking. My ex-boyfriend was a meth addict. He's the one I got involved with after giving up my baby. I didn't know at first. I never touched the stuff. He beat the tar out of me. Pretty regularly. His addiction damaged me. I was already depressed. I became a s...
Hope for Today April 12
Good Morning Everyone- Today's reading is about sponsorship, from the point of view of the sponsor. The writer acknowledges how much deeper his recovery and program work became through his sponsorship of others. He learned a lot about himself as he worked the steps as a sponsor with the men who were...
Trying to get past the rain
Good morning friends, So, it's a rainy, gloomy Monday morning. With rain, comes mud. I have two dogs who love to run in the rain. So, there are muddy paws, and muddy bellies to clean off before they can come inside. I often wonder if I enjoy snow, more than rain, because of this. But, it's part of life in Pen...
Leading with love
Today, my Sunday School class was led by a man who is 89 years old. I love to listen to the knowledge and experience that older people bring to me Our lesson was about Jesus going to the Pharisee's house, and the prostitute to followed Him there. This was where she cried tears of repentance, and washed his...
Question about alcoholics sharing @ Al-anon meetings
Hi everybody! I´m all new to this forum (though not to Al-anon), I hope to explore it more but right now I have a burning question I hope someone here might be able to answer. Please do excuse any misspellings etc, english is not my language (I´m Swedish) Recently, a situation occured in my home group. W...
So hard not to pick up the rope
Okay, it's been 4 days. I haven't responded to the text about the stupid sleeping bag... and I know that the only thing he set out to accomplish was to have me react...which I didn't. However, I still find myself agonizing over a way to respond, which I know is a completely futile exercise...no outco...
Again, not related to alcoholism, but I need to get this off my chest. And you guys are so nice.
I have a daughter. I gave her up for adoption at birth. I had an agreement with her new parents that I would get pictures. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. My ex-husband left me for another woman and abandoned me in California when I was 6 months pregnant. After I was trying to make our marriage work f...
My serenity
as most here knows Ive got my ASIs and abf living here with me in my home ,ASIs has been constantly warning me to open my eyes to what abf is doing outside my home I allow him to use my shed for a place to put tools and just for him a place to go to,abf seems to me to be very straight up with me and respectful toward m...
Pity Party
Today I found myself in a pity party. The realization that my dry AH has been having an affair with a former co-worker for a long time. This affair probably started in the 90s. I remember hearing her name all the time but never did I think it was an affair. I moved out over a year and half ago because I found...
I AM shaking it!
I am starting to shake whatever it is that is bothering me. I am not my thoughts. Sometimes I feel disconnected. But I am doing the action steps to make the most of what I have. What I have a freedom that I found in Al anon. It is about time I let the Program work. It works if you work it. I guess I should follow my...
Hoot Nanny
My AF alcoholism has made it much more painful for me to be around him (we don't live in the same town), but I'm visiting this weekend. He told me today that a few weeks ago he went into a store, bought a bottle of vodka, and was drinking in his car. Thankfully, a security guard saw this and called the police....
Courage To Change 11/4
Todays courage to change talks about continuing to come back to al-anon whether we are living with active alcoholism or not. It discusses using al-anon as our "light in the darkness" and a way to keep structure in our lives and maintain a rational perspective.The reading points out that no matter how...
Todays message in church today was about failure. How we are going to fail, its ok to fail, learn from our failures, and use them to do good for others. How our loved ones are going to fail and it makes us hurt angry and feel guilty at times especially if we tried to warn them and they didn't heed our warn...
as some of you know from my post last night he had been binge beer drinking and was passing out at about 6:30 PM. I went into another room and did my steps, I didn't try to wake him up or argue. his son was in his own room playing on his phone. I read I watched some TV and eventually fell asleep . sometime around m...
Courage to Change 4-10-2016
The C2C reading for April 10 speaks about the simple fact that as the result of having lived with the disease of alcoholism, many of us view ourselves as victims of other people's abuse. It is shocking when we enter Al-Anon and are asked to look at ourselves ,examine our motives and to see how we have ha...
page 100 ODAAT in Al-Anon Daily Reader
Never ceases to bring back the thought force which was the tap root for me understanding that "I could be wrong when I was judging and taking a know it all attitude against the alcoholic/addict wife" I judge her/them quite harshly until I got to that page and the help of the old timers. "Thank you Go...
Jerry F
Wondering if this is common
I've observed that when I am super nice to my son and we've been getting along great for a few days he will out of nowhere get mouthy or try to pick an argument. His now deceased dad who was on again off again in recovery used to do the same thing. I don't think it's a learned behaviour my son picked up from his d...
I may go out and get a bottle of whiskey. Cuz I'm in pain and crying. Years ago, a dentist in California did a feeling and screwed it up. Had it fixed by a dentist in Missouri, but he said the damage was pretty bad and I would have trouble with it again eventually. Eventually is here. I don't have dental i...
why can't I shake it?
Some things are hard to get rid of. I just hope that today I can make the most of what I have to work w/. You all have been on my mind. I haven't forgotten how much you have helped me through difficult times. I just feel like sometimes I am on my own. I don't have internet at home. I decided a long time ago that I wo...
Hoot Nanny
Courage to Change (C2C) 4/8/16
Good morning MIP family and TGIF!!! Today's reading discusses the value in looking at our past. We are able to gain insight into the present as well as clues for things that might need to be changed for a better future. Many of us denied, distorted or lost touch with painful memories. Facing the real...
Not my best day. Started off with me being asked to help a co worker out and drive 21 miles to an area not familiar with, but I rely on Google maps. Got close to the airport and my phone literally fries in my hand! Its currently a cold glob of molten plastic and Verizon is making me use my insurance because t...