Why Is He Blaming Me?
As some of you know, I have left my alcoholic boyfriend of five years. it has been a roller coaster five years and I did give it my all by learning about the disease, going to Al-Anon, reading stuff, you name it. I probably should have left years ago, but insteadI I set boundaries and he finally went to AA an...
Courage To Change 1/7
Today's courage to change reading is about criticism and it's effects- both the excessive criticism we might have received from others, and that which we bombard ourselves with, before recovery, at least. Self-criticism is often the by product of living with addiction and dysfunction, but it dep...
People asking for advice
Hi all, I want to relate a recurring theme for me in the last 3 days. Its kind of funny how these things coincide, I think maybe my HP is trying to say something to me, but I'm at a loss. Something like 3 days ago my mom called me to ask for advice on how to better handle a situation with her A brother who had left w...
My HP thinks I'm special....
This morning I decided to take in the morning meeting and as I drove down to the meeting site going in the direction of the ocean I drove into and thru a very large bright Triangle of light reminiscing of our logo. It was surrounded with very bright light and I felt spiritually comfortable with what I w...
Jerry F
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/30/17
We are half way through another year - time goes so, so fast! Today's reading talks about prayer and praying. The writer shares a story about a small child repeated his ABC's over and over again. An adult comes upon the child, asking what he's doing/saying. The child suggests he's praying - when cor...
I do not know how to help my father
My father is very sick and no matter how many times my mother and I have tried to help, it always goes wrong. We need help, we do not know what to do anymore. He is physically sick because of the alcohol and he refuses to go to a doctor or get hemp or even admit that it's the alcohol that's causing him tofeel sic...
Hope for Today June 27
Good morning Everyone-
Today's reading is about tradition 8 and that primarily our program is a non professional one that for the most part does not offer pay (or charge anyone) for its services.
When I read this I think of the expression 'you get what you give' in the sense that the reward is in the giv...
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/29/17
Today's reading is about Step 4 in recovery - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. Al-Anon's guide to taking Step 4, Blue-print for Progress walks us through the process, and the writer shares that they had surprise at how many questions existed about Character assets! Over a...
My news and update
It has been a long time since I posted about myself here at MIP so here is an update... Next week I will complete my second year of studying person-centred counselling at University. I've loved the course and being in an environment full of learning and youth has invigorated my spirit. I even found ti...
Boundary, Let Go, What?
My AD calls me often. She doesn't drink every day, nor does she take too many anti-anxiety meds every day, so there are some days when she is somewhat rational. Her life/emotions are very chaotic, but she is starting to work a couple days a week (didn't work for years) and starting to make some progress...
New here, looking for a supportive online community
Hey there, I'm new to this forum, but have been to Al-anon meetings IRL several times before. A little bit about me: I am new to this - "my alcoholic" and I have been together for 7 months. She has had various lengths of sobriety, with this being her first serious attempt being within the last 6 months, an...
Having the Conversation
Thank you all for reading this - and providing me a safe space to share. I have been through several unsteady years with my A. 7 total, about 5 of them with very deep lows. The last 2 have been particularly painful with at least 7-8 break up moments; although a break up never occurred. This spring I went on...
6/28/17 C2C - Our Recovery
Today's author long saw the qualifier's disease in terms of how it affected her/his life, seeing the actions of the alcoholic as reflecting on them. In this way, the ups and downs of the alcoholic's recovery were taken personally.Looking back, the author identified the most important thing they le...
Unable to let go of bitterness, anger and forgive her
Letting go of the bitterness/anger has been difficult for me. I just started counseling, F2F meetings and this forum. My AW is still in jail and I am not sure for how long--4th DUI/probation violation. She will be sentenced in early July. This is the fourth time in jail, and according to her, she wi...
Very unpleasant to be made the butt of jokes in front of relatives
My husband had a love relationship with alcohol for almost 50 years, beginning in his teens. He never verbally acknowledged alcohol caused any problems despite being stopped and let go by police, arrested, being too drunk to go to the hospital when our children had accidents or serious illnesses,...
6/26/17 C2C - Bitterness: An Option?
Today's page author realized that bitterness directed toward the qualifier was causing great self harm, and as with most things, concluded that there was a choice: Continue to carry bitterness based on blame and resentment, or change perspective and find peace. The author chose the latter, ackno...
Hello all.
Hello all. Thank you for giving me the oppurtunity to join this group. I am brand new to it. I guess I wil just come out and say that I live with an alcoholic brother and can be very abusive sometimes. Im at the point of having to make moving decisions because of it. I dont want to move away from my elderly mom a...
Now we wait!!!!
my dear sister was admitted to hospital last night cancer has spread to her liver and possibly other parts...this is NOT looking good...Thank you program for giving me the ability to reach out to her when I did back 2 years ago or whevenever it was because even tho I hurt like hell now, its better than to n...
Emotional detachment and emotional sobriety
Sobriety for the alcoholic or drug addict is a simple standard...either you drank or you didn't. Either you used or you didn't. No debate, no discussion, very definitive, black and white, cut and dry. However, when we look at our sickness, our disease, where is the standard of sobriety. Is it an actio...
Hello I'm new here and I feel like I'm going crazy :(
Hello, I've never done anything like this before, but I need some support. I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I've been married to my husband for 17 years. He is a major alcoholic. I have so many stories I want to share. I just need to know I came to the right place for a little support. I don't want to feel like I...
Need all the serenity I can get this week
Our youngest is marrying this weekend in another city. There will be a big wedding with numerous family and old friends coming from out of town. I am looking forward it. I want to keep my focus on all that is good and joyful. Of course-why else am I on this site?...... there is my AD (who lives 100 miles a...
ODAT Reading 6-25-2017
The ODAT reading June 25 speaks about my favorite Step-Step 11. The reading points out that the words of this step are extremely important,:" sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the pow...
Hi Everyone I have been very busy lately working and taking it one day at a time. My sister passed out 3 weeks ago and her husband took her to the ER. They discovered her large intestines were leaking and have to take out 6 inches of her colon which in turn gave her a colostomy for the rest of her life. She wa...
Step 9
Learn How The Twelve Steps Work.Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery together!http://stepwork.activeboard.com/t63689471/alanon-s...
To sit and just be...just watch.
My grand-son in law had a birthday celebration today and my grand-daughter made sure I was invited. What's it like to just sit and watch a multi-generational family get together and just have simple, sane fun without a smidgen of alcohol? Its not all about me. I sat and just watched the goings on....
Jerry F
Why is acceptance so hard?
Today I am going to a discharge planning meeting with my A and her therapist . My A has no concept, no understanding, and no interest, in planning her next helpers after a 6 week intensive day program. She only went because of me. So at this juncture it is up to her , and I think she will relapse rather qui...
Guilt but know I need to leave
Hi, I'm new to the boards but came for help. My husband and I have been together for 14 years and married for 6 (half my life). We have a 2 year old and a surprise baby on the way due in october. Husband has been dealing with depression and alcohol abuse for a year and a half. He gets destructive in our home (bre...
A goodbye I won't miss out on
Hi everyone!! Several years back, I had a cousin who was mildly retarded and a lovely fellow and he absolutely worshipped me..I was his sweetheart...His favorite person and all he ever wanted of me was to love him and when I moved out of state, to write him when I could..People said he would run to the mai...
Surely it's not rocket science.
I'm grateful grateful for the doors of understanding and keys to action that alanon has given me.
My current state of eye rolling rests in thinking that every bs drama can simply be explained as the byproduct of addiction. Its really not that complicated! I know enough now to resist the urge to force i...
What healing feels like
It feels like freedom from despair and it feels like memories can be faced and felt with a new heart. Thinking about my kids when they were wee, how beautiful they were, their soft skin and the innocent faces, wouldn't it be nice to go back just for a moment and tell them I'm sorry for not being the Mother yo...
Courage To Change 24/6
Today's courage to change is about seeing our successes. It opens with a cute story which I will outline for anyone that doesn't have the reader- a farmer decides to encourage his hens to lay more eggs by playing the flute for them all day long. When he is asked if it was a success, he agrees that is was, be...
Struggling to Make Decisions
I'm really struggling with making decisions right now. I started attending meetings twice a week a few months ago, but then a sudden illness has kept me away the past couple weeks. I'm still not 100% recovered and reminding myself that not feeling well is adding to my stress. I'm a year from retirement...
I'ts "Drunk Thursday," but at least I kept my sanity!
So, yea. Payday. In our house it's "Drunk Thursday." So the next couple of days are hard, but let's talk about ME! LOL! At my place of employment, I can see out a very large bay window. Were talking storefront large. My AH drives a BRIGHT yellow/orange work truck... it is literally impossible to miss. So...
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/23/17
Today's reading is about honesty. Alcoholism, the family disease, brings about denial for almost all affected. To recover, heal and deal with our lives, we need to be truthful with ourselves as we continue to review our own attitudes and actions each day. This honest reflection allows us to be hu...
I am not sure what to title this yet because I just need to get it out. My AH was drinking yesterday he came home early from work and started drinking so by the time I got home he must have been intoxicated but I wasn't expecting it and so I didn't notice. Lately he has been trying to curb his drinking and man...
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/22/17
Today's reading is about how we learn to speak from our heart with our focus on self. Many of us come to recovery believing we are angry because of others or we are anxious because of others. We come to realize that when we blame others for how we feel, we give them power over our feelings, power that righ...
Moving forward with my sober wife
After living with my alcoholic wife for 10 years, I moved out of our shared home (rental) two and a half years ago. I initially bounced between sublets and a friend's house for one year, and then moved into my own one-bedroom apartment in Jan 2016. During that time my wife had 7-8 stays in residential t...
End of the Struggle
My father died today. I spoke with him yesterday and he was looking forward to my visit this weekend for Father's Day.
There is a possibility that he had not actively been drinking for a week or two before he died, but the damage had already been done.
I'm relieved that he is no longer suffering. I wis...
Father's Day
My daughter turned to me today and said Mom I know the moment I was just done with dad .. and as done I was D was beyond done. It was Father's Day 3 years ago. That was the day my children reached out to their dad and asked him to spend Father's Day with him. He declined stating that his mother was sick and in t...
First meeting expectations
I WANT to go to my first f2f meeting but I always come up with excuses for why I can't...such as I don't like the time/day the meeting is at or who's going to take care of things at home if I'm not there or I'm tired/sick I'll go next week...you get the picture.
Have I not hit my rock bottom yet? What...
Photos, Memories, Downsizing, Musings....
I started this morning bright and early - went to watch the two grand-babies for a while. Both parents started new jobs a couple weeks ago, and they just can't grasp the whole schedules, day-care, etc. so - I was asked and able to be of service. I went to their home as mine is clean for overnight company t...
Detachment and other thoughts
Hi all! Thoughtful today, and want to share my thoughts with you. I'm living on my own now for almost a month, having finally made a boundary with my abf that I'm going to live separately for 3 months, and after that time, if he is living sober and working on maintaining his sobriety, I will move back in. I h...
6/21/17 C2C - Meditation
Step 12 begins "Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God..." Today's page reassures any with concerns about meditation that it is nothing mysterious or otherworldly but a way to think thoughtfully, contemplatively in quiet moments. This is something we of...
The chaos continues
You all know how it goes. It's a little different for my ex-AH, because he's a binge drinker, so there are periods of calm. He was in one of those for a while, and he moved in with a friend and things seemed to be on an even keel. But then of course everything fell apart. I got word that the friend came home a...
Usual teen isims vs family disease...
At my wits end with my 15yr old. Between her funky mood swings and all that goes with having a teen girl and the isims of the family disease I am truly at a lost for what is real and what is just teen BS. Twice today she did what I felt was blaming me for the decisions she makes..." I only did it because you did tha...
Accepting Reality/Loving What Is
or... accepting what is. So as advised, I have been attending Alanon meetings and taking care of myself.My ex is in her first year and half of recovery - she broke it off with me in a particularly brutal, unilateral way that took me completely by surprise. When people are in pain they cause pain. She sim...
I Left, I really left
Just left today. :( Even though abf
is still in AA and doing well, he is still very selfish in real life and the things that have been mentally and physically done to me over the past 5 years have never really left me. He seems to forget the hitting me and breaking my ribs. Obviously I am
super co-dependan...
Still In Love With My Alcoholic Ex
My ex fiance and I were together for 5 years, then broke up for a year, then got back together for 6 month, then I finally called it quits.
What ended the relationship after all that time and everything he put me through, was that while we broke up for a year (and yes I did date someone else during that time...
Mother of Poodles
Prayers for me & my mom.
Today I sit here concerned for my sanity. My mom has been running again. I just want to see her & give her a hug. I am grateful that she is in town at least.
The reason I am concerned for myself is because I don't know if I can handle any more. I have used tough love until it has made me sick.
Hoot Nanny
Hope for Today June 20
Good morning Everyone- Today's reading mentions step 9 and the difficulty we might have in making direct amends to people in our lives. The writer speaks of making a list of traits that he/she can be grateful to his/her parents for. The writer easily makes a list attributable to the father, but is stu...
6 weeks of peace
My spouse is ending a 6 week intensive eating disorder program with a no drinking contract. She was referred to AA but of course didn't go. I felt hope for our marriage for the first time in years. I asked her what her aftercare was going to be, and she said she will see an alcohol counselor 2xmonth, and...
ODAT READING 6-18-2017
The ODA T reading June 17 speaks about the Third Step. It points out that when we arrive at the Third Step, we gradually begin to see truths that we never realized possible. The Third Step challenges us to" make a decision", to let go and let God in our affairs. Step Three is a distillation of all the phil...
6/19/17 ODAT
Today's reading emphasizes that recovery is a process rather than an event. In that sense, Step 4 inventory is not a one and done, but perhaps even a daily search that reveals something new each time it is performed. These findings can then be shared with a higher power for help and resolution. Today's...
My Exit
Well since I found out the info revealed by HP after I asked him, I have kicked my AH out of our home. I could stay with someone who is sick but not someone who is betraying me. That's a hard boundary for me. What really stinks though is that of course he doesn't seem to care about any of this, and I feel like I'm...
Fear and recovery
My AH has been sober over a year now (though not in a recovery program) and I still fear the future.
I've been circling the first three steps and attending meetings sporadically, getting comfortable in the way things are now. But that comfort is pretty superficial. I'm still fearful of the idea that...
time alone
A couple of weeks ago I posted about the worry I have with "varicies" possibly with my ah. But also I get a week to myself due to a business trip my ah is taking. (he did ask me to go but I'd rather stay home for obvious reasons) Thank you all to those who responded or read my post. Now I have this week to mysel...
4th step without a sponsor
Hi! I would appreciate your thoughts on the topic of doing the 4th step without a sponsor. I approached a fellow Alanon woman to be my sponsor after the last meeting, but she can't take any more sponsees right now. I'm doing the steps on my own for now, with the help of the step work board here and some other...
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/16/17
Today's reading discusses detaching with love. Many of us have interfered not only with a loved one's problems but also with their achievements. We may have the best of intentions, but when we take over other people's responsibilities, we rob them of the chance to accomplish something and feel go...
Working on detachment
Detachment from my A did not come easy for me. It took several years of surviving pain and disappointment repeatedly. My sponsor taught me to have no expectations, and that was very helpful advice. Now I must learn to detach from my son, who could use some Alanon himself but is not open to it. I have b...
From Survival to Recovery
Just got finished reading Tara's share which reminded me to return to my own recovery work which currently is reading the Titled Work ...Survival to Recovery. This is major work for me because it is about growing up in an alcoholic home which I have done and the book knows the thoughts, feelings and...
Jerry F