update after leaving Aexbf
It has been awhile since I have been on Al-anon. Revisiting my past it seems, which is still so much a part of me. Just wanted to give an update I guess and hear from you all. I have been doing well and after leaving my ex boyfriend who drank in November, I am healing back to my old self and met someone new afte...
My son is 24. He is an alcoholic. Lives at home. Court ordered to complete evaluation and counseling he hasn't started counseling yet. Tonight I looked in his room and found a full bottle of vodka. He is drinking. He is furious I looked in his room. But it's our house and our boundary was no drinking here....
A resentment about drinking
I've been so caught up for the last week so focused on my AH's drinking. It came up somehow. I can't remember the circumstances but I saw that he didn't believe me about the accuracy of how much he drinks. Since that day I have been so caught up in focusing on it myself. I told him how much I estimate that...
New Here! Brother's anger aimed often at me! :(
Hi! I am new to the message boards. I am glad I found this group! Well, I have a pressing problem. My brother is four years younger than me and growing up I was very bossy and know that at times I still am to him. I'm working on it though. He has been known to be sort of grumpy though. He got upset with me the oth...
It's not the drinking, it's just....
So AH this week has connected with his uncle who is 12 years sober as of today (yea for him! ) and he had some great descriptors of alcoholism and insights which he shared with both of us. He told AH that when your actions go so far against your value system (i.e. driving drunk when it's never anything you...
I always feel like I'm being taken advantage of, not only by my AD, but also my other children. Does anyone else feel like the only time they hear from someone is for money or a favor? Unfortunately my sponsor died a couple of months ago. I would be talking to her about this.
helpless mom
Dry Husband
Hi, may name is Lauren and I am very new to all of this. My husband has been home for about 4 months and all was great, until recently. He seems to be demonstrating some dry drunk symtoms. Just not as positive and restless. He did relapse about a month ago, and has realized what he did wrong. He wants to be sob...
Hi, I'm pretty new to all this, and I am searching for support and to learn more about alcoholism. It took me a long time to admit that my husband is an alcoholic. We are married for almost 2 years now, and I didn't know about his drinking problem until we got married. He didn't drink while we were dating, he...
What to do when an ugly cry doesn't help?
As a woman I feel like I am always caring and giving. I am at the age right now where every other weekend is a wedding shower or a baby shower. While I do not resent this life that I find myself in I cannot help but wonder what things would be like if I went down a different path. The last 5 years of my life I have...
Birthday pictures
Birthday celebration was great. Here are pictures as promised.
Hope for Today Aug 2
Good morning Everyone- Today's reading is about the power of prayer. We can communicate with our HP at anytime, and prayer may take many different forms. Some of us may have formal prayers that we learned and use those to communicate. Others may just have more of a conversation with our HP, some of us...
where to start
hi my partner currently suffering he has lost his direction after 9 years in recovery, he had a detox six weeks ago now is back to square one, he was staying with me but it has got too much for me he lives 50miles away. feel so sad i have let him down, dont know if i have done the right thing how to help, or if ther...
The Meeting
LOL .. I have not posted in forever and there is a LOT going on at the moment. Kids went for a visit to Illinois which had a mixed bag of results. I had to deal with attorney's and X .. UGH. OMGOSH .. funniest thing ever though. Ummm .. gotta love someone else paying their attorney to take your agenda. It...
If Alcoholics say hurtful things, don't they regret it?
I am obviously on this board to understand my Abf and his actions. I am still baffled that they say hurtful things while drinking but next day seem to forget or play down what happen.( i no longer bring it up) Do they truly not see how they act and how can they possibly not be thinking in ths moment, omg I am ac...
How to react to relapse
I'm new to this . My AH went through an inpatient and the outpatient program. Things were great for awhile, now he is back to sneaking drinks and lying. My question / dilemma is ... I don't know how to react or what to do when he drinks. He tends to say " I'm sorry" and acts like it's back to life as normal . I fee...
Courage to Change (C2C) 8/1/16
It's a new month! Today's reading talks about coming to the program in the hopes of fixing our qualifier. We came often to discover how to get a loved one to stop drinking, hoping that our lives would then return to normal once they were 'fixed'. In the Al-Anon program, we come to understand that we di...
Used the tools -- they worked!!
Happened upon a hidden bottle of gin yesterday, which answers my question about how my AH is nodding off in the evenings though I've not seen him have more than one drink. He was drifting off late yesterday afternoon (head thrown straight back), and we had plans to go to a concert later. I prayed for my HP...
Can we TURN OVER our Depression and Anxiety to HP? I would like to try it...
Hi Everyone, I was in al anon for 10 years from 30 - 40 and then moved to a small city in Canada and there not many meetings and they cross talk and gossip so I have been white knuckling my recovery for 13 years!! (I had a child at age 40) I have been in a bit of a dark night of the soul after a separation and my elde...
In negotiations with HP
Aloha Family...I got honest with myself yesterday and addressed emotions I have been feeling off and on and off and on for the past 6 - 8 months or so about full retirement. I've been working for 60 years or so at various trades successfully owning my own business and such and I've been married 3 times w...
Jerry F
Participate in a study on ACOAs/alcoholism and hope!!!!!
Hello all! My name is Carly Rodgers and I am conducting a study on ACOAs, alcoholism, and levels of hope and attachment. If you would like to participate, you can click on the link below. Attached is the informed consent if you so wish to look it over. Thank you! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/a...
So beyond frustrated and hurt
I just hit a point with my AH in which I suggested divorce. We have not even been married a year. The truth is, the last thing I want is a divorce. I want him to get better! To try! To think of anyone besides himself. I want my best friend. :( He started this "plan" three weeks ago that he swore up and down would...
Sara in CO
Sort of new to alanon. Hi and question
Hi. I was just told I am an adult child. that explains a lot. I am not in a current relationship rhe last one was very painful, I have a history of abuse. I want to get better. I keep hearing people say 'take care of yourself'. They talk about being healthy and young looking and so on. Cmound anyone tell me wha...
C2C Reading 7-31-2016
The C2C reading for July 31 speaks about tackling a job a little bit at a time. It points out that housekeeping sometimes is overwhelming, but if we do one small task and get something accomplished we feel that it is possible to keep moving forward. That is what one day at a time is all about. If we take o...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOTROD (Tomorrow - so we're early)
Hotrod (Betty) is having a birthday tomorrow and plans to have a great day! So that she can start her tomorrow off with love and blessings from our MIP Family, I wanted to reach out one day early and say - Happy Birthday Betty!!! You are the gift that keeps on giving. Each day, every day - no matter my mood...
Is there an Alanon online meeting today UK time
Found out my gf is alcoholic
My current gf over the last year I have found out is a pretty strong alcoholic. I think shes finally getting herself straight and this is shown by her behavior. Its tough for her but he had a divorce a few years back where she lost everything and is now living in her moms basement. She stopped drinking and w...
Courage to Change (C2C) 7/30/16
In our daily reader, it discusses happiness as an 'inside job'. It suggests that I can be as happy as I decide to be. Living with this disease and life issues, we often get distracted and find our happiness fleeting. It's not realistic to be happy all the time, yet we might achieve this goal more often...
The journey through his first DUI
I posted this as a thread of my intro post, but realized it might better serve as a solo thread lol.AH was caught for his first DUI on Tuesday. I've been dealing with some pretty intense emotions, anger, embarrassment, resentment, and frustration. I've told him while I happily support his seeking h...
How do I trust my perceptions?
I'm having trouble trusting my perceptions of what's going on with my high functioning AH. He had cut back on drinking but slipping back to drinking more and is nodding off again at night, though I only see him have one drink when usually he nods off after three drinks. At first I thought he was just tired...
Well, I can see some progress on my part. Feels like 2 steps back and 1 forward some days, but I can pause before responding and decide whether I will use my al-non tools or not. AH has been in a lazy mode lately. Drinking is up and down. Some productive days around the house or errands (he's retired with no...
Hi again
Hello everyone - haven't been on in a long time (OP as LadyM, but old email is discontinued and I can't remember my info lol), but am happy to see this community still is supporting each other. :) My AH has been caught this wweek with his first OUI and am so angry. He is asking for my support as he goes throu...
Funny how things work
The spouse of an AA friend in my AH fellowship apparently heard of my struggles with finding an Al Anon group. She reached out in a very amazing way and shared this with me. I do not know if this is allowed or not but I felt like I needed to pass it on.
Just musing.
Half way through another year and my marbles are together for the most part, except for fear of the future.
My boy will be 6 next year and off to full time special needs school. I'm sad but realistic about it. Its where he has to be as he is non verbal and has high sensory input needs and still isn't toiletin...
Courage to Change (C2C) 7/29/16
Today's daily reading suggests that the Al-Anon program is a spiritual program, not a religious program. No religious belief is required and we each get to choose any power greater than ourselves as our spiritual being. If anyone has had LTP (Less Than Perfect) life experiences with organized re...
Courage to Change (C2C) 7/28/16
Today's reading from courage to change talks about patience with program, self and growth. It opens with the story about a stonecutter who strikes a stone 99 times with no impact - no split, no chip - no apparent effect whatsoever! Yet, with the 100th strike on the stone, it splits in two. It was NOT t...
Hello again
Hello lovely Al-anoners
I was a member here a couple years ago, working my Al-anon program. Been away working on outside issues. Glad to now be home in Al-anon again. Looking forward to my him group on Monday.
I couldn't remember my old username.
Feels good to be back.
Calm Lady
I've been in Al Anon for one year
As of this month I have been in the program for a full year. I attended my first Al Anon meeting one year ago. It was the C2C reading today that made me realize that I read it a year ago and that is how I remembered. So this morning I have been reflecting on how the program has been over the past year. I went f...
My AH has been sober for 6 months and I am feeling more and more lost. Our marriage has been great and honestly it was pretty good before he decided to get sober. He calls himself a "high bottom drunk" and there was never any type of consequence because of his drinking, he just decided that he was done wit...
Feeling SUPER Sad trying to LET go of my alcoholic father and my expectations
Hi Everyone, I just needed to connect today and share! I am going to try to get on a nighttime PHONE meeting but have called and some are not happening. If someone knows of a good nighttime meeting say 8pm that would be great. I am in my 50s and I had a son later in life - he is 13. My father is now 85 and dyin...
Relapse confirmed
I found out for sure that my adult daughter is drinking again. I'm in total shock because she was doing so well. She has been going to meetings and talking regularly to her sponsor. She lives in another state and I need some advice. Should I confront her and tell her I want nothing to do with her anymore? Or...
helpless mom
Courage to Change reading 7-27-2016
The C2C reading for July 27 speaks about the habit of gossip and criticism. It points out that Al-Anon suggests that there be "no gossip or criticism of one another" and that we leave our judgmental attitude outside the doors. When we" practice these principles" in the meetings.it is important to...
Searching for answers
I'm new to this and need answers so here goes. My wife drinks everyday until she goes to bed. On work days she starts as soon as she gets home from work and on her days off she usually starts between 2-4 pm. She is high functioning and is not abusive but her personality changes and I don't like the drinking he...
Searching Lady
Searching for answers
I'm new to this and need answers so here goes. My wife drinks everyday until she goes to bed. On work days she starts as soon as she gets home from work and on her days off she usually starts between 2-4 pm. She is high functioning and is not abusive but her personality changes and I don't like the drinking he...
Searching Lady
I've Been Trying to Do This Alone
I have attended many Alanon meetings in the past. I have also attended many OA and AA meetings. I can't say that I am a member of any 12 step program because I haven't had a sponsor in years and I haven't worked the steps for years. I have been in emotional and spiritual relapse for about 10 years now. Ever si...
Hitting rock bottom
My A lost her job this weekend. I have been relying on this income to pay bills. Now that medical bills are piling up, Im in over my head. I checked and saw that Im eligible for food stamps. I have a college degree, and used to work in my field. Now, Im doing what I did in high school and have lost myself an...
So last year my "sober" Abh started treatment for Hep C. It was a long year of really bad side affects and him being too sick to do anything....including work. He had been self employed so no disability. Anyway.....it was a Hugh strain but we got through it and thankfully it worked. The hep C is gone!
reading JSHOLL,s post got me thinking about my own new relationship. When I was with the XAH the last 2 yrs id learn how to use Alanon to deal with fights and anger. It came to me that it was like my X was setting a fire in a way and i used to make it bigger by adding more fuel[ my reactions,bad language,threats...
How to know if someone really loves you....
I was reading a few blogs recently about love and codependency. I'm finally starting to learn that I can never really 'know' if someone loves me just because they say so or just because they act like they do. But, just because of this, it won't prevent me from risking and falling in love and giving love...
How to stop sweeping
My h and I are stuck in a cycle. The next morning he is full of guilt. He says sorry, loves me, and becuase i am ready for normal, I accept his apology, fear if I don't it will just cause him animosity and reason to drink. So we sweep aside the issue. Kiss and make up.....lather...rinse.... repeat.
I am not a...
Trying something new
At my f2f meeting on the 7th tradition, we had a really nice discussion of what it means to be self supporting. Someone shared about deciding to volunteer for an event and just doing it without anyone els's approval or hoping for someone to come along - self supporting our own desires and interests. I re...
It's been a few years since I have posted here. My husband went away to rehab to make amends to me and my 2 small children. It started out as a 30 day stay, I was excited that there was a half way program for him to stay in for transitional housing to get him used to being sober after rehab, and work the program,...
Hope for Today July 26
Good morning everyone: Today's reading is about how difficult it can be for those of us affected by alcoholism to communicate our ideas clearly and directly. The writer describes growing up in an alcoholic home and not being encouraged to share viewpoints. My case was slightly different but also...
Having To Tough Love It...
A friend of mine is currently in treatment. She has one week left. I was SO happy when she finally agreed to go to treatment. This was after about three months of urging her to get help after watching her decline to the point of looking like Skeletor. She has been an alcoholic for years, but in the last...
It is the gift...
Well I guess my birthday is not over. I am sitting @ the coffee shop where I have two gift certificates from two friends. I prefer to have tea. I have already treated one of my friends to coffee. I know that I will pass on more unselfish acts.
Have a great Tuesday!
Hoot Nanny
New...lots of questions...
Hello! I am new to al anon and have several questions.
What do I do if there's not a meeting any where close to me?
How do I locate the material for step work?
Would you recommend me getting a sponsor immediately?
Any and all info for a new person is greatly appreciated!
Help With Sick Elderly Alcoholic Father - Dying of liver disease
Hi Everyone, I was in al anon for 10 years when I lived in New York and then I moved to Canada to a very small city and frankly the meetings had tons of cross talk and it did not feel safe for me. I have been in therapy and "white knuckling it" I am SO in need of RECOVERY!! My emotional recovery is in a bad spac...
I am new to Al-Anon. But it seems like a place that will help me be a better me. I have been verbally abused, controlled, and manipulated by an alcoholic for five and half years. We have been married almost 4 years. We have a beautiful son together. From another relationship, I have a daughter who is 16. Sh...
Gina M
Trying to stay strong
As a parent we all have fears, hopes and dreams for our children. As a parent with an alcoholic (soon to be ex) spouse, my fear has always been that one or all three of my children would follow the path of alcoholism/addiction like their father and his father. Today the reality that my 17 year old son is an a...
just stopped by to say HI!
Just thought I would say HI to everyone. Having a good day! On the computer not on my tablet or cell phone. It is so much easier to type on here at the library.
Hoot Nanny
Courage to Change 25/7
Today's C2C talks about saying yes when we mean no, and how many of us, at the outset, have the wish to be able to speak up for our true desires but lack the courage to do so and so instead we agree to things we do not want and end up resentful and tired of our own relentless people pleasing. The reading suggest...