Courage to Change (C2C) 6/17/2016
Today's reading talks about the basics of our program of recovery. We are helped by the program in times when we could not or can not do it on our own. We learn to lean on a Higher Power, live one day at a time and with faith and support, we find we can live and even grow through difficult times. Most of us fi...
Dealing with a binge drinker
Hi, I am new to this board and I started Al-Anon and therapy after I realized that my life has hit a physical and mental low dealing with a binge drinking alcoholic family member all of my life. Everytime he's not in a drinking phase everything seems fine and I keep feeling that I don't need to go to Al-an...
Alanon anniversary
This month is my 3rd year anniversary. I love my f2f group but no one seems to care about their anniversary except for myself and one other member. So the two of us will do something special at one of our meetings. It could be because she and I are older. We haven't had years and years to get better. I spe...
Focus then act.
Just a reminder for me to focus on what I am doing before I act on something. Prayer doesn't hurt either. Prayers change lives & give opportunity that otherwise may never happen. Just a quick thought.
Hoot Nanny
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/16/2016
Today's reading is about detaching with love. The reminder and quote are very powerful ----- Today's reminder --- I am learning the difference between help and interference. Today I will examine the way I offer support. Today's quote --- "Detachment did not mean disinterest....I considered d...
What I have seen
My parents were alcoholic. I.ve seen my father so drunk he xouldn.t stand. I.ve seen my mother cry and pray and try to fix him. I.ve seen my father try to kill himself with a gun. I.ve seen my father push my mother around and us kids defending our mother. I.ve seen my father soil himself, be arrested,...
Had "the talk"
Just needing to share. Last night after another " I'll be home in half an hour" which turned into 4 hours coming home drunk,I think I finally realized I'll be ok on my own. If it comes to that, I will be incredibly sad and heartbroken but will survive. Had a good rational sober talk with him today and I know h...
Starting to lose hope
Hi. this is my first time posting something but I really don't know where else to turn. My husband is an alcoholic. We have 3 beautiful boys and have been together for almost 8 years now. In the past 2 years he has been in and out of rehab twice. The last time I really thought he had it. He was sober for six mont...
My Boyfriend
Good morning! I am a 53 year old woman that has been dating an alcoholic for 8 years. He has always been what is called a "functioning" alcoholic until the past six months. The roller coaster has been rough but now it is becoming a dangerous ride. I am in fear of getting into any vehicle with him. I hav...
Dating ..
Ok .. I have discovered because things are not going at rocket speed .. I'm not comfortable with letting someone else set the pace. At the same time .. grrr .. I do not like the whole dating game stuff. I'm a little on lock down at the moment out of sheer stubbornness .. I figure I sent the last text so he can...
New and can't detach....I'm suffocating
I don't know where to start. I've been with my fiance for about 2 and a half years. He was sober when we got together and started using behind my back sometime within the past 6 months. Things have come to a head recently where he lost his home and job. He is staying with his mother who is very into AA and Al-An...
Courage To Change 15/6
Today's c2c talk about the use of sarcasm as a weapon, noting that it does nothing to help fix the problems in a relationship or interaction; it might provide a temporary bit of satisfaction but in the long run does more harm than good. The reading suggests that when feeling frustrated with a person or s...
again,crapped on by the world...i did everything possible at new job and still boss not pleased and oh..forgot to tell me id be lid off in a day or two anyway cause they are moving office to manhatten beach way way to far to get to by bus or train. ...so in 6mths only able to get 11/2 wks of work ...money tight...
addict son has started using pain pill and it out of control.
Our 28 year old son is a alcoholic and drug addict. His wife had a baby a little over a year ago and he stopped all of his bad ugly habits. He was in a accident and got put on Tramadol, and you can guess the rest of the story. He has been drinking again and his personality is ugly. We talked to him about the pai...
Lying right to my face
Good morning~I am still dumbfounded, and I shouldn't be any longer, when my A looks straight into my eyes and tells me a bold-faced lie. She says she loves me, she wants to stay married, she will work harder, but I don't see any work. Her toolbox is lying, sneaking, deception, self-destruction, rati...
Step 12
I noticed that the courage to change reading is not posted today. I feel like that I am working the 12th step on a daily basis & that it is not for me to try to change everyone to think the way I do but to carry the message to others whether they are in program or not. I have had the spiritual awakening that I...
Hoot Nanny
Question on How to Cut off Access to Money
I have had several people say that one thing I need to do for AA-Husband is to cut off access to his money. Since all is quite tied up (and we are a community property state), I'd like to hear how some other folks have been able to do this. Cut debit card - he got new. Do I just close check account and give him all...
Yeah we are up
I am glad message board is back up, thank you hugs
Hope for Today June 14
Good Morning MIP: Today's reading is about trust, and turning things over to our HP. The writer speaks to the idea behind the phrase 'came to believe' from Step 2, and it made me think of the decision we make to trust and have faith. I always believed, but making the decision to believe and to trust tha...
One more time
Why is it that I keep beating a dead horse. I never seem to learn. I.ve been married to my AH for 28 years now. And come from a family of drinkers. I guess it.s what I know and maybe comfortable with. This website is great and i.ve been here before. But then I quit coming. I have it in my head that I can st...
Site back up
Thanks to Betty, erin, and ken ours site hosting cost is now covered for a year again. Thank each of you for stepping forward and helping me with this situation. I have spent the last few weeks pretty sick with a 3 day stay in hospital, so things just got away from me completely. Now trying to bring things b...
my status lately...
Dear Friends, I finally started to get some medical help with my daily anxiety attacks, plus bad diarrhea as a symptom of the anxiety attacks, severe depression, chronic fatigue, and my respiratory system being so bad. I was in the hospital for 3 days just a few weeks ago. It appears that most everythi...
funerals & memories
Funerals stink! 52 sad, mentally ill, sad, drug addict sad, alcoholic sad. SUICIDE, sad. What more can I say? I can relate to the mental illness part. It is just so sad that people who really didn't know her thought she was the crazy lady in our town. I am not much different. If I had the addictions that she...
Hoot Nanny
Courage To Change 13/6
Today's c2c refers to step 11, where we seek to improve conscious contact with our HP through prayer and meditation. The reading suggests that how we go about identifying our HP at work in our lives is up to us entirely but it is important that one way or another, we do so if we wish to have the courage to cha...
I learned in this program that when I put the word 'should' in front of anything Im about to say then Im being judgemental. Who am I to decide what another human being in this world (minus children) should be doing or not doing. If we are following this spiritual program then how do we know what is right or w...
I am weary
Hello all, I've not posted in quite awhile but am reaching out to you all for support. I am married 25 years to my AH. We go round and round the alcohol merry-go-round. The lies, being impaired when I expect him to care for the children, driving under the influence, avoidance, smoothing over...polite r...
What to do?
My AH is really wearing me down. He tells me he has had a good life and is ready to die, so will not quit drinking. He is mentally abusive to me. He snaps at me all the time. He has urine and bowel incontinence, back problems, heart problems, emphysema (keeps smoking). I can't help it, but sometimes I j...
Can I still lose my composure and get out of hand??
You all get an A for the proper answer....I get tired of loosing control because of a basketball game thousands of miles away, completely out of my control is being played and referred not to my liking...good I got u p from the sofa and left the room because I still don't do judgement and active resentm...
Jerry F
How do you pick up the strands of an unwoven life?
Before you read this I want you to know that I write this today for my healing and my coping with having lived with an addict. This is not here to tell you how to feel, or how to make a decision in your life, and it is by no means direction on how to deal with living with an addict. This is just my story, that I fe...
Ornery Mood ..
Ohhh I'm in such an ornery mood. I'm sitting in Starbucks at the big table and this young woman sat down at the big table I'm at which honestly don't care about that however RUDE MUCH!? She has slammed things trying to get my attention and let me know she's irritated that I have the nerve to use two of the p...
C2C reading for 6-12
The C2C reading for June 12 speaks about the 10th step and suggest making it part of our daily routine as It is a gentle, warm and loving way to take care of ourselves. The steps help us to learn that living one day at a time, facing all issues honestly and with courage we will grow in spirituality and co...
recovering doormat
i am a member of recovering doormats and proud of it. It took me a long time in alanon to get there though. I was very glad i could stand up for me by the time my xah left. i was ready for the fallout and Emotionally stronger to cope. i still struggle with my emotional sobriety that is a work in process. I still...
Step 11
Dealing with friend "support" while A is sober
Hi everyone- My spouse has been sober now 28 days. Part of that was in the hospital, but she's been really committed to not drink and trying to make herself healthy, talking to a counselor and working on healing. She is still very sick physically and looks it still. It's a hard road. Anyway, she's come c...
will be West Coasting in June - July
Going to be lounging in Central Valley CA. for 3 weeks soon so I will be off of the board unless I bum my wife's IPad or something. Understand I am not a Continental U.S. person and even while I have family relatives living there I just am not into it. I will not complain. I am an island boy surrounded by...
Jerry F
Help :(
I think my boyfriend may be alcoholic. He has a high stress c-suite job. He drinks 750ml of either tequila or bourbon in 2 nights.
But he never gets violent or even angry. He gets up and goes to work every morning. So I question that I even question him.
He slurs and stumbles. It worries me because I fear f...
House is up for Sale
I did it....the house is up for sale. First step to a new life Thank you all!!
Courage to Change Reading 6-11-2016
The C2C reading for June 11 talks about Step Nine. In this step we are asked to make direct amends to people we have injured. The reading points out the logical progression of the Steps, as it is in Step 8 where we learn what making "amends" means and become willing .to do so. Since these amends ar...
Ball to the Head......Prayers Welcome
Good morning MIP family.....I type this morning with only one eye - my right eye is swollen shut. Yesterday, I went out to play softball - it is a program league and usually very fun and even spiritual. I was pitching and a guy hit a line shot back at me - I did not get the glove up and it tagged me hard on the fo...
No affection/sex
I'm feeling lost and not sure if I'm the problem or if this is normal....my husband is a recovering alcoholic he did a 28 day inpatient and is now attending an outpatient program. He rarely shows me any affection since he's been home from rehab he came home the first week of May and we had sex twice the firs...
months ago, I really didn't know what colour of the sky was, I was so we wrapped up in insanity. Its amazing what even small changes can bring about and I'm grateful though still have a way to go. I was perpetually guilty feeling, always trying to accommodate crazy and not really even knowing why. The sma...
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/10/2016
Today's reading in Courage to Change is about Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. Many of us look at this and pause, longer than necessary and many more are not ready/willing to consider making amends to some we have hurt. The reading suggests if...
Perspective taking is key to many things in my life. For me it helps to understand where people are coming from, where they have been and perhaps the motives behind their current choices. Having dated an alcoholic, who now is in recovery; I find this to be even more helpful as I try to navigate the rel...
Struggling and angry
I am really struggling with anger and sadness tonight. I have been working hard to work my program and put the focus on me tonight, but not doing a very good job of it. My AH was in recovery when we met and married so I never knew him as a drinker. In fact, he told me he didn't drink...he was in recovery from d...
My adult daughter is in recovery although I really have no idea if she has had any relapses. She suffers from depression and anxiety and has difficulty coping with even the smallest amount of stress. Even with medication she has struggled. I have really had to use detachment with love because for year...
Introduction of myself to this online Al-Anon Family Group MIRACLES IN PROGRESS
Hello! I am Connie Sue. I first walked into the rooms of Al-Anon on April 3, 1995. I cried my first two years and was not sure of what I was getting myself into as it seemed that most everyone was happy! After deciding to get a sponsor, I took a leap of faith with beginning to learn and use the 12-Steps, I...
Connie Sue
pictures from the other day ..
These are my favorite shots that I have taken with my little camera phone .. LOL. I love black and white I wish I had a program that would add color .. I don't want to spend the money .. LOL!
Things that make you go Hmm ..
Ok .. so I think I miss stepped with the guy I'm seeing .. nothing that can't be recovered from however UGH UGH UGH .. I am not good at the dating thing or talking to guys thing really. No that's not true .. I can talk to guys .. once they are there I don't know what to do with them .. LOL! There is some interestin...
What am I doing wrong?
Hi all, This is my first post, and I am not usually the type to share on a message board/not used to typing my feelings, so bare with me if I'm a little incoherent. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years; we are best friends, and I love him incredibly a lot. When we first started dating he was a heavy drinker...
Courage to Change (C2C) 6/9/16
Today's reading discusses arrival at Step 7 in our program, Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. Many of us stumble on the word humble or humbly thinking that we did not need to be more humble! We often assumed we had been more than humble by putting others needs before our own constantly. Ho...
Finding it hard to trust
My AH has been sober for now a year and I still find it hard to trust that he hasn't taken a drink sometime this past year. I have been praying a lot this week and trying to refocus my attention on myself but I have also had a lot of anxiety. I am going on a trip in a few weeks to the West Coast for three nights and...
Anyone else have this situation after the alcoholic gets sober?
Hello, I started going to Al-anon in 2010, and in 2011 I divorced my alcoholic husband. We lost our home with the divorce because of the recession. I also lost both my parents in 2008. Right after our divorce, my husband attempted suicide and went to the ER a couple of times, but they couldn't hold him bec...
Just a Funny
So I just was sitting here laughing to myself in terms of funny story of the week kind of deal .. My son and I have an on-going spit ball war going on it's not really spit balls it's more like we are out at a restaurant and it's paper stuck in water and then we try to hit each other. It's completely my fault as I s...
What awareness?
My Higher Power has handed me another learning opportunity, another chance to know this disease in more detail. A chance to develop more of the good things like compassion, love, kindness, understanding. Theres another side of that. I know this disease is destructive to all it comes into contact w...
No subject
This leaves me wide open for discussion. I am attempting to focus on what's important in my life. It seems that I have no complaints. Not even hot weather will shake me. I stand firm in my belief that you get what you give. I know that I alone can decide what works for me & what doesn't.
Hoot Nanny
Courage to Change 8/6
Todays C2C speaks of step 6- being entirely willing to have our defects removed- and the fact that we might cling to certain defects because we enjoy them on some level. It suggests revenge, and the plotting and planning of it as a potential example of a defect that might be hard to give up and suggests th...
How do I Excuse My First Al Anon Meeting?
I am only starting to come to terms with the fact that I'm in a relationship with an alcoholic. I got some advice from a friend and a therapist, and both think my partner is an alcoholic. I've been denying it, but am starting to really think it's true. I've only been reading about Al Anon and codependency f...
Disruptive Members/Dominance/Mental Health Issues
I am curious as to how other groups handle members who decided to become disruptive to the meeting taking place. We've had this happen a few times and peacefully, try to redirect these people back to the topic. Sometimes, there are people who really enjoy interrupting other members that are shari...
Connie Sue
Hope for Today June 7
Good morning Everyone- Today's reading is about how some of us dealt with the alcoholism and As in our lives by shutting down our emotions completely. This reading focuses on grief and the importance of allowing ourselves to grieve. The reading points out that expressing grief allows us to heal. T...
When my husband does something very wrong, it feels like I am the one who did something wrong.
My husband suffers from bipolar and he self medicates with prescription drugs. I have become his caretaker. His Father and Mother are narcissus they feel he is bad and refuse to understand that he has a mental condition. He is a very gentle soul and is a good Father so I stay with him. Over the week...