Met someone new
while waiting on dr office to open a man was waiting also so decided he started talking to me so the conversation goes on for 10 mins ,then he ask if it's OK to change ph no.i say why not it's just for friendship only or go drink a cup of coffee,I'm at dr ,sick with crud he is there broken down on the verge of losi...
When your A turns vicious if you won't pay for the A's mistakes
Sound familiar?
My 35 year old AD makes lots of bad choices (surprise!). I tryto remain positive, steer conversations away from ones in which she talks about illegal activities, reminding her yhat I do not want to hear about drugs/drug use etc. When she asks me what she should in in various difficult...
How to handle embarrassment?
I have been with my alcoholic SO for 13 years; living together for the past 5. Our friends and family "get" him and know how he gets when he drinks too much. Although it is embarrassing and distressing, no one is surprised by his behavior. The problem I have is when my brother comes to visit from out of t...
Beating myself up
I'm beating myself up with ..not being or going to church,my church family has tried and tried to get me to attend church with no avail,I'm feeling like I'm just not ready,why ,I don't know really myself,recovery right now ,my step program is most important to me and priority for most part and it's work...
It's been a month.
Woo hoo! It's been a month since my AH's last drink. That is the longest (aside from when he was recovering from open heart surgery) that he has gone without drinking in about ten years. My question is...do I celebrate this? Do I congratulate him, or do something special? I'm interested in hearing yo...
Been Missing for a While
I've been busy and haven't been on here in a while. But, a lot has been happening. I go back to work tomorrow. I'm going to be getting pictures of my daughter soon. I think I may have had a miscarriage. Boyfriend still isn't drinking and his daughter went back to her mother's about a week ago. I've ha...
When two people you love are at odds
So, I think I mentioned that I was very sick last summer. My Dad passed in February, and then in May I got really, really sick. Without going into detail, I will share that we were told that if I had waited two more days, before going to the Emergency Room, I would not be here. I was in the hospital for eleven d...
Hope for Today May 3
Good morning everyone-- This reading speaks to the sanity as described in step two: 'came to believe a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity'. The writer acknowledges that insanity for many of us is holding on to the defects within us. Not that the defects themselves- jealousy,...
AH telling daughter "stories"
My AH was intoxicated last night and he started telling my daughter some ridiculously untrue story about almost selling her to the circus and about how she outran a wolf as a toddler. It was quite honestly very ridiculous. She's 7 and she seemed to believe it and asked him several times if it was true. ...
Higher power
hp- be his or let him be your tin God???? What's the definition or what exactly is this meaning? What is the message it's trying to get across and is everybody got a diff. Interpretation of this saying .?Plz anyone give me esh on this one....confused......hugs lu
Would like some ESH
My AH and I moved 800 miles away from our parents, siblings, etc almost 3 years ago. It has been very difficult for a number of reasons, but first and foremost, due to his active A behavior. Two years ago this week, I threw together an emergency intervention, with new neighbors and friends who had witn...
Grateful today
I am grateful today as I had a great night sleep, despite the abf getting drunk. We worked all day in the back yard and he drank all day but did work. By evening, he was getting drunker and had to go for a beer run. I admit, I enabled him, by driving to the liquor store. He made a fire outside in the fire pit in the...
He Refuses To See Drinking As Bad
He constantly says he knows he has a binge drinking "issue", and that one day he will conquer the "demon". So basically he goes 5 days without drinking, sees that as progress and "rewards" himself with a few drinks! He refuses to see that as going backwards in his goal! He loves to say there is nothing wro...
Learned valuable lesson from boyfriend
Spent thurs,Fri,sat and 1/2 sunday at his house. We worked so hard at our yard sale there,im exhausted. Anyway, during a lull a kind of strange friend of his sidled up to me and said, " you should stop talking about your X because H doesnt like it[ H is my boyfriend]. So when H and I were taking a break, I said...
Courage to Change Reading 4-30-2016
The C2C reading for April 30 speaks about the importance of " patience". It points out that often, prior to program, we have handled issues by simply ignoring them, and had little success with this process. This is denial Thanks to Al-Anon we no longer have to wait for situation to explode. before...
Going to japan
ive never been on a airplane in my 52 yrs of life,and lived here in Mississippi most of my life,my sil joined the airforce 8 yrs ago he and my daughter been doing the over seas only ,just the way they chose to do it,my only grand babies travel with them,my daughter has several times over the years to get me on...
I know I can't control him or cure him but some days, it hurts me so deeply that I am at the bottom of his prority list. I am very ill today and he said he would bring me ginger ale on his way home, should be about half an hour he said. 3 hours ago and I know he has been drinking all day and " one more" takes priority...
Will It Ever Stop?
Hi All, It's been a few weeks since I last posted... I have been reading others' posts, but have not wanted to be repetitive re my own problems/circumstances - which I am sad to report have not changed (referencing the mystery illness). I had been doing a bit better with my obsessing (bit being the opera...
Step 8 Posted
Step 8 Has been posted to the Step Board. Please join in and share your thoughts Learn How The Twelve Steps Work.Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery together http://stepwork.activeboard.com...
Courage to Change 5-1-2016
The C2C reading for today , May 1, talks about some of our negative habits that keep us unhappy and living in the victim role.It goes on to indicate that when we "day dream" and think "if ionly" my partner was sober, rich, more successful then I would be happy. It suggest that by so doing .many of us hav...
Heard from exBF
Hi everyone, I got a text from my exBF after two weeks of no contact. He just said 'Hi, I hope you are doing okay'. I received the text just as I was heading out the door to meet up with a guy friend of mine to listen to a band and dance. I felt incredibly guilty. I responded to him this morning and said that I...
meddling mothers?
My mother knows my AH drinks too much. She doesn't live near us, but she has spent enough time, she knows. My MIL, as far as I know, doesn't know that AH drinks. He has gone to great lengths to hide it from her all our dating/married lives. His brother does the same. She was married to an alcoholic (AH's dad...
Feelings versus intuition or gut feelings
I'm wondering if I'm getting these 2 confused,my feelings and gut feelings ,I e been told several times that my gut feelings were wrong,and I'd get mad but maybe their right,that's coming from my qualifiers they (my abf) at the time now my xabf Has said this to me that my gut was usually wrong .anybody kn...
urgent child custody trial tomorrow
I'm using talk to text so I apologize in advance for any typos so I'm less than 12 hours away from facing the alcoholic and drug addict father of my two-year-old son I have PTSD from his emotional abuse and the flashbacks have been horrible all day I thought I had protected myself as well as my child by ente...
I`m new here
Hi All, I`ve been browsing the forum for a while now and thought it would be good to sign up. I`ve been with my AOH for around 18 months now and through many ups and downs she is finally doing various stints in between relapses (just over 3 weeks currently. Shes currently in AA and seems to be going on a regul...
I always thought my mother and I were very close. We live in different states and we talked on the phone quite frequently until my AH hit his rock bottom. I called her the other day just to check in as she had been sick and she is almost 80 so sometimes I worry. The conversation was very cold on her end....
Need help with this one
As you all know or most on here about my a/sister that Li Es here with me and in no program or gets any help,getting on with my story she decided to get off her 20 yr opioids addictions,on her own she says,I had told here that she couldn't do it on her own that she would need help,she says she had to detox hersel...
Reacting to fear
I wrote down all my fears about my abf drinking today and it was 2 pages of dread. I fear this..that would happen if the drinking does not stop. I am fearing for him, and not myself. He does not care about the fears I project. He just lives in the moment and drinks. Yet, here I am fearing this or that outcome fo...
New here Urgently Need Advice
My brother has been an alcoholic for probably fourty years. He has many drunk driving violations and should probably be in jail for many years. I also believe he has mental illness. He is out on two separate bails and if found would definitely go to jail. He is in a remote location and now does not have a ca...
when brick walls talk back
I no longer follow the urge to bang my head against them.
My technical and legal husband is in our island of origin at the moment. we have a weird marriage. He lives and works in another state during the week and comes up on weekends. I tried to end it. He just ignored me and keeps coming back. More or less he...
A few days ago my ex who I was with for 27 years died from complications of his acholisizm. I was hit so hard by his passing. I feel alone in my grief and overwhelmed. Has anyone else had this experience?????
Courage to Change (C2C) 4/29/16
Today's reading discusses seeing ourselves as we truly are today, in time, vs. how we perhaps felt as we grew up. Many of us grew up with guilt and blame, amidst harsh criticism and constant fear. The writer discusses that even now, after years of recovery, past mistakes can come forward and reactio...
My wife is in recovery and I work at a brewery
We're both in our early 30's, she's 18 months sober, we have successful careers and have been married for 1 year. It just so happens I work in a brewery and the resentment my wife shows towards me is getting to be detrimental to our marriage. Whenever I consume alcohol she gets angry with me. This leads to...
Sponsor question
I'm not sure whether I am expecting too much out of my sponsor or not but it seems every time I call her and I'm going through something that I need help with her response is "I'm sorry you are going through this, but this too shall pass, you just have to walk through it". I have told her that I want...
Attended my first ever meeting today...anyone here to answer some questions?
Hi all. Attended my first meeting today. My sense is that attendees can talk out loud if they want, but that no one is supposed to give any feedback to others during a meeting...is that correct? I on the other hand feel that give and take...feedback...can be very helpful to others. For e.g., in toda...
Illness and surgery
And definitely handled much better because of the rock Al-Anon and my HP are in my life. Basics: Hospitalized for 8 days (barely remember 4 of them) with Gallstone Pancreatitis, poked by everyone, arms black and blue, home with incredible physical weakness I'd not experienced before, sent home to l...
dreams & infidelity
I have to get this out of my mind. I had a nightmare this morning. It was about a close friend her husband. It was so real it makes me sick. The dream was about them breaking up due to cheating. I wasn't really there for her except hugs. Now this was a dream for sure but this could happen. I guess this is probabl...
Hoot Nanny
Courage to Change (C2C) 4/28/16
Today's reading in the Courage to Change focuses on learning through our experiences. I am going to start with today's reminder - "Anything and everything about me can be used for my good. If I feel insecure or frightened today, I will remember that my fear is a signal that there is something for me to...
Just can't take anymore
My husband is a drunk. He won't admit he has a problem but it is getting out of control. He seems to think he can handle it but once he starts there is no stopping him. I can't deal with it anymore. He rather drink then face life. Always threatening to leave me. How I make his lif bad. I have tried walking away a...
changes in my husband's drinking pattern.. i should be happy but i'm not... how do i process this?
So there's a change in my husband's drinking habit. He doesn't go home in the wee hours, like a cinderella he's home by 12 mn and because the time is short, he was not able to drink as much. I thought I should be happy, i thought it was my husband's self determination... i learned that the reason for this is...
Hi, I'm new here...
Hello, I'm new to Al-anon and I'm not sure if I'm 'doing it right'. I went to my first meeting a couple of weeks ago. Ironically, I grew up around AA meetings with my dad and step mom, and yet for some reason until a friend invited me to go with her Al-Anon had never even occured to me. Durp. Anyway - It seems l...
alone w nothing to do.
I figure I can get on here w nothing to do or say except I love you all. I have been having challenges but it is all good. Thanks for your support.
Hoot Nanny
Have been gone for a bit
So I stopped going to my meetings a few months ago and stopped coming here. I was struggling very much with pulling away from my ABF and I felt like Al Anon was playing a part in that. So I detached from my program. Then I just felt gilt from that. I felt like I had betrayed myself and my Al Anon family from not...
What alanon has done for me thus far.....
Since moving out onto my own for the first time ever, I have the confidence to be worthy, whole and own my time and space. I am amazed at how my life has changed when I dragged my sad miserable carcass into my first meeting a few years ago. My sponsor loved me until I really learned how to love myself. I have se...
Am I overreacting?
I have been married for 12 years. We have three children and I am concerned with what my children are seeing. My in-laws drink every evening after they get off of work. Overtime we have asked them to please not drink whenever they have the kids over. It always concerns me, what they are seeing. Are the gr...
Women of Long Term Marriages
1 2
Hello! I am finding here many that talk about their stupid boyfriends, etc. and I want to talk to you women having long term marriages like I have. Tell me: all about yourselves. I would very much like to know. Share with me please. I need to discuss my issues, but I am quite leary to share with someone...
Self Love
Todays reading in C2C is one of my favourites. Its beautiful. It has such simple wisdom in it. It says 'I block my own well being each time I base my self worth on what I do or what others think of me' So true. I have identified one of my shortcomings as people pleasing and looking for validation of my worth fr...
I rounded out my birthday weekend with something that I love to do....yard work. Sunday was a day of weeding and moving plants, mowing the lawn. I went to a plant auction on Saturday and I got two things I have always wanted....a Crepe Myrtle tree and a weeping cherry tree. So Sunday was also a day of di...
Courage To Change 27/4
Today's c2c speaks about loving and accepting ourselves. It suggests that even if we could make all of the people around us happy and "straighten them out" it would probably not increase our self esteem, in fact it probably makes it worse as we lose ourselves in the process of "sorting out" others. Th...
Silly Silly Softball People
I am in Kansas so if any of you watch weather, you know that the middle of the country is under severe weather watches, warnings, complete with strong wind, heavy downpours, flash flooding and tornadoes!! So - it's Tuesday and Tuesday is softball night - 4 games each week. Well - nobody thought we woul...
Courage to Change 25/4
Today's C2C addresses the denial many of us develop when living with the disease of alcoholism. It points out that even thog we may have been living for years with doubt, fear, chaos and all manner of unpleasant emotions and situations, we develop the habit of assuring everyone else, and ourselves th...
Hope for Today Apr 26
Good morning Everyone- The focus of today's reading is humility. There is a sentence on the page that says it all for me: 'Attempting to work the program has given me some humility.' Well ain't that the truth! I think once I started working on my recovery, one of the concepts I worked on accepting had t...
Feeling my feelings is hard
Before Al Anon I was someone who stuffed her feelings down. I would ignore, push through and stuff down any bad feeling I had. I wasn't even aware of what I was feeling. Instead I was running around interpreting and being affected by other people's moods and feelings. Don't get me wrong I could neve...
Very new and lost
Hi there. I Googled this site on the recommendation from my mom. I currently an in a relationship and his drinking is affecting everything. He is depressed and the drinking makes it worse. Or maybe his drinking makes him depressed. I don't know how to handle it. Is this the place for me? I am not religiou...
Going out of my mind
im new to this and want to go to meetings but I'm to scared. My head is going mental at the moment yet the person in my life with this illness she has hasn't picked up for over two weeks. I really need some help
Luke 1234
Acceptance in the middle of crisis
Hi everyone, I have gained a great deal of strength from this board, and turn to posting tonight as a step in my own recovery, which has been going on for over 33 years. The last two months have been unrelenting. Two of my sisters have medical conditions that have required a great deal of time and attenti...
Very new to this - 2 alanon meetings along and struggling within myself, need some support
I am a 22 year old lady from the united kingdom and am very new to the programme / alanon, i have only been to 2 meetings. My mum is a recovering alcoholic of 10 years but it has left me completely destroyed and riddled with depression and anxiety which is completely ruining my relationship with my partner...
Is surrender vital?
Ive been pondering this and thinking about what it was about my own journey that helped me commit to this program. I know that i reached a bottom, a place of utter hoplessness. I had finally run out of my own ideas and solutions, that were of course not solutions. I remember feeling like putting my hands u...
I have missed my friends here..
Life has been busy .. busy is good.. I have found you tube "hope and Healing 24/7" from alanon seminars... Oh my .. do I highly recommend them! I have the past year been doing so much personal growth .. my new "addiction" is audio books (being careful with this)... I came across these seminar recordings...
Kindness to myself
Today is my birthday. Its like the cold war here. AH is in a full relapse. There is no more slips, there is nothing but active drinking. Every day. He drives home that way from work-an hour. Last night he said he would be home at 730 so that I could go to my face to face, my children called me from thei...