Finally we talked
After a long week trying to put together my emotions after my boyfriends 4 day binge I finally had a talk with him. I told him that I was having a hard time after everything that happened and that I was working on myself and my boundaries. I also said that I am still not sure that I want to be with him yet when th...
One day at a time 11-23
I wanted to share the reading from the One day at a Time Reader for today. It really spoke to me! It talks about not being afraid of anything just for today, and to track down and expose nameless things in my head that I dread but are likely not a reality. It reminds me that HP is in charge if I accept that guida...
Question about BAC
I have read quite a bit about how to cope with alcoholism, esp in marriage, but realize my understanding of the physical effects is limited. I am going to order a book that was recommended here, and in the meantime, I wonder if anyone can answer this question. Last night, my AH blew into a breathalyzer. H...
so difficult not to engage and just walk away
I am in the midst of i dont know what, but i know its norhing good......we get through one day of not fighting, only because his son is here, and now that his son has gone home, the bottle of vodka is open and his anger mode is flipped on. Why is it that hevis always the one who needs something when someone has p...
Wow! Can't believe it's only been a week since I came back through these doors after a long absence I was a hot mess, totally shell shocked..my guy gave me a ring,told me he uses meth and wrecked his bike..ummm ok But guess what. Once I got back to focusing on me,none of that mattered. I was able to detach,...
Courage to Change Reading 11-23
The C2C reading for today, November 23 speaks about the slogan "keep it simple". The reading goes on to point out that many times we become overwhelmed and don't even start a project because we approach the task as a whole iInstead of piece by piece. We can simplify each task by taking it one...
Please help me
Hello, I am in dire need of help and I hope someone can inspire me. I have been with a alcoholic/meth addict for 9 years off and on. Currently he has been sober for 2 and 1/2 weeks. 2 and 1/2 weeks ago he randomly relapsed on alcohol, drove his motorcycle drunk and crashed almost killing himself. I feel s...
Was I wrong?
Hi Friends, I think I need some validation today My 28-year-old AS has used drugs/alcohol to different degrees since he was a teen. He has really struggled. He and I have always been close even though he has lived across the country for most of the last 8 years. About four years ago he was charged with...
What is right thinking on alcoholism?
After dating my first alcoholic boyfriend this year, I've realized that this is the first time in my life I've had to take a real hard look at alcoholism and I am trying to wrap my head around it all... I am a nurse and in my chaotic world of work I am exposed to alcoholics d.a.i.l.y. After 9 years of watching...
Big girl panties
I know the title is strange, a friend told me that when I was whining. .time to put on the big girl panties and deal with it. Loving an addict is not for the weak,you may feel weak at times but all the things that we handle we're pretty tough folks. My 2 hour volunteer event yesterday turned into an all day aff...
So nervous and uneasy
I am a bundle of nerves right now. Since I moved out on July 8, due to my AH's lying, hiding, and pattern of saying unkind and cruel things to me in front of our children, I have been renting a little cottage a couple miles from our house. He "does not like" the situation, and keeps telling me I s...
Courage to Change Reading 11-22
The C2C reading for 11 22 reminds us that alanon is a spiritual program. That one of the results of living with the disease of alcoholism is that we tend to lose our" Spirit" because life become a survival game filled with fear and simply accomplishing the "Daily grind." . W...
chat room entrance
Not sure why, but I am able to get on the board but not in the chat room. Have I been band? I even restored my computer and still cannot get in
Just thinking our loud
I want to thank everyone who read and gave an answer to my other post. It is most kind of you all. I am starting to learn that being in recovery is the only way to enjoy life. You see, I now realize that I don't really enjoy my life. Who would want to live like I do. I spend way too much of my time thinking...
community outreach
Why I love my small community so much! I just want to send a shout out to those who come through at times when we really need them & each other. All of you have been there for me I am sure you would help someone if you could even if it were just prayers kind words or thoughts.
Some of our members are struggl...
Hoot Nanny
Another Birthday :)
So today is another marked year of doing things very differently .. I don't know if it's been right or wrong .. it just is and I'm ok with that. I will have to go fairly radio silent over the next few months so much has been going on. Biggest issue is we are headed back into court because my X is refusing to fi...
Tough day but serenity intact
AW has been going to AA for a couple of months but is continually relapsing back to 3/4 day binges. Ive had to set boundaries and she was told recently that if drunk again in the house then i would ask her to leave and she would only come back in when sobber. Despite a good start she decided to test said bounda...
what's my role in this.
so I've been a posting loon lately totally reactive and not at all sensible. I'm tired. I want to let go and let god with my whole mum situation and I'm not sure how. Drama, drama drama. I feel bad about a family situation, a wide ranging one. I'm taking comfort knowing that were all affected and condition...
searching for the right thing to do
Last night my abf crashed his motorcycle, pretty much totalled it. I had to pick him up, and he was trashed. I was so angry about the danger hecput himself and the person involved in the accident, never mind his attitude about the entire thing. He thinks he is indestructable. Wechave a three yo and he hel...
Happy Saturday
Today I begin a new day I am the master of my abilities and today is going to be a great and beautiful day..dunno who the author is.. Yesterday is done! I'm so glad cuz it was horrible..ya ever try to have a conversation with someone crashing. .umm ookay..ya crashed the bike..didn't go to the hospital..I...
So damn angry
One of my challenges is releasing this anger i carry around. Since my abf and i have been together i have taken on so much weight of anger from things that have ocurred, during his drunkiness. Whenever something upsets him, he starys with the heavy drinking. Today he found out something that understan...
It hurts
It hurts to love an addict. I have a boyfriend that is on my mind all the time. We do not live together, but I would like to live with him He uses and drinks a lot. He calls when he wants to and sometimes it is weeks before he calls me to ask me out. He is addicted to drugs and boozes but I am addicted to him...
Courage to Change reading 11-21
The C2C reading for today speaks about living life on life's terms. it points out that when we first arrive in alanon, we think we only have one problem- which is that of Living with the disease of alcoholism. As we continue to attend program, we grow and change and believe that since we have such p...
Logging in After Long, Long Time
I am back! But I will probably on codependents board. Who knows! No one probably remembers me--it's been years! Recovering my self as dh got addicted to vicodin (prescription) that stepped up his alcohol use. Took him to rehab a year ago. He is doing much better now. ODAT. It's tough when they b...
i had a wonderful night at my Ala-non meeting. We had a potluck thanksgiving dinner and there was so much laughter and love and support there. I made scarves for all the members and it was so amazing. Even though i gave out the scaves wrapped and randomly, an awesome thing happened. a mother,grandmothe...
One day at a time
One day at a time lol..Yesterday was my first 24 hours radio silence. .no calls,no texts..we haven't talked since Monday so it's been hard. Kept telling myself I'd call him in an hour lol, that's how I did it. Kinda forgot how hard it is to love an addict..Have a safe and blessed day
Struggling after ending things with my alcoholic boyfriend
I recently ended things with my active alcoholic boyfriend. He didn't drink in front of me so it wasn't in-my-face-obvious, but I knew that something was off. Trying to stay emotionally connected for any period of time was extremely painful and he never liked to talk on the phone (I thought strange)....
Pardon me while I fake it, till I make it.
I need to boost up my confidence today! I need to gear up to go home from work and not allow it to be a battle zone...AGAIN. -I will forgive myself for reacting last night, I let my frustrations boil over and I lost control. I said mean things, I yelled, etc. I haven't done that in a long long time. While to ma...
C2C 11-20
C2C reading for 11-20 speaks about alcoholism being a" family disease."It suggests that because of this it is important that in Alanon we find fellowship, a sponsor, steps and traditions so as to help heal a broken spirit. This healing starts when we stop fighting the idea of HP and...
You're fired!
This is something I have hardly ever had to do since advancing to be a supervisor. I have too much need to be liked and people please and make everyone happy. I did it though. It was demanded by the rehab owner that I fire one of my therapists...not totally without cause. I still hated it and felt and still f...
Struggling to forgive and forget
The past few days I have been non-stop thinking of every negative thing my RAH has ever done to me and the kids. Some things, his family also participated in which almost seemed like a conspiracy to split us up. They said "we were only trying to save him." In the process they tried throwing...
The etiquette of getting a sponser
I'm only in Alanon two months. Just found what I think will be my home group--I've been going to three meetings a week, different ones. I'm a fairly quiet person and even the group sharing is a big step (and difficult) for me! Getting a sponser seems insurmountable. How is it done? I just ask?
Trying to let it go
Wow I was so looking forward to peace from XABF being gone back to "camp" on the other side of the country for a few weeks. I got exactly what I asked HP for...peace and quiet in my little town with no more chances of a run in. Yet here I am crying...why? Well because last time we spoke (almost 2 wee...
Disappointment got me again
So my AH had been cutting back on his drinking quite a lot recently. I got hopeful about it. I was too attached to it. And this past weekend when he got extremely drunk both Friday and Saturday night I let hurt me. I went to bed crying. I couldn't help but feel like he was cutting back because he loved me...
Acceptance - Clarity
Today I accept the fact that I'm in love with an addict. After good night's sleep I realized I can still love him and go on with my life I will not let his using affect my day. When I start feeling stressed out about the situation I can leave at any time. Today I am happy joyous and free tomorrow lol who knows . ...
trust issues
Ever since yesterday I keep going over and over in my mind abt the relationship. What red flags did I ignore. This guy was a smoothe talker and was attentive to my needs. I think he just figured out how I tick and played me. I have always had trust issues. And this incident has really brought up painful memo...
Courage to Change 11-19
C2C Reading for 11-19 speaks about the definition of Recovery in alanon The reading suggests that when we first arrive, we are looking NOT for relief from our defects of character that hinders our participation in life. Instead we are looking for answers on how to stop the alcoholic. from drink...
New and feeling confused
Hello Everyone, I am new to Al Anon. It was recommended to me by my mother who is an alcoholic sober for 16 years now. I have been going though a very hard time this past year and a half. I left my now ex husband last March and meet my now boyfriend about a month after. We have been together almost everyday sinc...
big red trigger.
it pains me to admit that she is my trigger, my very loved mother. But I feel like I've had it with her! I know we mostly talk about our frustrations with the alcoholics, but the sick partner to it, co-dependency of which I know I am too, just is driving me insane! I'm trying very hard to stay compassionate b...
bad night
I kind of just am writing this post to vent a little. I am so upset. I crossed my boundaries last night and I let my AH have a fight. I found him talking to other women again and when I asked him about it he actually admitted it. He started yelling at me accusing me of things that I have or would not ever do a...
New to this group
Please forgive me if I'm doing this wrong..its been almost 20 years since I've been in a relationship with an addict lol..I was lucky my radar was always able to detect them a mile away..bye But somehow this one got past me..in September I met an amazing man, we'd both been through the emotional blender...
What if my AW wants help?
I recently began attending Al-Anon and love it and can't live without it. It's already begun affecting my life positively and changing my outlook on things! However, one of the things no one has yet touched on is, what if my active AW wants help? So here's the situation: Things obviously never went wel...
Reflecting on relationships
I've been faced with some big challenges in friendships lately and I've been thinking about the patterns that run through my relationships. In many of them, it's mostly me giving and them taking. But I've typically felt I was so lucky to have a partner or a friend that I had no choice but to accept those...
What gifts has Alanon given you?
Alanon has given me many many gifts so far and I know its limitless. What have you got from working this program?
Courage to Change reading for 11-18
The C2C reading for November 18 speaks about the Second Step and being" restored to sanity." as the Step implies. The reading points out that being "restored to sanity" covers more than our ability to function responsibly and realistically.-- It also points out the sane wa...
Speaking of Boundaries, need some input
Sigh ... our neighbors are feeding the coyotes in the back woods of our adjoining property. They are not the kind of people you can talk to, they are both addicts and very difficult to get along with. I want to place an anonymous call to the state DEEP to see if they can talk some sense into these people, b...
what??? puzzled??
My exbf had been texting me for days I ignored him and he showed up at my apt this weekend we talked I said we could text and see what happens. I said the trust had been broken and that I needed a lot of time before I could trust him. Today he called me and stated that he loved me and he loved his old exgf. That he di...
more grrrr
So you know all ive been dealing with. . So again its 2 in the morning. Ah is not home . .Id say that has been at least six times since anc he is going to change, hes been to one recovery meeting and yet im supposed to go to div mediation and agree to 50/50 time? How can i do that? Isnt that irresponsible? Should i...
How not to rage silently...
What are the chances that I would be an hour from home with my team heading a game and run into lying, cheating, XABF and he new woman from his AA group?! Like really!! Can't I just get a break from the noise in my head :( Just thought I would put this out to the universe. Not like I want to tell my friends I'm tr...
Marrying My Beloved Alcoholic
Well in six days I marry my alcoholic fiancé. He has stopped drinking seven weeks ago but had a few serious slips & almost a full relapse. For the last six days he's been sober. I think. Of course I'm never completely sure. He's not working. Lost his job when he was busted drunk at work. I've lost my en...
Another goodbye and a tragedy in the family
I am going to another funeral today, a dear aunt has passed and while we have this going on her brother was driving on a very dark road and struck what he believed to be a deer,he stopped and looked but didn't find anything and drove home.The following day a young woman was found over the hill.He is heartsi...
new to this and need advice
My husband is an active alcoholic. He has tried to get help numerous times but always continues to fall off the wagon. When he is drunk (which is always) he is extremely mean to me and goes online and talks sexually to other women. This is a pattern with him and every time he apologizes and I take him bac...
First Vent
Now. He is on the bed, snoring and muttering to himself. I woke up in love and in his arms, talking about the future names of our children. We made plans to go to the market to buy ingredients to make cioppino. I kissed him goodbye, told him to take it easy, please. Knocked on the door at 3 o'clock PM. Drun...
Hope for Today Nov 17
Good morning Everyone- Today's reading is about the role that service plays in our recovery. The writer speaks about her experience wmoth Alateen; that she is offered a chance to co-sponsor a group and it ends up being a huge part of her recovery. She feels that she receives far more than she has ever...
Hello again. Not alcohol but feelings.
Hi. Some of you might remember me. I has been 14 months since I left my ex AH. I went through homelessness and lost my business. However I managed to stay very happy and positive all the time. At about 2 months ago things changed a lot. I was still homeless and living in a hostel, when I met this man (I will cal...
An Alcoholics denial
I feel questions pouring out everyday. I feel like i want answers, but is it possible? Yesterdat my ABF andci were discussing the future of our child. It is extremely important to me that he doesnt follow his fathers behaviour.....drinking. i expressed the importance of not modeling alcoholic beha...
online meetings
just wondering how the online meetings work...how do I log in to attend one of these meetings
cutting off diseased people.
this was a vent. Essentially, sometimes we have to let go. More specifically, I have to let go. -- Edited by a4l on Monday 16th of November 2015 03:21:24 AM -- Edited by a4l on Monday 16th of November 2015 03:23:00 AM
ODAT 11/15 Am I Poisoning Myself?
Today's page from One Day at a Time in AlAnon has a great reminder about the powerful impact my attitude toward others can have on myself; in this case, my attitude toward the alcoholic. The reading recalls an oft repeated concept that Alcoholism is a disease, the alcoholic is truly sick, and as such I...
Courage to Change reading for 11-16
C2C reading for 11 16 speaks about the slogan:" Let Go and Let God". The reading point out that it would be helpful if we could envision the person that we are turning over to HP, wrapped in love, In a warm blanket. When we have this vision, it is easier to Let go and Let God. The quotes...