Not sure how I feel---
So I haven't posted in a while. I am working my program, my recovery, attending meetings, reaching out when those moments of anxiety hit. Things at home are calm. My A has been out of the house about 3 months. At first he struggled, then I struggled, and now we are in this place where it's starting to feel n...
New to the forum & alanon. Dealing with anger & mourning.
Quick summary: Started dating a sober man who was dealing with depression. Fell in love with him in part based on how honest he was about his battle with depression. We moved to another state together. He was prescribed a new medication by his new physician. My ex was very happy with this new medication...
Hello everyone
I haven't been posting here,doing more reading than anything, i do use my tools. quiet often,with lots of success,thanks to alanon today is my freinds wedding day, i was suppose to be a brides maid ,just didn't work out ,she had to have me for 5 days to learn how to walk out and such, so I promised her I'd be...
Son not speaking to A
A constant source of pain for me is that since my A offended my son and dtr-in-law on XMas eve, they have not seen her nor spoken to her. My son is also very angry at me for not leaving her. He does not understand Alanon and how I am detached with like/love, and how I will figure out my future in my time. I sug...
Courage To Change 21/5- Posting for Betty.
The C2C reading for May 21 speaks about the seventh step in which we humbly ask HP to remove our shortcomings. This is indeed a powerful step and a deep reminder that we are unable to remove our own shortcomings. This step requires humility because we must acknowledge our dependence on a power greater t...
By the way, we are all insane!!!
My interpretation of the program and my own journey has led me to see that we all have similar symptoms having being effected by the disease of alcoholism. I think we could all agree on the fact that most diseases have a common set of symptoms, like if you look up eczema or diabetes or any disease there are...
Hope for Today, May 20th...
I very rarely start a thread here, but here goes... As we woke this morning there was a sheet of snow on the ground. In this part of the world winter is not too far away. Before long, as the sun rose I could hear excited cries of children. No Christmas presents- just a christmassy touch to the morning. Lat...
We've got it backwards
Living with alcoholism means we are living with or have lived with a person who drinks or were effected themselves by a drinker but as far as I've learned the disease doesn't end there. Its within us, living with a drinker or not. So, we talk over and over about the drinker, desperately trying to underst...
Preemptive advice
My Friday night is starting out like a lot do, no sign of my husband after work. That is no big deal, I really enjoy my time alone at this point and have moved on being caught up in his actions. This weekend is different because it's the long weekend and we have plans to head up to my family's cottage in the mor...
Feeling so all alone and afraid of my future with AH
My AH is sleeping it off. I am all alone, shaking. Came home drunk. Lied and lied even though we have had counseling about trust and truth in a marriage. He has had sporadic drinking episodes, now it is escalating. He had been clean for many, many years at one time. There have been promises, asking...
My relationship of 16 years ended abruptly - need help to understand
my wife of 16 years went into AA last year after her father's death, she'd been drinking for 30 years. then restarted her count when she went off Ritalin two months ago. she'd been self-medicating on Ritalin for 15 years. She's highly functional, very accomplished we had an amazing relationship a...
Just Need to Let It Go
Just working through some feelings after attending my bf daughter's graduation yesterday. He was told in advance that she had plans for lunch with her mother and family and would be spending time afterwards with friends. It was an awkward situation when we met up with her after the graduation to take...
My EXAH physically abused my son yesterday
I'm traveling this week for work. Putting in 14 hour days at our training center and I'm exhausted. My son has finished school as of Wednesday and he had been dealing with some anxiety about his future, etc. So, he was already not having a 100% week. My son texted me yesterday and told me "I'm really an...
But it's been 5 days since I had a drink!
I am posting to not only vent, but mostly to show how Al-Anon has helped me today. So last night was a jazz night at a local eatery to raise money for my son's high school marching band program. I have been planing this for months, so my AH was well aware. In the past I would have underlying anxiety wonderin...
Any advice?
10 years ago I got divorced from an alcoholic. It was the best thing to happen to me even though after 13 years together, I it felt like my world was crumbling at the time. I went to a lot of counseling, did a lot of reading and received a lot of support from here. In fact, this board was one of the reasons I had...
My XAH physically abused my son today....
So,I am in corporate training for work this week, putting in 14 hour days. My son texted me earlier to tell me that his dad was out of control. He said his father sat on him, pulled his t shirt and shoved him to the couch, and threw his phone across the room (among other things)......anyway, my heart brea...
Anyone here know or who is with a "dry drunk"?
Hello, For those of you who have seen my previous posts, I am the one about to have a baby (2 days) and my ABF went through a horrible relapse (yelling, anger, verbal abuse, slamming things around). Well, now he is coming out of it and last night it was really bothering me because I feel like he thinks that...
Still trying to understand how working the Alanon steps helps your life with an alcoholic
I am still new to the Alanon thing, have gone to about 6 or so meetings. When people say "when I was working Alanon hard, and life got better/things improved/etc"... this is hard for me to understand. How do things improve when you have an alcoholic partner going through a rage/tantrum and you have a li...
If nothing changed ..
First I want to preface this by stating if nothing changed except you can you see yourself in the relationship 5 days/weeks/months/years (obviously that turns from 5 to 20 in a flash). I also realize that some people do stay because the only thing that changed was them and that is not a negative in the l...
5/18 ODAT - My Will
I apologize for this being so tardy .. lol .. typical day where I realized I raced out of the house and left my book/s at home and thought about the fact as I was digging around in the trunk of my car fighting with the wind since I actually wore a dress. LOL .. oh the joys at times .. anyways .. better late than n...
5-17-17 ODAT - One Day/Moment at a Time
Today's page begins with a Chinese proverb, "When we talk of tomorrow, the gods laugh." I can live only one day at a time, one moment at a time. My mind, however, can get carried away with concerns of tomorrow even though the only certainty is that there is none. Worrying, planning, and analyzing the fu...
Think H is an A - think I want out
I've suspected my husband has a drinking problem for several years now - but he always drank at night after I'd gone to bed and hid the amount. In the last few months he's started drinking earlier and even sometimes going out twice a night to the store. Was a six pack a night now I suspect twice that or mo...
Driving drunk
Hi all-It has taken me nearly 4 years in program to discover what my bottom line is for staying with my A. A few weeks ago my A came home barely able to walk, and slurring her words. Although this is now a rare occassion, that she could kill someone else, because of her addiction, is not OK with me. I asked...
Peeling off my crazy-layers
Some of you here might remember I was away from my abf for a week or so. Well, I decided to come back - and I decided this because I finally understood what detaching means - first and foremost not to make other people the focus of my thoughts but rather me. After the brief separation from the A it became much...
Step 2 Question on question
In reading through the steps and the questions that go with them to ponder on i read this quote on step 2 "Recovery for me is focusing on my needs and wants and learning to voice those along with my feelings. I have read this a lot on this site and I understand that needing to focus on ones needs and wants an...
Rehab again
My 30 year old single daughter has relapsed again and has entered rehab For the 4th time. She was sober for almost 3 years, but started drinking again when she started dating a guy who drinks moderately. She told him early on in the relationship that she was an alcoholic. Unfortunately he started exclu...
helpless mom
A nicer word for "BS"
Someone told me "say what you mean, mean what you say, and don't say it mean." I need some new words. In some future conversations I don't think "bullshit", as charming as that word may be, is going to be acceptable. What does everyone else use instead?
Feel like i'm going in circles
Hi everyone. I just had the most miserable weekend so I'm going to vent on here and ask for some advice. Sorry it's long and complain-y, I'm just so frustrated. My AH managed to come home two nights in a row last week, wow (haha), he did stay up and get hammered but whatever I was trying to be somewhat posit...
Hope for Today May 16
Good morning Everyone: Today's reading is about letting go of our own will and being open to what our HP wants for us. Something that resonated with me was that the writer uses the word stubborn to describe him/herself. It makes a lot of sense and I truly believe that my Hp has a plan for me and gives me wh...
Step 2 Worksheet
I was going to reply to WakingUps post but thought I'd just start this as a new topic so more would read it. When I sponsor someone, below is the stepwork I send for step 2. The first 3 steps are the most important because they build the foundation for the rest of the steps. If we don't ha...
Invitation to lala land
Ah, growing up with recovery in my life is so beautiful. I've really come to accept alcoholism is a disease and it helps me so much to approach myself and my family. Still from an ocean apart mind you. I was recently given a precious taonga ( gift, treasure) by a recovery brother which helped me immensely...
Hoping for the Best
Some not great news from the vet today. My beautiful Chloe, who tested positive for Heartworm and allergies to her food (homemade allergy diet) last weekend, is also having issues with Kidney function. More tests tomorrow, and I am hoping for the best, but the tapes of losing my Akita Alex (who we jus...
I keep trying to just be friends with my A ex-bf. It has been sort of alright but he use to be very controlling. All my friends I met through him. I stopped seeing everyone because when we broke up I did not want any reminders of my ex-bf and our relationship. He was very emotionally abusive, probably more t...
Dealing with Deep Loneliness from childhood as an ACOA Adult
Hi Everyone, I want to break my shame around this but i am in my 50s and separated approx 1.5 years ago and having SUCh a hard time separating from my ex who still wants to be with me. He will not go to counselling and had addictive behaviour and i just do NOT want to go back but I feel extremely lonely and all o...
Trying something different ..
I have been trying something different in regards to my mom. Ironically I would consider her my qualifier even though she doesn't drink or at least like she used to and I totally get it. One thing I have been trying to really do is I do control the amount of time I engage with her and how I choose to engage....
First Time I let my Son go
Some one wrote to me about letting go the first time. Will was not very happy his first day of school but we made it through. The memories the good memories.
havnt seen XAH for 1 and 1/ yrs but cant help be reminded of him daily as finances/irs trouble connected to that relationship affects me daily. irs holding on to my disability i just got to approve deferment of irs payment. i just got the ssdi and now i cant pay my bills etc. i dont know wheter to cry/scream...
5-15-17 ODAT – Nobody But God Knows...Don’t Try to be God
Today's page shares a member's comment about the hardest thing they had to do in recovery: stop trying to figure out why their qualifier acted in certain ways, or jump to conclusions about their motives. The comment is made that only God knows what goes on in the mind, so don't try to play God or psychiat...
Morning on line meetings
Ii have recied inquiries regarding thr Morning on line alnon meetings. I have posted to the "chat/meeting room board and have not received a reply. Can someone confirm that the meetings are still being held?
Forgiving Someone Doesn't Mean Having a Relationship with Them
Through a lot of work in counseling and alanon, I had come to forgive my alcoholic mother for abandoning me, but I took my forgiveness as I need to try to reach out to her again. I did this recently only to be hurt and disappointed again. She is getting older and her health is deteriorating. I figured I need...
Detaching and changing lanes.
To my MIP Family who I love so deeply. Allow me to detach from you and pay attention with my Higher Power to another issue which is currently weighing so heavily on my heart and spirit. It is an ancient concern for my culture which is presently much more heavy because of the behaviors of foreign leade...
Jerry F
Mother's Day 2017
I've discussed in the past this problem of not being valued, especially on occasions. Birthdays, Christmas, Mothers days passed and my child, partner etc gave me nothing and I felt angry and resentful as I cooked for them, cleaned after them and planned to spoil them on their next occasion. And I foug...
Happy Mothers Day
To those wonderful Mothers that have loved, nurtured and protected their children in the best way they new how, no regrets.......happy day to you. linsc
Dealing with Constant Rejection
I have dealt with dealing with constant rejection from both my mother and father over the years. It has leaked out into me choosing unavailable men to have relationships with that never work out. I have been single the past seven years. I get lonely sometimes but it is better than being in a toxic unavai...
ODAT READING 5-14-2017
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY The ODA T reading for May 14 speaks about Step One and the word "surrender". The reading suggests that the difference between the act of submission and that of surrender is that in submission we have reached the point where we" appear to accept" reality consciously...
Blueprint For Progress Electronic
I have a physical copy of Blueprint For Progress workbook but am looking for an electronic version to print out sheets to work on. I prefer not to write in this book. Is there such a thing available? Thank you!
New Boundary Set and I Feel Goodhe kdno
Dear MIP friends, Thursday was my husband's payday... how I have come to loath paydays! I happen to see him driving and I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, he's home early, what's he doing here?" Then I remembered his bank is in the same shopping center. oh yea, I thought, now he'll go straight to the liquor st...
I've tried for too many years to have relationships with alcoholic family members
Hello friends, My alcoholic mother left my older brother and I with our workaholic dad when I was 14 to raise. She only moved an hour away but she didn't want any contact with us. My brother started drinking after our mother left and now has liver disease at 40 years of age from his alcohol abuse. I tried fo...
Alcoholism is sneaky
I've been doing well in recovery as has AH. He's had a few slips. I've established a boundary of not being able to be in the relationship if he drinks. How do I draw the line? Slips I've read are a part of recovery. I know Alcoholism is unmanageable. It will get worse if the past is an indicator. Is this where...
How do I support him but keep our heads above water?
hello first time at alanon. My husband has been an AH since 2008. He has barely worked in that time only my income. He has spent so much on alcohol and he has a spending problem in general. I have worked so hard all these years to move up in my job to make more money to support everyone. I have three teenagers...
Intimacy and alcohol
Hello I am extraordinary frustrated and can cry oceans and seas combined. I have a live in B.F. he has 3 kids in late teens that do not reside with us, however, my 2 special needs do. He is a functional alcoholic and gets very hot tempered when he drinks. He doesnt have to even be drunk when he begins his rant...
Fixing your mistakes
So when my qualifier and I were close we used to fly remote control airplanes together. I miss it. I also realize some of my insaine behaviour while a part of the group. I would like to fly again. I however feel shunned by some in the group. Of course my mom does not want me to fly again because she doesn't wan...
Courage To Change 13/5
Today's c2c discusses the difficulties many of us face when trying to make decisions. Many of us that have lived in alcoholic chaos dread and avoid making decisions for fear that no matter what we decide, the consequences will be something we must "suffer". We also may perceive that there is a single "...
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon - 5/12/17
Good morning all and sorry for the late post of a daily reading! I've had little people spend the night again and it certainly changes up my routine. As I've heard - better late than never! The reading discusses how many of us show up to Al-Anon obsessively focused on our alcoholic. We want the secret...
HELP needed!!
I don't know what to do. My relationship with my adult alcoholic daughter, who lives several thousand miles away is in such bad shape. We talked yesterday because my husband is sick and needs one or possibly two surgeries. I could tell she was drunk and missed work again. This happened after a several d...
Conflicted- about to have baby in 8 days.
I've posted on here a couple of times about my issue, and those of you who responded- your thoughts were very helpful to me. My AH, sober for over 1 yr who relapsed 2 mos from us having our first child, is still drinking and has not stopped. I left the house and am staying with my mother in law (his mom). His...
Interdependency/ Co-Dependency How to end a relationship
I am working really hard to stay out of the co-dependent stuff relationship wise. If I had a choice in relationships what I want is an interdependent relationship something where we share a common goal rooted together however thrive independently of one another. Without the insecure issues of sel...
So Done with this.
It's 2am and I slept about two hours. I'm so over this BS right now. Yesterday was a bit of a breaking point. I'm ready to throw in the towel on this marriage, my career and myself. I have so little support. I'm actively being undermined by people at work who are supposed to be helping me on a serious project...
He says he is planning on moving out
My fiancé of 2 years told me tonight that he is planning on moving out. I have been in recovery (al-anon) for one month and I feel like there is hope for me as a person as well as our relationship since joining Al-anon, going to meetings, and getting a sponsor. But now he says he is planning on moving out of ou...
I paid $1250 for every month I was married
I'm happy I got divorced but still mad about the money I had to give my ex. I lived in small places and drove old cars to save for retirement as a single mom and put my daughter through college. He got the house and $100k from my IRA. I get to be divorced. In the long run I know I'll be fine financially, and that...