I suck at mothering a teenager.
Daughter's father has been attempting to engage me in "talking" lately. I never know exactly what he means by this because we don't communicate well and the "talking" always ends with either he expressing bizarre and kind of offensive concerns (like, recently, "shou...
Happiness is a Choice...
.... so choose happiness today MIP friends.x
Can you see your own shortcomings?
The disease of alcoholism is a family disease. That means the whole family have symptoms. When we focus solely on the alcoholic we are failing to see ourselves, there's nothing we can do about the drinker, only ourselves. You could spend your whole life complaining about the same boring stuff almost...
At wits end.....TaT
Hi all, For he last few weeks I have been struggling dealing with one of my AS, I just talked to the counselor at the recovery home he is in and it looks lie there may be some major issues far beyond what I was worried about. He needs proper diagnosis and it looks like hes either borderline, narcissistic or m...
The upwards spiral
2 years ago, when I was just new here, I wrote a post about how I was isolated and socially kind of phobic. I had an on-line friend (I used to play online computer games a lot) from interstate who was going to coming near me on his way to a wedding and had decided to come and meet me (with his wife). And I was so ne...
The Natives are Restless....
At times, I am 'stuck' in a moment of doing the next right thing. There are situations that 'normal folks' face that the logical response is accurate and appropriate. However, my experience is that when we are dealing with this disease, the 'normal' can become a catalyst for chaos. Long story short...
Son says I have to apologize for being a terrible mother to him
I actually felt I was a good mother. I was a stay at home mom who "lived" for her 4 children (spaced 5 years apart so i ciuld give each "his" time in his early years. While I was by no means perfect, I spent my years caring for them, reading to them, making art projects with them, taking...
totally new - 12 years sober, trying to get a drunk friend into aa
i really don't know what to do. my friend won't try aa. she has all sorts of denialist reasons why not to go. i recently lost a family member (a close one) to alcoholism. i feel as if i have a lot of regrets about that which i know is irrational. but i want to try with this friend, who has kids etc. many sober fr...
I'm new--Are there online sponsors
Last week I went to my first Al-Anon meeting. It is a very small group with only 4 members all of them so much younger than me. I just think it would help if I had a sponsor that I might be able to relate better with. Maybe it wasn't just their age or maybe it was just me. I got the feeling they were a close group an...
Guilt from my past enabling behavior
I stopped enabling my adult son (30) almost a year ago - it was mainly financial support - occasional rent checks, occasional car insurance, paying the occasional traffic tickets, occasional groceries, occasional utility bills, etc., etc., etc. - of course, I had been doing it with all good intent...
texas yankee
newbie who needs help
We have just recently found out that our 40 year old son has a "drinking problem." He was raised in a very religious home with absolutely no history of even drinking alcohol, so this was pretty shocking to us and we don't have a clue how to help him. He has lived in another state for a number of...
This ones tough
i never learned how to love myself,and just how do you open up to. A freind never had I.need all esh I can get here get me back on track plz.....hugs
Scary times here.
I haven't been on in awhile, but I had posted about my AH who was physically abusive in the past, but not so much anymore, and had even curbed his drinking to a tolerable amount on most occasions, but that the abuse even while sober was still enough to make me want to leave. Well, it really hit the fan last w...
Father's Day
My father died over 30 years ago, due to lack of self care after a heart attack. I was in my late 20's. So he has missed out on my son growing up, having a daughter of his own, my getting my education which I had had to stop after surgery, and I never got to relate to him as a mature adult. He had some major fl...
C2C 6-21
Happy first day of summer. Today's reading in the C2C speaks about the power of meditation. The reading breaks down the definition of meditation into an easy to understand form as It defines meditation as ability to think contemplatively and that to contemplate simply means to " view tho...
New to Alanon
I've been in an alcoholic/drug abuse relationship with my husband for over 20 yrs. He is now 2 years sober but the pain and misery is still there. I thought for sure if he stopped doing drugs and alcohol all of problems would go away. I was wrong. It's seems worse now then it was when he was drinking. Befo...
Courage to Change 6/16 C2C
Today's reading discusses detaching with love and allowing our A(s) to hit their own bottom by experiencing natural consequences for their choices and actions. It also discusses that with the best of intentions, we have often interrupted their success too. Only through working the program, an...
Courage to Change 6/17 C2C
Today's reading reminds us that we are seeking peace through progress, not perfection. Al-Anon helps many of us to cope with crises that we simply could not have managed on our own. The program teaches us to lean on a Power greather than ourselves and discover that we can live and even grow through the...
C2C 6-22
The C2C reading for June 22 speaks about what it was like when we first entered the rooms and how our attitudes have changed since. It points out that many of us unknowingly gave our power away by our attitudes and belief systems. We did this by blaming others for our situation and feelings and...
Per Request from My Last Kayak Trip :)
Beautiful Day....
I am well rested, had my breakfast, hugged my son ... I am going to spend this beautiful day doing some chores and some play Praying for all of you on this beautiful day
Need prayer and support
Hello everyone, I need advice on a situation with my ds and XAH. My ds will have 2 more years of high school to finish, after being homeschooled for the past 16 years. I have been working full time and that means my XAH has had to step up and handle a lot more of ds' schedule. For now, things are tolerable b...
C2C 6-20
The C2C reading for June 20 speaks about living with the disease of alcoholism and how we unconsciously develop negative coping tools to protect ourselves from the insanity of the disease. The reading suggests that we often" react :out of fear -- go silent, and keep quiet when confronted ins...
I've done it now
No matter what I do or how hard I work the steps I find myself after a period of time losing it. Today my active qualifier went out to pick up some tea and powerade for me and to stop by Sears for a sparkplug. He was gone for three hours and my thoughts were racing. I tried calling him and he ignored calls, no res...
Good days and bad days
I'm haveing good days when I'm with healthy ppl but wen I'm alone which I live alone I get depressed my freind told me I'd better be careful or I'd fall into another bad relationship,prolly true.im doing good today so all I can do is take one day at a time ,even baby steps........thanks for listening hugs...
I am trying to figure out how to discuss this with my A. We have some boundaries in place that we both agreed on. One is that if he knows he will not be home within 20 minutes after work, AA whatever it is he is doing he will call and I too do the same. As of the past couple of weeks, suddenly he no longer calls and w...
johnny cash
I had no idea!!
Something dawned on me just now and I googled it ... What part does alcohol consumption play in increasing estrogen in a drinker? I noticed that when AH is beside himself he acts like someone who is not only out of control with emotions but like someone whose hormones are raging as well. I discovered...
C2C reading 6-19
C2C reading for today speaks about taking everything that happens personally and that by doing this I remain a victim and blame others for my discomfort. Accepting life on life's terms is the key . The reading emphasizes the fact that things will not always go our way and that learning how to acc...
Awareness won't do it for me!
I seem to have to learn this lesson over and over and over and over and over. Knowing the pitfalls, knowing the outcomes and knowing the wrong course of action through tried and tested experience just doesn't make bad decisions work any better! For example, for various reasons I am 2 weeks into an 8 week...
Lurked for a bit and then took the plunge.
Seventeen years ago I was attending family week at my then newly wedded husband's rehab facility after he was arrested for dealing drugs. I met a woman in her early forties, whose husband had held a high profile job in their small town before he made headlines for a drunk driving accident. She said it wa...
Relearn my lessons
I guess i needed a reality check. I stated how i felt in an email to ex in just a basic way. Stated i needed more time to move out i was trying to do too much and having a hard time emotionally. I only said "i was hurt very deeply by someone i thought i knew and had trusted" He spins it back that i ha...
My Experience Working Step 1
I am going to share some of what I wrote when in the process of working the the first ten steps and thought I would start at the beginning, with Step 1:We admitted we were powerless over the Alcoholic that our lives had become unmanageable.I began Step One in May of last year, it was a huge relief admitting...
C2C - Detachment With Love...Why?
Today's C2C is one that resonated deeply within my mind and heart early on in my AlAnon journey; it is one of the key texts that allowed me to see the 'Why' and 'How' of Detachment with love. AlAnon introduced me to the concept of allowing the A to face the consequences of their actions; the concept that th...
Tradition 11
Tradition 11 has been posted to the Step Work BoardLearn How The Twelve Steps and Traditions Work.Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery Here is the link http://stepwork.activeboard.com/t60...
I have been learning a lot about myself the past couple of weeks.As I reflect on some of my decisions and choices.I realize I am very passive.There have been many times that I have a voice screaming inside my head to say something to someone and I am afraid.I know it goes way back to when I was a child,I didn...
Hope for Today 6-19 - Alcoholic vs Disease of Alcoholism: Our Recovery
Today's HfT addresses the internal struggles that can accompany step 8. The Thought for the Day reminds us that true healing from the pain we hold from alcoholic behavior begins only when we accept that it was caused by alcohol the disease, not the alcoholic. This thought, along with today's C2C offe...
Inpatient vs. Outpatient therapy
My husband detoxed last week - last drink was Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday he was at home feeling sick and Thursday he was so bad that I finally took him to the ER (he felt so bad that he didn't agrue with me). He was admitted for two nights and let me say thank god for Adavin as his symptoms went away prett...
Had to Admit!!
Working Step 5 Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to anotherhuman being the exact nature of our wrongsUnderstanding that the fear, resentment and lack of confidence that I developed from AH's verbal abuse was holding me back from being a compassionate human being with others and myself. Understa...
It works if you work it!
I haven't posted in a while but need to shout out how grateful I am for this program! I would not be where I am today without it and I am so very grateful. I filed led for divorce in January and Murphy's Law has been in full effect with the progression of things. What should have been a six week process is st...
Tossed Salad
first post, first share
Hi all, I don't really know where to begin with this so I'm going to start here. I have been to a few Al-Anon meetings. everyone was very nice and very welcoming. I put off going for a long time because I was just scared about it, what if I met someone I knew. I have not yet shared at a meeting, I'm not very open a...
Familiar feeling
I'm sitting with an agitated anxious feeling tonight that I'm very familiar with. I don't know whether it's an al anon feeling, ie related to living with the effects of alcoholism, or whether it's just normal human life, or whether it's just me, so would be interested to hear any ESH. it would be espe...
A note about my weird gay post
I wanted to thank everyone for their responses. I am sorry my question ended up being so weird and maybe patronising. I was actually trying to gain some understanding for myself, to work through a relationship issue I am having. I wasn't meaning to be a weird nosey ghoul. I just found, the question was s...
Courage to Change 6/18 C2C
Today's reading reminds us that we each have our own path in life and in recovery. It suggests that when we arrive at Al-Anon, many of us resent others who appear to have less troubled lives. The program helps us to understand and accept that we are all special and different. We always have exactly wh...
Guide to Moral Inventory
Guide to completing Step 4Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves I believe everyone needs are undoubtedly different, our lives are all different, so it makes sense to me that our needs and moral inventories would be different as well. I always believed that everyone has the pro...
I need a meeting!!
I am out of town and I'm feeling depressed because I have not been to a meeting in a week. I miss the connection that I get from listening to other alanon people. i know my plight has to do with my AH. He is still actively drinking and living with OW. I felt I had to leave my home because I cannot take his drin...
What I have learned
I have been seeing a lot of posts about changing the A.How can I make him or her change?How can I help him or her see?I lived like that for so long,I believed it.After becoming miserable with my life I started this program and I have learned that it is always about changing me.The first question I asked mys...
Pity Party
I've been contemplating seeing a therapist for a long time now. Recently, daughter has started having some counselling and what both her school counsellor and her new extra-curricular counsellor have said to me is that "You should seek some support for yourself, mum". I felt that they m...
no change without honesty
Ive been slipping lately with my program. Other things have distracted me, some of which ive shared here. Ive kind of lost touch with what im all about. Im redefining myself or other aspects of myself and ive stopped being honest and taking that honest look at my shortcomings and assets. Ive had the reb...
Learning to be detached with love... Man it's hard and confusing.
2 weeks ago my Ah had his first aggressive outburst. The ac and door were his victims. that was enough for me to ask him to leave. I have worked and am still working on this with my therapist. I have set up a meeting with a separate therapist for some couples therapy. I have explained to my AH that we need to st...
I am on my 2 week break from college.I have been waiting on this break and looking forward to enjoying some summer weather.It has been pouring rain,very cloudy and dreary.Forecast is rain,lots of it,for the whole 2 weeks.Sigh!I am just feeling grumpy today,I still have a lot of work to do on my house,i...
Lost my Serenity this week ...
It's amazing how quickly one can lose their serenity ... and in this case it has nothing to do with my A. My Mom is suffering from her own progressive disease, which I didn't cause, I can't cure, and I can't control. But, the Al-Anonic in me certainly wants to try and control or take responsibility for ho...
Hello my dearest alanon family...it's me lookingup
I don't really know where to start cause if I start at the beginning I'll be typing all night and through tomorrow,lol,not that my life has been in any way a pleasant life in the last year and a half,well here goes the worst parts anyway yall know how hard headed I am ouch!!!!! My head hurts I get what I deser...
Another learning experience!
I have an ex husband who lives in another state.We have been divorced for 12 years.He is an alcoholic,who is now in recovery?Well,that is what he says.We haven't seen each other or been together in those 12 years.The only contact we have had is the occasional Facebook comment. Once in a while we like so...
i found a nice apartment and will start to move in this week. I am to be out of my home by Monday. My xah gets the home i asked for time to sort and clean out. I hope i will not need to return. I am throwing away junk, papers and just plain old stuff. Giving the good stuff away or bringing it somewhere. i am not t...
Taking time to focus on my own inventory - some tough issues
As I continue on my journey with my new tool bag thanks to Al-Anon, I am trying to spend less time thinking about the character defects in others and more time reflecting on the issues in my own heart and mind that need tending. So much of who I am at (gulp!!) almost 50 years old (gasp!!) is not serving me...
12 miles on a day like this?
I'm training for a marathon and today I'm supposed to do 12 miles. I'm not at all happy right now, though. I did it! I broke free of my XAW! The divorce was final about one month ago. I remember reading _How Al-Anon Works_ about one year ago and being surprised how many of those marriages ended up in divo...
So very lonely for human touch
i don't really know where to start, so I'll just spit it out.....ah started AA almost 3 months ago during a major crisis. He does seem to have hit his bottom, but wo knows. It took a while to detox at home, but he has just over 2 months of sobriety(, a sponsor, and regular AA attendance. He is working the p...
I came to believe ....
Step 2: Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanityI define a Power greater than me as my HP = my God the Father. I truly believe that he loves and cares for everyone. I talk to him everyday in my prayers and expressions of gratitude for everything he has helped me with, i...
Well.... I did it???
Despite all the drunkenness, I finished my edits and deposited. YAY!!!!! I actually am graduating! My wife spoke with her lawyer and found out she has to have 20-90 days in jail or on electric monitoring. She is changing her address to her mom's house. She is going to live at her mom's because we live 2...