Full consequences
Yesterday my teenaged daughter passed her drivers license exam and is a licensed driver, instead of celebrating with us, my AH, decided to feel sorry for himself because he couldn't find a job, and all his job searching fell through, and drown himself in the strip club of a nearby town, wrecked the bik...
Courage to Change (C2C) 9/29/16
The reading in Courage to Change discusses that even if/when there is abuse or violence in a relationship, we have choices. We have a duty to protect ourselves and make choices that ensure our safety. Today's Reminder -- I don't have the power to change another person. If I am dealing with violence...
hello everyone,I'm frustrated as can be at the moment,my neighbors next door,which have been good neignores up until today when I met my neighbor at my mailbox and he tells me his water had been turned off due to non payment that they had a rough month,so he tells me they hooked my water hose to their wate...
First Things First
One of the first,most often used slogans I learned from Alanon is "First Things First" Nearly every morning when i wake up, before all the dozens of thoughts come to my head, i say First Things First. It slows me done. I do the most important Firsts First. Taking care of me[shower,meds,breakfast] befo...
I'm still broken, where's the super glue?
Drum roll please.... even though "my boyfriend" is not an A in any way shape or form, I am discovering that I am STILL broken in some places, seriously cracked in others - getting rid of the A didn't magically fix everything in my life, imagine that? I still need to work on me, good thing I have the tools to d...
Question regarding the 3 C's - Someone added a fourth
In my F2F meeting a certain member of our group adds a fourth C to the 3 C's - We didn't cause it, we can't cure it and we can't control it. She added but we can contribute to it. I wonder if anyone else has heard this and if so, how do you suppose we contribute to alcoholism in our life?
My truth
So things going along calmly in my life. Doing my thing. Enjoying it. AH doing his thing. I was thinking when all said and done. These last 13 years with a daily active drinker are all down to "what the hell was I thinking?" Me. Not him. All the lies and craziness on both sides. At first we are usually full of...
Calm Lady
Is it beneficial to try to talk about it?
I know I am classic codependent. I have such a terribly hard time discussing things with my AH. I guess in the past he has always found a way to make me feel horrible for any feelings I have or things I bring up that hurt my feelings. I end up apologizing to him for something before the talk is over. I hold...
Thank You
I am going through some of the toughest times in my life. My Daughter is very sick with an eating disorder. The worse she is the more my AH drinks and the more I am spiraling downward. But praise my HP! I have Alanon and this board. I came here today and heard exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you! You guys a...
New - Need help with Dry Drunk syndrome
1 2
I've been married for 34 years. In 2006, my husband started drinking heavily and it spiraled until he drank every day starting first thing in the morning. I only found out about it because I put a GPS in his car and tracked him for a week. Living with him was hell. He had constant anger outbursts and my...
Ella Bella
trying to stay focused on the heart of the matter
I think my AH just hit a crisis - but I'm not sure. I'm not sure what to make of the way events and the truth have unfolded. I would appreciate some ESH in navigating through this. We've been separated for a year, but this month we had some therapist friends come and do some intensive work with us. Their goal...
C2C 9/28/16 Focus on the Action, Not its Fruits
Today's Courage offers an example of what it means to 'let go'. At a business meeting, the author summoned the courage to voice a suggestion that was not taken by group. Rather than feel defeated and offended, however, they were able to "place principles above personalities" and let it go.'Letting G...
Alcoholism (change)
I'm up late tonight and since I have once again managed to not be able to log in to the other room, I decided to venture to this one .. I Love alanon (and always will) .. I also appreciate So much we can always find fellowship (even when we've been away) .. I am feeling So much guilt with myself .. Mainly for my...
Feeling helpless,scared and angry
Hi I have a daughter who has a drink problem,she is beautiful intelligent,but for the past few years myself and other family members have noticed that she drinks more and more,she has a stressful job (corporate director) and is with a partner that drinks as well and is verbally emotionally abusive to...
A adult daughter's mom also attending Al-anon
I am the father of an alcoholic adult daughter. I am a new attendee to an Al-non family group. My A adult daughter's mom also attending same Al-anon meetings. i am uncomfortable with this. Am I being a jerk? Is this common? Is there a position/policy of Al-anon regarding this. My discomfort stems fr...
feeling like I am going crazy
My Alcoholic BF remains sober to this day, just over a month now since his last drink. Its been great having a sober person around. He now has become obsessed with renovating the house, and the to do list is unreal. He says this and that needs done. I am getting overloaded hearing all this. I am in fact gett...
Hope for Today Sept 27
Good morning Everyone: Today's reading is about how we come to the program and what type of participation/service each of us may bring to it. For me the line from this page that speaks volumes is: '...each of us has something unique that we bring to the program'. I remember being at meetings and listen...
What Can I Say To ABF
any Al-Anon suggestions on what to say to an alcoholic who is attempting recovery? My ABF Who is a binge drinker will go two weeks without drinking, has attended some AA meetings and then falls off the wagon and will drink again for a day. He gets up the next day stating that he has to start all over again th...
So odd
AH has been gone almost a week now on a bender. I'm glad he is honoring my boundaries by being out. I have to consciously not think..."how can he not want to be here". I know he has a disease and it is controlling him right now. A part of me just can't help but wonder if he's not just a rotten SOB who cares more ab...
AW began smoking in rehab
So my AW is still doing great post rehab and we are doing better. One thing that really bothers me is that she started smoking regularly in rehab. I guess it's because that's what everyone does. She always had a cigarette every once in a while (while drinking out in public) but was not addicted. I'm af...
Some Happy Updates
I did some things to help myself this weekend. Saturday morning I went to my first ever f2f meeting. It was so refreshing to see and hear all the experiences people are having. With some, it helps to know that I'm in the same boat as others. With others I felt heartbroken for all they're going through. One...
Thurrayya the Khajiit
New here
Hello, I am new here and I am at my wits end. I come from an alcoholic family. My father was an alcoholic, but it took me years to realize it because my mother was so good at denying it. I just knew that everything revolved around alcohol. My father passed away in 2001. Last year, my brother died from al...
dearest jaclyn
None of us came to alanon because we are well. That goes for me as much as anyone else here or in the rooms of alanon around the world. I have asked that you address me here on the main board in the spirit of actual recovery and because i know all too well from experience that emotional and mental manipulatio...
C2C 9-26-16 How Do We Feel About Our Feelings?
Today's reading provides the opportunity to try on a new perspective in regards to how we see our feelings and emotions. Instead of viewing resentment, jealousy, fear, and anger as 'bad', we can try viewing them simply as signals, without the value judgment of 'good/bad'.Some of those feelings may...
Feeling powerless
I've been working through step three with my sponsor and she reminded me of the concept of the God box. I had been avoiding it before because I didn't think it would help but I have found lately that I have been so obsessed with my AH's drinking and the future of our relationship that I decided I was going t...
Fellowship, Freedom and Service Work - the Miracle of Recovery...
Saturday past, I played tournament softball here - the metro area does sober softball and the tournament is how we end the year/season. Of course, there is recovery everywhere and both sides of the fellowship are well represented. There are games, kids, spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, games...
My divorce is final in Dec. I think detaching is forver thugh. He, in a period of clarity keeps calling me about some odd pieces of clothes that he claims are mine that he intends to mail. Believe me, when i left i took everything i wanted so i wouldnt have to return. Its a ploy so he can vaguely ask me favors a...
Update :)
I have exciting news which I'm still a little unsure about, .. my ex has agreed to a settlement. I am in SHOCK. I'm still reeling 2 days later. What I am not reeling about is realizing nothing has changed .. I know you would think I would learn .. LOL .. however whatever it is what it is, and he is who he is. ...
Ex Husband and Addict wants us back
We have been divorced 9 years. It was ugly, but the last 5 years have been good. I consider him a friend and good dad, we have a son together with a medical issue. I was in a long term relationship that ended over a year ago. About 6 months ago the ex husband begins actively trying to get me back. He still drink...
Ex Wife
Tips on how to conduct meeting when it's just oneself in attendance. Idlers notwithstanding. Anybody?
HP is there. He gone to get coffee
Confession time
Its been 9mths since I physically left my soon to be XAH but probally years I left him in an emotional sense. Standing alone I can see that I wasnt with my XAH for love. I had this idea after 2 failed marriages to find someone who in the future I could be secure with financially. Its way too complicated to go i...
Putting it here, instead of
I come back after a long summer. We had some good times, we had some bad times, and some eh times. My AH has been on and off sober since February. He believes in therapeutic relapses. What ever that means..... After much drama he admitted to our pastor and myself that he cant do AA because it makes h...
So Glad You Are All Here
I am feeling blessed to be able to read all of the stories here that are like mine or different, the wisdom, the mistakes, the hope. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the immense support, safety, healing and guidance found here. My AH went through months of fancy - finally, the real deal recovery. He c...
Amends? Help feel like im in a black hole!
I am new to this. At a friends suggestion came here to start my own healing. Abbreviated story as from what i have been reading its the same as most. the pathological lying cheating blacking our with other girls everything except stealing (that i know of). we broke up, or i guess i should say he threw me aw...
Courage to Change Reading 9-25-2016
The C2C reading for September 25 talks about Step Three. The reading reminds us that we can take this step over and over again and strive to place our will and life in the care of Higher Power's hands. Once we see that our way does not work, It's only then that we let go and begin to trust the still small v...
I have a lot to say. I'm glad this group exists, as these message boards have been helpful. We were together over 14 years. We were engaged & lived together (house in my name due to his credit). Brief highlights- open container a couple years ago, lost job, out of work while I paid bills, drinkin...
Im still unemployed but waiting now for unemployment to kick in as i caved and decided to get into that red tape nightmare. I have been having a great time with my new guy for 9 mths. Beeen going places and getting treated well. Things have progressed so that we are thinking about moving in together . I hav...
Big TV!
Hello all Lovely fresh autumn day here. Got that nice crispness to the air. Just sat quietly enjoying a coffee. Feeling peaceful. Pondering about how things reveal themselves a layer at a time in recovery. So as not to overwhelm us, I suppose. The denial about AH has revealed another layer. I say this i...
Calm Lady
Started a relapse yesterday
I am writing to share my gratitude of my self awareness now. I used to blunder along completely unaware of my behaviour and therefore the chaos I was creating for myself. I notice yesterday with AH, we were getting on so great, I slipped back into controlling behaviours. I normally act detached with lo...
Calm Lady
I am new to the group. In need of someone to talk to
I am fighting the woman within who has some how allowed herself to keep believing the lies that I tell myself about my fianse. He is a binge drinker. I have been in therapy for almost three years dealing with my fianse. How could I say yes two years ago. I feel like thank God we haven't actually gotten mar...
Are drunk words real thoughts?
last night my ABF who has been drinking, but not getting drunk the past few months, got really wasted. He turned right back into his mean self. He started yelling at me and telling me how fat I've gotten. Then after over 30 minutes of his verbal abuse, he walked away like he was getting really mad and then h...
Sunday Morning Alanon Meeting in Chatroom 10:30 EST
I will be chairing our Sunday morning meeting shortly. Please join us. TT
Courage To Change 24/9
Today's c2c reflects on the fact that many of us arrive at the doors of al-anon believing our own stories to be larger than life and highly dramatic. It makes the rather apt comparison between thinking our high-drama lives and circumstances are 'blockbusters" when they are really more like home-mov...
Delusions and false realities
I know better than to get worked up about the falsehoods my AH has created about his consumption. No, he didn't drink last week (or the week before) but in reality he was drunk every night last week when I got home. No, he didn't drink a bottle of whiskey and leave the empty bottle in the cupboard but in re...
Outsiders Truly Do Not Understand Us!!!
So - last night at softball, we were in need of a few players (conflicts). I asked two gals who are closer in age to me to come out and sub. Imagine a team with 3 women over 50 not only taking the field, but rocking it!!! We had fun, enjoyed the game and it's very flattering to still be able to 'game' as we all...
,,,group issues... how they work for me...
Our home town no longer has an Alanon group. I had to give the banners away to another group about a year ago. In the group we were not allowed to read daily readings from 'Hope For Today'. I questioned this one. I did not want to cause disharmony during a group meeting. So I asked for it to be discussed...
Not normal versus normal
I've have lived in what's not normal most my life,fighting amongst siblings,not speaking to one another for years I came from a 7 sibling household with a loving mother,enabler.and a father,alcoholic everyday drinking drama and chaos became a part of my raising,everyday drama or chaos broke out,...
Treasurer embezzled
I am needing al anon guidance. I was recently in a committee in al anon to do some research into our groups finances. A fellow member was not getting clear information from the treasurer at our group conscience. Since we did not have time to resolve it a motion was entered to form a committee to researc...
I love that alanon is a place where there is no gossip. No going behind each others backs and bitching away about each other for whatever reason. It means we can relax and feel trust here maybe for the first time. Gossip was a big part in my life before but I always had a feeling that it wasn't quite right and...
My boyfriend's alcoholism is gradually getting worse. Whenever I think about leaving I feel huge guilt. If he had a different illness such as cancer I doubt I'd leave him. However I don't believe he will stop drinking and it will probably kill him. So, I feel it would be much healthier for me to leave. O...
Tomorrow my BF goes to rehab, I'm really scared..,
This will be the first time he is going, but he has spun out of control last week or so. And while I'm so proud of him for choosing this, I am scared too..I have all these selfish thoughts, what if he decides he doesn't want to be with me when he gets out, whatif he doesn't miss me in there, how do I make this as su...
Long lost brother found
I've just had a very heavy load taken off my back concerning a brother ,as some of you here may remember me posting about him ,my brother being missing in Texas ,Dallas .for several months ,we all had given him up for dead or some of my foo had said I was beginning to beleive it myself as painful as it was to ad...
Feeling so alone
Hello all. Not sure if this is where I am supposed to post all this but here goes... I am new to this site and Al Anon in general. I am very familiar with AA and Al Anon for various reasons which I won't go into now. I guess I just really need to get this all out, because I am so alone right now. My husband (just mar...
Courage to Change (C2C) 9/23/16
Today's reading is one of my favorites. It summarizes for me how I can use the program and be/do differently. It talks about the character defect of responding in kind to bad behavior. When someone confronts me with hostility, my natural response is to respond the same. The program has given me th...
Feeling a bit down on myself
Just feeling bit down really. also been drinking a bit above what I should really. I know this has a negative effects on my mood, body, feeling crappy next morning. This is why it's all the more bizarre how As can just get up and operate like nothing has happened the next day! I know I'm not in good healt...
My AH is Gone on a Golf Trip!!!
So - my AH told me a few months ago that he was invited on a golf trip with his golf buddies.....I said, Yay - have fun. He wasn't sure he wanted to go and then decided to do so. One guy that he's closest to arranged the entire trip and it was to be the last weekend of the month (next weekend). Well - on Tuesday,...
Why can't I say the freaking words.
I haven't physically seen xabf for maybe a couple of months now. Things were seemingly OK between us (I guess) and then he turned up one night drunk and demanding that I live with him again or break up. I thought it ended on 'break up' because he sent me a bunch of nasty messages and then blocked my number, s...
How do I keep my serenity, set boundaries here?
This is something I have experienced in the last few years with my 36 year old unmarried A daughter (she lives 2.5 hours drive away). It has happened so often, that it has become the norm, And yet, I keep having expectations that this time my A will behave "normally". I'm just not sure what to do "inste...
The magic of meetings
I just want to testify to the magic that happens in f2f al-anon meetings. My home group meeting was tonight -- the topic was a page in Hope for Today (August 17th) about keeping the focus on ourselves and figuring out who we are. It was a great meeting. We laughed, we cried, we spoke about our fears and cont...
I read my wife's 4th step
My wife has been home from rehab for a few weeks. I was clueless to her drug use prior to her getting caught at work. Clueless may be a bit strong. I was clueless about her drug use, but there were signs of addiction, but I just didn't know. When she came home, she told me what Step 4 was at a high level and ask...