People Pleasing Makes Me Sick
Hi Alanon Family, I have had so many changes going on recently it's beginning to feel a bit overwhelming for me. I am not the one initiating these changes but they are things that require my participation. I've been trying to stay in touch with what I'm really feeling, do what is in front of me and remain...
I just let him go!!!!
I spoke with my A brother today and it was a conversation I didn't need on top of all the sorrow and loss and grief thrown at me this YEAR!!! so hes going on and on and I just told him how sorrowful I felt because to me?? when Jane died, that was IT for me re: family Hes going on and on about how he "likes to drink.....
Husband kicked out son last night. My mom said he was going to her house. She said they have to come here to get his things. I am hoping this will be short term if he will agree to counseling and begin the process. I know that is me controlling but I can't stop the fixer in me. I feel broken. Family is broken. Ol...
Hope for Today aug 15
Good morning Everyone- Today's reading is a focus on how fear can activate our character defects, and how very often fear is triggered by trying to control things over which we have no control. The writer mentions that leaving the present and worrying over the past or future is also a trigger for fear....
therapy and changes today
my a brother texted me and asked me if we could talk Of course I called him back and we just agreed to disagree on his drinking and we would be a loving brother and sister and basically he said again that he wanted to drink and get drunk but that he loved me and that I was always going to be his sissy and that...
My Weird Place
So I am living in this weird space right now. According to one of my last posts (5 days ago), I told my AH that he had 3 choices. Seek treatment Do nothing and leave Do nothing and I will leave b/c I can't live this life anymore. I was officially done...MY bottom! In the meantime, AH's adult nephew has been t...
facing reality????
All my life I viewed life "as I wanted it- dreamed it- wished for it to be" Case in point...my nieces in CA..I have spoken to them re: possibly moving nearer to them and they are telling me all the rent they are gonna charge me, PLUS I have to get rid of my pets because they are "dogged" up according to the ci...
left my alcoholic but still need help
I am new here, but thought perhaps someone has been through something similar to my experience. After many years of trying to come to terms with my husband's alcoholism, I moved out with my 15-year old daughter. I do feel better in my own home, but my image of being able to leave the old "alcoholic impa...
Healing Choices & Boundaries
I am making that journey from head to heart with Mom right now because all this family dynamic is triggering old patterns in me. (fear for brother who just got out of detox for 2th time & after nearly dying for second time, anger and sadness & ppl pleasing to compensate over not feeling good e...
Stopping in to say "hello"
Well, tomorrow is the memorial service for my sister..I have called the girls, my BFF, my cousin, and NOBODY is home and I am feeling a bit lonely, so I thought I would stop in and say hello to my recovery mates and check up on how ya'll are doing I'm hanging in there..One day at a time..Also, I decided that I...
Hurt & anger as a consequence?
How does allowing the alcoholic suffer the consequences fit in with "putting down the sword" if the consequences are that they've done something or said something to cause hurt and anger? 3 years ago my AH & I split up for 6 months then reconciled. During the separation...actually only a day afte...
Going home today....
Good morning all, well my two weeks in my brother's house are up and my daughter and I are going home today. It's been a hard couple of weeks in ways, no contact, well no direct contact, just the neighbour getting the message to me that he went to the hospital with his liver but didn't stay in. I did call the n...
Rehab Support
Hey Everyone! It has been a while since I have been on here. Everyone helped me so much when I was here previously. A little update on my situation- things ended up getting worse with my ABF, so I decided I just couldn't stay in the relationship any longer. I had made up my mind to end the relationship,...
When to help
I'm the only daughter of an alcoholic. Both of my parents are on vacation in Hawaii, my 30+ years of alcoholism mother got pneumonia there and has been in the ICU. She was on a reperaitor last night and they have removed all oxygen and she is breathing on her own. I talked to one of the nurses and he told me th...
C2C 8/14/17
Choices: The reading for today talks about discovering we have choices that we didn't know we had. And, if we are uncomfortable about something, we don't have to do it! The author says that this is true freedom. However, there will be times that we actually do have to do some things that we don't wan...
ODAT READING SUnday 8-13-2017
The ODAT Reading for today speaks about our tendency to dwell on past hurts and live in self pity and fear. The reading asks why do we continue to hurt ourselves in this manner? Is it because we have a hidden desire to suffer?. The reading points out that living on past hurts only ruins our presen...
alcoholic MIL
Hello all I am a newbie looking for some advice and support. My MIL is a full blown alcoholic. We found out last summer and my FIL confirmed our suspicions. She has to drink to stay level, drinks 24/7, gets up in the night for a drink. She switched to Vodka 5 years ago from her usual drink of rye. Finding out s...
Feeling sad today
Hi everyone. I went to an addiction counselor with my A yesterday, and between two talks with my son during the week, and what I shared with the counselor, I SAW how broken my marriage is. And I do have to look at myself, and ask the question, why have I stayed with a person who has hurt me so much? And the a...
Needing a hug, I guess
Today my AH was extremely mad at my newest boundaries: You have three choices: 1. Rehab 2. Do what YOU want, but you have to live someplace else 3. Do what YOU want and kid and I will move out at the end of the month. I can't live this way any longer. So I am trying to move towards what is best for ME and my kid. Eve...
C2C 8-12
The C2C reading for today 8-12 speaks about the 3rd Step turning our will and life over to the care of HP. The reading suggests that this is thei type of surrender that we need in order to accept the fact that we are not all powerful and in control The quote is from Plato:"Time will change an even revers...
Hi I am struggling today with respect. How am I supposed to show respect to my AH? He does nothing for our relationship except create drama and drain us financially. How do I show myself more respect??? Why is this life placed before me to handle??? I know my HP has to be at work and more will be revealed lat...
I got this from the Facebook page of Harriet Lerner, who writes about relationships, and I thought it summed up what I've experienced in Al-Anon: "SETTING BOUNDARIES takes so much courage, whether it's with a partner, parent or close friend. Why is it so scary? As we become clearer about what is accep...
So lately I have been examining myself. What did I bring to my marriage, to my adult life, to motherhood. I guess an inventory. Not all inclusive, but I had been thinking about what quality about me makes it almost impossible to deal with my AH? The need to be "right." So, through this program I have learn...
Example: Accepting the things I cannot change.....
Daughter called me, car was smoking, mine, she pulled over, turned it off, called me - in the throes of a nasty cough/cold I got up and going to pick her up and see what needed to be done to save my car (ha ha ha). Needless to say grubby dressed mom to the rescue? Part way there phone rings, answer it cause its h...
Soundtrack to my sanity
One thing I have found useful for many years - even before ABF was in my life - is music. I'm not a fan of meditation and mindfulness - I've never really found I can empty my head enough to make it a peaceful time. So I use music instead. I am currently putting together a list of songs that help. I can put them on...
Courage to Change (C2C) 8/11/17
Good morning MIP family - TGIF (Thank Goodness It's Friday)! Today's reading in Courage to Change discusses the importance of meetings and leaning into the Al-Anon program -- especially when we don't want to. It talks about how we all face challenges and when we hit that point where we want to hide u...
Dealing with a new wrinkle...
So now that I have accepted the realities of living with an alcoholic, really accepted my situation, the last month or so has been livable. What I want? Definitely not. But I successfully use my slogans, attend my meetings, and use the "right" tools when dealing with my AH. I even weathered the storm t...
PNP Update
My AH went to his immediate boss on Tuesday and told him about his drinking problem and asked for help. His boss had him driven home by a co-worker and told him he would check in on him (phone) the next day. The next day they let him go. i was pretty sure there is some law about that and alcoholism being a 'dise...
Good News ..
Well, I have been really stressed out over the whole getting the girl into a covered psychiatrist on her insurance plan and HP stepped in. I had a big fight with the insurance company today .. I have no issues with being conflict habituated when things are outside of my control .. absolutely none at all...
A little light relief
Since my boy dog died, I've been trying to get the girl into routines for when I go out as she's never been alone before. She and boy dog came as a pair and now she wants me to be round all the time which I can't be when work starts in September. Anyway, the signal I"m going out is that she gets cheese. She loves c...
Wow, did he actually hit his "rock bottom?"
So today I get a text at work from AH: "Not going to go to mom's bday thing. I told my boss about my drinking problem... I'll explain what's going to happen when I get home." WTH? So this is the man for the 8 months that I have known about his alcoholism who won't seek help, won't take advantage of his work's su...
C2C August 9
Good morning, MIP! Today's reading in Courage to Change is about being who we are. The author describes a feeling of not ever being able to be themself around other people, for fear that others would reject them. The author talks about realizing at an AlAnon meeting that they were not alone in this fea...
AH seeking collusion, what can I do better?
I'm struggling with my responses to AH when he wants me to pity him or take his side in a situation
I often disagree with his assessment of what other people should do or say and feel he is lacking in maturity and empathy when he feels someone is wrong. He comes to me with a story about a person who he feels i...
Courage to Change (C2C) 8/10/17
Today's reading shares about how each of us lives with this disease a bit differently. Meeting discussions regarding housekeeping habits showed how the disease presents and we react. Some members kept a tidy home which gave the illusion of control. Others had clothes, paper, books and more clu...
Putting the "fun" in Dysfunction ..
A really great girlfriend of mine is in SF, CA .. that's my home city or one of them .. lol .. it's where I was born so I spent a lot of time in Northern CA. It brought about a funny/odd memory I hadn't thought about in years. When I was kid I remember running into my Dad at the airport in SF .. he was catching ano...
Outrageous optimism - or is it denial?
Actually I think it's denial. This is on the part of my A. You may remember that he had a big drinking-related health crisis recently. He wasn't speaking to me, but from what I heard, he only barely pulled through. A month in the hospital, and now he is in a wheelchair. He says he is involved with AA, b...
Quick Question about Meetings
I just have a question about attending my first meeting. My father has offered to go with me to the meeting tomorrow night. Is that ok? He technically is a "friend" of an alcoholic even if he's actually going more for my support than for my AH. But he does care for my AH a great deal and he offered, I didn...
Someone's listening
Hi, I'm new here but I have been to a couple of al-anon meetings. I just find it hard to get to them at the moment. I'm tired of the alcoholic in my life. When he's sober he says all the right things but then he drinks. He has the memory of a goldfish when he's drunk so I remove myself from arguments and convers...
question about enabling - want your experiences
Hello, I am new to this, having gone to two meetings and three 1x1 therapy appointments. I am ready for a change, ready to break the cycle, etc. I know you're not supposed to give me advice, but I am interested in hearing your experiences. My person is still actively drinking and absolutely on the verg...
Stuck on understanding Step One
I am having a very hard time with Step One. While I'm trying to accept that I have no control over alcoholism or its symptoms and that I need to allow the alcoholic to deal with the consequences of his choices, I feel so many consequences effect only me. How do I still take the snide comments and insinuatio...
Hope for Today Aug 8
Good morning Everyone- Today's reading illuminates a problem that many of us affected by alcoholism have: speaking openly and directly (especially about our feelings). The writer describes a camping trip his/her father offered, and then cancellled. The adult child was completely disappoin...
More will be revealed ..
At least I got a a little more information and some sticker shock as well as my girl got some valuable information. In the form of learning curve .. this is all good. So the GP explained a great deal that the dumb neurologist did not .. ugh. We are not closer to a diagnosis however we at least got her anoth...
Wednesday Morning MIP Alanon Meeting
Please join us! The Alanon meeting has just started in the chatroom. Our topics this morning are "Family Disease that effects everyone" and Open Alanon topic.
Weird feeling
I posted on another thread re: my AH. My AH's nephew texted me today and told me that AH wants to wait a few days. He then asked me if AH was stalling. LOL! I told him, more than likely. I told him that AH is thinking clearer now, and thinks he can manage this with minimal fuss. My nephew then told me that all th...
Internalized negative voices
Tomorrow I will spend about $200 for a used elliptical machine on Craigslist. I can already hear my dad going off about this. "What does she need an elliptical machine for? She's broke! And she just bought an iPhone! And a mattress, and then a topper for the d*mn mattress! Don't DO stupid things like thi...
I'm done. I'm gone... but
I can't do it anymore. I'm fed up. We've been married 7 years and he's been a major alcoholic for 5 years. I am basically a single mother because he's a drunken mess whenever he's home. He's been violent to me while drinking at least 3 times this year. He would never do such a thing sober but he hasn't had a so...
My attitude stinks! I try to find joy in my life but it seems like anxiety gets the best of me and I feel anger and sad. I didn't want this life so now I have to have a program so I don't go nuts living with an alcoholic. How do you continually turned your life to happy all by yourself?
letting go and holding on
i decided i couldn't hold on to my relationship any longer. we had 3 rough years. i was enabling and his disease escalated. i kicked him out. i was (am) heartbroken and traumatized. he went to rehab and then residential program, away for over two months. treatment at the place sucks. we have stayed in t...
I need some perspective please!!!
First off I want to say I've been an Alanon member for about 3 years. I'm staying at my single adult daughter's condo to take care of her pets because she has entered a 30 day rehab program for the 4th time. Since I live about 1500 miles away, i flew in here about 10 days ago. I helped her get into a treatment fa...
Buckeye Girl
The 4 M's
I was just reading some CAL (al-anon Conference Approved Literature) this after noon and read about something I had not read about before. The 4 M's. They are Managing, Manipulating, Martyrdom and Mothering. From what I read, these four characteristics can go either way for us al-anoners. I though...
C2C 8/7
Maintenance Steps: The author talks about Steps 10, 11, & 12, being referred to as "maintenance steps." However, the author prefered to think of them as "growth steps." He/she shared about retiring and having more time for "stinking thinking," but decided to turn this around and use the tim...
Enabling - money
Hi all. I was at my meeting today, but didn't share about my last big enabling thing, just didn't feel up to it, because honestly I'm ashamed about this almost more than about anything else at the moment. I have reduced enabling my ex-abf drastically during the last year or so, but I still spend quite a lo...
Alanon Reading 8-6-2017
The ODAT reading for today, August 6 speaks about staying in the moment and appreciating treasures that can be found in the moment and the day. It suggests that if we are intent on building our lives iin a positive fashion we need to focus on living just for the day,and in the moment.IN this manner w...
Not sure how to handle this, esh please!
Hi everyone, so the on/off non live-in alcoholic partner of 4 years has been drinking constantly for 6-8 weeks now. It has been mostly off between us for the last few months, he he's been trying to talk to me but really I just felt like I'd had it, just couldn't cope with it anymore. Then we had a talk a coupl...
Courage To Change 5/8- Resentments.
Today's C2C reading is about resentments, and the way that we tend to keep them burning by re-living and "reahearsing" them to make sure that we still feel justified in the way that we have assigned blame to others and pity to ourselves. It's very liberating to realise that we actually don't have to do t...
Principles over personalities in all my affairs
I can not believe how amazingly well this programme works when we let it. This morning I did something I didn't want to do, was anxious about doing but was able to do by concentrating on principles over personalities.
My immediate foo system is immensely alcoholically complicated and every variati...
another generation crumbling.
My eldest son is in relapse and almost every aspect of his life is cracked and falling apart with the latest aspect being his children and his children-in-law. They are drinking and are polishing the alcoholic personalities and might be focusing some animosity our way. We spoke to and passed some...
Jerry F
Some stuff I see
I see my post on Mattie's boundary post ( A great one, Mattie, thank you) I think I should start a new topic on this one its weird...In my old sick days, I had friends up the ying yang and some were actually GOOD....here??? I get into recovery and it seems my circle has shrunk...like I am in exile or somet...
New here. Help/Advice needed
Hi, I'm new here. I need some immediate help so unfortunately I have not read all the rules and regulations and FAQs so please forgive me if this topic has already been mentioned.
I will try to make this as short as possible but there are details I need to make sure I hit.
First off, my husband is a drug a...
C2C-more revealed after meeting
Hi MIP Family, I never could have guessed how much last night's meeting would change my life- and started to release me from my suffering. From my last post, I entered the room still shaking from the downward spiral of events (from previous post). I saw familiar faces and some new ones - this group is a g...