The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
What Al-Anon taught me was that I was where I was because of what I had done...I was living my consequences of conscious and unconscious choices. This wasn't about the was about me turning my life over to chance. I had negative consequences that I could not blame or even mention the alcoholic in and in some cases I did blame her for things that she had no part in. In part the Al-Anon declaration became even more important for me when it says "I am responsible". I was born and raised in the disease of alcoholism and to that part where I wasn't aware my responsibility was to become aware which is what I am doing in recovery. Was it possible for me to go back to the ex alcoholic/addict spouse who was now sober...I didn't entertain that question to long as what I entertained was why did I marry her when I was thinking not to. I didn't want to marry her and I did which was my responsibility. Al-Anon is a program in part of amends which I learned was about making change and corrections to behaviors which caused me trouble not helpful to a life of peace of mind and serenity. My sponsor told me, "If and When you find that you have made a mistake in your life it is your responsibility to go back and change it or correct it" and I hold on to that truth still. While my wife and I were separated and she was still drinking and then we were in divorce court and more I was learning about myself and my errors in thinking and behaving. I was also learning about unconditional love and acceptance and we divorced. Some short time later I was coming home to Hawaii and just by chance met her in a Target store. It was a joyous meeting and we embraced and kissed and shared some conversation and I understood at that moment it was as our first meeting except I had no feeling of need for her or any other person for that matter. The event was profound in many ways and told me that I could be happy and glad for another persons condition in life and that the was a power greater than myself who I could trust and rely on now and in the future with very opposite consequences than before. I learned to be responsible for my life and my choices and to own them and the outcomes and more. I only have memories of her now and the most beautiful being the last one. I have hope and compassion and empathy for her and no desire to check into how she is living her life. I know that she and I lived thru hell and hell is a bad place to live for anyone. Choose well and use the program when doing it. Keep coming back (((((hugs)))))
Wow. That was bitter sweet for me. Thank you for sharing. I guess I'm still at the point where I would want to get back with my ex (hell, I won't deny it) or at least have hope but it's nice and refreshing to hear someone who isn't but still happy. It's sad, but nice that you're happy. Again, thank you for sharing.
Thank you! I know God has great things in store for me. It's not what I want it's what he wants. He knows what is best for me. I an only see what is right in front of me and he can see what I need long term.
You have better vision than I do and then also my Higher Power allows me to argue choices and doesn't leave at the consequences. Some of my very best and astounding lessons have come at the end of throwing a fit because I wasn't liking the lesson. That's how I get to see the power of my HP's wisdom and unconditional love. It's also a best practice lesson in humility. Its when I listen that God most recent lesson.
-- Edited by Jerry F on Wednesday 12th of August 2015 01:48:12 PM
Throwing a I have been there. All I can do is work on myself. This journey is so interesting and I never anticipated it but I'm glad for the path I am on now. I realize I had a codependency in many of my relationships in the past. It's okay to work on me. Whether I get back with my ex, or get with someone else down the road, I need to always work on myself and maintain my own identity. Balance!
Greetings everyone. I am proud to say I am doing great over here. A few ups and downs, but overall I'm good. I am working on steps 6 and 7 and feel I will be here a while. Step 4 was emotional. It has been great working on myself. I have "lapsed" a couple of times and contacted my ex. She has as well. We did have dinner the other day. We aren't getting back together, but we made some amends. What I have realized while working the program is that she is sick. When people get sick, they usually go one of two ways. They want you there to take care of them, or they want space. The way I see this now, is that she is sick and the best way for her to get better is give her space. She doesn't want me around because she wants space so she can get better. She may never truly get better, but I feel I am in a good place. Just thought I would share!
Thanks for the update CF. You are growing and by working your program so diligently, you are becoming a true Miracle in Progress. Keep on keeping on you are doing fine.
Very happy for you CF, that you are working the steps and feel better about your circumstances.
Wishing both you and your wife the best of all possible outcomes!! Keep coming back!!
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
Figured I would update everyone. I am done with my twelve step work. Well, you're never really "done" but you all know what I mean. I feel great. For the first time in my life I can honestly say I am happy being single and just focusing on myself. I saw my ex a few weeks ago, briefly, but other than that I have not reached out to her. I am still working towards full forgiveness, but I have much less resentment towards her than I did before. I am finally moving past the situation and learning what I want out of a relationship. When the right person comes along, be it her or someone else, I will know what to do. For now, I'm just focusing on today though.
Congratulations on working all 12 steps! I agree ... we are never done working them. It's a great feeling of accomplishment and choice of self care to formally do the Alanon steps. Reading your initial post and now reading this update, you seem in a much better place. Wishing you continued serenity. Thanks for sharing your recovery here. You're an inspiration! TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
All things are possible and then more probable when those who participate have a program of right behavior, thinking and emotions. Belief in and practice of the principles of that program as if those were most important even more than the personalities involved shows me that an amended relationship can work and will work wonders. Let go of the fear...practice the unconditional love. ((((hugs))))
Great share and so glad you came back by and gave an update! Love your effort, self-care and plan!
Keep working it - it looks good on you!!
(((Hugs))) - keep coming back!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I'm very sorry to hear your struggle. I can really relate to your post at this time in my life. This is not easy. It is so hard to let go of someone you love. There is anxiety and fear of the unknown, and a feeling of rejection when you spend so much time with someone, and suddenly they cut you off. I am trying to believe that maybe the universe has bigger plans for me. It's just hard to feel a lack of control sometimes. I wish you peace on your journey.
I used to have a lot of anxiety over situations I could not control. Then, I finally started trusting in my higher power and I take pride in not being in control. He is in control. It's hard, and takes time, definitely does not happen overnight, but giving up control was the best thing I ever did. The problem is, and I was guilty of this, people don't want to actually give up control. I have found it's better to pray to my higher power to have the strength to give up control and give him my burdens. After this, when I am ready, then I pray he takes them. I hope you find serenity.