The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am also pretty active in local issues. I make s lot of progress with that. I feel like I have to stand by ground on certain issues
I wish you luck with your candidacy
I am glad you are at s place where you can feel.content. contentment is not something I am very familiar with
I am also glad that you have not had such a difficult time with Covid. The same is not true for us in the US
No one can hear anything anyone says with masks on
I am not sure how teachers are going to be able to articulate with a mask on
Yesterday and the day before I have had a real frustrating experience regarding the issues around Covid. The city where I work shit down a lot of streets so it was difficult to find my way out
Hiw funny in so many ways it that bureaucracy can create chaos
I have had a hard time getting to work because of these issue
Being an essential worker and working through the pandemic has been very challengujg
It still is very challenging and there is no end in sight at this time
I was in the supermarket car park last week- and I ran into my old sponsor and anther former member, a double winner. I was in a hurry and did not stop to chat.
I sensed strongly- they had heard through the grapevine that i was working with a neighbouring group. I could tell by their body language that they were impressed.
What follows here is a rant, really. Which is mainly for my own benefit... ...but something I wanted to say out loud- for a month or two.
I have been sickened and saddened about how people seem to lead lonely desperate lives sometimes. Lacking connection with others, and especially with family.
I can't fix it myself of course. But the hula hoop idea- words that i have heard here- impresses me. Beside that that booklet I read in Alanon about the pebble in the pond.
Let it begin with me.
I lost a nephew, over the back fence- to an overdose 12 years ago. Our mother and his grandmother passed away on the sam night- and I don't believe that that was coincidental. I should see- in the circumstances of his life- how events have conspired to lead him to this tragedy. From the inside looking out his death seemed tragic and inevitable.
I don't over-react to this. Over compensate. Through Alanon I don't hold court and judgement on my sister, or my parents. Like Nero they all seemed to fiddle while Rome burned. I reserve deep compassion for the overall situation.
I do try to better the situation around our own kids, and grandkids. The oldest of these is 18- and he has a steady girlfriend. We were having a family birthday party and he bought her round to meet the whole family. A good move.
Neither smug, or complacent.
It is Sunday morning here.
This group is a major friend and ally for me. To keep the focus on myself and the programme.
Reflection- and recapitulation, as I call it- seems to build character and personality.
Also an attitude of gratitude creates some sort of spirituality- and also adds to a balanced body chemistry, in my view...
Our youngest grandson turned 9 yesterday. He just wanted a quiet birthday, at home- with his mum, dad and sister.
We plan to go over there today- with a small present.
We haven't interfered with the raising go the grandkids. On one accession I had to bite down on my tongue real hard and close my eyes tight.
Then a while later older daughter came to me- and told me the story. She had rectified the situation herself. She told me too, and not her mum.
This created a base, from which I built- where i had actually grasped and used the idea of loving caring detachment.
The kid involved- I knew his rite of passage through teens- would be a little tricky. He is the boy who bought his girlfriend home. He took her to the school prom.
These days kids are not pushed out the door at age 16 to 18- as in my day. They tend to go when they are ready.
Get a bit of an economic base before they go flatting.
So, the times have changed too- for the better. One of the great changes is that women, and mothers, have a lot more natural authority.
And I sense strongly- that most spread that authority around, and communicate, a tad better than men. ...
So I do see signs of hope on the horizon. I strongly followed the example of my mum- as she went through life.
The copy of ODAT that she owned was still in mint condition- when she died, sadly.
I don't preach chapter and verse of Alanon people- or try not to.
I try to be a good example of recovery. I need help and support for this- virtually on a daily basis.
Thanks so much for reading. ...
Sometimes this level of help means life itself. Truly ...
Debbie I am so glad that you are surviving the cancer that you got and that I hope your body can feel better and shake off the effects of the radiation. Prayers and hugs go out to you
David, good luck on your candidacy and good on you to care about your community and I love what you said about attraction over promotion and let it begin with me. That is what I am applying in my life. I am wanting to set an example, and if people ask me which they do, they asked me what is going on with you youre so different in a positive way you have changed so much for the better and I just share with them my program and where they can get on if they choose to because some of them have reasons to be in Al-Anon: alcoholic spouses or drug and alcohol children so I hope that my setting a loving and positive and healing example attracts people to the program I have shared the link with a few and so I let go and let God from there.
You were the one who taught me about stored pain and the need to feel the feelings and be with my feelings and I thank you for that. The body does not forget. One of my recovery partners sent me the most incredible book about how the body remembers and so I am more and more aware of and excepting and allowing my feelings whatever they may be , And my back spasms have been reduced big-time. Thanks for the great share and thanks to all of you above me who replied to the Share
I am so happy that you managed to survive cancer. Certainly.chemo is a very difficult treatment
I have breathing issues and had to be on medication for asthma for many years. I was indeed affected by the environment. Indeed I am still addicted because I am around people who.smoke. There are numerous restrictions on smoking but no ok e adheres to the rules.
The good news is that there are indeed some rules about smoking. The other good news of course is that I no longer live with anyone who.smokes .
I lived for 8 years with a qualifier who smoked. My asthma got much worse around him. He smoked all the time. The smoke went into everything. In time I had to move out of the bedroom. Of course he always felt there was a choice about that. When my.asthma was particularly bad he insisted I should hist take a walk
Last year I was really sick for some time and put on disability. I had to take medication that had a lot of side effects
I am still dealing with those side effects today
I am also about to change one of my medications. I am gearing up to go to the doctor to discuss it
I know I have had one or two cancer scares and they were incredibly hard to negotiate
At this time I am making my health a priority. I am