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Post Info TOPIC: C2C reading 11-19

~*Service Worker*~

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C2C reading 11-19

 The C2C Reading for 11/19 speaks about using alanon tools on a daily basis so as to overcome the negative, soul destroying effects of the disease of alcoholism. 
 The reading  suggests that life is for our growth both mental and spiritual. So that by  having the courage to look closely  at ourselves so as to uncover what we say and  what we do helps,    This  is a huge step in uncovering  are negative defects and helps us  to become willing to let them go so as  to develop new constructive ways to communicate.  Great reasing






~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 2795

Thank you Betty for your service!

Having the courage to look at oneself can be very difficult at first... "we" are all consumed by what the Addicted One in our lives are doing/not doing. Always focusing on cleaning up the repercussions of a life of chaos is hard to move past. But it CAN be done. Baby steps at first. I read about them almost everyday here! I rejoice when I read of someone's "Aha!" moments!
As we grow and learn in this program, we Let Go of behaviors and emotions that no longer serve us. Sometimes it takes baby steps... sometimes in great big, giant leaps!
Each person has their own journey... but oddly, they are so, so similar!

Grateful today for my Al-Anon tools that help me to grow as a person!


"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend

"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness."  Mary Oliver



~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 2771

Thanks Betty for your service. This is just the reading I need today. Im having some trouble letting go of some negative thoughts about my A who duped both me and the addiction counselor. I can go over it a hundred times in my head, or I can turn it over to HP which I am doing minute by minute. I continue to re-visit step 3 and turn my will and my life over to the care of God. I recite the Serenity prayer and just invite HP to take over this morning as I struggle a bit. I do know that with my tools I will let go of this absurd dwelling on what was supposed to be and move right on to my day, and whats good for me. I am ever so grateful for this board. And I have my F2F this evening. Lyne




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thank you Betty! I do believe my mind, body, spirit were all affected by dwelling in an insane environment for so long... I thought I had to. I thought it was the expectation of my HP.

I am eternally grateful that Al-anon taught me I did not have to be a victim anymore. I could remove myself from an insane environment and begin to heal my wounds rather than volunteering for more...going from one crisis to another... a pattern of up and down, up and down... more salt in the wound...

instead, I could choose a safe environment to live in and begin to thrive. Years ago, I got goosebumps while at a wonderful conference, hearing that I alone am responsible for creating my happiness.

The line I cherish most in today's reading is "As I heal and grow, I find that it is no longer enough simply to survive."

-- Edited by 2HP on Tuesday 19th of November 2019 11:19:46 AM





~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 11569

Thanks Betty for your service and the daily. Thanks to all for your shares and ESH. I am far, far, far from 'well' but am way, way better than I was before. I am really grateful that Al-Anon taught me how to create boundaries, how to detach, how to pray, how to trust and how to just be authentic and open to what 'is'. I was so wrapped up in this disease, the diseased, their futures, health, etc. I put me way low on the priority list. By switching things around, working on me, and trusting this program and those who came before me, I am open and willing to keep healing and growing, one day at a time.

We had a lovely day here weather wise, and I spent most of it outside! Our weather is soon to change so taking advantage when I can. (((Hugs)))


Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging.  Pause before assuming.  Pause before accusing.  Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret.  ~~~~  Lori Deschene



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