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Post Info TOPIC: Courage to Change September 25

~*Service Worker*~

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Courage to Change September 25

Hello MIP! 

In today's C2C, the author shares that they find themselves taking the third step (Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.)  over and over again. However, they usually wait until they are overwhelmed before turning the overwhelming problem over to their HP. 

Through the Al-Anon program, the author has come to realize that their own way has seldom worked in the past, and that it is when they trust their inner voice and let go, they are nudged in the direction of their Higher Power's choosing and their life becomes fulfilling. 

Today's Reminder: Is there an area in my life that I treat as though it were too important to turn over to a Higher Power? Are my efforts to control that area making my life better and more manageable? Are they doing any good at all? I can hold on to my will until the situation becomes so painful that I am forced to submit, or I can put my energy where it can do me some good right now, and surrender to my Higher Power's care.  

Today's Quote: "O have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess." Martin Luther


Like the author, I find myself occasionally struggling to control some aspect of my life. Usually this is when I've made some plan for myself and my life isn't going in the direction of my plan. I tend to get frustrated, and loose sight of what IS going right, because I focus so much on what isn't. Little by little, I am remembering that when I trust my HP, my life works out better than I could have planned or imagined. Letting go of my control and trusting in the journey helps me to enjoy the moments I am in. Keeping my attention to today helps me to do the next right thing, and keeps me moving in a positive direction. I may not know where I am headed, but my HP does, and as one of my favorite Lao Tzu quotes says, "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." If I keep heading in the direction of Al-Anon, and I keep taking the next right step, I trust that my HP will work out the rest. 

Tomorrow I'm headed back to the woods - time to winterize the shack, pull the pipes out of the well, drain the water from the pipes to the sinks. It will be a short trip, but one more opportunity this fall for me to connect in a physical way to a place that brings me closer to my HP. 

I hope you make today a great day! 



If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu


~*Service Worker*~

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Thank you, Skorpi for today's reading and your reflection on it.  Enjoy the trip back to the woods. It sounds like a lot of work, but satisfying in different ways.

I find as soon as I choose to rely on myself without bringing it to my HP, I start to flounder.  I become agitated, frustrated and ready for a battle very quickly.  When I have been consistent with my prayers and communication with HP, I feel more at peace even if things aren't going the way I want.

Lately, I have been viewing my AH as the enemy....the one who is getting in the way of good time and plans.  Then I remember that I have been going about it the wrong way and head back toward gratitude, prayer and most importantly.....acceptance.

Each of the steps is important, but the 3rd needs to be a daily/hourly commitment for me.

Happy Wednesday MIP family!



~*Service Worker*~

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Thank you for your service, Skorpi.

There are some things that I cannot just "Let Go" of in my life. Financial and health decisions being the two that easily come to mind. So this reminds me of the saying, "Do your best and let God do the rest." Today, I am in a better mind-frame to understand what is within my scope of control, and what is unhealthy for me to try and manage. It really took doing the Steps (especially Step 4) for me to figure this out. Inside job.

Enjoy your woods, Skorpi! I can't imagine even thinking about winterizing right now (100 degrees yesterday), but I know these things are essential for you to do so that your stuff makes it through the winter months!

Happy Hump Day!


"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend

"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness."  Mary Oliver



~*Service Worker*~

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Thanks Skorpi for your service and all above shares. I try to rely on HP and when I do things go well. But like others, sometimes I become overwhelmed (well we are human after all!), and forget to engage with my tools! Its like my mind goes blank temporarily and sooner or later my alanon help kicks in. Interesting but not necessarily the best action. With time and patience I shall improve! Lyne



~*Service Worker*~

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Hello Skorpi Appreciate your service and powerful ESH. I too forget the 3rd Step,as I struggle to a'force my will' in every day matters. As soon as I relax, call on HP the matter does become clear

Love the Steps when i remember to use them.:)




~*Service Worker*~

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Happy Hump Day MIP Family! Enjoy your beautiful woods Skorpi! Quick trip is better than no trip - eh? I can relate to the turning things over again and again. The beauty of recovery is this is OK - actually the form of progress, not perfection.

I find at times that I just take myself, life, others, things way too seriously! When I pause long enough to breathe in, stay present and realized how blessed I really am, it seems easier to recall who's really in charge! I am one who does better, one day at a time, if I start in the AM with Step One, Two and Three and then focus on just the next right thing.

It's been a wild couple of days! 2 of my high school gal pals have had surgery this week for medical issues. There are 7 of us, and so 3 out of 4 are in need of prayer, recovery time, etc. I hear you PnP on medical and financial issues being 'tough' to let go of! I've been a bit scared and nervous for them (and selfishly for me, I suppose). So far, so good on all fronts.

I still do not know and probably will never understand why my life goes smoother when I align with HP and am coming to accept that as a gift of grace. As I reflect on how I used to be and who I used to be, I can honestly say I like who I am and am becoming way more! (((Hugs))) to all - find and keep your joy!


Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging.  Pause before assuming.  Pause before accusing.  Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret.  ~~~~  Lori Deschene



~*Service Worker*~

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   aww Skorpi... and y'all...

                                       I was reading this over breakfast- and thinking- nice read! Fact is- in my middle years I will have covered this reading 6 or 8 times. I was so wounded, frightened and hurting- a lot of it, most likely went right over my head. Band-aids really- but essential.

It is a bit chilly out there today. I was out on the lawn when the postie came- and we exchanged a few words... ...and sometimes I think of pinching myself- is this really me?

In my family home talking about religion and politics was strictly taboo. My grand-dad was a Welsh migrant- and, I was told, loved such discussions. But he was stomped on too.

Here- of course- it is spiritual, and not religious... and there are boundaries, of course. To read this week- about the St Francis prayer was liberating. Most mostly the day to day reflections of members... smile ...

...and, as he reading says- why wait for a crisis? Being grounded in the present- and living one day at a time- is perhaps the heart of Step 12.

Am going to a funeral in a town an hour away- this afternoon. The old man did not know his dad- but I did- when I was very young. Just one of those community funerals for me- part of the support that rural communities routinely offer. I may not have gone- but I am going with a friend- who is a relative of the old man. We do honour those who pass, with our memories. And our car/truck time will honour him too... there and back... shares, these days, are more of gratitude. Went to a school wearable art fashion show last night. And grand-son aged 7 sat on my knee. Such was my fortune- to have reached a survival zone in my generation. My mum was not perfect- but she laid the foundation for this. So honoured... aww ...

...and yes... the breath- so important- life itself... biggrin ...


Each Alanon member is my teacher.                                                                                                                  

~*Service Worker*~

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as an Agnostic whose only HP is within and the universe good energy, I still struggle wtih letting go...Like I used to ask let to to WHAT??? what is there to let go to??? but slowly I began to realize that this program is spiritual, not religious and I can "let go" to the program..for a long time and even to a big degree, the program is my co/HP with my inner HP (hope this is making sense) but letting go, still triggers me to an extent that it used to mean and still does, often, mean LOSS!!! I like to call it "stepping back---working my options IF there ARE any, even if it means casting it off me " and whatever forces there are in the universe, they are MOST welcome to help me with it....
Thank you, Skorpi for this great post


Rose, a work in progress!!!



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 2081

Thank you for your service Skorpi. I'm a day late but I am here

Great topic and shares and I love the quote.

I have a tendency to wait until something feels urgent before I think of turning things over to my HP. I love the idea of gaining better daily awareness and practice of turning things over.

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