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~*Service Worker*~

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Step 12...


  ...I have done the readings for yesterday, today, and tomorrow- in Hope For Today. It is Sunday morning here- and a cooler day in early spring.

Readings from Courage To Change- were a big deal for me. Because I was once so numbed and lost my mind- could not absorb the content. I really enjoy sharing on the readings, in this group- because it does celebrate my ability to think straight.

And the ODAT too. Distant memories of may early meetings. And a clear memory of on remember- the pages of her book were falling out. The whole book was like a crumpled teddy bear. Sheer dedication to the programme.

The reading in HFT for the seventh- underlined fellowship over followship. By taking part- starting a topic, or a thread- or opening a meeting. We are taking the programme forwards.

And sometimes I also say "Sheilaship"... which is something I appreciated, especially in the early years of my journey

I attend my nearest group- about 10 or 12 times a year. I regard MIP Alanon as my home group here. But the face to face contact helps me to maintain a balance.

There is a dynamic here. As a long-timer now- the Alanon I experience here, in the group- comes from new and old. And from highly motivated members from all corners. I find this stimulating.

And yet, there is an old timer- attached to the neighbouring group who is now house bound. And it would do me no harm to visit her, from time to time.

The love and peace of the programme, is a fairy story that does come true. because we all make it come true.

These days I do not talk about my theology and beliefs. But I do know that these are strengthened immeasurably throughly my involvement in Alanon.

I still look forwards to the rewards in Step 12. I think about perfection- and stuff like that. And I made up my own slogan: "expect perfection, but settle for a little less..."

I must admit-t hat I like that self-made slogan, as much for the rattle to words in it- 8 words... where I poke a little fun at myself!

I look back at HFT for today- this cold Sept. 8th... and I savour the words- as much as warm coffee might...

...and maybe mostly- I am sharing words from all of the readers- with people all over the world- seen and unseen. Heard and unheard..., if I was perfectly honest- the biggest buzz I get- it to know, for sure, that I am never alone.

Thanks, thanks so much! smile ...


-- Edited by DavidG on Saturday 7th of September 2019 05:11:13 PM


Each Alanon member is my teacher.                                                                                                                  

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 17196

Hi David I love the promise of Step 12 It assured me that if i worked the Steps i would experience a" Spiritual awakening " and i did  so I practice the principles  of this program  in all my affairsaww




~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 2771

Hi David-I admire your persistence with program and thank you for sharing the rewards that you experience. I liked your idea of fellowship not fellowship. That is most profound! Glad you keep coming back, Lyne



~*Service Worker*~

Status: Offline
Posts: 2795

I loved the share, David!

I enjoyed hearing about a land that is in a different season right now, I love how you process your program, and I too, like the idea of fellowship, not followship!

In gathering my issues with perfectionism, I am gravitating towards you homemade slogan... "Expect perfection, but settle for a little less." Maybe that is how I can manage this monkey! LOL!

Thank you for sharing!



"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend

"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness."  Mary Oliver



~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1334



Mahalo David for you loyal share it puts value in my fellow and followship.  No doubt that Jerry F is twilighting and accepting life as life is along with the presence of my Higher Power.  Perfection for me today is getting as close to peace of mind and humility as I can on a  minute by minute basis which is how I am working my program now because mind, body and spirit are not on the same level as when I stumbled thru the doors of the Al-Anon Family Groups back in Feb 8, 1979.  Gosh I am grateful beyond belief and still more yet for my MIP family.  Mahalo all for all that you have treasured me with and my HP more for bringing me and keeping me before you.   (((((hugs)))))smile

Jerry F

~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 11569

David - thanks for the share and your honesty! What I hear so very clearly is our tools work so well when we use them! Speaking for me, when I am restless, irritable or discontent, I can find comfort and even peace/serenity by simply reading some literature, talking with another, attending a meeting, visiting MIP. I am so grateful for our world-wide fellowship that allows us to share openly and honestly across borders, waters, time zones and more!

I've met others who prefer the 'followship' to fellowship and it saddens my heart as it reminds me what it's like when one can't surrender and let go of ego. In my life/recovery, if I find myself feeling blocked from the sunlight of the spirit (the God of my understanding), most of the time it's because I am trying to take my will/power back instead of trusting in the program and my HP.

I find something different to focus on or do each year for my growth/recovery. I guess it's kind of like a NY resolution yet I'm not all hung-up on 1/1/xx....this year, it was Keeping It Simple, Slowing It Down and RAOK - Random Acts of Kindness. It's been a treat to practice all of these and I love to see the joy on the faces of others when I open doors, let them cut in front of me @ the store or gas pump. My neighbor's fur-baby has cancer and is going to pass soon. They've been outside more than inside for the last few weeks, so I make a point to go join them and love their dog before he goes.

Step 12 for me has become more about being an example vs. verbally carrying the message. Being of service inside/outside the fellowship brings me deep joy and I'm grateful to finally believe and accept that being selfless is far more rewarding than being selfish!


Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging.  Pause before assuming.  Pause before accusing.  Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret.  ~~~~  Lori Deschene



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