The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Good morning family. I have a joy in living mid-Pacific and waking up to your shares just waiting on this computer for me to open and read and get blessed. I woke up to and in the middle of the spirit of the acceptance awareness..."And I have come to understand that Acceptance is the solution to all of my problems..." It carries on further yet I have been using that on a daily basis for 30 years and it has always served and calmed my spirit before a problem takes over.
Al-Anon taught me that in this disease I don't have to accept the morality of it...just the fact of it. It is neither good or bad, it just is and I am powerless over it and turn it over to a power greater than Jerry F. My family and friends do like it so much more when I surrender.
My joy comes today from the gift of humor that I uncovered in recovery! I ended up subbing softball last night for a team that's not my own. They needed me last week as well. Last week, I looked like a rock-star and played very well. Last night, I looked like a newbie and did not play very well. Through Al-Anon, I was able to just laugh at the different outcomes, accept that we are playing recreational adult softball and not the World Series!
Recovery has also given me the courage to try new things. I have started a new Wednesday work-out that's all about conditioning for golf. The work-out focuses on core, back, shoulders, etc. Last Wednesday, I left the session very pleased that I was able to do all the various exercises, and then hardly able to move for the next few days! My golf and softball families were laughing at how much pain I was in and so was I - knowing it would pass! This week, the trainer added kettlebells, and again, I left feeling proud I was able to do all the exercises. It did not dawn on me until I tried to throw from first base to third base that my arms felt like limp noodles!!! The throw was way short and way off line and I just laughed at me...
As I sit her, enjoying my coffee and MIP time, with my beautiful dog snoring like a freight train, my heart is smiling. In spite of me, we won both games - last week and this week. I may or may not be invited back and either outcome makes my heart happy. I am fully aware that I'm old enough to be the grandma of most players, and each day is a gift - with or without softball. This and many things I used to prop up my self-worth and self-esteem in the past are no longer needed - they are just enjoyable and fun - no matter the outcome! I am a super competitive person, yet I have learned to win/loose and perform/under-perform with grace and dignity most of the time. I no longer need to J-A-D-E my performance, my attitudes, my actions, etc. as Al-Anon has allowed me to embrace and accept unconditionally that I am perfectly imperfect just as I am!
I so agree with you Jerry - my friends and family also like life so much better when I surrender my will and life! Keep your joy MIP family!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
We've had lots of rain and have missed the storms and when I pass by the big windows in my tree-height kitchen and dining room, I am gob-smacked by Green. Just typing about it makes me smile. I am so blessed.
And I just ordered a little portable ballet barre contraption. And knowing it is coming and that I'll be able to do my favorite kind of exercising, and I know it works for everything makes me so happy. I already feel my posture coming back and more energy. I so love living in a body. And in this beautiful world. And all of you.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
I babysat for 2 of our grandchildren last night.....they live over an hour away, so I spent the night. Not only was the visit full of joy in general, I experienced real joy this morning. My 4 year old granddaughter lightly knocked on my door, calling, "Grammie." I told her to come in and in she did with a huge smile, jumped into bed with me with her special blankie and her thumb. She cuddled right next to me and we gazed out the window up at the birds in the trees. My heart was full to the brim in those minutes we shared! I thanked my HP for giving me a long enough life to enjoy these grand-babies. To enjoy untainted innocence once again! JOY!
You spread your joy so that it also becomes mine. I see your picture clearly and ENOY it very much. Mahalo EL for the picture...I will no doubt hold on to it for a while today. Give the grand daughter hugs from Uncle Jerry in Hawaii.
I too got a visual of the grand-daughter's morning visit, and it made my heart smile! I 100% agree that the innocence in young ones is so joyful. Today on the golf course, we had a super-sized crane visit us by a hole with water. He was majestic in stature and just content to sit at the water's edge and watch us golf. After we all parted ways, one of the gals who lives very close to the course sent a photo - apparently he opted to follow her home, and hang out by the lake at her house! Beautifully, elegant, tall-standing creature - created by one greater than I - in his own environment was just so peaceful and brought me joy immediately...
I am off to play softball in a short while! Thursdays are one of those 'physically demanding days' that I love! Keep you joy family and I too am really enjoying reading/see/sharing the joy you all post. In recovery, we so often come together to offer ESH for crisis or life issues and I so like it when we can focus on the gifts/promises of recovery too. I'm all about finding balance and for all the years I spent focused on others, it just feels right to dedicate tons of energy towards the rewards of RIA - Recovery In Action!!! (((Hugs)))
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
This morning, the sun is shining brightly here. I love when we are blessed with the glory of the sun, and it truly makes my heart smile to be able to clearly see all the beautiful elements of our world given to us freely, for our pleasure to enjoy one day at a time! When the sun shines, it's almost as if I have a flashlight to see more clearly the beauty of all things in nature - flowers, trees, grass, bugs, birds, critters, etc...almost like a spotlight is shining brightly! It's a beautiful day and I am so grateful to live in a beautiful world with my glass more than half full, just for today! Keep your joy MIP family!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Thank you El, for your post. It just brightened my gloomy morning!!
And as I read Iamhere's newest post, I am reminded just how wonderful Life can be! We don't have the sun today here in SoCal, but your post got me to thinking I could still view the world around me with eyes that look as your's do!!
Thanks for the reminder!
"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend
"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness." Mary Oliver
Joy for me is the timely responses my HP gets to me to assure me that I am being attended to. Last night in prayer I had the thought that my sponsor and I should hook up and didn't know where he was at. This morning after I woke up and followed HP's suggestion and direction to a meeting I didn't first care to go to because now I am very deaf, the first message call on my cell was from my sponsor asking me how I was. I haven't heard from him for months, didn't know where he was at or how he was doing. I will see him tomorrow and we will talk.
I am not usually a superstitious person but there are a few exemptions! There are many positive things going on around me, while there are some 'other' happening too. I have joy because I can give energy to both categories without loosing myself, my serenity and/or my balance as I have done in the past. My softball team is undefeated....Both of my sons are getting ready to take promotions at their jobs....My brother's almost fully back to 100% from his surgery....My parents are happy and doing well....My HS friend with cancer did get to see her only child graduate from HS...
Living with this disease had me stuck in the chaos, insanity and drama for so long that these lovely events would have gone without much notice or energy before as I was focused on the wrong thing(s) more often than not. I am no Pollyanna, and the list of 'other' would probably be much longer yet I truly feel pulled to focus on the miracles and good things instead of the other.
When I pause long enough to really consider what is, the God of my understanding really has blessed me and my life. All of it is far, far from perfect yet I am truly blessed, grateful and joyful. I am excited to attend my weekly meeting tomorrow and then to golf! I have golf instruction with some club friends in the late afternoon and am looking forward to all of it! Keep your joy MIP family - being positive, grateful and joyful is contagious - even my grumpy guys hung with me tonight while I cooked dinner! That's not happened in a long, long time and it felt great!
Found this while doing some researching/reading on adding joy to your life:
"When you are young, life seems so simple and clear. Many things come easily, because you are healthy, full of vitality and future plans. Over time, we begin to complicate simple things. But the truth is that life is still simple. It has not changed, we are those who have changed and made it more difficult.
What happens when we become adults and mature? We begin to prohibit, restrain and suppress ourselves, thereby fitting ourselves into the framework of conventions and constraints. Being children, we did not think what to eat, what to wear, what time to go to bed. We were full of carefree joy, fun, laughter, we were just doing what we liked and what would make us happy.
We think a lot about things we didnt think before. Endless diets, special menus, carefully selected wardrobe, and work, work all the way. We buy a lot of unnecessary things, take care of our status and prestige. It is a constant race for desired success at any price, even if it costs us our health, family, and a lot of time. This brings to our lives anxiety, fear, uncertainty and concern. All this makes us moody, eternally dissatisfied, tired, lifeless
If you want to make your life easy and joyful again, use these tips: 1. Talk openly. Do not expect that you will be understood without words.
2. Be polite and considerate towards others. But do not try to be nice to everyone. Be polite, but do not try to please everyone around. It is better to pay more attention to those relationships that are really important to you.
3. Do not overload yourself: try to sleep 6-8 hours, eat well, do some exercise. Do not try to do all things in one day.
4. Do not buy unnecessary things. It will save money and your home from the trash. It would be wise to have some savings. Live within your means.
5. Stop comparing yourself with others. This envy can gradually destroy you.
6. Maintain a relationship with those people who are close to you in spirit and complement you, so that you can learn something new and useful from them.
7. Do not drink alcohol. It destroys a person physically and mentally. In fact it does not relief stress and sadness, and of course it does not solve your problems.
8. Use time wisely. Do not waste it on TV and computer games or social networking. Modern technologies are designed to make your life easier. Devote some time to exploring the ways to manage your time effectively.
9. Get rid of the habit of telling lies. Honesty in relationships and communication is above all, and it is always much appreciated.
10. Try to make regular cleaning. Do not delay cleaning until later, but get used to doing it right away.
11. Smiling is absolutely necessary for a good mood.
12. Eat when you are really hungry. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Often we confuse hunger with thirst. If you are thirsty, drink plain water instead of tea, coffee, or soda.
13. Spend half an hour a day on exercise. Go for a walk in the morning or in the evening. This will keep your body in shape.
14. Learn something new and make yourself a better person every day.
15. Make your wildest desires and dreams come true. Do not be afraid of what others will say. Set a goal and work your way to it. Do not try to achieve others desires and dreams.
16. Remember that everything in this life changes and passes. Nothing lasts forever. Accept this as a fact in all situations.
17. Everyone can make mistakes including you. Do not blame yourself for mistakes. Try to see them as knowledge and experience that may help you in the future.
18. Have a flexible opinion. Even if you are right, do not force others to accept your point of view. Let everyone have their own opinion.
19. Do not be afraid of expressing gratitude and appreciation for people who help you.
20. Improve and develop yourself. But do not forget your true nature. Chase your own dreams and goals, not the ones you are supposed to chase.
I can line up each of these solutions with action recommended in our program! Hey great is that?
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Joyful for the amazing, blessed visit I had to Kona over the last week. I was reminded of how special recovery is out in the islands. I love my recovery family here in Colorado, too, but perhaps I feel more connected to my Hawaii Al-Anon ohana because that is where I first started with my recovery journey and my family out there was there with me when I was in the thick of it living with active alcoholism.
I spent soooo many beautiful, beautiful hours talking with my friends... at the convention, on the beach, in hot tubs, in homes, and at many many delicious places to eat.
I am so so grateful for all my family out there and for their warm and open welcome home. I hope to get back more frequently. It's been far too long.
This share makes my heart smile Aloha, specially this morning.
Went to my AA at the Bay home group and some one had a copy of the Grapevine monthly and in the section about where meetings are held is the shoreside cabana where we meet. I am always reminded about how that meeting came together as 2 doubles and 2 AA's decided to put it together 23 years ago.
This morning I sat and listened as well as I could with my hearing deafness and used my eyes as directed by HP which revealed a 17 year old visiting the meeting with her AA/Mom and not connecting as well as she could.
I had to spend time with her holding on to my experiences in service to Alateen as a sponsor to a meeting in Fresno CA. This was her first meeting and I shared my ESH as her mom came over to listen. I told her that Alateen is a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups and she is qualified to attend.
God I cannot even remember being 17 without the affects of alcohol in my life and then now I am blessed beyond my expectations from within this program.
Happy Saturday all! Today was a day where almost all plans changed! Only because I embrace recovery, work hard to be less rigid and have learned that making plans is OK - so long as I don't ASSume the outcomes! We started the day with rain and cool temperatures. Both of which are not a huge deal except we've had lots of rain so our saturated ground is beyond soggy. I collected myself and headed to my morning meeting which was awesome! I always get what I need when I remain open and ready to grow, learn, absorb and change!
I decided I was tired for golf today and had a golf clinic at 4, so opted to cancel the noonish tee time and cook a large brunch instead. We all enjoyed great food and then a lovely nap! I woke up and drove to the clinic to discover it was canceled because of course conditions. Of course, I began to second-guess myself over not golfing earlier and so called my AH to see what he was up to. He had just finished some yard work and was heading to the course to play a few holes....I opted to join him.
And here's where my insanity rises - my AH is a scratch golfer and I am a new golfer. Let's just say that he makes me nervous even if he never opens his mouth. So, before I even arrive at the golf course, I'm a bit worked up and nervous. I'd love to say that I was able to let go and let God....that's just not how it worked today! I tried to calm me down, I tried to pray, I tried to let go but just couldn't shake the nerves!
After about 5 holes, I finally settled down and settled in to better play. He did not ever say one mean word, or make any snide comments, yet I created a mess in my mind about how terrible I was/am, and how awful it is to play with me!!! What calmed me down finally was a red wolf, strutting across the fairway, and walking right in front of our cart with a squirrel in mouth. He was absolutely beautifully marked and looked at us directly -- eye to eye. What popped in my mind was exactly what I needed --- be grateful you are not the squirrel or the fox. Be grateful for the lovely afternoon, the warmer temperatures, the beautiful golf course, the companionship and all that is! The God of my understanding sometimes has to literally stop me in my tracks (or in my cart in this case) to get me to hear the message.
It works when we work it - my joy today comes from gratitude in an unconditional trust in the absolute love I receive from a power greater than I. He knows I am far from perfect in turning my life and will over, and nudges me when/as needed! I would love to say that I snapped a photo of this pretty fox but I did not....actually, I was so mesmerized by it, it's prey and it's beauty that I was kind of frozen in time/place.
My day went way different than planned and I am filled with joy that I was able to roll with the punches....this was just so not me before embracing recovery and ceasing to fight everything and everyone! Early in Al-Anon, having a Plan B and/or beyond was suggested all the time and that has done me well! I am never without something else to do if/when things change and a good nap on a weekend is just a bonus gift to me!
I hope everyone is having a great Saturday and I wish all a happy Mother's Day for tomorrow! Many who do not have children directly have been a mother, mentor, sponsor or more to another - nurturing and/or mothering in nature and effort. Celebrate YOU - that's what I intend to do! (((Hugs))) to all!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Joy today is Betty letting me know how to continue posting! Joy is appreciating this board and all the responses I have received that have helped me stabilize and be more serene. Lyne
Happy Sunday all! I realized this morning (during prayer and meditation) that a long lasting perception (May is a difficult month = perception) is no longer valid. I have always struggled with this month, simply my boys and AH don't usually recognize me on Mother's Day and the whole graduation season is hard to swallow based on our challenges in getting to HS graduation...there's a few other May anniversaries but you get the jest!
I have not freaked out this year at all. Not leading up to May, not yet during May and still not today. I truly have peace in my heart as I've worked tirelessly on unconditionally acceptance. A part of me still had expectations that because I gave birth to my boys, they would honor, respect, love, etc. unconditionally. Well - that's not reality (yet). Because of this disease, we are all still maturing and we are not even close to my 'dream' state but definitely way better than before.
My joy today comes in knowing that when we stay open, humble and present, healing does happen by the grace of the God of my understanding. Learning to let go in recovery has been a great gift and probably not a possibility for me without the loving help and support of others who came before me. When I see where I am today vs. where I was when I arrived, I am truly full of joy and so very grateful.
I hope all who are mother's feel the love today - if not from FOO from your MIP family. I hope all who aren't mothers still feel the love as we work to heal together. (((Hugs)))
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
1st, I used all the flowers I bought yesterday and made multiple vases to fill each room of my mom's house with flowers! I told her it was my hope that as she went from room to room today, she would smell the flowers and know how much she means to me!!
2nd - I think this is the first Mother's Day I actually have had ZERO expectations... and guess what? My Kid not only bought me a card with the most heartfelt sentiment HANDWRITTEN in it, but a little gift as well... all with his OWN hard-earned money!
I think I will keep the card long after the day is through!
"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend
"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness." Mary Oliver
My Joy today is in witnessing the impressive recovery of all who post to this message board. I feel love for each and everyone of you and for the joy you provide
It was a joyful day here to just be out and about and attend a meeting and listen to all of the shares. Listening in a trick because of my deafness and maybe this too will pass in a couple weeks when the hearing aids come in. For now it's do the best I can with what I have and stay humble. When I am working humility I am being teachable which pays dividends. So that makes it a great investment eh?
Spending time with my sponsor and a sponsee and making plans to expand our recovery is exciting.
This thread is such a gift
My joy today is a sweet cuddle with my cat after being away. The soft scent of good soil when I water my plants, the tickle of curly hair against my arm when my son comes in close to hear me read and my own cozy bed
My joy today is that some cloudy news is not distracting me from this glorious morning or the gratitude I feel for the many gifts in my life. I am joyful that I have immense peace in my heart, and that I have many tools and tons of support to face whatever may come my way. I am able to turn my will and life over to the care of a God of my understanding and take action, for the present, that is of service and loving support. Keep your joy all - staying present is a gift to treasure and focus on for me, just for today!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
My joy comes from my HP who gives me days of relaxation and a break from my obligations. It was another busy and somewhat stressful week with my mom who is 92 and while not the easiest person to be with under normal conditions....she is losing short term memory rapidly. My joy today is a day without obligations. I don't have to be anywhere, deal with phone calls regarding her and anyone's care or "dread" something. Today is a day I can pace any household chores I may or may not do and fill it with relaxing activities that are about me and feed my soul. When I am feeling low, a day of replenishment is before me.
It is cool, rainy, gray and the opposite of a beautiful spring day. However, I feel joy and am grateful for today.
I got a Bonsai tree for mothers day. I am going to the store shortly to buy some potting soil, and have a pretty new pot to put it in. These activities bring me JOY!
Spent a lovely day with family yesterday just playing a fun board game. It was simple and though there was competition no one got bent out of shape with anyone else.
I've entered back into my work world this morning and I feel calm, relaxed, and ready.
So grateful for the rejuvenating time I spent in Hawaii.
Aloha Kakahiaka MIP Ohana and blessings being sent from Hilo which is now under clear skies and beautiful sun. Ka Manu (the birds) have been fed both little ones and big and they have passed, stopped and presented their colors for us to enjoy from cardinal red to golden yellow and miniature tuxedos and dusky browns and greys. I enjoy feeding these little family members because it calms my spirit and enlightens my mind. I haven't gone to a meeting this morning; my hearing isn't back however my memory of yesterday's meeting is still strong.
I got nothing to worry about and that makes me joyful. (((hugs)))
-- Edited by JerryF on Monday 13th of May 2019 12:43:26 PM
Thank you MIP family for sharing your joy here....with each post I read, my heart smiles a bit more! I have taken action necessary to be of service to my parents, and have left it all in God's hands. I am in-between activities, getting ready to eat tacos with my gal pals. I am extremely excited to gather as we missed last week (I invited golf gal pals instead). I love that we gals, Al-Anon and AA, can gather each week, be authentic, laugh, cry, share and all while enjoying excellent food! Food + Fellowship with women in recovery is a joy for me!
We had a lovely day on the golf course. Finally, we have 5 days in a row without rain in the forecast. I do plan to take advantage. God is good!!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Coming in a bit late but I guess I can share my joy from the past weekend. I have no expectations (or very low ones anyway) in my current relationship and that keeps me in a better mental state, for sure. But, my birthday was Friday and then Mother's Day on Sunday and I truly just felt so loved all weekend. My bf got me flowers and bought me a few small practical gifts even though I expressly told him to NOT get me anything. and then he offered to pay for my dinner and cover some costs from a group event I hosted for my birthday because he felt I shouldn't be paying for anything. My son took me out to dinner last week and got me a super sweet card. My work friends and my new friends whom I met through my bf were there for me hosting parties and making me feel so very loved. It was a great weekend.
Now, I'm back at work and there are budget cuts and other things going on but I just do my best to stay focused and figure out where my career is going at the company. I'm not worried and I am currently looking into buying the condo I'm renting right now. I keep turning it over to God and am putting in the leg work to get pre-approved and see where it leads.
I know that life can turn on a dime so when things bring me joy, I can honestly say that the joy is sweeter ALWAYS!
Never grow a wishbone where your backbone ought to be!
I have to share the funnies I encounter with my little guys! We had a super nice, sun shining day here and with the long winter and wet spring, the park hasn't been seen for a long while. As they boys were doing their thing and being boys, there were two squirrels doing pretty much the same!! The oldest grandchild says, "Look Mom - those squirrels are twins!!"
That which comes out of kids mouths often make me giggle! But their view of the world truly warms my heart and makes it smile! Having a lovely sun-filled day with friends, family, nature is very joyful for me too! I so agree - having joy is sweet - and I choose, today to keep it as best I can!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Exactly brother, exactly! Last week, he had to go and begin enrollment for kindergarten. He's really excited! This week, he got a new haircut so he assumed school was starting soon. When we told him September, he cried - saying that's a whole year away!!! We explained it was just at the end of summer, and he got happy again, and ran off to watch the squirrels! Love, love, love the logic and thinking of youth...
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Joy for me today is appreciating the benefits of my F2F meeting. I got a little off course with my A, expecting impossible things, well at least improbable. Last night we discussed tradition 5, about self-care and having compassion for our alcoholic relatives. In my case, it is my spouse. Im back on track, having no expectations of her, ODAT, and detaching with love when necessary. :). Lyneq
Enjoying the gorgeous spring weather. Going for walks on my lunch break to a small park. Taking off my shoes and walking barefoot in the grass. Sitting and enjoying the touch of the soft air on my skin and the warmth of the sun. Listening to nature and the silence between the sounds.
We went from spring to some summer temperatures today - it's still 88 degrees! Yet, a beautiful day for golf and we started early so ended early. I did get a chance to walk my dog today and she just brings me such joy. Each time, when the leash comes out, she just gets so excited and it brings me joy that a simple act of service - walking the dog - can be selfless!
We went a different route which threw her a bit at the start. She settled in and enjoyed herself, the smells, sounds, etc. When we hit this one street that is super familiar to her and where she's got some friends, she got really excited again. Both of her pals that she runs the fence with were out and it was very joyful to see them all greet each other.
I've said it before - my dog is a constant teacher and reminder to be present - in the moment, one day at a time. She genuinely is grateful for her home, her meals, her walks, her yard, her hugs, het pets, her treats, etc. She really doesn't take things for granted and seems to be a serene being! She's a great teacher for me!
Off to softball in a while - another great group of folks to spend an evening with! (((Hugs))) MIP family - keep your joy!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I am grateful for the inventors and innovators of our world. I transplanted some tomatoes the other day only to see that the weather is going to turn cold and dreary again next week. Thankfully someone out there had the genius idea to create "wall-o-water", which essentially becomes a little portable greenhouse that I put around my tomatoes and it keeps them snug and warm if the weather turns.
And speaking of inventions and innovations - just wow to the internet and computers, etc. that allow us to communicate with each other from across the globe.
Along with the Subway sandwich and the sad news about our sick family my wife hands me a small box and in it are the repaired hearing aids I have been without for 3 weeks. She is elated as I am also and everybody else as being the "deaf as a stone" person in our neighborhood has been taxing. YAY!! I have been soooo deaf and the world soooo silent that when I turn these guys on and put them on I thought I was in the middle of a football stadium.
Now they are adjusted and I can even hear these keys clicking out the message. Mahalo Akua...Thank you God and the people who made them right!! ((((hugs))))
And speaking of inventions and innovations - just wow to the internet and computers, etc. that allow us to communicate with each other from across the globe. You said it Aloha.
-- Edited by JerryF on Friday 17th of May 2019 01:12:24 PM
Sunshine! Also, today I went to my former workplace and had lunch with my best, closest work friends. While we keep in touch by text....face to face conversation and connection brought me so much joy. I miss them, but love being retired much, much more!
Yay, Yay, Yay for the return of your hearing reminded me that when I finally convinced my father to explore hearing aids - when they arrived and he put them in, his eyes lit up! I don't think he had any idea how much he was missing as it had happened so gradually over time. I called a few days later and asked how things were going and he said, "Great - these things are so sharp, I can hear a fly fart when it cruises by my head!" We laughed and laughed and laughed - my eyes had tears and my jaws ached later.
My heart is smiling that you're able to experience more of life. Each day, as I go about and practice staying present in the moment, I seem to hear more things than before (recovery) and see things I missed before. It brings me genuine joy to know that you've been restored to hearing all that is around you - people, places, things, critters, etc.
For the record, I too love a good Subway Sandwich!!! I have much joy today in another day, well lived and a plan to meet with a sponsee tonight. I am very joyful that it truly does work when we work it and there's no greater feeling that giving it away - ESH. Make it a great evening all - keep your joy!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene