The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
When I came home from the hospital the second time, everything was very rosy around here. Husband had gotten enough of a scare about losing me to be over hisownself,
and I had had my night of forgiveness and acceptance and all. And everything was more loving than it's been in decades.
And I asked him one evening if he'd like to do something intimate--
We could get in my bed and sit side by side, texting.
Isn't that how the kids do it now?
I had a 20 year old caregiver. She was a sweetheart, but the third time she was here, I was speaking to her from my bed and she was sitting in the chair in the corner, looking at her phone. So I waited. Because she was obviously in communication with someone who required her attention. She assured me she could text and listen to me at the same time--and I am sure she could. Grandson can do three or four things at once--the new generation is 3/4 cyborgs or robots already.
But call me old school--if you are listening to me, I expect your eyes to be on me.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
(((Temple)) i agree completely communication is extremely important as is eye contact. Now you and hubby sitting in he same bed and texting now that is another issue. :)
But call me old school--if you are listening to me, I expect your eyes to be on me.
((((((((((Temple)))))))))))))) spot on lady bug!!!! if someone is talkin to me, or I am talkin to them??? LOOK at me
This Text only relationships doesn't turn me on either, Now you and hubs in bed, side by side, texting...well!!! like Betty said, "thats another issue" tehehehehehe
People today think that email and text only constitutes a relationship...I disagree....SEEING, HEARING is still my preference...I mean , yea, we all get on here and share, thats different..this is an anonymous recovery site...yea, of course
but a family member or care giver or business associate...I want to "satisfy" my 5 senses, or at least the see, hear, maybe smell, depending on who they are and how close we are, LOL, and that applies to the "feeling" as well, and I wont' go into taste
but people today miss out on real intimacy, thinking that its ok to be BFFs or BMF's and you never saw/heard the person....
I had this recovery mate whom I USED to talk on phone with...It was nice...we were close..or so I thought.....she wasn't a phone person and I am but not where I want to be on phone for hours on end, but SOMETIME...well she dropped that and said she wanted "email or Facebook only" I said "ok, but relationship will not be the priority that it once was because I was kept at a distance in my childhood except when I was being abused..I don't want it in my close friendships" so I'll try to be a FB, email pal, but email I dont' respond every day...I'm busy
Well , one night, her dog got loose and I was off Facebook for 3 days, working my butt off doing income taxes and I needed my rest...her pooch was gone for 2 days, and neighbor found her and returned her.....well I finally log onto Facebook when I get a break and she tears into me BIG time..insulting me, calling me selfish because I was not "available to her" to do what??? shes in MD, I am in TX, AND she could have called me....AND I told her that and I was not nice...No!! I did not rebuke her kind...In fact I told her I didn't need this crap and I unfriended her....
She apologized and I let her back on my FB, page only to LATER be assaulted by her because she was "down, blue" over her verbally abusive hubs reaming her out over something and I was to be "standing at attention waiting for her facebook SOS call...again I "failed her" as She is retired..I work and I am tired when I do work and get home and want to do my recovery and REST!!!
This time I told her I was done......2 strikes in my ball game and she is GONE!!!! I hit the unfriend button and told her do not bother me again..I wished her well, but not around me again
and boooy I sorta hijacked your post, but it made me think of this gal who wanted her cake and her pie as well....
I 1000% agree with what U said....I hope you tell us how you and hubs did, in bed, texting,
Good for you! "You are only my friend when I need You" kind of person. You are very patient. I've dropped people out of my computer just because they were overly dramatic
or manipulative.
Well, that was a joke. Hubs has learned some about texting since I've been in hospital. It irritates the daylights out of me. On my Jitterbug phone--pathetic, isn't it? I held out
for a long time--now think I need something easier to use if I ever have an emergency again. It was basically for calling 911 if we were out somewhere and parts started coming off
Didn't think to put AAA in there, as Nora? obviously had. Or had the presence of mind to have her card with her. I don't even carry a purse, if I can load up Hubs' pockets. Well, if
lipstick and hanky is loading up. I'd like pockets in everything.
Anyway, on said Jitterbug phone, the letters are broken down into little groups in such a way that Es and Ss and all the letters one uses the most have to be tapped 3 or 4 times to get to it.
I had a caretaker the other night who can't read cursive. But I bet she can text.
I just had this crazy image of two people sitting side by side, in bed, with psychological blinders on, so they don't even look at each other, but texting away to one another.
Daughter and grands gave me an iPad for Christmas 2017. This was so they wouldn't have to email me--they could just copy me on their whatevers. I could not find any way to turn it on.
GDaughter "showed" me how to use it last summer. I learn by doing, not by watching. And Daughter filled it up with photographs of her choosing--I'd have liked to choose my own,
thank you very much. And then they went away. And I couldn't get it to do anything I wanted it to. And the disembodied voice gets on my last nerve. I do not speak to robots. Well, nothing polite, at least.
I think I will offer it to daughter. I would like to see it once a year, to look at some pretty videos we made of her in her new clothes I got for her. And kitty videos, if I could learn to
make them.
Am a Luddite. Sooo glad I grew up before the Mean Girls had social media. It must be Hell. I see grown women who can't be loose in the grocer's w/o speaking to someone--
loudly--on the damn' phone. When the craze began, I was in a T. J. Maxx and some harpie was giving an account of her sex life at 60 decibels. And there was an adolescent boy
in the store.
I do not get so much about how so many people function now. I am not on Facebook. Daughter wasn't happy about that--if you were, I could send you Blah-blah. Hey--don't hurt yourself. I don't need every picture made of the grandkids. They are grown now--they don't change that much from month to month. My friend since we were 7 says something about reading about people we knew back when. Well, she gives me the highlights anyway, and anybody I was close to then or developed a friendship with since is capable of sending me an email or calling me--that goes both ways.
Do people see the sun set. or hear birdsong? Do they hike and speak on their phones? Do they take them to the beach? Feel alienated? Hang up the phone and smile at a fellow human!
Diatribe ending. Go in Peace
And I am sorry the people who should be helping you, are not. My nephew faced similar experiences years ago when he was a single Dad and had just moved and was between
engagements. Do see if any churches have lunch for anybody who shows up--and you can take it out. And one here does supper once a week--people can volunteer to help. For when it's the end of the month and the carnivores come first.
I think you have done marvelously well--your house and car paid for. You are very smart. My parents were frugal, so I know how to do it. My mother said Her mother was Really
"saving;" she saved her basting thread. I watched a TV show about two kids farming out West somewhere They had two children. The wife was cleaning houses and she was getting food stamps and would go and buy white bread and bologna, and sodas and beer for her husband--probably couldn't use food stamps for the beer. Probably chips--that's good value for the money. And I thought, you call yourselves farmers, but you don't have chickens--how basic is that? or pigs or a cow, and no garden, let alone some fruit trees? And you let the house sit there unpainted? And haven't planted any trees around it? This is where it gets cold--and no doubt hot in summer. And you don't know how to make your own bread and use leftover meat or chicken for lunches? Bologna and Wonder Bread? What are they teaching in Home Ec and 4H now? Mechanized farming and computers, I suppose.
I sound as if I am 120 years old and a curmudgeon. Must stop posting. I am boring myself
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles