The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
The AlAnon program makes it possible to believe in miracles because we get to see dramatic change in ourselves and others: Fear, confusion and hopelessness turn into hope, understanding, and serenity, sometimes without change in the qualifier's behavior.
We are grateful for the wisdom of this spiritual program that allows us to take the frantic focus off ourselves and find peace through reliance on a higher power and use of the effective tools of the program.
Today's Reminder: Hope is the first and best gift a newcomer can receive, as they find encouragement in how others in similar situations have found a way to serenity and share their love and hope.
"Let me always be willing to lead a newcomer by the hand and bring to light the latent courage and confidence that exists in every one of us. Let me, in such sponsoring, help AlAnon to produce still another miracle." - Anonymous
**************** Outside of the '80 Olympics, I was not one to believe in miracles, and certainly not from a heavenly source. On my road to recovery, however, I have seen changes in others and myself that are life-changing.
The changes began immediately for me, before I found a spiritual connection in the program, as I was able to put simple tools like the Serenity Prayer, 3 C's, and One Day at a Time to work. When I developed a higher power that had meaning to me, it added an even deeper level to my recovery and enabled me to make significant changes within myself, changes that I could not seem to make on my own.
I think about the welcome I received in my first meeting, the calm wisdom I heard from those in more challenging situations than I, and the hope I felt that brought me back. This reading is a good reminder to think of how I can share my miracle of hope with others...So grateful for the miracles
"...when we try to control others, we lose the ability to manage our own lives." - Paths to Recovery
Good morning, Paul, and thank you for your service.
I remember the feeling of hope I had after my first meeting, and every meeting since. I will be forever thankful to the program and the members at those first meetings.
Make it a good day, everyone!
If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu
Agreed- when I began this journey, I had no read understanding of what I was doing or why. I surely didn't have a concept of a higher power. What I did know was that I'd talked to enough people in various recovery programs to see that they had something that I wanted, so, I figured, I'd listen, and I'd try what they suggested even if I thought it seemed kind of silly because, just maybe it might work.
At one of my first meetings, they had a part where we all took turns to briefly name the biggest worry on our minds that day and then we had to choose a slogan from the wall that we could use to help change our thinking on that problem. I really liked the way that worked for me, so for the first few months, that was all I really did...whatever came up for me, I practiced "pick-a-slogan". And of course as I saw big changes come from such a small practice, I gained faith in the idea that these other ideas, like the steps, might work for me as well. And it snowballed from there.
Forever grateful to all of those that turned up, and shared, and gave me something to hope for and aspire to.
Thanks Paul
Good morning Paul, thank you for sharing your thoughts on today's inspiring reading in the
ODA T. I can readily identify with the fear of entering the rooms of Al-Anon, and then being so impressed with the warmth, compassion and empathy that I found that I kept coming back. Slowly but surely, hope entered into my heart when the isolation that I have been living with broke and I connected the members at the meeting. I was no longer alone. There were others in this world that were dealing with the same issues, feeling the same things I felt, and there was a solution. I kept coming back and became willing to pick up whatever tools necessary in order to recover, I do believe I am miracle and have witnessed many over the years that I have been in program.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for your service
Good morning Paul and thank you for sharing the reading on hope. So many of us arrived at the doors of Al-Anon feeling totally hopeless. Little by little, One Day At A Time and for me sometimes One Hour At A Time a glimmer of hope reached us. Meetings and working the program strengthened that hope and helped me grow again and much healthier than the first go around. Many miracles have happened since I first joined the program that I will never take for granted and will gladly share. Just Keep Coming Back.
Thank you Paul for your service, the daily and your ESH. Thanks for the shares above me - the ESH is inspiring.
I've had one of those days where I really, really wish I could run away from home. When you love an alcoholic, life is challenging and unpredictable at times. When all 3 loose their sh*t on the same day - it's just a bit more than I was prepared for.....
So - while I still have hope, today's been a draining day - grateful I'm on the backside of it!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene