The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Today's reading discusses how we learn to accept life on life's terms - and the rewards for practicing this in all our affairs. The reading discusses how many of us wanted change and expected change. Many of us had even tried to force change and felt we were stuck in our lives. Many of us are 'doers' - 'results driven' - 'problem solvers' and the like, and it was so frustrating to not affect changes in our situations.
We learned in Al-Anon that while many of us are ready to act, there is also a time to NOT act. We refer to, "Don't just do something, sit there."
Impatience happens for all, but today when things don't happen according to my schedule, I can accept there may be a reason. I can learn to adjust to what is. We may have great change going on inside and not even know it. We can keep in mind that waiting time is not equal to wasted time. Even silent times have lessons to learn.
Today's Reminder --- The invitation to live life fully is offered to me each day. I can accept the pace of change today, knowing it will bring both times of active involvement and periods of quiet waiting. I will let the surprises of the day open up before me.
Today's Quote from Lin Yutang --- Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.
Another great reading for me today. I was one who came to recovery wanting to know how to fix my qualifiers. I was even put-off when I was told to work on me, keep the focus on me and that I was perhaps a bit insane from the disease. I thought, not me - no way - I am the only sane one in the home!!!
I had to really humble myself and learn to listen. Listen to others, listen to my soul, listen to my HP. I was one who ran around always busy often with meaningless efforts to make things my way. This applied to my qualifiers and beyond. With a great sponsor, working the steps, applying the program principles and concepts, I am more free today from my own obsessions and insanity. Being able to find joy and serenity in the same home with the same qualifiers has been a gift I never, ever expected would happen.
I am grateful that I learned I did not have to attend each drama fest I was invited to. I am grateful that I can pray for others who are self-centered, self-seeking and sick because of this disease. And, finally - I am grateful that I no longer take personally things that have nothing to do with me. I truly am free, just for today, and so very grateful.
TGIF - make it a great day!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Hello IAH, Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Daily. My first sponsor in program kept reminding me that I was a Human "Being" and not a Human" Doing"
I smile at that picture now as that was exactly how i functioned, Always jumping into the fray, giving my opinion . fixing things. Today I do understand that there must be time for quiet, mediation, fun and being present in the moment.
What a gift this program is!!!