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Don't even know how to start off here,had a really hard time thinking up a topic , as weak as can be I can see that now ,I done great staying away from my xabf going on 2 Mths,then the texting started with me then comes the invite ,oh I would like to see ya,then the meet and then ending with I love your,which I do love him and prolly always will he wanted to stay the night but after we ate he had me drop him off somewhere to help these ppl move I guess so he says,then when I get home I text him and say I'm not gonna be at home tonight,ugh what a lie I just told him,then his texts come flowing in that what happened that we planned more of he planned to stay all night with me and that he had done everything he knew of doing to make it right with me and to come spend time then I up and leave,I've not responded to his texts as of yet just feeling bad right now at how I dealt with it all ,.i did tell him that it's best we just keep it freinds and he keeps his home and I got my home at that point I'm still afraid of his trying to move back in on me and he will dunno when be going to do time for a crime with illegal drugs and it will be lots of time,he gave me this beautiful gold bracelet today,but he just left like walked away today to go visit my neighbors and then having to be dropped off somewhere else,wished I'd never went there today with the meeting him again cause it's been a horrible 8 yrs relationship going nowhere that I'm really not suppose to or want to be in a relationship at present time anyway while in my recovery and myself knowing that I need 2 yrs not being in any relationship,I do need to be as straight up with him as possible and ho with him,I guess he took everything the wrong way,also I know y'all think I'm crazy and I am I guess but he isn't liked at all with any of the police here in this town he has lots of things on him such as charges that he keeps having put off ,but soon all that time will run out and away he will go,but still after all that I still can't stop loving this man and he says the same about me.this is where I'm having my most problems at in life is with my xabf or he thinks it's bf and gf again .anyway just had to put all that I to words and type it out to see if it or any of it still makes any sense ........this ain't no fun.....hugs lu
I've never really discussed our differences here always allowing abf all the control he wanted in my home and outside,we have so many differences and he has some great qualities ,I still have to take care of me and look out for my wellbeing ,and even though I love him it's really only a part of him that I love or more lesser part of him that I'm in love or think I'm in love,I've never knew what having a healthy relationship is or how to have a healthy relationship,I do know there's deal breakers in a healthy relationship and respect is another and boundaries so many things to consider and I really do need time,and I have my own adult child issues to deal with,I've had to really study upon this ,lol,it's unreal to me what's all involved in having a relationship and all I do know just from lots of experience if it never worked all the other times we parted why would I even want to give it another chance? Just going down the same road ,insane,so far he hasn't come back thank gosh and I know he is wondering what happened I hate to put anybody through this again I'm not taking all the blame either cause he didn't ask to stay the night but told me he was staying all night which I didn't respond to him.thats one of my boundaries that im trying to stick with with all I got is no man staying all night at my house,seems xabf doesn't hear me or don't want to and don't care about my feelings here either ,.the 1st day to visit each other and already I was wondering about what he was up to with his texting on his ph. And talking and walking away with his ph ,disappearing next door not telling me he left and stays gone for a good while I'm thinking he just up and gone with out saying goodbye.and it seems it all starts again ASAP xabf ways are just way to much for me to deal with ,it may just be me I dunno but before when he stayed here I was being told that he was dealing drugs outside my home ,that's putting my life and freedom in jeapordy so for me to tell him that he would denie anything and he is a master manupulater ,very convincing of really I don't want to knock nobody any farther down than he already is but I have to take care of my best interest to so that being said the best thing for me to do is to keep it simple by telling xabf that I'm not ready for anything at present and that I need time ,time out of relationships ,that I have a lot to work on myself before I can even consider another relationship and lay down my boundaries as to what I will and won't allow in a friendship ......sorry it's so long but had to come back and rewrite it ,hopeing this sounds better.......smiles and
((Lu)) Taking care of ourselves at times is difficult. Use your tools, place your new found principles above your's e and his personalities and remember to "Let Go and Let God".
Positive thoughts on the way.