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So my alcoholic 'friend' the woman who says she loves me is now 12 days sober. I am pleased. Where it becomes painful is she appears to have got back with her abusive ex whom she spent a great deal of time telling me was a psychopath, a control freak and an all round nasty peice of work. I feel used. I let myself be used. I lent her money, listened to her, supported her and tried to help her stop drinking when she asked for help. All of these were my choice, I freely admit that. I found out tonight and it's hurting a great deal. There's nothing I can do and she made no real apology. I've had texts like this from her before which she's later said she had to write because he was there and she was scared of him. It sounds harsh but I need to sever contact. She knows how I feel but I feel like a pawn in a game. I should have done this months ago but she told me it was over between him and her and that he is a violent criminal whom she is scared of. Like a love sick child I believed this.
I won't go on. I'm becoming boring. If I accept that I need to sever contact for my own sanity and sobriety, any handy hints by which I can achieve this and not get drawn into bitterness and to preserve my dignity? I deserve better I really do. I'm glad she's sober but I realise if I persist with this it will further damage me. After 16 months of my own sobriety I'm about to move into my own place and start a really good and well paid job I thought I'd lost forever. I cannot deter from this path but I need to move on from this. It's the last thing I want to do but I don't see any other way out.
Thanks guys
PaulF, very sorry that you are having to go through this. If I may suggest detaching from this person, because from what I can see she has caused you more unhappiness than anything else.
"My freedom and independence do not depend on any acts of defiance or confrontation. They depend on my own attitude and feelings. If I am always reacting then I an never free."
QTIP: Quit Taking It Personally
The above tools have helped me tremendously with dealing with an alcoholic who is hurting me.
Hope it helps and try giving it to your HP to help you handle this.
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
Sometimes anger is good because it helps us keep a distance from the other person. What is not good is when we just transfer one kind of obsession with the other person (attachment) to another kind of obsession (bitterness and incessant dwelling on the person). I have certainly been there, and it was miserable. This is 'one minute at a time' territory sometimes. I had to forcibly remove my attention from thinking about the other person about ten thousand times a day. I just kept repeating slogans to myself: 'Recovery isn't winning, it's not playing,' and 'Overfocusing on one thing is underfocusing on something else.'
It doesn't seem like it right now, but remember that this intense attachment you have/had to her and the situation is not 'real.' It's a product of the circumstances (your new recovery, the drive to rescue someone, the illusion she put out that she had something to give that you would have relished). It will fade away amazingly till you wonder how you could have felt the way you did. Not immediately, and I know it seems as if it will never go. But it will. I imagine we've all been there. Hang on and concentrate on your own life and recovery. Remember 'living well is the best revenge.'
I agree with Mattie. I believe some of your attachment to this woman are due to your early sobriety and learning to balance the different things your head and heart tell you. As you progress in sobriety, you will distance yourself from drama. This woman must be really hot, because I'm not hearing much else great about her. She sounds manipulative and unstable. So how do you move on? Remind yourself of that reality and thank God you did not keep carrying on with her. In this instance, I truly think her rejection was God's protection for you.
Thanks for your feedback. As I thought I had a somewhat sleepless night punctuated with some bad dreams. I think my next step is to gather myself and sever contact in the least painful way. It was tempting to just react when I read that message last night but I'm glad I didn't. Yes, she's attractive but when I met her a felt we clicked and she referred to me as her soul mate. Sadly though is is untrustworthy and consistently inconsistent. I did play this out as a possible scenario and now it's happening. I will give myself a little respite - be kind to myself over the next few days and I'll probably just end up sending a deliberately short text as there's no point in long rambling dialogues. Usually I'd convince myself to to nothing and wait and see what happens, after all she's only 12 days sober........but that's dangerous thinking. I shall block her on social media too. Amongst the painful feelings there is a sense of relief and perhaps some conclusion to this. I could not make this woman stop drinking and I could not make her love me. I am sure at some point I will meet someone else at some point but I need to focus on me for without my own sobriety none of these thins things can happen..........
Paul, I jump from drama to drama too.
I think the bottom line is, I find myself really boring. On my own, I'm stable, sensible, calm and dull.
I don't mean to be rude but I think you are using this woman to avoid the simple fact that calm, sensible, rational Paul bores the crap out of you.
I think it's a sponsor thing, if you can phrase it so that it is about you and not her.
I seriously don't mean to be an ass. If we were face to face we could have coffee and bore the crap out of each other.
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
No offence taken! What you say may have truth in it. I'm kind of limited as to the extent to which I tell this story. The bottom line is looking at this scenario and saying that I don't want anymore of this. Drama is by its nature exciting but constant drama is in itself boring. If my mind is so consumed with her then I am boring too. I've lived a life in addiction of constant melodrama and degradation and when that is removed it takes time to adjust. Parts of my life are boring but parts are not. I am happy to go through drama and crisis with someone who reciprocates feeling but in this scenario it is not reciprocated. That's the cold truth sadly. I could have walked away seven months ago but I chose not to. At the moment I'm hurt and upset and don't feel too good about myself. What else is there to do? Put up with it? That's like saying I deserve it - I don't. It's just painful. It will pass I'm sure but at the moment it hurts.
I don't for a moment doubt it hurts and that you love her. I love my alcoholic and his drama too. I mean I really do love him so much it hurts. I'm not trying to pee on that, just, she'll be OK. Still the same next week, next month, next year unless she decides to do something different. She will always be drama. It's what alcoholics do. What can change is you, and how you let it affect you.
If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Lewis Caroll)
Stay strong Paul! It does hurt to be lied to and made to believe there might be a future with her because of the things she told you. My AH has said so many different things--good and bad-- I don't even know what to believe anymore. But like you I know I deserve so much better. Since it didn't go farther with her you can cut your ties and move on. You WILL be ok. You said you are going back to a good job so immerse yourself in that. You have a purpose in life. Enjoy the life you were given even though it can be so sad at times. I try to look at the bright side when I start to get depressed--like I'm healthy and so are my kids. We are not suffering with cancer or in a wheelchair like some others out there. We can walk, talk, see and hear. That sort of stops my woe is me attitude for awhile. Keep coming back here for support. It helps. I really do believe that when it doesn't work out with one person God has something else in store for you.
You are entirely correct and hence severing contact. It's the only way I can eliminate this horrible feeling I have in the pit of my stomach. Sure it will hurt at first but if I persist with this I deny myself so much future happiness. Of course I now have to summon the courage to carry through my words!!
In addendum to my previous post, here's the text I've drafted: 'I'm glad to hear you are sober, I really am and I hope it continues. You've been through a tough time and you deserve happiness. This is impossibly hard to say but I'm severing contact with you. I can't do it anymore, it's become too painful, too damaging, too upsetting and too heartbreaking. I wish you well and every possible future happiness both for yourself and your girls. Love always. Paul. Xxx'. I figure it's loving, compassionate and not overly long. I relate to feeling lied to and not knowing what the truth ever was. I know that most of my major emotional dips have come as a response to my relationship with her. I'm responsible for this and probably should have done this sooner. Yes, it's fortunate it didn't go further but I guess in my head it already had. I really don't want to do this, I've tears in my eyes as I type this but its something that needs to be done...........
((Paul)) The email is short and to the point Taking the next right action is difficult at times but oh so worth it. It took courage and wisdom to show up for yourself and send it.
Good work.
That email might work for you. Personally, I think it's laying out all your feelings to a manipulative person that will then call you and entice you with more drama after you tell her you feel she is "painful, upsetting, damaging, and heartbreaking." That has a twinge of drama in it right there. When someone is rejecting towards you, you don't need to come back at them with how much their rejection hurts you. That is pouring salt in your own wound.
Paul, what will happen will happen and I am pretty convinced you are on the road to health, but why not just write "Glad you are sober. I'm busy. Be well."? She crapped on you. No need to expose yourself to more of that. Severing contact is something you do, not something you explain.
Paul, you have made the right decision for you and your recovery, you should be so proud.
Detaching from this woman is the best way for you to move on and work your program.
When I think about my past heartbreaks, I always, with time, moved on and was able to
see that it was always for the best. HP works in the most amazing ways.
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
So sorry for the pain you are feeling. I've walked away from a few relationships over the years as they were destructive/damaging to me/my sobriety.
A wise sponsor once said to me that a 'dear john' letter/email/text is optional. Especially if you are on the rocks. You do not owe her an explanation or a notice. Actions speak much louder than words - she's taken action that suggests she's moving forward without you. Have you considered just not responding and ceasing that way?
I must be the most boring human on earth. But - I love my boring life and I attract other boring people. Me and my boring friends have real conversations - about feelings, life, vacations, meals, etc. I am yawning just writing about it....Seriously, if you label yourself boring, you will be. If you label yourself active, you can be. If you label yourself fun and engaging, you .... - boring or bored is a choice (ESH).
The way I view my life - I would take this boring existence every day over the drama, chaos and craziness of before. I also believe (as a sober person) that I lived 100 years during my active stage of this disease and have no interest in 'that' again either. So peaceful walks with my HP and dog + meetings w/gre8 folks in recovery + nice meals with family/friends + reading a great book + .... - does not bore me at all! Add to that softball, gardening, remodeling, working, etc. - I am good!
I don't know you Paul beyond here, but my own experience is I enjoy 'closure and speaking my peace.' Having said that, others often have their own needs/wants. I've learned that I don't have to answer, I don't have to explain and I certainly don't need to apologize for taking action that is healthy for me. Check your motives and talk with a sponsor or trusted friend would be the best suggestion I got this morning. You deserve better and you can choose better!
Your job and next chapter sound AWESOME! Focus on that and don't worry about the past - can't change it ... can only learn from it!
(((Hugs))) - trust HP and all will be well!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Thanks again. This is all wise counsel. I've not sent anything this far and it's possible I may not. I think if I'm honest there's a big side of me that wants to send what I wrote in order to draw that line and fulfills a need whatever that may be to express what pain I'm in. I'm worried if I don't send it and fully close the door then I'm leaving in open enough to fool myself that she'll somehow understand. I don't want to kid myself. I've spoken to a few trusted people in the programme and it's a small comfort. Today's been a bit of a write off - stayed mostly in bed mulling it all over. I think I'll rise from my bed and treat myself to something nice to eat and a walk by the river - plus plenty of cigarettes of course! I'm not ashamed of my life - I know what I did yesterday, I've not hurt anybody and I'm on good terms with everyone. When I drank I had none of that - I only ever caused pain and could never even remember who the last person I spoke to was. Just hurting a lot today......
Paul it is important to believe, as alanon has taught me that I am responsible for my feelings and that No one can make me feel anything . I can see how people act have compassion, love them and then not react to the situation, examine my motives and act She is being who she is at the moment She is in pain and can not see a way out. Her focus is on her pain - I know I thought my husband was hurting me until I examined my motives and discovered the truth.I knew he had a disease, did not have coping tool and so. blaming him for my feelings was a waste. I found I could understand without placing blame for my/ your feeling on him and then I took my power back and was able to move forward.
Yes, I'll keep coming back and I concur with the notion that no one can make you feel anything. I think that's why I've chosen to sit on things for a period rather than just react so I can look at myself. I know how I felt after 12 days sober - horribly confused, scared and very needy. I just wanted someone to take it all away. I don't think I even dared to contact anyone for at least a month as I was so utterly redundant and petrified. In this regards I can understand her actions. In spite of it all I'm genuinely relieved she's sober. What can I say - at this point in time it hurts so much and of course part of me does take it personally. It's time to reflect, time to keep safe.....
I tend to agree with Pinkchip on the wording of your text. I think that sending one last text will give you some sort of closure. But bottom line is she chose to get back with her ex so as much as that hurts you need to move on to bigger and better things. You've made your feelings for her quite clear but she has chosen a different path. I remember an ex of mine who i was dating for over 2 years (and who I was absolutely head over heels for) totally stood me up one night. Just flat out never picked me up, never called. Turns out he had met another woman and started going with her. This was before cell phones and texting lol. So about a week goes by and he finally calls (after I left him a number of nasty messages on his answering machine) and says "I'm not in love with you and I'm never going to marry you so it's over." Wow. Did that hurt. But you know what? I needed to hear it so I could finally leave him alone and move on. Just wanted you to know you're not alone in your feelings! Time heals.
Thanks for that. I can relate to that. I think in a sense this could be a blessing. I think in hindsight I was useful to have around. I wish she could have been more honest with me from the start as I never would have invested to this extent. I can do nothing here save regulating my own responses. It's horrible though. I've got through the day though! I know as an alcoholic myself that I cannot sustain these thoughts for much longer, if I don't do something they have the propensity to kill me. Time for action.......
An alcoholic couldn't have been more honest from the start (sadly) as alcoholics can't tell up from down.
I know how hard it is not to engage. The good news is that every day will take you a little farther away from the attachment, if you let it. As you start getting involved in things that are unrelated to her. As you start thinking about other things that have the capacity to give you sustenance and nurturing in your new life.
It does require some processing. But as the saying is, "you can look at the past, but don't stare at it." Take good care of yourself!
And with 16 months, you really are not compatible with someone who now has 12 days...That person needs to be left alone to work her program. I know that is what my AA sponsor would say.
I agree with the above comments - how could I not! I've got through this day simply by breathing and taking it slowly. I feel I'm being melodramatic sometimes but I know the emotional intensity of the feelings. As long as I remain sober I'm at least in with a chance. I'm understanding more about alcoholism in a way I never had before. If used correctly it can only strengthen what I already have. I wish her well, it won't be easy coming back for her but it is possible. Well, it's quarter to one in the morning here in England - I'm hopefully tired enough to sleep. Got a few things to do tomorrow to facilitate my move, plus a meeting. I'm in pain but I'm thankful. Thank you all for giving your time so freely. Time, in my view is the most precious gift you can give another person.........
My hope is that you are fast asleep and getting some good, much needed rest!
It's funny (strange) that you mention that you are understanding more about alcoholism in a way that you didn't before. I can so relate! You would think that with 27+ years of recovery, I would know a bunch but it is truly through this side, the Al-Anon side, and living/loving my 3 As that I feel I've learned the most. Before, I was working on me, but more that which affects my disease. With Al-Anon, it makes me look at me, but in a much different way - a way to be compassionate, kind, loving, tolerant and more humble person. When the other side speaks of humility, I applied it to being humble to the disease. Now, I view humility so differently - I guess this side has truly taught or reinforced for me how very powerless I truly am over people, places and things.
It's hard to explain but all that I knew before has become much clearer in my journey in Al-Anon. Just yesterday, after a meeting, I suggested that Al-Anon would be a great journey for any/all As who want to take their program to a different level. I have learned much more about myself beyond the disease in Al-Anon than I would have without it.
Huge hugs to you and congrats. for making it through the day! That first day after a huge life event for me is often the worst. Keep taking care of you and your sobriety. You are worth it!!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Wow great post and responses...that is why I hang around. Often the MIP family will remind me of my former now passed sponsor who was simple and to the point with me. Often he would just say don't rather than draw out the process and also "'change" which this program is all about. He was the one that led me to the "just for Today" Al-Anon pamphlet which helped me to reform my habits and build new ones. When I did those "Just For Today" suggestions and not my usual non productive habits my life got better and isn't that what the program is all about? I suggest you also go for the literature in the program PaulF...."So you love and alcoholic" comes to mind as being helpful for me. "Change" you don't need special permission to do it and you don't need to explain it either...all of my alcoholics knew and understood and could feel the problems. They could read my body language and the "way" I use to speak...they knew. Keep coming back cause this works when you work it. (((hugs)))
Well it's a new day. I did sleep better. I hate the mornings - they seem to be worse but they pass. I'm none the wiser if I should text this woman or not. Here I shall employ a one day at a time tactic. There are things I need to do today and although they seem pointless I need to engage with them. There is of course much pain and much indecision and lack of clarity. At least I'm speaking about it, I think not too long ago I would have been too ashamed to. At least that's some progress!
Paul. I always found when I took an action, after examining my motives, I felt better and could move forward. Alanon suggests that "we take the action and let go of the results.
You have discussed the subject, you have thought about the subject now you can let it go and trust HP".
Thank you HodRod! I'm still a bit clueless as regards what I should do but I'm just trying to live in the moment. I saw my mental health team today who complimented me on my progress - 16 months ago I'd spent 4 months locked on the psych ward - today I'm sober, relatively sane and have some pretty cool things to look forward to. I forget this sometimes and I need others to remind me. Like I said, I've no firm idea of how to let go of this woman - I know I need to but I'm petrified too. I'm off to a meeting in a bit so I hope that will offer me some spiritual sustanence......
One foot on front of the other! You are doing what is required Paul and that is huge progress! Keep working you program - it looks good on you!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Another saying that has got me through many a difficult period is "Do the next right thing." Sounds like that's exactly what you're doing. Good going on 16 months of doing the next right thing. Hang in there!
Petrified? That's awfully strong Paul. You have a full life. You have your sobriety. There is nothing petrifying about moving on from an unhealthy person. Not discounting your feelings...
Thanks again guys - had to overcome my natural inertia and go to the meeting. Really glad I did though as it was a good one and some of us went for a coffee afterwards. One of the guys whom I hardly know complimented me on my humour. If felt liberating and I forgot for a moment about this situation. I feel today I've done the right things and I've done them to the best of my ability. I should sleep ok tonight and I can anticipate tomorrow with some positivity......
I love that Jerry.....and I too use it daily. I used it all the time when I first came to program because I was one who wanted (thought needed.....but was wrong) resolution, closure, answers, etc. NOW.....I made decisions often based on emotions vs. fact and that was not the best way to go....
PaulF - so glad that you had a good meeting and some friend/fellowship time. The process you are going through right now is not too different from getting sober - fill your life with 'the next right thing', and it keeps getting easier/less painful.
Keep coming back!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene