The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just wanted to welcome you and to tell you you are not alone. I went to Al-Anon as a child with my mother because my father was alcoholic. He was sober for the last 10 to 12 years of his life and died about 13 to 14 years ago. We (my sisters and I) were raised in a very Christian environment and I still believe very strongly that Christianity, for me, is essential in overcoming alcoholism.
My husband of over 20 years is now four months sober. It is a vicious cycle and one I have just recently come to understand at its deepest level. I pray my daughter will not turn to alcohol or to an alcoholic for her contentment and self-worth when she becomes an adult.
You did the right thing. I can honestly say that no amount of crying, pleading, yelling, screaming, giving the silent treatment, manipulation, or control on your part will do anything to stop someone from drinking or help them get into recovery. It is actually very counterproductive. I can say this honestly because I have done it all. The only thing that did help was when I said no more! This may or may not have an effect on your daughter, but at least she will feel the consequences of her actions and that is very necessary.
Alcoholics have a great ability to make us feel as if we owe them something. Many of us feel guilty for some reason and the alcoholic is very good at using this for the benefit of their disease. It is not intentional. They simply cannot help themselves as long as we are doing it for them. They have to do it for themselves. For someone who loves very deeply to step back and let the person they love suffer is almost unbearable. It is, however, essential for the alcoholic to ever obtain real and lasting sobriety.
A few years ago I went back to Al-Anon and, although the only local group was not a good match for me, the lessons learned have taken hold and where the basis for how I dealt with things after that. My relationship with my husband went from not good to no longer acceptable. Despite the ups and downs and the knowledge of the lies and other problems I stayed but I gradually stopped making excuses for him. I still did all of the things I should not have done...perhaps even worse than before because everything was coming to a head.
On the day he got his DUI, I had gone to see a lawyer. I did not follow through then only because he was (in my honest opinion) suicidal with the knowledge that he was losing everything. He could not function On any level. He was going to lose his job, his career, his family, his home, and everything he had ever worked for. I simply didn't care anymore and treated him like the nuisance he had become. It was so liberating at the time. Despite my postponement, I fully intended to file for divorce and be done. Thank God I did not do that!
For the first time he had to get himself out of this one and nobody cared. It was because of desperation on his part that he reached out to a person in AA and found a way to get sober. Yes, I did give him the person's name and contact number, but no I did not do it for him. He had to do it himself. He still does. he can not even allow himself to do activities he did for enjoyment because they ALL included alcohol. Now, despite his work requiring great amounts of overnight travel, he goes to meetings almost every day when he is home. He has to.
I will not lie and say everything is perfect every day. His brain will be forever damaged from the many years of drinking, but he is regaining function of his body and of his mind. He started drinking at 10 years old and drink until he was 45. For the first time ever, this very weekend, I saw him exhibit empathy. That in itself proved to me that a person can change if they want it bad enough and if they do the work. I do not believe he could ever succeed without AA. I read this board every day, morning and night, and use the experience and knowledge of the members here to help me do the right thing. I still make mistakes, but I am working the program as best I can. It works. Without it, I would have given up.
This weekend was quite difficult because we had several episodes of miscommunication and what appeared one way to me was in fact something quite different. He often thinks he says something in a positive way (in his head), but he saying quite the opposite out loud. He finally realized on Sunday that is brain still not quite right. It felt good to see the difference In him actually trying to see the other person's side of things.
My story is here simply to give you hope. Your daughter can succeed and she can get sober. She just has to want it bad enough.
Please keep coming back and please consider face-to-face meetings if you can. No one will judge you and no one will condemn anything you have done. We have all made many many mistakes. The members will give you the tools to save yourself and, by saving yourself, you may be able to show her a better way. That way, however, she has to find for herself.
Please be patient with yourself and don't let this disease destroy even more people in its wake. It is a killer of people, of families, of hopes, and of dreams. But, it can be "controlled" and sobriety and true happiness are possible.
Welcome CoMom , I can certainly identify but with all that you have shared and can understand your reluctance to attend a face-to-face meeting. Alcoholism is a dreadful, chronic disease that not only affects the person who drinks but the entire family.
Al-Anon is a program that was set up to help families cope with the insanity of the disease .It is not easy to watch a loved one suffer and be unable to help .
Alanon gave me the tools to not only help myself but to have compassion on my son. Please trust that your spiritual life will also benefit from the meetings .
Welcome to MIP CoMom - so glad you found us and found your courage to post and share.
I have two boys and they are both qualifiers for me. I can totally relate to your emotional state - I was there. One of the first things I learned that eased a bit of my emotional chaos was the three Cs - I didn't cause this, I can't control this and I can't cure this. This = Disease!
Learning and repeating these simple yet powerful concepts got me through some really tough times in my early days of awareness/recovery. I too was fearful of me going to a meeting. I hung out here, posted a bit, read a ton, got some literature and attended some online meetings while I gathered my emotions.
If you look to the top left, you can see the meeting schedule for here as well as a link to the meeting/chat room. I finally did find my feet and went to a F2F meeting, and it was very comforting.
We find fellowship, comfort and understanding in the local meetings. I have always left meetings feeling better than when I arrived, and this is true even now when I am in a pretty good space most moments of most days! This program has given me the strength to live my life, speak my truth and find peace and serenity in spite of what my qualifiers are or are not doing.
(((Hugs))) to you - know that you are not alone and we are just a post away. Keep coming back!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
I read these first thing this morning and was grateful for caring responses but just couldn't think of responses that made sense.
I am reading up on here about every few hours, I am finding the older posts concerning Daughters helpful, but it felt really good to read responses closer to "real time" as I feel isolated right now, my own doing of course *sigh*
I know I will probably need to socialize soon, to try to add balancing elements back into my life, but I can't even wrap my head around trying to have fun with other family & friends right now.
Also, I can't seem to get the emotional stability to leave my house today because I waffle from pity party to crying to being pissed off at life's predatory possibilities, which feel more like probabilities right thinking about the Laws of Attraction and since I'm seriously like 90% negative energy, I'm thinking a trip mingling with the general public will likely include stupid challenging encounters that I don't have the love and patience to deal with maturely.
For example, my SO was late coming home for lunch today, he's a bit stressed over all this as well, and sure enough he had a bizarre road raging young man eff with him & another car/ driver in a parking lot....duh!! Seriously ?
So, doesn't look like I can trust myself or whatever shaky, badly bruised concept of the "universe" I seem to be hanging on to by default, to try to attend any F2F tonight.
It is to bad that you are hanging on to, by default, your isolation
when there is help that you can readily get. Someone once
told me that when someone hangs onto their angry, that it
is because they are actually feeling guilty and ashamed. If
that is what you are doing, then we are here to say to you
that all of what is happening with your daughter can never
be your fault. It was her choice to chose the path she is
walking and no one, not even her mother, can change that
path unless she wants to. You owe it to yourself to get
to a face to face meeting, because you are worth it!
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
People don't stumble into the program feeling all happy, shiny, and spiritually sound. It's not unusual to come in with questionable faith and to be angry at God. It's okay and expected to a degree.
OK, so far this morning I feel like I'm starting to calm down a bit.
I was thinking about why am I melting down so horribly this go round?
I do realize my enabling, although significantly decreased from 2 years earlier, was still not appropriate.
The thought behind having her stay here for awhile was to use the saved rent money towards her overwhelming debts, hopefully reducing her stress levels. The other thought was to curb her tendancy to isolate herself.
It only helped her to drink and have money for taxis to work ( interlock on her car) or to just call in sick, she didn't need to make as money now.
So I think seeing her daily manipulations and using whatever cognitive skills she has left to only organize how to keep alcohol in her life instead of how to get it out, was a reality check for me that busted my hope.
I also was more privvy to the latest "boyfriend" roped in for another enabler...
They get more dysfunctional each pick... He proposes marriage all the time, thinking he can handle her, control her and get a much younger little trophy wife. He threatens suicide constantly and I worry he will kill her as well to not let anyone else have her ( maybe I watch too much News Media) He works where she did ( fired last Friday) and at first he was so active in his pursuit of her that HR dept called him on for a talk because her Co-workers were concerned and reported his strange advances towards her and he is much older than she is.
He has her now, out in the boonies, he had stolen her purse, cops couldn't help, but did caution him on domestic violence... Anyways I knew he would use it to lure her back... He did, and of course she went because she needs ID & her debit card for alcohol.
It's been 5 days now and she has not come back to even get any fresh clothing, her car, ect.
So I know he's helping her drink because when she sobers up a bit, she always admits he is just the latest guy she uses and has no plans of being a real couple, she knows it is her illness addiction.
Like most misogynist, he is working hard to isolate her from the few ppl she even has left and keep her as a pet... Speaking of pets, she has a little dog, which also love, he sent his Mom over here 2 days ago to drop off the dog!!!
Seriously? and when I tried to explain that although this is extremely painful, I have to let her deal with her dog... as well as letting your son deal with his actions ... He took her again, well the dog comes with her whole deal...
His Mom said to me "my son is just caught in the middle of all of this"
Can you imagine being so heartsick and worried over your AD and also your "grand dog", trying to do the right Al Anon detachment / Let Go thing and have a smug mother defend her manipulating son to you?
OK, so I think because of the deteriorating social circle she is now attracting and the 4 months of daily viewing of her accelerating addiction, it all just felt so much more heartbreaking.
I bought the Alanon book and the Alanon 12 steps & Traditions yesterday.
Welcome Newbie!! You are a newbie and when I was one I learned it felt like I had fallen off the earth and onto another planet. I took my earthling stuff with me and it didn't do any good on the new I came to understand that being a newbie on the right planet was much much better than continuing to try to find sanity and happiness on alcoholic earth so I quit trying to be myself and committed at being "one of them". Al-Anon is a very very different way of thinking, feeling, acting and existing totally however it is the solution to where you are at now. I read your post and my heart hurts for you in your description because wholly I've been there and done that myself and I understand your and your husbands and her new boyfriends sickness.
OK, so far this morning I feel like I'm starting to calm down a bit. I was thinking about why am I melting down so horribly this go round? I do realize my enabling, although significantly decreased from 2 years earlier, was still not appropriate. That made me cheer for you and remember "small wins" in early program and it also made me groan because I can still feel the melt downs which I will not describe because the descriptions are moot...we get horribly sick; as sick as them and often sicker because we do not have the anesthesia of alcohol to block out the reality of this disease. I know your descriptions are real and accurate and who in the world would want to go thru that reality on purpose?
I agree with Betty...good on you that you reached out and got the literature. Get as much as you can either on the internet or at the meetings. All meetings should have literature, it is how my wife and I got ours...the whole library which we use often separately or together over breakfast. If you have not been to an open face to face meeting I suggest go fast and soonest and take an open mind with you. Leave your fears in the truck of your car or at home. Don't take expectations cause what we do is very very new to those who suffer by the affects of alcoholism and try to live a normal life with directions that don't work.
Take our love and acceptance of you with you. You are MIP family now and for as long as you choose. (((((Hugs)))))
Wishing you continued progress CM2010 ... small steps are actually the best.
I can fully understand how you feel, my daughter is not an alcoholic, but is
bi-polar (my husband is the 'A' in the family) but when she departed my home,
on very bad terms (imaginary difficulties on her part due to her mental issues)
she was not getting the help she needed. She basically crashed and burned,
all the while shutting me out of her life. There was nothing I could do to help,
she lost her job, got evicted from her apartment and ended up in jail. From
jail she ended up in a homeless shelter on Christmas, and the staff put her in
a mental hospital ward because of her threatening behavior. From there she
was sent to a half way house and then joined the army and flunked out. She
went to Florida, ran out of money and came back home to me and my new
husband. She had two melt downs that ended her up in the hospital until the
right cocktails of drugs were found to control her highs and lows. She is a
productive bookkeeper now, finishing her BS degree in accounting and has
paid off all her debt, which amounted to close to $30K. HP was watching
her and me. Keep the faith and work the al-anon program.
"Forgiveness doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it
does prevent bad behavior from destroying your heart". ~ unknown
Hey CoMom - good news that you made the investment! The books are a great start!
Here's some positive thoughts and prayers heading your way! My hope is that today has been a much better day for you!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene