The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
...when I'm going to be perfect? 'Cause I'm getting tired of doing the same ol' thing over and over again!
I mean, yeah, my general outlook is way better than it used to be, and yeah, my anger is far better under control than it used to be, and I'm not adding to my resentment warehouse anymore, and yeah, I spend a lot less time brooding than I used to and I only pull my hair out one strand at a time now instead of in giant clumps.
But perfection would be nice. Things would be much easier and I wouldn't have to use my tools!
Anyway, frustrated with work tonight.
Not enough time to spend here giving unsolicited advice and handing out (((hugs)))!
MissMelly, I understand from a cursory scan that you got a new computer? Congrats!! That's awesome. (Mine's about to fly out the window tonight!)
Pink, new job? Mo' money? Accomplishment? Success? You go, Man!! You've earned it (the hard way!).
Mirandac sleeping I hope?!
So...any advice on the achieving perfection thing would be greatly appreciated. Sure would make things easier. I wouldn't have to vent.
Chins up (((Everybody)))!
I'm going back to work.
-- Edited by almostThere on Thursday 16th of July 2015 03:45:04 AM
I'm sure that what might help a whole bit is a gratitude list at the PROGRESSION you've made since find the front door to this family. You've done better than just well and I'd say better than expected? (((hugs)))
Hey, AlmostThere" letting go" of the expectations of being perfect(as Serenity suggested) is the answer. Once I did that I was" almost cured" but alas after 30 years of working this program I am still a work in progress, and still need to keep coming back. Missing you. Love to hear of your great recovery --Remember-- Acceptance is the key and I think you are well on the road to that.
So very true Betty! It is the acceptance part that
Is the hard part for me. This is how it is now, just
Let It go.
God has a plan for me i need to relax more and listen
I am sleeping better after i was more honest with
Myself about my feelings and emotions. They are
Not resolved and gone away as i would have liked.
They are still simmering under the surface but at
Least i no longer see or feel his presence so healing
Will happen in time.
Ha! I often ask when I am going to be "done growing up"? Never. Also, I ask myself when I will really be able to (insert the serenity prayer) perfectly. Never. All three lines in the serenity prayer are approximations and the third line, the wisdom to know the difference, that is a judgment call every time in which case our choices will always have positives and negatives both ways and we will never know exactly whether it is best to make changes or accept certain things. BAH!!!
So here's to us (raising non-alcoholic toast). We are all perfectly imperfect for today!!!! Yay us!!!
Acceptance and Gratitude are the two topics I ask for most often for meetings when topics come from attendees. Those two topics and the ESH I get are my daily dose of 'medicine' that carries me forward.
I gave up perfect a long, long while ago.....and agree - it's over-rated. Accepting human is perfect enough for me.
Trusting my HP to guide me each day brings me far me peace than I ever had when I was chasing the 'perfect life'.
(((Hugs))) to all!
Practice the PAUSE...Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you are about to react harshly and you will avoid doing and saying things you will later regret. ~~~~ Lori Deschene
Hey Almost There - if you didn't vent your head would pop off.
Progress not perfection works for me. I can sit peacefully in my today life and look back to how things used to be and be happy with my progress, happy that I'm no longer "there". I take comfort in knowing that my HP loves me just the way I am, maybe he shakes his head at something I'm doing - ha!
Last night I sat playing my piano - long story short I was discouraged from banging on it when I was young, always wanted to play but was always discouraged from it - punished for it, I even got myself a keyboard with headphones but time away from he who wanted to be the focal point of my life was discouraged as well. (funny how that was not just husband #1, #2 didn't like me not paying my attention to him always). Until last November I enjoyed the freedom of just being at the piano and hitting keys till the urge was spent with no apologies (Mozart I definitely ain't), then I chopped parts of two fingers off - yes O F F off! and sitting there in the ER looking at my hand I lamented that I wouldn't be able to play anymore (right hand, first two fingers, kinda needed to hit the right notes in any melody eh?). Time heals, the body is an amazing thing and part of my self-motivated therapy is piano and lots of it, scales and finger work to retrain fingers to move just a tad different. My middle finger gets stuck between the black keys and sometimes I hit it wrong and shoot pain through it, but its working and my natural talent is still there. I love the song Amazing Grace and picking out the melody is a cinch for me, the accompaniment, not so cinchy - but last night it was just there, in about ten minutes I made up my own left hand accompaniment to the song and, probably to the chagrin of nearby neighbors, I played it over and over and.... ha - I absolutely LOVE the swell of emotion that fills me as I play! I've also spent the last years working my way slowly through Moonlight Sonata and am on the last few measures of the movement I want to be able to play - I don't read music and have to commit the notes to memory playing the same measures over and over until its like tying my shoes. I'm getting there, to the end and someday I will be able to play the entire piece without stopping and having to figure out what's next.
Progress not perfection - when I'm playing I feel like I'm as close to perfection as I'm ever going to get! I am better than I was, I am living my life more true to myself and my God that ever before.
Hot water heaters have a pop-off valve - humans need one too.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
I get a little loopy at 2 or 3 in the morning when it's my 16th or so hour of writing computer code.
On occasion I'll have one of those moments when things are not going well and my head is full of 1's, 0's and debris, and I'll get very frustrated.
This usually leads to moderate to severe tantrum (by myself, not for, or around, anyone else) and several times I have had to stop myself from chucking my computer out the window.
I'll cuss and get angry and simply explode in frustration.
Last night I had one of those moments, BUT, similar to my birthday dinner, (but not involving my A), I caught myself pretty quickly!
And the "When will I be perfect?" was actually me chuckling to myself and giving myself a break and in my own bass-ackwards way, reminding myself that I'm not perfect and there will always be trying times!
So I was facetiously focusing on how much better things are! These things crop up, but I can stop them as quickly as they start and the best thing is, they don't linger! I can actually simply let it go!
So I thought I'd jump on board for a VERY brief break just to say "hi". I haven't had much time lately, so I could only scan a few posts and can't respond to any of them.
However, don't think your caring responses were wasted on a smart-[sic], because there will be more trying times, and there is no guarantee that I'll be able to get a grip quickly every time, so I'm reading them, appreciating them and absorbing them.
I'm also reminding myself not to post in the middle of the night when I'm stressed, tired, fatigued and sleep-deprived.
As always, THANK (((YOU))) for your ever-present support. That's why when it happened, this was the first place I came!
I hope you get this figured out, AlmostThere, I need the answer!!!! (in regards to being perfect in your program)
Thankfully I am finally able to realize when I do blow it, I used to think I was just doing no wrong in my reacting but thanks to Al anon and codependency work I'm finding it out, slowly but surely, one step forward, two steps back. Now if I could just figure out before I actually blow it...that will be real progress (happens every once in a while :))
Anyway, sounds like you are doing well! I always enjoy reading your shares.
-- Edited by Fairlee on Thursday 16th of July 2015 06:39:08 PM
-- Edited by Fairlee on Thursday 16th of July 2015 06:40:09 PM