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This is really difficult for me to do. A few things going on at the moment. No communication for my son's actual birthday .. and I refer to the kids as my kids. 2 hours a month doesn't qualify as a parent, it is more like an Uncle removed by marriage kind of deal. That's his issue not mine and definitely not the kids.
I do wonder if he's been informed about up coming court. This could be some of the anger, plus the kids honestly just are not interested at this point. I have NO doubt that it's harder to explain why the kids don't want to see him. I'm very sad for the kids only because how hard is it that their dad lives in the same town. I'm soooo grateful that there was such a HUGE distance with my Adopted Dad, at least I could say it wasn't me it was definitely him. Watching them struggle I have the urge to snap on him .. what good will that do? Absolutely nothing. Thank you Alanon for that peace of mind knowing I don't have to act on emotional impulse.
It is hard. There are some issues I have discussed with my sponsor however I would like to talk to her more about them specifically in terms of checking my motives. I am balancing what I want to say with am I trying to control? Make him a better dad? What is it I am hallucinating I'm going to accomplish.
I did send one text regarding Easter which was to ask if he wanted to split the cost of the Easter Baskets with me for the kids. I'm absolutely sure he won't respond .. lol. I seriously don't care I've got this, however it would be nice if he showed some interest.
In the meantime I'm sitting as <2% .. LOL watching my son play his magic Commander deck. Soooo worth it. He's such a smart kiddo. I love the fact that other guys see him having value which makes it glaring that his dad is just not ok. Which as sad as this is .. it's good he can see healthy interaction with other guys. Who want to help and encourage him to be the best he can be.
It truly tickles me. I plug in and tune out he needs to have this time that is just his to be him with a bunch of guys.
Anyway, it's just so sad to watch the kids drift further apart from their dad. It is what it is .. I keep going back to that though it makes me sad for them. For him to have the hallucination that he's a part of their growth . I guess he is to a point, he is allowing them to gain coping skills most adults don't have . however . I would love for them not to have to have these lessons already. They are going to be rock stars in their own right I have no doubt of that .. sigh .. it will be because he's not around not because he is.
It doesn't mean I want to just blast their dad though .. it is a feeling not a fact .. would I feel better in a few days after I did it .. umm .. yes. I probably would considering what has been going on.
Hugs all S :)
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
I found it hard to get through this part .... I cannot make anyone be a father .... So guess what I quit asking, quit talking, quit engaging ... Let Go .... My empathy is now available fully for my child. He is now two months behind in child support and missed his last visit and guess what ... We (me and my son) are happy. My son is improving, he is emotionally regulating himself, and I am emotionally available for him. What a blessing!!!!
I let the courts hold him financially responsible .. Even the courts can't make him a good dad. I just wish the drive by's would stop .. Its the emotional collateral damage he inflicts on the kids. I just try to keep my mouth shut as much as possible.
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
I agree ... I have empathy for my son because he will not know what a "father" is .... He will only know what they fail to do ... I am hoping to get him a "big brother" so he will understand and model that. I think it is hard when you grew up with a really good father because I understand the generational effects now. Whatever God's plan is I hope it is good because quite frankly .... This whole scenario sucks.
Lol... If I had a do over I would tell "anyone" do not date anyone whose behavior and words don't match because your life with be disappointing. I know everyone says lower your expectations, however you are not suppose to lower your standards ... So the discrepancy gets larger and larger. There are no do overs in life though I just have to accept that I will feel disappointment continuously...breathe through the feeling and let it go. I still feel it on a daily basis because you cannot not erase memories. They just come up.
HUGE difference between standards and unrealistic expectations .. LOL. I watch people a great deal more when we are talking and watch what they do vs what they say.
OMGOSH .. you need to watch City Slickers it's a way old movie with Billy Crystal and some other comedians .. one of my favorite lines is when they are all talking about life being a do over. It is an awesome scene and something that really stuck with me over the years. I need to find that movie again! My kids would love it. Everyday is a do over and that's what I most appreciate it is never to late to change behavior and I can choose to do that at any point during the day.
Anyway, I am focusing on creating new memories and I do try and remember the positive because that keeps me out of jail from time to time. Especially during weeks like this where it would be easy to snap and just say you know what keep doing what you are doing .. I will just keep taking notes.
Hugs S :)
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
it is what it is .... I would be lying to say oh geez I am happy ... This situation is fun ... However I try to not let it affect my behavior and then I go to bed and am so grateful not to live in chaos. That is the best memory My son will grow up not knowing what that looks like in my home ... Besides the occasional, I have to deal with some frustration. I tell him I need a break lol (take ten minutes and come back)
I have also set a time limit with my therapist ... I talk about ex-A behavior for 20 minutes/week with an adult.
We are good moms
It is funny because I just use my feelings as signals as to what is in alignment with my values and morals. Accountability is something I value so who was I kidding ... Myself ... Not something I can expect ... So the most loving thing I can do for myself is not have contact.
I bite my tongue a lot with my ex, too. I've told my daughter he's "limited" but that he loves her as much as he could possibly love anyone, and I believe that's true. I think biting my tongue and being friendly to him has paid off because my daughter is a very happy and emotionally intelligent child. It's not always easy, though!
We have an open home as far as communication because of his choices in terms of no contact, again here it is oldest bday and not one dang word. Oh well, we will make the best of it and he will miss yet another event in this kiddo's life. Which by the way she's doing great! Considering when this whole mess started she was on the down side of grades in high school she has excelled so I can only hope to foster success in her and let her know she is not alone and regardless of whatever chaos is going on she's going to be ok.
I don't sugar coat .. I neither maximize nor minimize what is going on, some stuff I keep my mouth shut however you know what I'm not responsible for his choices and his choices are his responsibility keeping that from the kids to me is not helping them in the least. We do not speak at all and thankfully I have sole custody so I have no problems in terms of having to wait for his reply on things. WOOT WOOT! LOL! I am sooo grateful for this fact and he signed the papers thank you Jesus. The kids have equal rights to call me out on things and trust me they do .. lol. This approach for me works best considering their ages. They have safe places to go and get garbage out and still feel they can come to me and say Mom .. SERIOUSLY?! I go YES .. LOL .. ok fine that wasn't nice. For us that is what works and that is ok. I do try to focus on having a life and not focusing on what their dad is or isn't doing. That's the part that is not healthy for them .. they are both smart kids they see and they know what we go through on a daily basis. They also know I'm not perfect and I do the best I can. So we give each other grace. I wish I could get to that point with my X unfortunately until court is done I just do not see that happening only because I do need a certain bite so I can say Ummm NO .. so not going to work. What he does with that so NOT my problem .. it is his issue definitely not mine.
I think for me where I'm at is how does he continue to facilitate the story that it's me? How do you not see your children by their own choice and say oh .. that's because of their mother .. never mind the horrible visitation they went through .. never mind the crap he's said to them recently .. never mind what is his responsibility for their relationship. This woman that he's with .. WOW is all I can say. It is what it is and again .. NOT MY ISSUE .. first time she's got to bail him out of jail I guess the lights might come on.
The part that hurts kids in my honest opinion is pretending the bad stuff isn't bad and not being willing to say it's ok to be angry, sad, happy, joyful when you see your parent. OR going overboard and slamming the other parent, because that creates anxiety and guilt. It's just a sad to hear some of what they express. Considering what they have been through they seem to be pretty well adjusted so we will see.
Hugs S :)
Faith minus vulnerability and mystery equals extremism. If you've got all the answers, then don't call what you do "faith". - Brene Brown
"Whatever truth you own doesn't own you" - Gary John Bishop
I was very afraid that my ex would trash talk me to our daughter. I actually worked it into our divorce agreement that there was to be no such sort do disparagement. Everything in the agreement is enforceable by a contempt action. We both took it very seriously, especially in those early years. It was worth it's weight in gold to me!