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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have just found this site and I have been reading some of the things on here and it sounds like my house and my life. I have been with my husband for 15 years and frankly I wonder sometimes what the heck is the matter with me. He was sober for 3 years of our marriage then decieded AA was not for him anymore. On fathers day in 2004 he tried to jump off a bridge because i told him to get help or get out we were breaking news for 4 hours i had to try to talk me down , he lost his balance and the firemen grabed him by the belt. They saved him then he went to the emergency room for 4 days because the physic ward was full then they transported him to another hospital to the physic ward spent 5 days there then he went to serenity lane for 3 months. (he was gone all summer) That was pretty expensive. Stayed sober from june until sept. In December of 2004 he got his 4th duii, my insurance was cancelled, he cant drive. How is somone who is a self employed carpenter going to get all his tools to a job? We had to pay for a lawyer his trial went on forever, he went to jail in june 2005 for 90 days and found the lord. He was gone all summer again. (actually it was a nice peacefull summer) My church would send me money to help pay the mortage since i dont make enough to pay all our debt. He got out and was sober for about 3 months now we are right back where we have always been. He thinks he will be getting his liscence back in june. I really dont understand where he thinks he is going to come up with the extra money for car insurance. We cant even pay our bills rarely do we buy food. He has a huge fine and his probation officer a monthly fee for 4 years and his weekly meetings which cost. Does money grow on trees in his head.
((((((snodebb)))))) Sounds like you are in the right place. Welcome to MIP. Keep coming back! Have you found a face 2 face meeting near you yet? Mine saved my life. I learned the the c' did not cause it, you cannot cure it and you cannot control it.
Welcome, you are in a great place to find support and real help for yourself. Keep coming back! I hope you will also find a face to face meeting. You have been living with a lot, and you will find people there who can help you and will love you. Blessings, mebjk
Thanks for your support. I did learn about the c's when i attended meetings at serenity lane. The group meetings did help alot. I havent gone to one here in my neighbor yet, but I do know of a couple that are close by. I just gotta get up the nerve to go to one by myself
I too wonder why I am still with my a, 22 years now (not all bad of course, in the beginning.......). This is a great place and a great program to give you the tools you need to live. He will do what he will do, no matter what you do.
Thanks for responding. 22 years that a long time. I was married once before to a man who thought the wife should stay home take care of kids and jump to his commands then he had an affair and i became a lazy person who wouldnt help support the family. that lasted 12 years, then i found a super sweet careing man who will do anything for anyone. It has not been all bad. As the years went by the drinking got worse and his personality started changing (only when he would drink) he wasnt a funny drunk anymore he became mean. I suddenly became the bad guy. no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. For a long time his family thought i was this wicked person that drove him to drink. His parents are acholics and his brothers and sisters, there are 9 of them. 2 of them are sober on has been sober for 15years. I just turned 51 years old, i have an 11years old left at home. The last 3 years have been pretty bad. I just wish he would catch on to what he is doing to us and himself. Thanks for the support Bonnie