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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My husband was sober 16 years.. all the time I knew him and am married to him.. he is drinking alot now..two weeks ago.. he started drinking again.. never home and drunk when he is... I am feeling constant pain and am going to a meeting on Friday... but.. I don't know how to deal with a drunk? Do I just kick him out? what do I do... I feel so alone... and sick...and fearful..
nina whether U keep him or dump him depends on what U want--- i can't advise U to keep or dump, that is something working the program will tell U...
in the meantime, come here, share, meetings, get sponser if U don't have one and take care of U....the answers will come 2 U, if U open your heart to your higher power's wisdom.......take care/ rosie
Hi , so glad u found us , am sorry about your husbands relapse but I hope u know that you are not the reason this is happening, nothing u do or say would cause him to drink, once an alcoholic always an alcoholic this disease can be arrested but never cured. The first drink takes them right back to hell. The good news is you don't have to go with him. I hope u find some meetings quick give us a few months and then make a decission as to leave or stay,there is a good chance u will change your mind after starting to work the al anon program. Al -Anon is for you to make your life better don't take on the shame and guilt of your husb alcoholism it's simply not yours to carry. Leave the disease where it belongs with him.
Tears- threats - ultimatums just dont work your trying to solve a problem that isnt' yours to fix. In Al-Anon u will keep the focus on yourself and your needs by detaching with love and concern there is nothing u can do about his drinking but alot u can do for yourself. The more meetings u can get to in a week the better u will feel. good luck Louise
Our chat room is open 24-7 u will find the link on the home page of this site . hope to see u there soon. People will share what has worked for them in recovery and offer solutions to your delima . Once settled in our program you are never alone again. always someone to share your day with who understands exactly how u feel. bye for now.
I know that lonliness that is all consuming. I have surround myself with program people who have been in my shoes, or who may still be there. It helps me to not feel alone. I normally attend 3 meetings a week, but I haven't been able to for 2 weeks. And that helps so much. I can talk out my feelings, and hear some ESH from others.
I stay busy, with 3 young ones that is so easy to do. I am doing more work, which can add to my stress, but all in all staying busy helps me to not focus on him. I do things for me. I went to a concert last weekend with some girlfriends, oh my gosh that felt great.
As far as kicking him out, only you can answer that. Living with an active "A" is not easy. Mine has been acitve off and on for the past 8 years, our whole relationship. Right now he is still in my home, who knows what tomorrow will bring. I listen to my HP and go as I feel guided.
The important thind is that there are people here who care and who know your pain. Many will respond to you, I have found that it is important to not hold any expectations on my posts.
Keep coming Back.
Much Love,
"Today's problems can not be solved if we still think the way we did when we created them" -Albert Einstein
have you talked to your hubbie about it? what does he say? my first step would be to catch him in a sober (or at least semi sober) state of mind. talk to him about it. tell him how you feel. maybe he knows he "messed up" and just wants a little "push" to get some support to get help.
my second step would be to make up your mind about what would be best for you. know that ahead of time and stick to your guns. (that is hard)
and lastly, get some help for yourself. welcome here! find someone to talk to, go to meetings, and do stuff for you. i like to go to the gym, talk with friends, go shopping. i'm sure there are things that you wish you could do. DO THEM!
good luck. you can take some of what you like from this and leave the rest. i'm no expert, so like i said's all up to you.
Well everyone has given you the scoop. I won't repeat.
I wanted to chime in with two things. OK three, first being hugs {{{Ninababy}}}.
Second. Welcome to Al-Anon, I'm glad you reached out and found us.
Third. While the isolation an aloneness are daunting, I hope that you will find through meetings, a sponser (for which I'm still looking), this board, and chat that you'll find what I have. The lifting of that alone feeling being with individuals who understand what you are going through, who understand what you are feeling, who've been through similiar situations, who don't judge you and who love you unconditionally. That last one took some getting used to, not sure I ever experienced at the level I found it here.
You are a perfect child of God and God and I love you just the way you are! (added by that special alanon way)
Thank you all so much... I am going to go to Al Anon on Friday night and I will reach out here.. I feel less alone allready.. .. I hope I can connect and feel better.. I am willing to work and do what I have to do... for myself.. .. It is wonderful to have found this website...
Nina....I won't repeat the wonderful things that have already been written...I will say that you will find unconditional love and support here - unlike any place you have probably ever know if you are like me. I don't have an A husband but I know what it feels like to fall out of the sky and not know where you are landing. HAVE with us.
I too relate so much. I am so sorry your A lost sobriety and I am so sorry you are in so much pain.
It feels like part of you has been ripped away, and it has. When my A relapsed after a long period of sobriety and on a program, it was after a brain tumor removal.
Finally after a while of hell he left. I was devistated, scared, sick, alone and felt as if my abdomen had a hole in it. I also had to rent my home to not lose my place. I lived in a sunny room in my barn for months. Was rough.
What kept me sane was escaping into the chat room for hours. When I had to go out I would concentrate as best as i could on whatever the chore was. But thank fully I had a month to sorta go thru the pain and start being able to move my body. The chat room became my haven/sanctuary. i was so involved i felt I was there. WE laughed and cried and supported each other.
So please, this is a loss, many losses, you are grieving. If people ask, tell them you have a broken heart, which is true. Cry when ya need to, sleep when ya need to.
You will be very tired and need a lot of rest. IF you cannot eat, keep water by you all the time. go to a nutrition store and get the kind that has vitamins in it. Get some nutritional drinks. The key is simple. Take care of your primary needs.
I was so sick all I could eat was cold canned enchiladas and Gushers these fruit roll up kinds things. I went down 3 sizes. I was starving and anorexic so believe me, it was not healthy. I have some serious medical problems and the sadness almost killed me.
Plus I was so poor as the A left me with all the bills, I am talking his bills. I have been paying his unpaid taxes since 1999. I had no idea he stopped paying them. My taxes were taken out of my pay. He was a contractor.
What makes you feel good? Simple things? For me it is raising two pups or kittens. I read books It was hell. As my mom died about the same time. She was my best bud. Only 17 years older than me.
Be careful what you tell your friends. They will not understand. When you learn alanon skills you may feel totally differently toward your A. You may learn to realize it is a disease no different than any other. But your friends/family may come to hate him fro all the things the disease makes him do.
He is not doing this to hurt you, he is doing it becuz he is sick.
Ok just reread your post.What do you do with a drunk?
We make boundaries. We all have different programs as to implement them.
All I can do is tell you what i do. At first the smell of alcohol made me sick, his acting retarded it made me sick.
I feel my husband, no matter what is the sexiest, most loving, most attractive man. to see him so opposite was awful.
But I learned it was a disease, all the stuff I learned here made me do this:
If he was drunk, I would still cook for him and me, or we would still cook together. I would sit on the love seat with him and we would still hold hands. He would talk a lot, he is usually super quiet. He usually fell asleep.
I would not take him anywhere with me. I would not have anyone over. I would not leave him alone here as i have animals. he constantly left gates open.Herding 3 llamas two miles partly on a busy road is not fun or funny. It happened 3 times.
He also let my dogs out and we have cougars next door.
I would not baby him,not respond to anything negative about he did not feel good.
If I did not feel comfortable with him or what he was saying, I said well I know who or what is talking now, and go to bed to watch tv or take a shower or read, or go to the barn. I have my own full life so it was no big deal. Would rather have him home safe.
the problem came when he began getting horribly abusive. He was terribly abused as a child as was his own family. he could lose it some when he was sober, but not to the point of inappropriateness. But when he drank it was not safe for me and my animals.
Abuse is not from being A. He just sadly has that problem too.
So when he got abusive I would have to have him leave. He would go to his moms or where ever. Usually felt so guilty he would not come back.
WE talked about it and decided we would build a small addition or something so when he did get that way, he would go there. To that point I could see it coming.
This last time he got me horribly and hurt me,probably permanently. He came the next tweek end to talk and told me he could control it. I told him no you cannot. NOt 30 min. later he was shaking his finger in my face. That was that. I told him to leave.
so now I cannot even have him here one night. that is a major boundary.
sadly this vietnam war vet is going to jail/prison becuz of 5 dui's. He may be at bottome now. he has lost everything but his life.
Hopefully hp will guide him to work on him. He is already going to AA on his own. He knows it is the only answer. I am glad he got caught. To me it is the best rehab he could get as the stupid month ones or even 6 month ones are not long enough.
woops got off track,that is me.
so fill your life with YOU. Warm things, pretty things, nice bathroom things, flowers friends, love, hugs lotsa hugs. cry go to meetings. if you have a good noncritical friend, non judgemental, cry and talk to them.
do what you love, give yourself what you would give someone else in your position.
In your head see you sitting with your head down crying, sobbing. What can you do to make her feel better. LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO DO IT.
God bless you Debilynn... I am feeling so much of this and I know each day I need to make my way as so many of you have... Your story helps to make me feel like I have found the right place... he is not abusive at this point.. but if he gets to that... I know it is out the door... Thank you.. I now have more courage and less alone feelings... as someone said ...I landed...
Dear Nina: I have found a lot of hope and respect and sanctuary in these rooms. My a can also be abusive, mean, vicious and dump. I try to set limits with him. I no longer think in terms of the door not the door. I think in terms of me and what my goals are. My relationship is one part of me. I have to attend to my needs, my a is not thinking of them certainly. Long term I know I do not want this but why beat myself up because I do not make a miracle happen today to find a way out. The way out for me is in attending to my needs every day and strengthening myself and working my own program.
I do echo other's concerns that you choose carefully who you share with. Some people have a shaming response. When I am particularly vulnerable and raw I have to be very very careful where I go for help. I can be pushed into even more distress if I receive the wrong response. I do not have the boundaries when I am particularly raw to screen out when people react to my issue. There will be people who try to control you with leave him maxims. You do not need that. When you leave, if you leave, how you leave even if you consider leaving has to be up to you and only you. It is not a statement of your worth that you loved an alcoholic. I can love extremely dysfunctional people. My parents were incredibly abusive to me I still love them. How I love them now (they are both dead) is very different than how I was often coerced into loving them. I can't even count to the six figures the numbers of people who urged me to forgive my parents and deal with them as elderly adults when I could not. I simply could not take on any more of their abuse I will never feel guilty for that.
I hope you do choose to join the meetings here and become part of this community I know it has helped me a great deal. When I came here I felt overwhelmed with guilt, shame, fear and anger. A few weeks later I am still with the a but my life is much more manageable. I definitely have tremendous challenges with or without the A but I find that this group has been very very useful to me on many many levels.
Hi Nina you may feel alone in your relationship but as of now you have just found a whole lot of new friends who will support you in any way we can. I have found that I have confided more to people on this board than people in my immediate circle as everyone here truly understands. Unless you have lived this an outsider has no understanding of the way we think act etc. They can also be judgemental and think to themselves well why doesn't she just leave him. It is always your call and you love him none of their business. Go with your gut instinct on who you can trust in your outside friendships it is usually spot on. Keep your chin up and things will get better. Luv Leo x